I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 648 Only I Can Bully You

Sun Yaling's words became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Have a meal? What can I invite them to eat? It must be a feast without a good feast, and I am warning them not to toast and eat fine wine!

Can I eat this meal?

If they agree, maybe a carload of strong men will run over and take them to a remote place, and treat them to a meal of skewered meat on bamboo sticks, braised pork fried in chili water, or teppanyaki pork.

Their health is not good, if they eat such a meal, they might lose half their lives.

For the sake of my life, it is best not to eat it.

No, no, we've already had dinner! Duan Xiaochen's sister-in-law was the first to sneak away, without saying anything to Duan Xiaochen, hating her parents for giving her two missing legs, she couldn't wait to run out the door.

Several others scrambled away like frightened ducks.

Duan Xiaochen's elder brother dawdled for a while, stayed at the end, and boldly said to Duan Xiaochen: If you are too hard and don't want to do it, then don't do it, come back, and you will have a bite to eat at home.

Duan Xiaochen said coldly: You think I don't want to leave? I can't help myself, I can't leave.

Her sister-in-law came back and gave her brother a hand, She is popular here, drinks hot food, and looks beautiful on TV every day. Why doesn't she want to do it? Don't say nonsense, let's go!

Her brother sighed, wanted to say something but didn't dare to say it, and left unhappily.

In the end, only Sun Yaling, Du Caige, Duan Xiaochen, Fang Muchen and two guest actors - security guards were left in the room.

Everyone looked at each other and laughed.

The difference is that others thought it was fun and laughed happily, while Duan Xiaochen was smiling and burst into tears.

As the rest of the people saw it, their smiles turned into sighs.

Such a wonderful relative on the stall is really...


After finishing the work, Sun Yaling sat with the two security guards who came to perform for a while, and then went back first.

It stands to reason that they should be treated to something to show politeness, but Du Caige is not in the mood, and transfers a performance fee to each of them as a thank you.

The two security guards received a reward equivalent to half of their salary for one dispatch, which was naturally a thousand thanks.

And I also understand that there are some words that cannot be said indiscriminately, and some things that you see must always rot in your stomach.

Sun Yaling also bluntly told Du Caige that they were selected because of their fierce looks, and because they were well-known for being tight-lipped and didn't like to talk too much.

After Sun Yaling left, Du Caige sat with Duan Xiaochen for a while, and said some thoughtful words.

Duan Xiaochen felt complicated about his appearance.

If he didn't come, Duan Xiaochen would definitely be disappointed.

But when he really appeared, Duan Xiaochen also wished to find a hole to drill down, not wanting the dearest person to see all kinds of unbearable sides around him.

It's nothing, who doesn't have a few relatives who are annoying? Du Caige comforted her.

That being said...

A person cannot choose his own origin. And no matter how hard he tries, it is impossible to change all the people around him. This is impossible. I just want to tell you that if similar things happen in the future, you must tell them as soon as possible. Me, let's figure out a solution together. After all, Du Caige had read some novels about the domineering president, so he just opened his mouth.

En. Duan Xiaochen responded weakly, and gently hid in his arms.

Fang Muchen, who had just stepped into the living room and was about to say hello and left, shrank back, and went back to the guest room in a little embarrassment, ready to play some mobile games to pass the time...

Du Caige did not stay overnight.

Take a good rest, don't go out these two days, and adjust.

You too, don't be too tired. Duan Xiaochen gently stroked Du Caige's temples.

When Du Caige left with Fang Muchen, Duan Xiaochen sat on the sofa and bowed his head to think for a long time, hesitating with the mobile phone in his hand, and finally dialed Yan Yingzhen's number.

En? Sun Yaling reported to me, and the matter was resolved, right?

Duan Xiaochen pouted and said, The people you cultivated are just like yourself, with a bad attitude and arrogant speech.

Yan Yingzhen chuckled: But it's very useful, it can solve the problem, isn't it?

Duan Xiaochen reluctantly admitted: ...Yes. Anyway, thank you.

