
Chapter 562 Destruction of the Mountain (2)

Earth, North America, Rocky mountain range.

The pre-war encouragement meeting is over, and the Huaxia has also been replenished, carrying 20,000 Earth soldiers parked in Earth’s synchronous orbit over the Rocky mountain range.

There are still 5 hours left for the action, the official start!

Wang Gang repeated every detail of what was about to happen in his mind over and over again.

Preheat the input coordinates to be confirmed by the aiming system. Turn on the high-energy light cannon. Press the launch button to confirm the result.

The whole process must be fast, so as to avoid the prey from slipping away.

Must be accurate, this is the most basic requirement of a “shooter” expert.

You must be ruthless. On the battlefield, either you die or I die!

You must be able to. You are born to be an expert in “cannonball”. Wang Gang told himself over and over again in the heart.

Unconsciously, his stiff fingers gradually became flexible.

With a move in my heart, I “crackle” a 0.05 second hand speed record on the instrument table in front of me.

Yes, that’s how it feels!

Wang Gang manipulated the collimator and began to explore the “Sacred Mountain” on the spot.

Unfortunately, at this height, only white clouds can be seen on the Earth below.

The Rocky mountain range where the mountain is located is a crooked scar.

“Wang Gang, Humanity!” The assistant operator next to him, Liu Xiaoxia, was lying on the porthole, looking a little excited.

“Humans and Earth will also act with us.” Wang Gang was trying his best to enlarge the “scar” on the sight without raising his head.

“Earth is responsible for penetrating the rock formation above Mount Kinabalu.”

“We are responsible for the main attack.”

“Humans is a part-time medical rescuer.”


“Captain explained the detailed plan at the pre-war meeting yesterday, have you listened to it?”

5000 times magnification, the black gravel on the “scar” is clearly visible , Wang Gang even saw a white station wagon on the trail outside the mountain.

A war is about to happen here on Earth, and there has never been a war on Earth, and there are still residents who haven’t been evacuated?

Wang Gang adjusted the collimator left and right, not far from the station wagon, a tent was pitched in the wilderness.

Of course, the tent and the white station wagon are in the sights, just two dim dots. Computer aided programs mark their attributes on the screen.

If there is a tent, there should be someone!

Wang Gang continued to zoom in, 6,000 times. 10,000 times.

The picture was instantly clear.

The deep blue tent has a ridge shape with a small flag on top.

Due to the angle, the pattern printed on the flag cannot be seen clearly, but when it flies in the wind, dozens of stars can be glimpsed.

The tent is small and looks like it’s only big enough for two people. A gust of wind blew, and the tent staggered and almost collapsed several times. It can be seen that it is not a professional tent used by the field expedition team, but a temporary tent used by the children when they are outing.

This kind of tent was owned by Wang Gang, but it was not used for outings.

He was 18 at the time.

At that time, he met a “literary” young woman who had all the hobby of “literary” people, traveling, baking, arranging flowers, and reading foreign language books at Starbucks.

Of course , These hobbys have nothing to do with Wang Gang, a boring bottle gourd youth from the world of “shooting guns”.

It’s just that this young woman has a beautiful face and a tall figure with an S-shaped body, with a D bonus. Most importantly, she has a pair of peach eyes, which are always bright and intelligent.

Bottle gourd young Li Gang instantly turned into a tourist hobbyist, a master of wild camping, and purchased a two-person tent from the “dig bag” online.

Later, in this tent, in the dark field, the two talked for a long time all night, exchanging “Human Anatomy” with each other.

It was a wonderful time.

As soon as Wang saw this tent, he thought of his youth.

He sighed and continued to adjust the collimator.

Sure enough, two people were found squatting in front of a barbecue grill less than 10 meters away from the tent.

The boy has short pale-gold hair, fair skin and deep features.

The girl has a big golden wave and a plump figure, the crystal swan on the pendant is Faintly discernible in a snow-white, her tongue is very long.

Both have North American traits.

On the barbecue grill, there is a roast chicken with its neck upturned.

The roast chicken Wang Gang couldn’t resist swallowed saliva.

In the high-precision collimator, you can even see that one of the wings of the roast chicken has been charred and turned black.

These two guys don’t cherish food at all.

If it weren’t for the height of 10,000 meters, Wang Gang would definitely jump off and kick the two people who were almost connected to each other with one kick.

