
Chapter 563 Destruction of the Mountain (3)

“It has been reviewed 12 times!” Although Liu Mingrui muttered, he did not relax at all , and point the data displayed on the screen with a stubby finger:

“Coordinates: 1548:652245:896744.”

“The preset emission time is 11:40, according to the high-energy light Propagation speed, the estimated time to hit the target is 12:00.”

“According to the calculation formula provided by Boss, the hit error does not exceed 0.0001mm, and the time error does not exceed 0.0002ms.”

“Boss Zhou, don’t worry.”

Zhou Dahai said “don’t worry”, but he still leaned forward and checked the code line by line that he couldn’t understand at all.

The reason why he is so cautious is because Professor Li Mo described this task as a task related to the survival of Earth human civilization on the phone.

Although Zhou Dahai doesn’t know why, sending a beam of high-energy light from the fire star to the back of Jupiter can save Earth humans.

He also doesn’t know what kind of stars exist in this set of space coordinates, or it’s just nothingness.

However, Zhou Dahai trusted Li Mo just as Li Mo trusted him.

“It’s done, now to the launch preparation stage!” Liu Mingrui pressed the red button on the manipulator, and a line of countdown numbers flashed on the screen: 9 minutes: 60 seconds.

“ka ka.” There was a screeching sound from the roof, like dozens of dry gears snapping together and making noises as they turned slowly.

The dome slowly unscrewed.

The unscrewing speed is very slow, and sometimes even stalls for a while, but as the “ka ka.” sound increases, the entire roof finally opens up, revealing a circular sky.

“I inspected it last week, why is the manhole cover filled with fire star dust again.” Zhou Dahai took out a booklet and recorded on it: “For all exposed silos, the maintenance time is shortened to Once every 3 days.”

“Location coordinates!” Liu Mingrui glanced at the information displayed on the screen.

In the center of the launch tower, a light gray metal cylinder with an unusually smooth surface slowly rises from the ground.

The upper end of the cylinder is inlaid with a fist-sized artificial spar.

The spar crystal clear and near-transparent, shining with colorful rays of light under the sunlight.

The artificial spar can change the frequency of the light passing through it, and “compress” the ordinary light into a super laser with high energy, high penetration and high convergence.

It is composed of C28-1 element with a purity of up to 99.999999999%. The prototype is the fragment of the magnetic body found by Professor Li Mo from the seabed city ruins of the Atlantis civilization.

It can also be said that the Earth Defense Agency’s high-energy beam weapon is an “upgraded version” of Atlantis’ characteristic weapon.

“Oh my God, he’s so beautiful!” Liu Mingrui looked at the slowly rising metal cylinder and muttered to himself, “Just like an eighteen-year-old girl.”

Zhou Dahai ignored his pretentious humor, and just kept his eyes on the high-energy light weapon that was slowly adjusting its direction.

With a faint “click” sound, the buckle on the cylinder fell down and was embedded in the fixing frame.

“The coordinates are determined, 1548:652245:896744.” Liu Mingrui put away his smiling expression and returned to the launch pad.

“The countdown to launch, 1098”

His face gradually became serious as the countdown continued, and his eyes flashed with uncontrollable excitement.


Zhou Dahai couldn’t help clenching his fists, his teeth clenched his upper lip and he didn’t know anything.



A dim beam of light shoots from the artificial hedron into the dark universe.

The bright spot of this beam is extremely low, just like the rays of light emitted by a flashlight whose battery is about to run out. It is indeed a manifestation of restrained energy. The photons inside the beam are traveling at a very complex, mysterious wave frequency.

“He is so beautiful, like a young woman in her twenties.” Liu Mingrui looked at the beam and muttered to himself with a blank expression.

Zhou Dahai took out the booklet and wrote on it: “It is recommended that Comrade Liu Mingrui be given two-week psychological counseling.”

After hesitating for a moment, he added: “It is recommended that Al Qaeda organize a A blind date meeting to solve the physiological problems of gays and lesbians.”

This family is not easy to be!

Earth Defense Bureau, Command Center.

The leaders of 197 countries around the world gathered together, plus the top officials of the Earth Defense Bureau and dozens of engineers in white robes, the command center of more than 500 square meters was extremely crowded.

Several leaders of African countries had to stand in the aisle.

This kind of “standing ticket” treatment did not make the anger that should have appeared on their faces, but put on a strong look of doubt.

