
Chapter 269 Project Open

“Boss, our trio of bags under the eyes is here!” The trio rushed in.

When they saw the strange girl in front of the shredder, they couldn’t help but stop.

“Who is this?” The boss, Liu Mingrui, asked suspiciously. Zhang Xiaoli was the one who used to organize the Boss’s office.

“This is the new intern, classmate Chen Shuxian.” At this time, Zhang Xiaoli walked in with the folder. “She will be responsible for the chores in the laboratory in the future.”

Such a cute girl in charge of chores? Just as Liu Mingrui was about to speak, he suddenly remembered that the last intern in charge of laboratory chores was Zhang Xiaoli in front of him.

“Could it be that Boss still has this kind of hobby?” He called the head.

Afterwards, Zhou Dafang, Jingjing and others also came to the office one after another.

“cough cough, the meeting is now.” Li Mo hesitated for a moment, then said, “Chen Shuxian, please go out.”

According to the laboratory rules, the intern is not entitled to participate in such meetings.

Chen Shuxian looked startled, picked up the rag in his hand, and walked out of the office quietly.

“Boss, it’s your patience!” Zhou Dafang was very distressed when he saw the girl’s disappointed expression.

“Start the meeting!” Li Mo’s face became serious. As an excellent boss, he couldn’t give in on issues of principle.

Seeing that Boss was angry, the experimenters who were laughing just now became serious.

“I have decided on the next project of Mozi Science and Technology Laboratory.” Li Mo looked all around with sharp eyes.

Hearing this, everyone who thought it was just an ordinary routine meeting came to the spirit. The laboratory has not had any new projects for a long time. They felt that staying like this, some of them couldn’t bear the generous salary.

Especially the experimental madman Jingjing has always regretted missing the critical moment of Moxing battery development due to hospitalization.

“What is it?”

“What project?”

They couldn’t help asking.

Even Zhang Xiaoli came over, expecting to ask, “Is there a job that suits me?”

Li Mo turned around and pulled out a bag from the corner. Zhang whiteboard and write on it with a marker: “Quantum Chip”


“Is this going to be a big deal?”

The crowd burst into exclamations.

They know that this genius Boss has always been a great generity. For example, their last project, Moxing Battery, directly changed the way of human energy use, and made Yanjing Mozi Science and Technology Laboratory famous all over the world.

This point is best experienced by the trio of bags under the eyes, who once worked in a well-known foreign research institute. At that time, when I resigned and returned to China, my colleagues at the institute said that they were secretly invested by Mingzhu. didn’t expect Mozi Science and Technology Laboratory, which invented Moxing Battery, quickly became a bright moon in the scientific research community. At this time, colleagues who had discouraged them and asked them if there were any free positions in Mozi Science and Technology Laboratory. , whether it can be pushed inside. Even a pay cut is fine, after all, for a scientist, money is far less important than honor.

But now this genius Boss wants to work on a “quantum chip project”, which is much higher in real value and difficulty than Moxing batteries. Many well-funded technology giants abroad have started research more than ten years ago, but so far only IBM has come up with a useless semifinished product.

In addition, the current quantum theory is immature, and scientists are only guessing what secrets lie in the world of microscopic particles. So in academia, some scientists are too skeptical about the practicality of quantum chips.

In their view, quantum chips are just a technological gimmick for propaganda.

The next project of the Mozi Science and Technology Laboratory was actually a quantum chip, which made them exclaimed.

“What is a quantum chip?” Zhang Xiaoli, who was looking forward to it just now, was really confused at this time.

Everyone ignored Zhang Xiaoli, who looked puzzled, and tried to persuade her.

“Boss, should we change the project, for example, to study cancer and so on, so as to benefit the people of the world.”

“That is, I think quantum chips are really unreliable. ”

“Boss, do you have too much money to spend, why don’t you buy a house for your brothers? We each buy two sets, one for our own living and one for our mother-in-law.”

Well, it is Zhou Dafang who said this. Since his marriage, he has become a “tracheitis” of twenty-four filial piety.

Li Mo originally thought that everyone would have some doubts about quantum chips, but didn’t expect the opposition would be so loud.

Maybe everyone is worried that this project will bring down the entire laboratory. This situation is not uncommon in academia, especially for some labs with shallow foundations, the selection of projects should be more cautious.

So Li Mo fully understands everyone’s mood, but scientific exploration has never been smooth sailing, without some adventurous spirit, how to pick the pearl in the universe.

“Everyone should not worry about this. I already have a complete set of plans for this project.” Li Mo took out the sorted data materials and motioned Zhang Xiaoli to send it.

“The difficulty of quantum chips lies in how to maintain the quantum state of the core particles.”

“In the scheme, I use a two-particle entanglement method to solve this problem.”

“Everyone read it carefully, and if you have any questions, you can ask them directly.”

Two-particle entanglement?

Is there such a concept in quantum physics?

This is Boss’s new theory?

Jingjing couldn’t wait to stand up and “snatch” the material from Zhang Xiaoli’s hands, frowned looked at it.

“This is mine!” The trio of bags under the eyes, the boss grabbed the material from the old second-hand.

The second child, Liu Hao, showed an innocent expression.

Li Mo reluctantly shook the head, this is the scientific research dog, just now he was still trying to persuade himself to stop the project, when he heard about a new scientific theory, it was like seeing a beautiful woman.

He sat down at his desk again, picked up a copy of “The Strings of Time” and read it. He knew the material, and even without studying the data, it would be difficult for experimenters to read it in a short amount of time.

Half an hour

Three hours

Finally, an experimenter raised his hand, Li Mo looked up, and the one who raised his hand turned out to be not. Zhang Xiaoli, who understands quantum theory. I saw her eyes raised high with confused eyes.

“Boss, is quantum theory metaphysics?” Zhang Xiaoli asked suspiciously.

Li Mo didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. Indeed, there are many concepts in quantum theory that are difficult for ordinary people to understand.

For example, in quantum entanglement theory, two particles in an entangled state can be regarded as a whole even if they are separated by millions of light-years. The action on one of the particles will ignore the real-time feedback of time and space on the other particle. This “magic” phenomenon does not exist in classical physics.

“I suggest you start with high-energy physics.” Li Mo helplessly said, because quantum physics involves a lot of knowledge, he can’t explain it in a short time.

(End of this chapter)

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