121 – The Kingdom of the Elves – 2

After stopping Celeste from rampaging, our party headed underground again to meet Emilia.

“Emilia. Were you waiting?”

“…I can’t believe the white hooded cloak next to it…”

“That…Our party must have caused a bit of a nuisance.”

Emilia is also a level 88 high-ranking wizard. As soon as she saw Celeste standing next to me, she recognized that she was the owner of the mana she just exuded.

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen an elf.”


“Oh, there is no need to be so frightened… Whoops…”

As Celeste approached, her frightened Emilia quickly threw her body back. Of course. When a predator approaches, what herbivore will not run away?

Celestie smiled brightly as if Emilia’s behavior was cute.

“There are three of them. The party that will enter the country of elves.”

“…With you…With a little girl…And…”

“A beautiful woman.”

-That’s disgusting.

“You shut up.”

Queens still growling at each other without fail. Now I’m used to it as I’m used to it, so I don’t even have the heart to mediate.

“Whoa… I get it. I will guide you to the country of the elves.”

“I wish I could go right now.”

“It is the same. I don’t want to be in this disgusting space anymore.”

Emilia continued her speech while gesturing to the elves standing behind her.

“Then let’s go right away. I’m worried about the world tree.”


The entrance to the Elven Forest outside Tyrion’s Wall.

“This is the border between the elves and the empire.”

“…Is this the deepest and largest elven forest in the Central Continent?”

When I first saw the entrance to the Elven Forest, I couldn’t hide my surprise.

Basically, a forest is a place where trees are the mainstay and various plants and animals live. However, the elven forest was different from those common forests.

The smallest tree was as big as a tree that seemed to have lived for hundreds of years, and the mana itself emitted was three times thicker than that of ordinary forests.

As if looking at an upward compatible version of Amazon on Earth. To be honest, I didn’t feel like going in.

“The trees are so tall and thick that it’s filthy dark even during the day, right?”

“The trees that exist in the elven forest are only those that have lived for at least a few hundred years and at most tens of thousands of years. This much is natural.”

I thought it would be very splendid and beautiful because it is a famous tourist destination, but the reality was completely different. If I had entered this forest alone when I was about 10 years old, I would have cried out loud in fear.

“Be careful and follow me. If we miss our elves, we might get lost.”

“Who wants to watch out for whom?”

“…I see, I forgot what kind of beings you are.”

Actually, I didn’t need much guidance from the elves. Because I have [Guidance of Enagonios].

Although [Enagonios’s Guidance] Is not a perfect wayfinding ability, it gives you a rough direction, so even if you get lost in the forest of elves, it won’t be a big problem.

Rather, you should be careful…


“..What is that expression?”

Illiana and Celeste, you should be careful with these two.

Illyana was in danger of becoming lost in this forest if I was not careful, and in the case of Celeste…

“…If you don’t like the forest, don’t you cut down all of it?”

“…Huh…I made a mistake. To plant such an image in Gaon…”

-It must be the real image, not the image.

“I told you to shut up twice.”

I’ve told you guys to shut up hundreds of times.

“Then let’s go. Please follow me.”

Following Emilia’s words, the two elves jumped up first and entered the elven forest. Emilia looked at that figure for about 10 seconds, then put magic power on her feet and she climbed up the branch of a tree in the elven forest.

“What are you doing? Not following.”

“I’m sorry… I had a troublesome thing…”


Once I managed to stop Veronica and Celeste from fighting, I followed Emilia into the air.

In the case of Illyana, since her basic stats are so terrible, I decided to just move her to [Psychokinesis], And what about Celeste. I decided not to care.


As expected, the word elves, a tribe of the forest, is not a lie. Emilia and the other two elves were very agile, like chimpanzees climbing trees. Even the female elf was on the same level as Illyana, but she was following along well without showing any signs of difficulty.

‘Is an elf an elf…?’

– Among the elves’ racial abilities, there is one ability that gives a correction effect when moving in a place such as a forest or tree. Maybe it’s because of that ability.

It’s a good skill, but I didn’t really like it because it was an ability that had restrictions on the usage environment. Personally, I don’t like places like forests.

‘I hated going to the mountain with my parents when I was young….It’s all memories.’

-..What about that grandfather’s way of talking, like he’s about 1,000 years old?

Grandpa’s way of speaking, a 24-year-old young man of the age of a flower.

“But can’t we go a little faster?”

“That is difficult. After all, there are people with low levels.”


Illyana and two elves are currently low level, but the male elf seems relaxed so far, perhaps because he was a soldier. Illyana didn’t have any problems thanks to [Psychokinesis].

In that case.



In an instant, [Psychokinesis] Launched the elf woman into the air. Then, as if Emilia was embarrassed, she stopped her feet for a moment.

“What are you doing?”

“Isn’t there any problem doing this?”

As I was juggling Illyana and the female elf, I turned them around in the air, and Emilia looked at me with a dumbfounded expression.

“Fu… Is it wind attribute magic?”

“Isn’t it?”

“That’s right… With wind attribute magic, such nonsensical manipulation would be impossible… Then it must be a unique ability.”

“Correct answer.”

There are fewer abilities related to telekinesis in this world than I thought. No, in fact, it is safe to say that there is none except for [Psychokinesis].

