
Chapter 270 “Reservation” Collider

“Genius idea! This method completely circumvents the problems of traditional quantum computers. Defects.” Zhou Mingrui had finished reading the material and clapped his legs excitedly and said that the quantum computers designed by foreign technology laboratories have adopted the method of maintaining super low temperature in order to maintain the quantum state of the core particles for calculation. The maintenance of super low temperature requires huge equipment and consumes huge energy.

Boss’s concept cleverly uses the entanglement of particles to maintain the quantum state of the core particles of the calculation. This method can be said to be a genius concept.

Zhou Mingrui felt ashamed for what he just said.

“Does this kind of particle really exist?”

“Using atomic fusion theory, is it feasible to use 3-5 atoms to create a whole particle with a relative mass of 512?”

The frowned Zhou Dafang, who has always been mature and serious, asked, according to scientific logic, Boss’s plan is completely feasible, and the question now is whether this kind of overall particle exists.

“This is what you have to do!”

“I need you to find out different atom combinations based on the data, and then design a detailed experimental plan.” Li Mo said with a faint smile.

“What if we can’t synthesize such a whole particle?” Zhou Dafang asked.

Li Mo looked towards the distance and whispered: “If you can’t synthesize this whole particle”

“It means that the quantum chip project has completely failed.”


He clenched his fists.

“Isn’t the fun of science lies in exploring the unknown?”

“How would you know if you don’t try it?”

Yes, in scientific exploration There will always be failures, and the real brave will face these failures head-on, and only the weak will shrink back.

His impassioned remarks lifted the spirits of the worried crowd.

There is a strange phenomenon in the current scientific community, that is, most of the achievements of well-known scientists are made between the ages of 20 and 30, and they can still continue to do after the age of 40. Few scientists have produced disruptive results.

Ordinary person would think that this is because the human mind is most agile at the age of 20-30.

But these experimenters who are scientists know that a large part of the reason is that when a scientist has made great scientific research results, it means that he has become famous. You can rely on these achievements to be a professor in a university, hold academic seminars everywhere in your spare time, and live a leisurely life.

In their opinion, Li Mo has made a name for himself with the discovery of Moxing. After the release of Moxing Battery, according to the prediction of Fufus magazine, Li Mo will also become the world’s richest man within 5 years at the slowest.

So Li Mo doesn’t need to take such a big risk for an illusory quantum chip.

A Boss who has already “made a name for himself” can still have such an adventurous spirit. What else are they terrifying for these experimenters?

“You are now divided into 3 groups, and based on these data, design a feasible experimental plan.” Li Mo saw that the experimenters’ desire to win had been successfully aroused and began to assign tasks.

He knew that compared with the last single lithium atom-carbon atom collision, this experimental task required 3-5 atomic collisions, and the experimental difficulty would increase exponentially.

And now he has a crucial task, which is to “book” the collider.

“What, the right to use the collider for one month?”

As expected, upon hearing Li Mo’s request, Mr. Wang, who has always been calm, sprayed out the tea he just drank. .

“Use for a month?·You think the collider is Chinese cabbage?”

Li Mo said sorry: “Not a month.”

Wang The old complexion softened.

“Maybe it will take longer before the experimental plan comes out. I can’t be sure.” Li Mo hesitated for a while, and Wang Lao’s exaggerated expression made him really can’t bear to add fuel to the fire.

Wang Lao stood up abruptly with a teacup in his hand, and his sharp eyes shot at the “wonderful” young man in front of him.

After putting all the requests out of the tray, Li Mo’s mood was much calmer. He took a sip of the alpine cloud mist tea, and a warm current wrapped the tea fragrance between his lips and teeth.

“Good tea!” He couldn’t help but exclaim.

Seeing Li Mo’s “relaxed” appearance, the originally furious Elder Wang sighed and sat back on the sofa heavily, “Are you relying on me?”

Li Mo put the teacup lightly on the table.

one old and one young, looking at each other.

“This request is really difficult for me.” Looking at the clear eyes, Wang Lao felt a little soft.

Li Mo knew that this time, Wang Lao was really embarrassed, because Wang Lao had never refused his request before.

“I will pay for the use of the collider, and I can even donate a small amount to the collider center,” Li Mo promises, like the European Centre for Nuclear Research (CERN) Likewise, they receive donations from big tech companies.

“It’s not as simple as you think.” Wang Lao called the head. Although this young man has won many awards in scientific research, he is still too immature for worldly things.