You're welcome, I just can't see others bullying you. Only I can bully you, an old woman. Yan Yingzhen said.

Old woman? Duan Xiaochen was going crazy, I'm only half a year older than you!

You are 30 years old this year. I just turned 28. Is it the same thing in my 30s and 20s? An old woman in her 30s must be self-aware.

Duan Xiaochen was so angry that his chest heaved violently.

After a long while with a sneer, he said, I don't have the same knowledge as you. By the way, why do you say you don't want others to bully me?

Yan Yingzhen's voice sounded a little dreamy, and she fell into memories, When I was young, probably when I was in the fourth or fifth grade of elementary school, on the way to study, there was a restaurant owner. They raised an ugly dog ​​with a personality. puppy.

Every time I pass by, I have to bully it. Bullying that puppy is one of my daily pleasures.

Bad guy. Duan Xiaochen commented.

Yan Yingzhen ignored her, But every time I see others trying to bully it, I will get very angry, pointing at other people's nose and scolding: The puppy is so cute, why do you bully it! Keep scolding others until they run away. Wait When someone else ran away, I happily continued to bully that puppy. Yes, that's it, only I can bully.

Duan Xiaochen was speechless: So you think I'm an ugly puppy...

That's not true. I admit that you are beautiful. It's just that it feels very similar to me. It's the type that makes me want to be bullied, but I don't want others to bully me.

Boring. Duan Xiaochen came to the final conclusion.

Hehe. If I'm not bored, I won't meddle in your affairs. It's up to you.

Duan Xiaochen hesitated and said, Although we are rivals in love...

Yan Yingzhen reacted fiercely: Who is your rival in love? Don't put gold on your own face.

Well, I'm not a rival in love... Duan Xiaochen was a little helpless, In short, although we are not friends, we can still go out for afternoon tea, chat, and scold the scumbag together.

Yan Yingzhen thought for a while, I heard that Huijin Hotel's afternoon tea is good, let's try it.

Okay, I'm free tomorrow.

I'll find some time to come.


Near the high-speed railway station, Duan Xiaochen's brother bought the tickets and went back to the small hotel where they stayed, and distributed the tickets to everyone.

Then go back to his and his wife's room.

His wife scolded him, saying that he was a wimp, unable to protect his wife, and only knew to hide when things happened.

The more she scolded, the more angry she became, You bastard sister, you were supposed to marry my younger brother back then, but she ran away secretly after the wedding was held. This little cousin has no conscience!

Don't say that about my sister! Duan Xiaochen's brother replied weakly.

His wife yelled: She's a bastard! A bastard girl! A good family like ours refuses to marry, but wants to be someone's mistress and plaything! Bah, take her Money is dirty to me.

Then you go back, we took her more than three million yuan these years, you go back. Brother Duan Xiaochen muttered.

His wife's voice became louder: Go back? Didn't you spend those years! Didn't I buy you clothes, computers, and mobile phones! Besides, the money was for our family and our cubs! Wronged to marry into your family, the betrothal gift was only 30,000 to our family, what is it to make up for the betrothal gift now! If you are so careful to calculate with me, then life will be over, I will go back to my mother’s house, you can find another better wife!

Duan Xiaochen's elder brother died immediately, and circled around his wife, coaxing him with clumsy tongues.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Duan Xiaochen's sister-in-law went to open the door. Seeing that it was a stranger, she immediately wanted to close the door out of vigilance, We don't buy anything, we don't want anything.

Don't! The man stretched out a foot to block Duan Xiaochen's sister-in-law from closing the door, and said with a smile, I'm here to give you money.

Duan Xiaochen's sister-in-law scoffed, How can there be such a fool in the world!

I'm such a fool! The other party said with a smile, Tell me some stories that I am interested in, such as the stories about Duan Tianhou before. I am a fan of Duan Tianhou, and I am interested in everything about her. I can hear If you are satisfied, I will give you a sum of money, a large sum of money. How about it?

Duan Xiaochen's sister-in-law smiled sweetly: How much?

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