I have a Gameboy

Chapter 294 Can't Sign a Contract?

Early the next morning, seeing Yan Chong's Cobra again seemed to have completely lost the memory of last night.

"What's wrong with you?" Yan Chong asked, "What did you do last night?"

Unexpectedly, the cobra sprang up all at once.

"What are you talking about? What are you trying to say? Did you know something?" Cobra came up and gave Yan Chong a quality triple.

Yan Chong could only say awkwardly and politely: "You have two big dark circles on your face, I just ask casually."

"Ah...Is that so?" Cobra smiled awkwardly, "No, I found two girls yesterday, they are naughty, haha!"

Just pretend!

Just your little skill, but also two girls?

Yan Chong said: "You accidentally killed your ace combatant yesterday, would you not be angry?"

Of course Cobra is not angry, even if it is really angry, it will not show it on his face.

When he heard Yan Chong say this, he changed his expression and pulled Yan Chong into the room.

"What are you going to do?" Yan Chong asked warily, "Are you trying to avenge him?"

If Cobra really wanted to avenge Hawke, Yan Chong would treat him as a man.

But Cobra didn't think about that at all.

"Are you a reincarnation?" Cobra asked.

"Of course." Yan Chong nodded, "Why, do you want to buy me?"

"It's not just me." Cobra said, "I am a member of the Viper Gang. We are now recruiting some capable people."

"Recruitment like the dragon of the wilderness?" Yan Chong asked, "Forget it!"

"Of course not!" Cobra waved his hands again and again, "He is just a servant I collected from outside, so naturally he can't compare with you!"

I listen to you fart!

What happened to you when you were beaten by Hawke, did you think I was not there?

But in the eyes of Cobra, Yan Chong was really absent.

So he didn't feel the boredom in Yan Chong's heart, and continued: "A master like you, of course, we are willing to spend a lot of money. As long as you are willing to help us, everything is easy to say."

"You mean, give money?" Yan Chong asked, "Universal coins or star coins?"

Anyway, Yan Chong is also looking for an opportunity to intervene in the dispute between the Hyena Gang and the Viper Gang.It would be a good idea if you can take the opportunity to make money now.

"Then it depends on your needs." Cobra said, "Our Viper Gang has a big business, and everything is easy to discuss!"

"One hundred star coins." Yan Chong simply said the lion. "If you agree, I will help you deal with the boss of the Hyena Gang."

Obviously, one hundred stars is not understandable by the level of Cobra.

If the Cobra could have a hundred stars, it would have improved its attributes and skills long ago.

He still has to suffer this kind of grievance?

However, Cobra turned his eyes and agreed directly.

"As long as you are willing to help us, a hundred stars is only a small amount." Cobra said.

"You promised to be so happy, are you lying to me?" Yan Chong asked.

This kind of thing that a blind man can see, if he just swipes over it like this, he looks as hypocritical as a cobra.

"How dare I lie to you?" Cobra waved his hand again and again.

"In that case, you should pay the fee first," Yan Chong said, "I promise to help you get rid of the boss of the Hyena Gang."

"The cost is not in a hurry." Cobra said, "You are afraid that I will not pay, and I am also afraid that you will not perform your duties."

"Then what do you say?" Yan Chong asked, "If you are not sincere, then we won't talk about it!"

Cobra took out two star coins, played with them, and said: "I can give you 20 star coins as an advance payment. If you agree, we can sign a contract."

Although Cobra didn't think about himself, he even felt that the image that he took out two star coins was very handsome and full of local tyrants.

But in Yan Chong's opinion, he felt pitiful.

Only two star coins were shown out.

"After signing the contract, will you give me twenty stars?" Yan Chong asked.

"Of course, it's all small money." Cobra said, "Give you the money when you sign it, and after it's done, continue to pay the balance. In fact, the contract is just a formality. I have to go through the work with the organization, right?"

"That's all right." Yan Chong seemed to be moved by Cobra.

So Cobra took out his parchment.

The parchment still contains the lines he left behind when he signed the contract with Hawke.

But because of Hawke's death, the gold on the parchment has disappeared, and the handprints are gone, and they have lost their effectiveness.

Cobra took out an eraser, carefully erased the writing on it, and then began to write a new "rule" tirelessly.

"Does it need to be so troublesome?" Yan Chong asked.

"Of course, it's better to be more detailed." Cobra said, "Let's put the ugly words first, we can resolve disputes in the future!"

"All right." Yan Chong said, "For the sake of twenty stars, oh, do you really have twenty?"

"Look at that! Can you still lie to you?" Cobra took out a bag and squeezed it. There was a crackling sound in it.

Yan Chong didn't believe that there could be stars inside.

But he didn't speak either.

He just kept watching Cobra writing the rule there, and his fingers cramped a bit, and he finished writing.

"It's done," said Cobra. "Come on, look over..."

Yan Chong took the sheepskin roll over calmly, and then took a glance.

Sure enough, there is a dense pile of them, all of the various rights and obligations between two people, what should be done if there is a dispute.

"Okay." Yan Chong didn't look at it, and directly installed the sheepskin roll. "The contract is established, let's give the money."


"No, this contract has to be stamped with your own blood in order to take effect!" Cobra said quickly.

"So what the trouble!" Yan Chong pushed the Cobra away, "You know, I know it!"

"No, if you don't agree, return the contract to me anyway?" Cobra said again.

"What contract?" Yan Chong asked.


Why don't you admit it?

"It's the sheepskin roll I gave you just now!" Cobra said quickly.

"What kind of parchment? Who saw it?" Yan Chong scratched his head, "Hey? Are you trying to rob me?"


Who of us robbed?

He rushed over regardless, trying to snatch the sheepskin roll from Yan Chong's arms.

Yan Chong went straight up with a big mouth, and fanned the cobra around three times.

"Why are you still doing it?" Yan Chong said, "Are you molesting me?"

If you grow up like this, who dares to molest you!

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