Funding is really important for research institutions. But when it has enough money to run, the extra money is just icing on the cake. Especially the collider, the most important weapon of the country, will never succumb to the power of money.

The experimental schedule for the collider is already full. The last time Mr. Wang “jumped the queue” for Li Mo’s experiment, many people in the industry were dissatisfied. Using the collider for up to a month

“What are you studying, aren’t you going to use the collider to knock out a black hole?” Although Wang Lao is not an expert in high-energy physics, he is also As the leader, he has presided over several collider experiments.

Because the collider needs to consume a lot of energy to run, the general large-scale experiment will also control the time within a week. The Collider Center has never been in operation for a month since it was built.

Old Wang knows that these mad scientists can do anything in order to explore science.

“No, I’m not interested in black holes for the time being.” Li Mo shook his head quickly, maybe one day, humans can really have the ability to control black holes, but not now.

“Quantum chip!” Li Mo finally said the purpose, “Mozi Science and Technology Laboratory has discovered a new atom that can be used in the core particle of quantum chip, so it needs to be verified by synthesis in the collider .”

Old Wang’s fingers trembled slightly.

He had planned to bluntly reject Li Mo’s “impossible” request.

But these four words seemed to possess a magical power, which made him hesitant.

After several decades of development, China is one of the few countries in the world with a complete range of industries. The completion of the Heavenly Palace space station and the Chang’e lunar exploration project are Peak products of science and technology.

However, if there is a technology product that China needs most at present, it must be chips. According to import and export data, it costs two trillion Chinese national currency to import chips every year, a huge amount that is more than the entire GDP of Egypt.

With the development of industrial modernization, the role of chips in life and production is becoming more and more important. In order to restore this disadvantage, Huaguo has supported the domestic chip industry in recent years through policy inclination and financial support. , but the effect falls far short of the tone.

Because foreign chip giants have already united and established patents and technical barriers, setting up many obstacles for latecomers.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly fell into tranquility, and the air seemed to stop flowing.

one old and one young.

The old man frowned was lost in thought.

Young people are sipping tea.

“Are you sure?” Wang Lao finally asked.

“No.” Li Mo put down the water glass and looked the head. This time the experiment was carried out in an unprecedented form, and no scientist could accurately predict the world of high-energy physics.

“But aren’t scientific experiments full of failures?” He continued: “Maybe we’ll find a substance that can change the world, maybe nothing.”

Li Mo There is no attempt to use numbers such as success rate to convince the old scientist in front of him, because they all know that 99% of the success rate may only result in 100% of failure. In the face of results, any chance is meaningless.

“Can the quantum chip envisaged by your laboratory be commercially available?” Wang Lao continued to ask, for Hua Guo, it is meaningless to have a quantum computer that can only exist in the laboratory.

“We have adopted an ingenious method. If suitable particles can be found smoothly, then the cost of quantum chips will not be higher than that of current electronic computer chips.” Li Mo replied confidently .

“It’s a low-cost quantum chip.” Wang Lao fell into contemplation again. The authorities need to fully weigh the pros and cons of each action.

“Give me the plan.” Finally, Mr. Wang ended his contemplation, and he has made a final decision.

“Plan?” Li Mo looked confused.

There was a little more smile on Wang Lao’s serious face, “Don’t admit it, I not only know that you will prepare the plan in advance, but also know that you just want to borrow my hand to hand over the plan. Go up.”

After several “dealings”, the youngster left Wang Lao’s deepest impression apart from his super high IQ, as well as his behavior of not one drop of water can leak out. Since he was criticized by him for using the laboratory to make J antibodies without authorization last time, Li Mo has brought this style of behavior into play vividly and thoroughly.

Worrying that Li Mo is not deeply involved in the world and is deeply involved in the business vortex, Mr. Wang once asked someone to secretly investigate his company. As a new and rapidly expanding business complex, professional investigators have not found any weak spots.

“I knew I couldn’t hide it from you!”

Li Mo took out the prepared project plan from the briefcase with a smile on his face and handed it over.

Wang Lao glanced at the cover, “Quantum Project – Mozi Science and Technology Laboratory”

He did not try to open the plan, but put the plan directly into the file In the bag, carefully affix the seal.

“Aren’t you going to open it?” Li Mo asked.

“Can I see it?” Wang Lao replied.

Li Mo shook the head.

It’s night, the neon lights are on, and black red flag cars are running on the streets of Chang’an.

(End of this chapter)

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