122 – Kingdom of Elves – 3

Claude is a warrior with excellent intuition. This can be clearly seen in the fact that he recognized the gap as soon as he faced me.

But Celeste was a better warrior than Claude, and she wasn’t the kind of person who would find out about the power she had against a warrior much lower than herself. Except Veronica is in the shadows.

So Claude made a mistake. She had the stupid idea that all she needed to do was to please me.

-How about separating the limbs and starting?

‘Calm down…’

It’s true that I’ve been with Veronica for a long time, but Veronica really hates dirty things.

It does not mean that it is dirty due to accumulated dust or dirty due to dirty water. The dirt that Veronica hates is ‘s*xual desire’.

Veronica said something like this in the past.

-What does Wang think about s*x?

-..Why are you asking that?

-Because I’m curious.

-Hmm….. s*xual intercourse… Just an essential act of a living organism to give birth to a child…? Or a simple act for pleasure? Maybe that much?

-If I had to define it, it would be. I think so too, but there is one condition attached here.

– Terms?

-Whether it was an act of giving birth to a child or an act for pleasure, it means that they were in love with each other.

-Ahh.. That’s quite a philosophical answer, isn’t it?

-Of course, others may think otherwise, but at least I think so. That’s why I hate prostitutes and those who try to get rich with the pretext of prostitution.


-Isn’t my king different from those foolish people who giggle about having relationships with prostitutes or receiving s*xual favors?

-That’s right!

-…But, if that happens… It could be a very interesting incident.


What we can tell from this conversation is that Veronica hates light people. She’s a lighthearted person when it comes to s*x.

…But now that I think about it, Veronica, who has such a Confucian mind, is…



In an instant, I came to my senses and put the thought I was about to think back into my brain. Originally, the scariest time to be a person is when you keep silent, and Veronica’s voice was not heard, so a tremendous sense of fear came over you.

But the fortunate thing is that I never thought about it until the end. If I hadn’t straightened my mind… Wouldn’t it have been me who had my limbs separated?

“How are you? Aren’t you interested?”

“Dirty bastard..!”

“It is useless to criticize. If you resent it, resent yourself who was born too beautiful.”

When I suddenly became less talkative, Claude smiled in repentance as if he had mistakenly thought that his suggestion had worked.

The reason I don’t say anything right now is because I’m simply thinking about how to kill Claude to ease Veronica’s heart… Yes, shouldn’t we let her be happy for a while? It’s going to be lying on the floor soon anyway.

“That..You.. Can’t be..”


“Are you going to accept Claude’s offer?”


Looking at Emilia’s uneasy eyes, I had a desire to bully her for no reason, but with Veronica behind me, I decided to hold it in.

“No, I just want to be on your side.”

“J..Are you serious?!”

“A noble…A noble man?!”

Emilia and Claude were both happy and sad at my seemingly carefree answer. Some hope again out of despair, others panic out of certainty.

“My lord, by any chance you didn’t like my condition..?”

“Uh…That…Isn’t it?”

Actually, I really liked it, but I can’t help it because I’m not the decision maker. If you were going to do it, you should have made an elf male a condition. Of course, I couldn’t escape Veronica’s anger.

“Then another condition..”

“No, my decision has already been made.”


Recognizing that any further conversations with Claude would only serve as a fuse for our queen, I pulled out the amplification sword from the scabbard.

“Raise your sword, bastard.”


Cold sweat ran down Claude’s cheeks. He knows that too. There is no way to win this fight.

But the Dark Elf soldiers who didn’t know such a thing started to scream.

“Lady Claude! Trying to placate humans from the beginning was a problem in itself! You just have to kill them!”

“Right! We have to tear it limb from limb right now!”


The subordinates who do not even think about the difficulties of their superiors. If it were me, I would have punched him right away, but Claude didn’t. However, he was quite angry, and his dark brown skin was faintly dyed red.

“Everybody, stop.”

“Lady Claude! Why…”

“Shut up!”

In the end, when Claude shouted loudly, the Dark Elf soldiers stopped their mouths.

“Haa…Then nobleman, may I ask you a favor?”


“This is a personal request.”

Claude knelt down on the spot. Then he lowered his head and opened his mouth calmly.

“You may take my life, so please spare my men.”



Sacrificing himself to save his men, he’s a pretty manly guy. It doesn’t look like you’re putting on a show to get my favour.




“What will you give me if I take these captive?”


Among the conditions Emilia put forward, Claude and his party were not captured. In other words, it doesn’t matter if I save these or not.

Of course, I had no intention of just sending it off because of Veronica’s words, but shouldn’t I just tear off everything that can be ripped off?

“…Anything you want. I will give you everything.”

“…..What does that mean?”

“I mean literally.”

It may sound simple to a third person, but if you recall the conversation you had with Emilia before, you can see that it is something unusual.

-Which one do you want? Elf Princess, I’ll do everything I can with the authority of the Elven Commander-in-Chief… Instead, I’ll leave out the physical.

This is the conversation she had when she rescued Emilia from the auction house. In this conversation, Emilia said that she would exclude ‘physical things’.

But this time she didn’t go in saying that she would exclude that ‘physical thing’. That sound is…

– That’s what?

‘…That doesn’t mean anything!’

Even so, it didn’t mean much to me.

Since Veronica was attached like cctv, she couldn’t solve it by herself and was very nervous, but it’s already been over 2 months. Isn’t this enough to make you understand?