Maybe that’s why people who saw [Psychokinesis] Used for the first time were all amazed. Even high-ranking beings like Berazie were taken aback, so that’s all I said.

“Is this an ability that allows you to fly?”


It was more of an almighty ability than a flight ability, but I didn’t bother to correct it. The more cards you hide, the better.

“Can we go a little faster this way?”

“Of course. Then speed it up a bit…”


At the time Emilia spat out the words, the sound of the wind came from somewhere, and something shining silver flew towards the party.



This kind of surprise didn’t work for me, who had already far surpassed human cognitive ability.

“What is this? Arrow?”

The identity of the silver something that was forcibly stopped using [Psychokinesis] Was an arrow. A poison arrow full of mana.

“That’s… No way…! It is the arrow of the Dark Elves!”

“Dark Elves?”

If it’s a dark elf… Isn’t it the fact that the current elves are rebelling? Could it be that the arrow was aimed at Emilia?

“…Who are you, human?”

At that time, elves with impressive dark brown skin appeared from among the large trees. They were dark elves.

“For all of you to throw poison arrows… Do all dark elves have such bad manners?”

“…You dare to be human…!”

“Be restrained.”

As I lightly insulted the entire Dark Elf race, hostility built up in their eyes looking at me, befitting a race with filthy pride. There were also dark elves who actually tried to cast magic at me.

However, when the male leader among the dark elves raised his hand, the dark elves fell silent. Looking at the quality and quantity of mana, she seemed to be a fairly high level guy.

“I apologize first. For rudely attacking first.”

“Yes, how good would it be if it went well like this?”

If the Dark Elves attacked, it was their intention to show them hell, but that Dark Elf, who is said to be the leader, seems to be quite smart. This can be seen in the fact that he quickly recognizes the difference in power between himself and me and is coping with it.


“It’s been a while, Emilia-sama.”

“How well you stick your face in the subject of a traitor!”

“Sounds that anyone who hears them will misunderstand… I was just a spy from the beginning.”

But when I listened to it silently, it seemed that Claude and Emilia were acquainted with each other. Of course, it didn’t seem like a good relationship.

“If you don’t mind being rude, may I make a request to you?”

“…A noble? Me?”


From noble mtl dot com

Oh, look at this bastard.

Now Claude is working his way around his brain. Think about it. I went to catch Emilia, but some human was with me. But that person is so damn strong. Then what should I do?

“If you listen, I will regard you as a benefactor to the Dark Elves.”

I have to f*cking crawl.

“Hmm… benefactor?”

“Yes, I have a high standing among the Dark Elves. If you accept the request, I promise you riches within my power.”

“How much can you promise?”

“Money is basic, Dark Elf women, and… I will try my best to tell the lord.”

“Keugh! All of that is a lie! It’s just a lie to get out of the current situation!”

At Emilia’s cry, I unconsciously nodded her head.

Shinmul is a magic item that is the foundation of a country.

You can’t just give something precious like that, and there must be some ulterior motive.

“My teeth are grinding. Do you want to search? You’re just going to give me something new?”

“hahahaha, haven’t you heard my request yet? If you listen to my request, the lord will step forward and hand over the sacred object to you.”

“…Okay, let’s hear what that request is.”


My words instantly crumpled Emilia’s face.

Currently, I am the best decision maker here. Celeste and Veronica are there, but they don’t seem to have any intention of leaving.

In other words, if I side with the Dark Elves, Emilia will be screwed, and if I side with Emilia, the Dark Elves will be screwed.

“For now, I want to take over Commander Emilia El Titania, who is standing next to you.”

“And what? Roughly speaking, I don’t think that’s the end.”

“hahahaha! As expected, you look ahead.”

Claude put on a kind smile and said something to the contrary.

“The fall of the elves. It is my request that you help me to succeed.”


Hearing Claude’s words, Emilia bit her lips tightly and looked at me anxiously.

“If you are of great help in the destruction of the elven nation… Your lord will gladly hand over one of the sacred objects.”

“That sounds a bit appetizing…”


At that moment, Emilia, unable to hold back her anxiety, called out to me with a loud voice.

Okay, since the Dark Elves have put up a condition, isn’t it the turn of the pure-blooded elves now?

“We, the elves, also promise you a reward, how about it?”

“How much?”

“A new thing. The condition is to suppress the rebellion of the Dark Elves and escort the commander-in-chief.”

Emilia must have assumed the position of Commander-in-Chief for nothing, and put forward conditions very similar to Claude’s.


“My lord, we, the Dark Elves, are willing to provide you with the female elf you want. If you want, Emilia-sama can give it to you too.”


Claude is well aware of the creature called man. He knows that he prefers a beautiful slave like Emilia to a half-hearted god.

Certainly, if it were the original me, it’s a condition that would have been shaken.

If it were the original me.

-…I don’t like that dark elf.

‘I knew it would be like this.’

I’m sorry, but winning or losing this fight was not based on my mood, but on the mood of our queens.

Celestina Veronica, a game of death in which one of the two is eliminated. Celeste still doesn’t think much of it, but Veronica seems to have made up her mind.

-I was going to watch it silently, but it’s bothering me…

‘I’ll take care of it.’

Lord, a few more go today.

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