I have a Gameboy

Chapter 293 The Soul of the Dead!

This is certainly not the real Hawke, the real Hawke is dead.

In front of Cobra was Yan Chong.

After Yan Chong had killed Hawke, he always felt flustered.

So he put on a simple disguise, then turned his face into Hawke's appearance, and sneaked into Cobra's room.

When Cobra drank the wine, relaxed his vigilance, and wanted to vent his desire, Yan Chong appeared suddenly, and it was really scared that Cobra's legs were weak.

"You kneel down for me!" Cobra said sternly.

He felt that since Hawke was not dead, his contract should still be valid.

But Yan Chong was in front of him, not Hawke, and his contract was of course useless.

"I'm dead, so your contract is useless!" Yan Chong said.

"No, don't come over!" Cobra said, "Are you a man or a ghost?"

"What are you talking about?" Yan Chong said, and whispered miserably, "Hao hao ......"

"Is this your talent?" Cobra asked. "Can you become a ghost after you die?"

"Of course not..." Yan Chong's voice trembled more and more, "Because I was wrongfully killed, oooooooo..."

The cobra heard the hair stand up.

In his hands, many people died. As a reincarnation, in which instance can he kill several enemies?

Especially in the Korean copy, he even became the eldest brother of fifty members of the underworld, and he was considered majestic.

But he has never seen a ghost.

Legend has it that ghosts are also afraid of wicked people. He considers himself a wicked person and it is impossible for ghosts to trouble him.

But Hawke was indeed surrendered by his tricks, and in the past few days he has been tortured inhumanely.

With Hawke's skills, he shouldn't have suffered so much.

So at this time, Hawke, who died in a miserable state, could understand if he came to trouble him.

"Are you really a ghost?" Cobra said.

"Hehehehe..." Yan Chong continued to make a weird voice.

But the next second, Cobra attacked him.

Cobra knew that he was not the opponent of the living Hawke, but now that Hawke is dead, does he still have the original ability?

Moreover, even if he didn't resist, would he be beaten to death by the opponent so straightforwardly?

But it wasn't Hawke who was in front of him, but Yan Chong who was able to knock Hawk off with a single punch.

When Yan Chong came, he was specially guarded against him. He had known that Cobra was not so friendly, so he must launch an attack to test him.

Therefore, in addition to changing his face, Yan Chong also entered a stone form.

Cobra's punch suddenly blasted out and it hit Yan Chong's body.

Yan Chong's body was as hard as a rock, and directly shook Cobra's arm back.

"You can't hurt me." Yan Chong said, "you know it in your heart."

What Yan Chong said was that you knew it in your heart, but he didn't know exactly what metaphysics was because of it.

Anyway, Cobra did so many things on his own, what he thinks is his problem.

The more he thought about it, the more scared he felt.

"Say, what did you do to me!" Yan Chong repeated over and over again.

He also deliberately prepared a big wrench that looked almost the same as Hawke's big wrench.

Yan Chong doesn't know how to use two-handed hammers, so his movements look very bad and his damage is limited.

Of course, he didn't choose this weapon to smash the cobra.

The huge wrench slammed on the floor next to him, making a "Dangdang" sound, which further enhanced his shock.

Cobra is scared. It can be seen that he is afraid from the heart.

He all began to kneel on the ground begging Yan Chong, feeling sorry for the wrong things he did.

Yan Chong didn't kill him directly, because if he wanted to kill him, it was too simple.

Yan Chong then asked the question he had always cared about: "Where is the topographic map of the cemetery of the falling star?"

"Topographic map...you want a topographic map!" Cobra was also a little hysterical, "I told you, that thing is not in my hands! Half in the hands of the Hyena Helper, and half in the hands of the Black Mamba. Go find them! What are you doing with me?"

His words didn't sound like a lie. At least at his level, he really shouldn't be able to come into contact with this kind of treasure that would allow two gangs to start a team battle.

According to what he meant, the leader of the Hyena Gang and the Black Mamba of the Viper Gang each had a topographic map of the cemetery of the falling star in their hands. Only when the two maps were put together can the real map be assembled.

Only in this way can we find the real goal.

Regardless of whether there is a lot of orange equipment hidden inside or a big secret, they are willing to fight for this goal.

It doesn't matter how many people die. What's important is that you must beat the opponent and be willing to hand over the other half of the map.

But why don't they cooperate?

Isn't it good for two gangs to develop the cemetery together and to allocate resources together?

Then the conclusion is probably that according to what Hawke said, it is not a lot of orange equipment at all, but there is really a big secret.

That secret is too big to be shared with others.

Black Mamba itself is very cunning and strong enough. Coral Snake is his younger brother, so naturally he won't compete with him.

Yan Chong didn't know what the deputy head of his gang thought, but judging from the cobra and rattlesnake, it really did not threaten the black mamba's dominance.

But if you add the Hyena Gang, it's different.

The Hyena Gang is more powerful than the Viper Gang, so it is naturally impossible to give him the treasure.

Yan Chong felt more comfortable when he knew the stakes between them.

Yan Chong raised the big wrench again, smashed the ground several times, and made a loud noise, which made Cobra feel a stronger fear.

He kept kowtow to make sure that what he said was true.

Yan Chong felt that time was almost up, so he hypnotized him.

"You put this grenade in your backpack and forget it. Until you hear the secret phrase'Complete Topographic Map of the Cemetery of Falling Stars' or something with the same meaning, then you take out this grenade, Pull out the tab, and then throw it directly at the person who spoke the secret." Yan Chong hinted.

Because Cobra is now full of fear for Yan Chong, the hint is very easy to succeed.

Moreover, Yan Chong did not let him commit suicide with a grenade, but threw it around others, which did not necessarily pose a threat to him, so the difficulty level dropped a lot.

So this hypnosis is considered a success.

Cobra obediently put away the thunder, and then it seemed that there was no such thing.

Yan Chong then told him: It was a dream just now, you can go back to sleep.

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