I have a Gameboy

Chapter 505 - Hardly put together a drinking game!

Yan Chong is not a first timer after all.

He thought something could happen, and actually secretly hoped something would happen. But he still overestimated Xue Shoutou's ability to accept.

Xue Shoutao is a good girl who has no such experience.

Although she also understands some of that side of things, there is a certain psychological expectations, but she ultimately chose to reject Yan Chong.

This can not be helped, feelings can only come one step at a time, there is a person who does not feel appropriate, you can not go further.

Yan Chong could only leave the room and said indifferently, "Then you should rest early."

He came out and found Du Laosan, Du Laosan saw Yan Chong come out by himself, naturally guessed what happened, and quickly comforted, "You don't have to take it too much to heart, this kind of thing is all very normal."

"What's normal? What's not normal!" Yan Chong threw a fire on Du Laosan, "You think I'm not charming?"

"No, no, no! How could I think that?" Du Laosan hurriedly said, "The person that the Grand Commander looks at is naturally not an ordinary vulgar person. The more such a person is, the more temperamental she is! How could they take the initiative to throw their arms around? You can only continue to show your strength, play your charm, and really charm her, in order to finally hold the beauty."

Hearing him say that, Yan Chong was discouraged for no reason, took out a bottle of wine and took a sip.

He is already so good, can't he still do it?

Unfortunately, the wine is good, but Yan Chong does not get drunk.

In normal times, he felt his talent was very powerful, but when he really wanted to drink to drown his sorrows, how to drink will not get drunk, but rather a burden.

Yan Chong simply stuffed the remaining half of the bottle of wine to Du Laosan and said, "You can drink slowly!"

Du Laosan also has not drank for a while, sip a mouthful and said, "Good wine! Is there any more food to drink?"

He amused Yan Chong with this statement.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Yan Chong took out some convenient food from the ranch's warehouse. Although the food was simple, but the taste was all over the top.

The two people set up a stall on a small tea table not far from the entrance of Xue Shutao's room, and chatted while eating and drinking.

Yan Chong is not too much of a mind, there is no need to interrogate Du Laosan what, is the figure of a drinking buddy, there is a chatting.

But Du Laosan knows Yan Chong's ability, has the intention to seek, the opening is the New Year words, picked are good words.

In no time at all, he had Yan Chong fooled into some drifting away.

Although Yan Chong can also understand the idea of Du Laosan, know that there may be a trap, but still can not help but in the heart to Du Laosan's evaluation of a few more points.

The horseshit is really corrosive!

When chattering about this copy, Yan Chong couldn't help but recall the scene when he participated in the copy.

In fact, if not for the system's cruel request, who would be willing to kill other people who are adventuring together?

Thinking of this, Yan Chong even misses Zhao Yiliang a little.

Because of the conflict during the initial copy, Yan Chong did not have much revenge on him in the future.

So Yan Chong took advantage of the alcohol and took the initiative to summon Zhao Yiliang.

Zhao Yiliang at this time there is really nothing, he has not been summoned by Yan Chong for a period of time is not used to.

He knew that even if he refused, Yan Chong's temper would force him to summon, so he might as well be happy, and immediately agreed to do so.

Du Laosan was first startled when he saw a strange man in full armor suddenly appear next to him, but then understood that this was Yan Chong's special ability.

How Yan Chong did it, he didn't need to know.

But since Yan Chong wanted to recruit the man over, it meant that the man was of use.

So Du Laosan's attitude towards Zhao Yiliang was also very respectful, taking the initiative to call out big brother, move a stool for Zhao Yiliang, bring a set of dishes and chopsticks, and then also introduced himself.

Seeing his pious appearance, he had been in the society for a long time.

Ordinary missionaries don't have his skills!

In fact, Du Lao-san's age is the oldest among these people, Yan Chong called an uncle is not too much.

He made Zhao Yiliang a little embarrassed and said, "Uncle, you're welcome! No need!"

Yan Chong laughed while drinking next to him: "There is nothing else to ask you to come over, it's just that I haven't seen you for a long time, so I want you to come over for a drink."

Zhao Yiliang was a black line: when have you ever had a good thing to look for me?

You say you miss me, who believes it!

He knew things would never be so simple, but did not say through, simply sat down and raised a glass of wine to toast.

Yan Chong and Du Laosan returned two more cups.

Three cups of wine down, Yan Chong really began to ask about the novice copies of things.

"You can even lead a novice copy?" Zhao Yiliang was a little surprised.

But it had come to this point, Zhao Yiliang had nothing to hide.

However, he only experienced the process of being a traitor a few more times because of his special initial talent, he didn't know how senior people had to be promoted.

"That's fine, I just want to know the conditions for winning as a traitor." Yan Chong said, "If you lose, will you be wiped out?"

"This also depends on the settlement score." Zhao Yiliang said, "If the score is passing, you don't have to die. Of course, my situation is a bit special."

He wouldn't die even if he lost.

Yan Chong had points in his heart and asked him for more information about the Island of Greed and Paradiso.

Zhao Yiliang was not familiar with the Island of Greed, one could say that he had never heard of it, or one could say that there were too many similar names to know exactly which one it was.

But hearing about Paradis Island, he immediately became very excited.

"I know that place! That's the location where the main story in Attack of the Giants takes place!" Zhao Yirou said, "No matter who you are, as long as you like Attack on Giants, we can be friends!"

"Attack of the Giants ......," Yan Chong scratched his head, "Why have I never heard of it?"

Zhao Yiliang smiled faintly and said, "That's because you're still too young, this phenomenal manga led an era! When it was on fire, you were still in elementary school, I'm afraid, watching Pleasant Goat."

Yan Chong: "......"

What's wrong with Pleasant Goat?

Pleasant Goat is not also very good-looking!

You still have people who love to watch Ultraman!

I tell you, in this world, there is no Ultraman!

But there is Pleasant Goat!

I even had it the day before yesterday!

After a while, Zhao Yiliang sighed and said, "Only then the state put a ban on it, so you can't see it in the usual channels."

"So that's how it is!" Yan Chong nodded his head.

The state ban should have no absolute relationship with whether the Qingbei Foundation had this copy or not.

Since there was this place Paradis Island, there must be a copy of Attack of the Giants to enter.

Yan Chong felt as if he had found hope.

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