I have a Gameboy

Chapter 501 - Miyoko's Large Villa!

When Yan Chong said that, Miyoko was not sure if the demon woman was her mother or not.

If she wasn't her mother, then there was no such thing as insulting her mother.

There were some things she still needed to confirm with her father, so she said, "Why don't you guys go to my house and take a look? My house is right next to it."

As long as he could stop fighting, Yan Chong was relieved.

Anyway, Fat Tiger and Xiaofu had just been injured and overly frightened, so if there was a cup of hot tea at this point, the effect would definitely be good.

"Then let's go." Yan Chong slapped the board.

"Let's go on my flying carpet." Mayuko waved her hand and the blanket beside her spread out.

Xiaofu was shocked, "You even know how to fly a flying carpet?"

"Of course!" Miyoko laughed, "My dream is to be a professional flying carpet pilot!"

It should be the equivalent of a professional race car driver, right?

It seems that, in this world, it takes a certain threshold to drive a flying carpet!

Yan Chong's driving expertise has been unlocked, but in this magical world, he can't drive a flying carpet.

Driving here would definitely be considered a heresy.

So Yan Chong didn't object, and the group got on the flying carpet obediently.

Miyoko's house was in the middle of the forest, a large villa with a single family house.

It was a large villa with a fenced-in courtyard wall, and there was a stone sculpture at the front door.

But at this time, there were other people visiting at the door.

When Yan Chong looked, it was the soldier66 and the strong man.

Beside them, there was a little fat blue man, a young boy with eyes that were a little goofy, and a little girl who was only a schoolboy, but was very pretty.

With such a high degree of recognition, Yan Chong naturally distinguished them immediately.

This is Doraemon, Nobita Nobita, and Shizuka.

I didn't expect that the two of them would run into each other.

What made Yan Chong feel fortunate was that Soldier 66 and the strong man together did not even fight each other.

Even if there was a traitor between the two of them, at least it wasn't on display now.

They were now fighting the statue in front of Miyoko's house in great unity.

The statue was made of stone, but it could act like a man.

In his hand he held a bow made of stone, and when he bent it, he could shoot an arrow made of stone. Arrows made of stone are not only fast, but also very damaging, and could be deadly to an ordinary person.

Isn't this just an arrow tower!

The strong man didn't dare to move forward at all, and dodged the arrows with Doraemon and the others, while Soldier 66 took out his rifle and shot at the statue shooter.

He was a good shot, and his rifle had a longer range than a bow and arrow, but unfortunately his rifle was not powerful enough to do much damage to the statue made of stone.

The bullet bounces off the stone as soon as it touches it, and even if it does damage, it seems to be insignificant to the statue.

Surely in this world, only magic can defeat magic!

Yan Chong said, "Meiyoko, those people down there are our friends. Did you arrange that statue? If not, I'm going to do it!"

Non-human creatures that attack humans at will are worth removing.

Yan Chong's values have been made very clear and will not change because of possible friendships.

If Miyoko couldn't stop the statue, then Yan Chong would have to smash it to pieces.

Miyoko was busy saying, "Yes!"

Then she said to the statue, "It's me, Miyoko! These people are my guests, don't attack!"

The stone statue, which was really obedient, immediately put its bow away after listening to the words of Miyoko.

The two fat tigers and Doraemon were also friends, and they told each other about the strange things that had just happened.

They told each other about the bizarre things that had just happened. It was a feeling of two lifetimes to think that they had almost all died. They hugged each other affectionately, jumped and laughed, and had tears in their eyes.

"Distinguished guests, this way please!" Miyoko opened the front door, and it was pitch black inside.

Everyone walked in, and immediately a light came on inside.

"Welcome!" A voice is heard, and then a fat, bald man in a boss's chair flies out of the front portrait.

He had two carefully groomed moustaches on his mouth, wore a high-class suit, and looked like a man of some status.

Come to think of it, someone who could afford such a luxurious villa was naturally of some caliber.

"Dad!" Miyoko pounced.

"What's the grievance you're having?" The man said, "He's not afraid to laugh in front of the guests."

The two fat tigers looked at the man and whispered under their breath, "Is he the full moon priest?"

"It's him, it's him!" Shizuka's cultural knowledge was relatively rich: "He was the one who invented the theory of the demonic star invasion!"

"There really is an invasion of the demonic planets!" Xiaofu sighed.

Even though he had just seen the magically polluted forest, he thought that the "demon world star invasion" was just a joke.

"Yes, I am the Full Moon Priest!" The man's said.

He snapped his fingers, and out of the mural beside him flew another long, luxurious table with its own number of chairs, and hot water and cups of tea on the tabletop.

The teapot automatically flew up and filled the cups in front of everyone with water.

Is this the application of magic?

It's amazing!

"Let's all sit down, have a cup of tea, and warm up." Reverend Full Moon said, "What happened, Mayuko?"

Miyoko took out the necklace that the banshee had dropped and said, "I just saw someone who looked very much like my mother! They say Mom has become a banshee! I want to know if this is true. Where the hell did Mom go?"

Miyoko's words were confusing, but at the mention of the word "mother," the Reverend Moon's expression froze.

"Don't say it, Miyoko!" The Full Moon Pastor mournfully said, "Actually ...... Actually, your mother is already dead!"

"What?" Meiyuko couldn't believe it.

But Yan Chong felt a stone drop from his chest at once.

"When you were seven years old, you were seriously ill, and several great magicians could not save you." Full Moon Priest, "Your mother sacrificed her life to the Demon King to save you ......"

"Mom did she ...... say that?" Miyoko said, "Sacrifice?"

"Yes, from that moment on, she was dead," Full Moon Priest, "I didn't dare tell you because you were too young. But the truth is, what you saw was never your mother."

Miyoko fainted with an "ah" and died.

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