By the way, tell them that a big battle is about to start here, and leave quickly.


This is 10,000 meters high.

Once the war begins, the two North Americans will likely be reduced to soot like the chicken on the grill.

Wang Gang hesitated and picked up the intercom.

“What are you doing?” Liu Xiaoxia had already completed the final inspection of the high-energy light, and just saw this scene.

She knew that although there was no express rule, before the war, unless there was a special emergency, people seldom used the intercom.

Ominous user!

This customary habit has several points of ancient beliefs behind it, and also has several points of scientific truth.

24 hours before the battle, the command center will issue a detailed combat guide, and each unit on the interstellar battleship will plan its own combat plan in detail according to the combat guide.

12 hours before the battle, each unit must submit a detailed operational procedure, including how to achieve the unit’s operational objectives.

Once the combat steps are determined, the combat units on the entire interstellar battleship are like precise gears that rotate in a fixed direction and at a fixed angle, driving the entire interstellar battleship, and finally achieve victory.

This kind of fixed and modular combat mode, which is different from conventional warfare, is determined by the complexity of interstellar battleship and requires a very high degree of coordination.

So, unless something unexpected happens that could affect the outcome of the war, few combat units use their radios when an attack is about to unfold.

“There is someone below!” Wang Gang ignored Liu Xiaoxia’s obstruction and turned on the intercom.

“Beep beep. Beep.” After three encrypted signals sounded.

“Combat unit 1A3679, report the incident!” Captain’s voice came through the intercom.

“Report, Captain, I found human inhabitants near the target.” Li Gang glanced at the collimator and finally confirmed that he was not dazzled.


“Received! Attack according to the predetermined combat steps.” Captain seemed to be startled, but his tone did not change, still as decisive and majestic.

“Captain .” Wang Gang rubbed his ears.

“I mean, there are humans there, do we change the battle plan.”

Once the original plan was followed, these two innocent humans were dead!

“I know!” Captain spoke quickly and harshly.

“Combat unit 1A3679, scheduled to launch an attack.”

“I will not repeat this decision again!”

“click” intercom Come hang up the sound.

This is to give up those two humans?

Wang Gang held the intercom and stared blankly at the pair of entangled young men and women on the collimator.

“Wang Gang, what’s wrong with you?” Liu Xiaoxia noticed a clue and stood up from her seat.

“Liu Xiaoxia, why did Captain ignore the new situation I discovered?” Wang Gang was full of confusion.

“For these two Earth humans?” Liu Xiaoxia also saw the sight of the collimator at this time, her face blushing.

Wang Gang’s voice trembled a little: “Just a little modification of the combat plan, or a warning message to the ground.”

“It can completely save the lives of these two people.”

“Saving Earth, saving all mankind, isn’t it the ship language of our post-Huaxia?”

Liu Xiaoxia stood beside him, looking at him like a childish child He: “Wang Gang, have you considered it?”

“The entire battle plan has been reviewed hundreds of times, and it is finally confirmed that it is accurate before it is allowed to execute.”

“If it is easily changed, It will inevitably lead to a chain reaction, which may lead to unintended consequences.”

“As for sending a warning message to the ground, it is even more unfeasible.”

“Because, once the sacred mountain is If we discover our existence, the difficulty of fighting will increase exponentially.”

“For these two people, we may sacrifice thousands or tens of thousands of warriors’ lives.”

“Are you sure this is really suitable?”

In her mind, Wang Gang is a big boy, with incomparable innate talent for manipulating, can complete a shooting task in 0.005 seconds, is the team The best shooter.

However, he also has one of the biggest shortcomings, naive!

Or as described in the previous Earth words, Holy Mother!

Wang Gang was born in a military Aristocratic Family, with a simple nature. Even in the “Moonfall Period”, he never experienced much suffering, and always held an inexplicable responsibility for everything that happened around him.

He once spent a month’s salary in order to save parrots in a pet shop and let them fly freely in the sky again. As a result, those parrots were originally raised in captivity, and they were impossible to survive in the wild, and soon became food for small animal killers such as wild cats and hedgehogs.

He once blocked the disputes between a man and a woman on the street, watching the innocent girl with pear blossoms and tears, he used Military Fitness Boxing to beat the greasy man into bloody nose and swollen face. In the end, it turns out that pure girls and greasy men are just pure money relationships.