“So, when will we arrive in Elf Country?”

“There are less than 10 minutes left.”

“I already used half of my mana.”

After capturing Claude and his party, I decided to use [Psychokinesis] To take them to the World Tree Village. Since the number of Dark Elves was close to 20, the speed at which my mana drained exponentially faster, and eventually, when I almost arrived at the World Tree Village, I only had half of my mana left.

“Uh..! Isn’t that person Emilia-sama by any chance?”

“Eh… Emilia-sama?”

From noble mtl dot com

As soon as we entered the center of the country of elves, pure elves like Emilia began to appear. She seemed to be a guard deployed to prevent the Dark Elves from ambush.

“Lady Emilia! You’re all right! Aren’t you sick anywhere?!”

“It’s okay. No problem.”

“Ah! It’s not like this, but quickly send a message to the queen…”

“No, I’m going to meet her mother right away anyway, so I don’t have to. And I have a favor to ask of you.”

“Do you have any favors?”

At that time, Emilia turned her back and I gave a slight wink. Realizing the meaning of the gesture, I quickly canceled the use of [Psychokinesis], And Claude and the others were ridiculously scattered on the floor by the suddenly released [Psychokinesis].

“All…Dark Elves?!”

“Lady Emilia! You have to be careful…”

“It’s okay. They are prisoners.”


The elf guards who saw Claude and his gang raised their spears with a grim expression on their faces, but soon after hearing Emilia’s words, they realized that their hands and feet were tied.

“As expected, it is Emilia-sama! To capture such a gang of traitors alone!”

“Um…Actually, I didn’t do that..”


I lightly tapped Emilia on the back as she tried to tell her truth, and she looked at me with a? Above her head.

“It’s annoying, so just say you did it.”

“I understand.”

Emilia, who heard my muttering clearly, sent a sign of affirmation towards the elven guards with a bright smile.

“It was a tough fight. But am I not the commander-in-chief of this country of elves, Emilia El Titania? She never loses.”


Amazing. How can you lie like that without changing your expression? It’s normal for the facial muscles to wriggle at least a little, but Emilia doesn’t even show that. If she had become an actress on Earth, she would have been great.

“You guys put these traitors in jail. They have no intention of resisting, so there is no need to worry too much.”


So Claude and his party were forcibly taken into the prison by the elven guards. I was worried about what would happen if they ran rampant because it wasn’t really a magic restraint, but fortunately, Claude and his party were quiet. I’m not sure if it’s because of the fear of the existence of the country, or if it’s just because they thought that if they caused trouble in the country of elves, they would be summarily executed, but it wasn’t a bad situation, so I decided to just ignore it.

“Then let’s head straight for the World Tree. Are you okay?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

Originally, she would have unpacked her luggage at the lodging provided by Emilia and moved, but since she didn’t have much luggage with her anyway, she decided to meet the elven queen right away.

“But what kind of person is the Elf Queen?”

“…First of all, at least you are not someone who deserves to be called that.”

“Why? It’s nice to be friendly.”

Emilia’s eyebrows twitched slightly as if she didn’t like that I called the elven queen her short-spoken language. Had she been someone else, she wouldn’t have noticed, but she couldn’t hide it from me, who has eyesight many times better than normal.

“It doesn’t matter what you call it, but I hope you will do everything in front of her mother.”

“Okay, okay. Don’t frown too much.”

“Whoa… Why did I… Uhh…”

When I smiled mischievously, Emilia muttered something about her that she didn’t like. It seemed to her that it was because of the conditions she had put in when she captured Claude and his party.

“Ugh… Her mother always told her to watch her mouth…”



Actually, I heard everything.

“.. Whoa… Once I have an audience with her mother, I will guide you to the inn where you guys stayed. After that…”

“After that?”

“……Let’s pay back the light we lost to you.”

The light that Emilia lost to me is largely twofold.

First, saving Emilia from her auction house. Here she declared that she would do all her favors, except for her physical ones.

Second, saving her life from Claude’s group. In return for her, Emilia declared that she would do all favors, ‘including’ physical ones.

In other words, I currently have the right to ask Emilia for anything twice.

“I’ll look forward to it.”


In an instant, Emilia’s face turned red like a carrot. At the same time, a feeling of regret came over her face. She has an expression that she doesn’t even know why she put up such a condition.


‘I don’t know what I can do with Veronica…’

He let out a deep sigh. As long as there is human cctv, I won’t be able to solve my s*xual desire.

She tried to tell Emilia, ‘I’m not going to ask you for s*xual favors.’

“…Then I will guide you inside the World Tree.”

At that time, Emilia, freed from her deep passions, pointed her finger at a large tree located in the center of the village. She was the World Tree.

“Is that the world tree? It’s not really that big.”

“I don’t know what you were expecting, but it’s the biggest tree in the forest.”

“It’s big, but I thought it would be big enough to pierce the clouds. Still, it grows right under the clouds.”

The world tree was big. In terms of height, it was about halfway up the rocky mountain. It wasn’t called the World Tree for nothing.

But it didn’t have any special emotion or artistry. It was just a big tree, nothing more and nothing less.

“You mean the Elf Queen’s abode in there?”

“To put it simply, you can think of it as a royal palace in another country.”

“A palace made of world trees…”

But why?

I can feel the familiar energy of that world tree.

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