I have a Gameboy

Chapter 502 - Translating Konjac Jelly!

Reverend Full Moon obviously knew that necklace.

It was very similar in shape and material to Miyoko's necklace, but the color of the emerald inlay on it was different.

It was most likely a relic of her mother.

When the Full Moon Priest said that, it also seemed to mean that the demon woman was really Miyoko's mother.

It was only because she had sacrificed her soul to the demon instead of her life that she had become a malicious creature like the banshee.

In the Full Moon Priest's mind, the gentle, virtuous, and kind wife was naturally dead, but he would rather tell Miyoko that her mother was dead than to tell Miyoko that her mother had turned into an evil banshee.

"Well, let's not talk about such sad things!" Yan Chong stood up and said, "Since Miyoko's mother has already passed away, the misunderstanding between us has all been resolved. Then we will not intrude any further. Thank you for the hot tea."

With that, Yan Chong wanted to leave with everyone.

However, except for Yan Chong himself, no one else was very eager to leave.

For Doraemon and the others, it was probably because they found this place new and fun, while for the reincarnators, it was a rare opportunity to take on a task.

Of course, none of them knew about Yan Chong's policy.

It was a standard retreat-forward policy.

With the Full Moon Priest and Miyoko immersed in thoughts of the dead, it would be wrong for them to say anything at this point.

But Yan Chong didn't really plan to leave, he squeezed the little magic monkey in his hand, the magic monkey couldn't take the pain, and immediately squeaked.

"What is this?" Its call really caught the Full Moon Priest's attention.

"Oh, yes, this little magic monkey is a demon we caught in the forest." Yan Chong smiled, knowing that it had become a success, "It seems to have a big temper, and it doesn't seem to be very easy to control. I originally wanted to send it to the zoo, but since you are a high ranking person in the magic world and are interested in this, I will give it to you as a research object, right?"

"Is this appropriate?" The full-moon priest rubbed his hands and his eyes glazed over.

A demon, a real demon!

"What's inappropriate?" There was no use for Yan Chong to ask for the magic monkey, so he just shoved it into the Full Moon Priest's hands.

"It looks like what I was researching about the invasion of the Demon Realm Star is indeed true!" The full-moon priest then told everyone about the results of his research on the demonic star invasion.

Previously, everyone thought his teachings were too sensational and did not take them seriously.

But now that they saw the existence of banshees and magic monkeys, the aborigines of the magic world could understand it.

The invasion of the Demon World was recorded in a magic scroll written by an ancient hero.

Unfortunately, even the Full Moon Priest's erudition could not decipher all the words on the ancient scroll.

So he didn't have any idea how to deal with the invasion of the Demon Realm Star.

"It doesn't matter, I have translated konjac jelly here!" Doraemon finally came in handy at this point.

He took out a soap-sized piece of konjac jelly from his stomach pocket and let the full moon priest eat it.

After the full moon priest ate it, he looked again, and immediately recognized all the words on the codex.

"What kind of magic are you doing? It's really awesome!" The full moon priest was busy praising.

After hearing this, Doraemon laughed and looked shy.

After Yan Chong found out that he liked to hear compliments and was easily shy, he poked Du Laosan and pointed to Doraemon.

Du Laosan immediately got the message and praised Doraemon again.

Doraemon was even more shy now, and waved his hand repeatedly, saying that he was no big deal.

But his reddened cheeks revealed his heart.

Doraemon took advantage of the situation and said he also wanted some translated konjac jelly to try.

Doraemon had no reason to refuse and agreed.

Du Laosan just pinched a small piece and put it in his mouth, and gave the rest to Yanchong.

Yan Chong also broke off a piece and ate it, and the rest of the jelly was to be shared among everyone.

The problem is that there is a time limit for translating the konjac jelly, one copy. ,.

Yanchong let go, the others did not have such a need, and then the rest was put away by Yanchong himself.

Yan Chong's language pack unlocked quite a lot, and he didn't need to eat translation konjac jelly to talk to these people, so in Doraemon's eyes, Yan Chong just wanted to keep a small souvenir.

But in reality, Yan Chong's purpose was to decipher the Starfall Graveyard's data.

Previously, he only knew that there was a part of the ancient Persian script on it, and he knew that some of the information indicated that it might be related to the country of ancient Babylon or the corresponding region.

Unfortunately, he didn't know what the rest of the text meant.

But now he knew.

One part of the message told him to go to a place called the Island of Greed and get a card called "The Breath of the Archangels".

The second paragraph told him to go to the kingdom of Persia and get the third of the "Order of the Fire" as a key.

The last one tells him to go to a place called Palladian Island to get the "Power of the Giants of the First Ancestors", to awaken his memory, to get the real location of the Starfall Graveyard, and how to use the above items.

These three place names, and three items, made Yan Chong a bit confused.

But the biggest problem with translating the konjac jelly is that it doesn't allow Yan Chong to really learn the words, but only makes them seem like words he already knows.

So Yanchong doesn't know exactly which country those texts come from, and which copies they need to travel to, only the Holy Fire Order sounds familiar.

This required him to take his time to study it.

But this is already a very good breakthrough.

The Doraemon over there also gradually recovered from his shyness of flattery.

Since there was nothing going on here, they decided to leave politely.

Apart from Doraemon, the other members of the protagonist group were still elementary school students, and tomorrow was a class day.

Yan Chong looked at them and indicated that if they wanted to take on the task, they should hurry up now.

Whether it was Doraemon's direction, or Miyoko's direction, it would be good for them to do it themselves.

Yan Chong himself didn't rely on doing branch quests to get a settlement rating, so there was no need to grab anything from them.

Once they understood, the soldier66 and the strong man all got to work.

But the image of the two of them was a little scary, and neither of them paid any attention to him.

Dr. Man Yue was now concentrating on deciphering the last bit of information on the ancient book, so he took Miyoko back to the study.

Doraemon and the others drank their cups of tea and returned separately.

Yan Chong spread out his hands, "You all can't take this task, so it's not my fault."

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