230 – Raid Recruitment (3)

-sorry. I have an overseas schedule that has been scheduled for several months, so it will probably be difficult to return to Korea until March. I also really wanted to participate in the first raid created by Do Jae-Hyun Holder… .

A text message pops up on the phone screen.

It was a message from Yoo Eun-seol, an assassin-type teacher.

Whether or not to participate in this raid, which I have hinted at before.

She was politely refusing it.

“… It’s a waste.”

I licked my lips and brushed off my regret.

From the beginning, I thought the possibility was slim, but it was even more difficult to omit it if it was an overseas schedule that had been booked several months in advance.

Still, as a disciple, I couldn’t interrupt Master’s schedule with personal business.

“then… I don’t think there will be an S class.”

As a result, the participation rate of S-level holders became zero.

Kang Woo-hyeon, Hwang Gun-wook, and Song Do-hyeok, the heads of the three largest clans in Korea, were unable to participate in the first place because of their location or clan work, and Park Ji-hwan, an S-rank holder known as ‘Ryu Ji-hyeok’ to the public, is still fiercely pursuing Ludenark in a remote area somewhere. was in the middle

Among the five official S-class holders, Master was the one with the least possibility, but even that was canceled by the text message just now.

“Oops. I can’t help it.”

However, the situation was not hopeless.

In the original work, when Park Jin-woo tried to attack, he entered without an S rank, and it’s not always a good situation to have a holder with a higher rank than me as a member of the raid.

Rather, it could have been a blessing in disguise.

It seemed that this attack would be an opportunity to further develop my leadership and commanding skills.

“… Jaehyun will do well.”

As I grumbled for a while, I heard a clear voice beside me.

A pretty hand and pen on the table.

Long downy hair…

Breathtakingly beautiful appearance.

It was Kang Joo-yeon, who was looking at the documents together.

“… … .”

She was talking with a slightly embarrassed face, as if this consolation itself was awkward.

… cute.

After all, is the face the completion of consolation?

Listening to Kang Joo-yeon’s clumsy but cute consolation, it feels like my complicated mind is pierced for a moment.

“thank you. But thanks to you, I am strong.”


Let’s kiss lightly as an expression of thanks…

Kang Joo-yeon accepted me carefully.

The face is both excited and sad.

Even though we had skinship several times after dating, she was so shy.

“How about wizards? Are there any good holders?”

“… huh. I picked at least two.”

“already? You, the lead actor, tend to be quite picky.”

“Anyway, these holders are verified people.”

But we didn’t come together to flirt, we were here to work.

Numerous holders who applied as members of the raid.

This is because we had to work to extract them in the optimal combination.

The ‘underground dungeon member’ who first planned to attack the dungeon…

I, Kang Joo-yeon, Kim Chae-eun, Moon Ga-eun, and Park Jin-woo.

Except for a total of 5 fixed members, additional members of the raid had to be selected.

The recruitment that started like that was 3 days ago.

There was a lot of talk as it was an unusual establishment, and it attracted a lot of attention, but in the end, the marketing itself had to be considered successful.

And the applicant…

Far beyond my expectations, I ended up being cornered by an incredible number of 300 people.

– Best ever! A total of 311 holders flocked to Do Jae-hyun’s raid…

– Domestic major clans and clan members’ permission to support the Do Jae-hyeon raid.

-Jeong Hyeon-seok, the flower of the sunset, “I am confident of passing.”

-<Moonlight> clan, all clan members including the master raid support?

The shocking state of support followed.

A total of 311 applicants.

I was surprised that there are so many high-ranking holders in Korea.

Of course, not all of them were independent, and some belonged to clans.

It seemed that each of them applied for the raid after receiving permission from within their own clan.

That’s why some clans are trying to prove their reputation through clan members who have passed our raid.

From the perspective of the parties, it was a situation where only laughter came out.

“hmm… This holder only wrote down too concise information. This person’s resume is too lax… .”

Anyway, apart from unexpected developments.

We had to screen the applicants who came in.

I was doing paperwork for him now.

Electing members of a temporary raid is very similar to joining a clan.

Check the holder’s brief information through the application form, check the actual ability through a light interview, and make a final decision.

It’s quite tricky for a ‘temporary’ title, but only in this way can you increase your chances of success.

The temporary raid is a kind of project-type party with the theme of raiding dungeons.

Of course, the risk and reward were proportional to each other, and the raid members had to be carefully selected.

“Jaehyun, I’ll add one more person here.”


Kang Joo-yeon was here to assist in the selection of these raid members.

She actually had the experience of screening new clan members for <Judgment by Fire>, and she is the most judgmental among our members in this task…

He was the most suitable person for this role.

The place of work is our home.

business room in it.

A bookcase with various papers and books, a wide table, and even a large bed.