He was also sued by a man in a military court. In the end, a group of teammates pooled money, and the greasy man was considered to withdraw the case.

Even so, Wang Gang was ordered to retire because of this incident.

Fortunately, after the establishment of the Earth Defense Bureau, the army was re-recruited. Wang Gang was recommended by his teammates and old superiors to get the opportunity to join the Huaxia.

All of this. The old problem is done again!

Liu Xiaoxia did not try to explain to Wang Gang that this world is not as good as imagined, and not every place is full of sunshine.

Instead, she asked directly: “Wang Gang, can you continue to follow the original steps and execute the battle plan?”

Her eyes widened, observing carefully Wang Gang’s facial expression.

The battle plan this time is extraordinary. Once something goes wrong, it is far from what Wang Gang can afford.

She has to make sure that her shooter is reliable!

“I can!” Wang Gang gritted his teeth and nodded, his eyes flashing with determination.

“Very good, now remove the collimator and enter the battle-ready state!” Liu Xiaoxia did not observe a hint of hesitation on his face.

Sighed in relief in my heart.

This way, you don’t have to ask Captain for a substitute!

“All preparations, the battle plan will start in 10 minutes!” A mechanical voice sounded from the buzzer above the high-energy light chamber.

“After 5 minutes, the Huaxia will fall into the atmosphere in a free fall.”

“Please prepare for each combat unit.”

Wang Gang rubbed his face, fastened the seat belt on the chair, and glanced at Liu Xiaoxia.

“Come on!” Liu Xiaoxia gave a thumbs up.

Wang Gang warmed his heart and gave a thumbs up: “Come on!”

“Countdown to fall, 10, 9, 853, 2, 1”

The fall begins!

Although the Huaxia did not make a sound, Wang Gang still felt a huge “humming” sound in his ears, his heart contracted violently, and a sense of fear of falling off a cliff filled his mind. , the whole person was like being in the World of Ice and Snow, and couldn’t help shivering.

The fear of falling from a height has been inscribed in human genes, and despite hundreds of trainings, Wang Gang still has no way to fully apply it.

Fortunately, after the Early-Stage acceleration phase, the uncomfortable feeling gradually disappeared. Wang Gang even had time to look out the blinding window.

Outside, the white clouds whistled past and disappeared behind.

“It is estimated that in 10 seconds, the predetermined coordinates will be reached, 10, 9, 853, 2, 1”

The battle is about to begin!

Wang Gang floated his hands on the keyboard.

He needs to emit the first high-energy beam of Huaxia at the first moment.

The fire star base.

The “Secchi” crater.

In the impact crater with a depth of up to 120 meters, stands a cylindrical building, which is wide at the bottom and narrow at the top, somewhat similar to the old-fashioned chimney on Earth.

The “Umbrella Shield” flag of the Earth Defense Service hangs on the dome.

The cylindrical building is reddish-brown, the same color as the surrounding fire star gravel, which is difficult to spot from a distance. At the bottom of the building, there is a rectangular gate. On the wall next to the gate, there is a nameplate with the words “Earth Defense Bureau 21st Ray Transmission Tower” written in Chinese characters.

Below the nameplate, there is also a warning slogan sprayed with red paint: “Military stronghold, no one, etc., enter strictly.”

Considering that the nearest human settlement is also here 2000 kilometers away, the only moving objects in a radius of thousands of kilometers are the fire star dust flying all over the sky. This warning slogan is more funny.

Not far in front of the funny slogan, there is a crawler space vehicle that looks like an excavator.

The “Umbrella Shield” logo is also affixed to the space vehicle.

In the launch room of the 21st beam launch tower of the Earth Defense Agency, Zhou Dahai looked away from the “umbrella shield” logo of the space crawler and glanced at the three-point standard atomic clock hanging on the wall, 11:30.

Looked towards Liu Mingrui who is doing the final inspection in front of the console.

He danced with twins, “crackle”, muttering from time to time: “I don’t know why the Boss wants to use artificial intelligence instead.”

“Let me be this chemistry, physics, Mechanical design and electrical engineers can do tasks that can be accomplished by such a small child.”

“Boss has his own boss’s concerns!” Zhou Dahai, frowned, walked over and reminded:

“Be careful.”

“This time the light emission may be of great importance.”

(end of this chapter)

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