I have a Gameboy

Chapter 506 - Saved a life!

As they were talking on their side, Zhao Yili suddenly slapped his thigh and said, "If you want to know which one of them is the traitor, isn't that easy?"

"Easy?" Yan Chong was stunned.

"Most of them are newcomers, and they simply can't expect you to have the super power of forced summoning." Zhao Yirou said, "You can take advantage of the darkness when they are asleep and perform a forced summoning on them. When they fail to refuse, they must think they are in a dream, and you can take the opportunity to ask them about their identity. They will naturally tell you everything they know and everything they say."

Yan Chong nodded and said, "This is a good idea of yours, you can try it out. But I can only summon one person at a time, and since I got you to drink, I can't send them back halfway! Let's talk about it a little later then."

Now that he had thought of a way out, Yan Chong's mind was much calmer.

They chatted for a while more while eating and drinking, and only then did Yan Chong send Zhao Yili back.

While it was dark, Yan Chong next prepared to forcibly summon those who were not with him to perform a spiritual interrogation.

But as soon as he entered the summoning interface, he was dumbfounded.

Soldier 66's avatar had actually turned black!

This meant that he was dead.

What was important was that the Dancing Law Celestial Maiden's avatar was actually still lit up!

This meant that she wasn't dead at all.

Could it be her?

But how did the Dancing Dharma Heavenly Maiden escape the meteor shower, when did she return to the safe house, and then kill Soldier 66?

When Yan Chong came out, the storm was already falling, so if it was said that the Dancing Lady had gone back in the rain, Yan Chong felt that it was a bit unrealistic.

So in comparison, the strong man who stayed in the safe house is more suspicious.

So Yan Chong summoned the strong man.

Who knows which strong man did not resist and agreed at that time.

What Yan Chong recruited was not a strong man at all, but a fallen chicken.

He was now covered in water, soaked through, shivering and with purple lips.

When he saw Yan Chong, he looked very excited and shouted, "Great! Great! I finally saw you!"

Yan Chong said, "Let's be sensible, what's going on?"

"Oh, you said this!" The strong man said, "I was tapped by the storm."

Of course Yan Chong could see that he had been tapped by the storm.

"Be honest with me, I already know you are the traitor!" Yan Chong said, "Since I summoned you here, I have no intention of being polite with you! You'd better be honest, how did you kill the soldier 66?"

"What?" The strong man was in disbelief, "Soldier 66 is dead? Isn't he the traitor?"

"Uh ...... he's dead." Yan Chong said, "You two are the only ones left in the safe house, if you didn't do it, who else could have done it?"

"I was wronged!" The strong man said repeatedly, "I came out of the safe house early, to be exact, I was thrown out!"

"Why did he throw you out?" Yan Chong asked.

"We suspected each other." The strong man said, "You see, the two taken away by you are basically no longer suspected, the Dancing Law Heavenly Maiden is dead. Of the remaining two, I am not, so naturally he is the traitor! And because he has a gun in his hand, I don't dare to stay with him."

"How do I know it wasn't you who did it to kill him?" Yan Chong said, "If you are a traitor, you must have gotten a good reward from the last copy. A mere gun shouldn't count for much, right?"

"Am I sick?" The strong man said, "If I could kill him, why didn't I stay well in the safe house? I was thrown out, and I was penniless. I wandered around the street for a long time just now, and almost froze to death in the heavy rain. If you hadn't saved me, I'm afraid I'd be dead now."

There was nothing wrong with what he said.

Because he did not know that Yan Chong had the ability to summon others, there was no need for him to act like this in a stormy day.

Yan Chong saw that he was freezing and shivering already, and his originally strong muscles had now shrunk into a ball.

"You go on sophistry, you see I will send you back in a moment." Yan Chong made a final threat.

The strong man was about to kneel down to Yan Chong, tears flowing straight: "I came here, just want to have fun, I do not have the consciousness to see through life and death. Can become stronger is put in the second, but please do not let me freeze to death by the storm!"

Yan Chong looked at him and felt some pity, but if he did not send him back, Yan Chong had no way to summon the Dancing Law Heavenly Maiden again.

So Yan Chong could only say: "Forget it, I'll believe you this time. We don't have any extra rooms here either, so we can only get together here to drink a little wine and warm up."

"Many thanks, many thanks!" The strong man drank two mouthfuls of wine and then casually ate some food on the table.

After he got a little bit of energy, he went back to the innkeeper and asked for a dry towel to wipe his body.

After he came back, he winded up eating all the food on the table, and could really see that he was really hungry.

No food, no wine, this meal can not be eaten.

Seeing that it was getting late, Yan Chong let everyone endure in place for the night.

The good thing is that this night passed, the typhoon is finally left.

Yan Chong now put the focus of suspicion all on the body of the Dancing Lady.

Although it feels that the Dancing Lady is a bit divine, but since she can summon a meteor fall to create the phenomenon of fake death, then it is guaranteed that this typhoon is also summoned by her.

But Yan Chong is also a little worried, if it is determined that the Dancing Dharma Heavenly Maiden is the traitor, now strongly recruit her over, this strong man may directly attack her.

After all, Dancing Dharma Heavenly Maiden is a mage, her body looks very weak, and she must not be a match for this strong man at close range.

If this strong man's acting skills are as good as Zhao Yiliang's, good enough to lie to Yan Chong before, then in turn, he becomes a graft with someone.

And as long as someone dies, Yan Chong will be the equivalent of another person less to protect, the pass rating will drop.

So he decided to go back to the safe house first to see how the soldier 76 died, to guard against the way the Dancing Law Heavenly Woman attacked is also good.

When they walked out of the hotel, they saw a fat blue man flying in the sky head-on.

Not how good Yan Chong's eyesight, it is Doraemon's image and the normal gap is too big, in this ordinary world inside the very conspicuous, he is flying in the sky, naturally obvious.

Next to him is Nobita Nobita, the two of them never act in pairs, and do not know what this time is trying to do.

Because of the high flying, Yan Chong was not able to stop them, but not long after, they flew back again, with Fat Tiger, Xiao Fu and Shizuka behind them.

Their landing point is not far ahead of Yan Chong and them, seeing that the protagonist group is all together, that is not a good opportunity to do the task?

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