“President Kaku, do you know the topic of this meeting?” The Ethiopian Prime Minister leaned back in his chair and stared at the big screen consisting of three screens.

“Prime Minister Ebrard, the Earth Defense Agency’s circular only mentioned the word “meeting”.” President Kaku of Ganguo had a numb foot, glanced at Ebrard, and learned His appearance, leaning on someone else’s chair.

With the support of the body, people are also a little more relaxed.

When people are relaxed, they talk a lot.

“You should go to the leaders of those big countries on this question.”

“For a small country like ours, the Earth Defense Agency always just sends notices and never explains. “

The more people talk, the more relaxed they are.

President Kaku obviously failed his junior high school physics and underestimated the lateral force generated by his 200kg weight. With a bang, he put the chair under him, together with the country M sitting on the chair. President Karina pressed down together.

It must be said that the new female president of country M is of high quality. She was pressed by such a heavy body, and she did not scream in surprise.

There was some confusion on the scene.

President Kaku struggled a few times, but could not stand up.

The President of Country M under him even let out a few painful groans.

“Someone.” The Ethiopian Prime Minister waved his arms and was about to call the attendant at the scene for help, but his voice was swallowed back in his throat, because except for the leaders of various countries, they could only sit in the front row. The core figures of the Earth Defense Agency, and there are no ordinary staff.

He could only bend down and rely on the strength of the boxer back then to pull the Egyptian Prime Minister up.

With a mountain missing from her body, President Karena of Country M also struggled to stand up and carefully arranged her clothes.

“I’m sorry, Ms. Karena.” President Kaku quickly apologized to the blushing President Karena.

Although he said sorry, there was no apology on his face.

The Ethiopian Prime Minister next to him let out a sneer, this is the reality!

Since the Alaska Rebellion, the Earth Defense Agency has launched an unprecedented purge of the M country.

The filth hidden in the dark corners was revealed in the light, which shocked the people of M country.

They didn’t expect these sanctimonious, keep on saying executives who represent the interests of voters, even at the critical juncture of Earth, still greedily reaping personal benefits.

Those veteran politicians who have been in the political arena for several decades, the base commander who holds military power, and the leaders of major functional organizations have been sacked in the purge.

Subsequently, Director Li Mo announced to the whole world that M country was designated as the area directly under the Earth Defense Bureau, and the Defense Bureau dispatched executives to directly manage it.

Of course, in order to maintain the old tradition and take care of the face of the whole country M, the people of the country M are allowed to elect an honorary president.

However, while the people of M country welcome the direct management of the Earth Defense Agency, they are not interested in electing an honorary president.

As a result, Karina, who was born in a nightclub, won the “support” of most M people with a beautiful pole dance and became a dispensable honorary president.

Other countries in the world, although many core powers including military power and diplomatic power were “taken away” by the Earth Defense Bureau, and only retained a limited “internal regime”, but as the leaders of these countries People still have enormous power.

Therefore, they have always treated this “mascot” who has no power at all, and avoided it, for fear that their country will become the next “directly governed country”.

“It’s okay.” President Karina is very self-aware, and even the role she plays, just smiles shyly.

Therefore, in the command center of the Earth Defense Bureau, there was one less chair and one more person standing.

If this situation were normal, Director Li Mo would have noticed it immediately.

However, now all his energy is on a picture displayed on the big screen.

On the screen, a dim light beam is rapidly passing through the dark universe.

“Director, the fire star base has launched a beam weapon!” Shen Tu Zhixue glanced at the information on his phone, “The coordinates are accurate, I don’t expect 8, and hit the “alarm clock” in 7 minutes!”

There are only 7 minutes left before a war concerning the fate of mankind begins.

Although Li Mo has made complete preparations, the relationship is very important, and he still feels uneasy in his heart.

There are 7 minutes left to deliver a message to these leaders.

He never considered himself a dictator, nor did he want to be a dictator.

Even though M country has been directly administered, he still decided to “elect” an honorary president for the people of M country.

Li Mo took a deep breath, stood up slowly, and walked to the center of the big screen under the doubts, admiration, and hatred of leaders from all over the world.

“Gentlemen, if there is another intelligent creature on Earth.”

“They come from aliens and have been hidden on Earth for hundreds of millions of years.”

“Hiding in the dark underground, trying to manipulate human beings, and even destroy human civilization.”