Like the original meaning of officetel, it was a versatile space where you could take a break from work.

‘… Although the clothes are not the clothes to work at all.’

My face is slightly embarrassed.

Kang Joo-yeon was wearing a light pink negligee she had worn before.

It’s the clothes I wore when I spent the first night at my parents’ house…

Whether it’s because of that memory or if it’s just that I like the clothes, I often wear those clothes when I’m alone with me.

Of course, the clothes themselves are pretty, but it was not easy to look at them as they are because they emphasized the figure and showed the inside.

… what is this

I don’t know if he came to work or to seduce me.

I turned my gaze away from Kang Ju-yeon’s figure with superhuman strength and handed her an application form.

“Juyeon-ah, what about this person?”

Kang Joo-yeon, who received the paper, quickly skimmed through the contents.

“Angela… Gremville?”

“Holder came from California Academy as an exchange student. Well, you’ll have to see for yourself to see the details.”

Quite a few holders from other countries also applied for this recruitment.

Holders from nearby Japan or China, as well as holders who recently came over as exchange students from the United States, have applied without hesitation.

High-paying mercenaries lead anywhere in the world.

Holders in other countries also seemed to be faithful to this market logic.

‘I don’t want to pull out at all, but.’

The difference in nationality is a non-preference factor in the composition of the raid team.

It’s the same with the most basic language problem, and since it’s not your country, there’s a possibility of taking an unexpected action without responsibility.

And above all, if you die during the attack…

The post-processing involved with the country becomes very complicated.

Rune holders are a country’s combative asset.

Because of this, I tried not to hire holders from other countries as crew members.

But there were only two exceptions to that.

One of them is Camilla Flores.

The other was the person named ‘Angela Gremville’ written on this application.

‘The specs are so good.’

The specific figures were not revealed, but it was written that the main ability (magic, mental) exceeded 70, and the main rune and common rune were also recorded as having a mastery level of 15 or higher.

If this application was true, it would have shown holder information that was close to the best among B-class wizards.

The highest grade B is a grade that is close to grade A.

And in raid recruitment, A-rank holders are a rare resource that is almost free pass.

No matter how foreign holders are…

Considering the risk, this level of specification was enough to pass.

“… I think it’s good. I haven’t seen it myself.”

“right? I think it’s worth an interview.”


Fortunately, Kang Joo-yeon also had a favorable attitude.

Along with Camilla, I left Angela’s application off the list of interviewers.

Camilla didn’t even need to look at the application form.

One of the best grades among California Academy exchange students.

A talented person who even won the <Simple Martial Arts Contest> at the end of the semester.

It was rather a loss for me not to take such a holder to the raid.

‘Probably Park Jin-woo will die of love too.’

… It was also a selection that included some connections.

“Oh right. Jooyeon, are there any clan members who applied for Judgment of Fire?”

I asked her about something that came to mind.

From nob le mt l dot com

Just as clan members from major domestic clans applied for our raid this time, there were always volunteers from the three major clans.

In <Yongkwang Sword Road>, he sent two senior clan members, A and B, respectively, and in <Royal>, he sent Seong Na-yeon, an A-rank holder who also escorts Moon Ga-eun.

… At this point, Seong Na-yeon is almost Moon Ga-eun’s escort.

However, there seemed to be no news about Judgment by Fire, so I asked Kang Joo-yeon directly.

“maybe… I think Soo-mi Lee holder will apply.”


I was a little surprised when I heard the name I had forgotten for a while.

<Judgment by Fire> Clan member, Lee Soo-mi.

A B-class holder who showed mature divine-type powers.

The <Villain> eradication operation was carried out with us, and the shocking truth was revealed that he was the younger brother of Cha Soo-yeon, who was the head of the branch at the time.

Afterwards, I heard that he took on all the missions of defeating the remnants of <Villain> within the clan, but I did not expect to encounter him in such an unexpected place.

I nodded and said.

“It’s definitely a verified divine class. A good crew came in.”

“… huh.”

In fact, without having to go through an interview, he said that he passed as a raid member.

To my declaration, Kang Joo-yeon also responded brightly.

She didn’t show it either, but it seemed that Lee Soo-mi, who wandered around in the clan, was worried about her.

“okay! That’s it for today, let’s take a break now. We worked too hard.”


He pats the table lightly and arranges the papers.

The screening wasn’t over yet, but I had to work until tomorrow anyway.

“… … .”

“… Leading role?”

However, Joo-Yeon Kang, who finished cleaning up…

Suddenly, I went to the bed in the corner of the room and sat down.

Sitting on the side as if kneeling while holding on to the bed handle.

Clearly somehow familiar.

It was like I had seen it somewhere before.

“… I am ready.”

Ready to rest… .

Her voice echoes softly.

… Is it deja vu?

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