“How should we deal with it!”

Although he said a question, his tone was indifferent. Very firm, and at the same time, he waved his arm fiercely downward, fully expressing his attitude.

There was a burst of whispers in the command center, all kinds of languages were intertwined in confusion, and it looked very chaotic, and sometimes there were several shocked “si si .” sounds.

The alien news is like a psychic bomb, confusing the heads of these leaders.

“How could there be aliens on Earth?”

“It’s incredible that humans didn’t even appear when they were hidden for hundreds of millions of years!”

“Earth Did the Defense Agency make a mistake?”

“Are aliens gender-neutral?”

“Earth Defense Agency vs. Alien Blood Fighter?”

Under shock, all kinds of nonsense came out one after another.

Li Mo glanced at the countdown on the big screen, there were still 5 minutes left.

He knew that once these leaders came back to his senses, they would make the right choice.

Sure enough.

“Of course, kill them!” The first to raise his hand was a Silesian man in a black suit. A scar on his face extended from the corner of his eyes to his mouth, with occasional flashes in his eyes. The fierce light, the whole person looks extremely fierce.

Italian leader Madreira Mafia was born. A string of messages flashed in Li Mo’s mind.

During the special period, he has no opinion on the origins of the leaders of various countries. He only needs them to cooperate with the Earth Defense Bureau, stabilize the Earth situation, and don’t make trouble.

“The couch bed does not allow others to sleep soundly!” A thin old man stood up and loudly shouted in broken Chinese. His face was full of remorse, as if he regretted not winning the top spot just now.

Inuyo Kojiro. Leader of Japan

“Earth belongs only to human beings, any aggressive behavior must be attacked!”

Kirov Yuri. President of the Polar Bear Country

“Capturing the aliens alive, my subjects need fresh meat.”

Ivan V. Maihesutian Shima tribe Elder.

For a time, the emotions in the command center were boiling, and leaders of various countries stood up one after another to express their support for the Earth Defense Agency.

There was even an African chief, crying, with tears streaming down his eyes, that he would donate all his 100 camels and 50 goats to the Earth Defense Bureau as military materials to fight aliens.

Everything is under control!

Li Mo faintly smiled and pressed his hands down slightly.

The command center suddenly fell silent.

“As the director of the Earth Defense Bureau, I have an obligation to ensure the continuation of the human race and the continuous development of human civilization.” Li Mo pointed to the countdown with his fingers.

“So, an unprecedented war will officially start in 2 minutes.”

“This war is the first time humans have fought against aliens.”


“This war concerns the survival of mankind!”

“This war, mankind will win!”

Li Mo’s face was red and he waved his arms.

“Humanity will win!”

“Humanity will win!”

The leaders stood up and waved their arms.

For a while, a loud slogan sounded from the command center.

Amidst the slogan, the countdown resets to zero.

The picture on the big screen switches instantly.

A black battleship tail section shoots blue particles of light, suspended on a majestic mountain.

The high-definition picture quality allows the leaders of the command center to clearly see the “Umbrella Shield” logo hanging on the black battleship.

“It’s the Earth interstellar battleship!”

With the cry out in surprise, the applause of hiding the sky and covering the earth sounded.

The two incomparable gigantic hatches on the lower part of the Earth’s interstellar battleship slowly opened, revealing a silver light shining drill.

“What is it going to do?”

“Do you want to drill through the mountains?”


“This one Although the diameter of the drill is 50 meters, it is wishful thinking to drill through a mountain.”

For a while, doubts arose.

Li Mo faintly smiled, sitting firmly in his seat, his eyes fixed on the screen.

The drill bit protruding from the Earth’s belly began to spin rapidly, then slowly descended into the summit.

A shocking thing happened.

The rock on the top of the mountain was originally strong and unusual, but when it touched the drill bit, it was instantly vaporized, and then turned into bursts of black smoke, dancing in the wind.

As the drill bit goes deeper, the black smoke gradually increases, forming a black smoke column.

Against the background of the blue sky, the black smoke column looks particularly terrifying, like a sign of the arrival of the devil.

Of course, what shocked everyone the most was not the terrifying plume, but the speed of the Earth’s drilling.

In just a few seconds, it inserted into the mountain to a depth of more than 100 meters.


“This is not a drill!”

Finally, a wise leader realized how unusual the silver drill was.

(End of this chapter)

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