229 – Raid Recruitment (2)

News that would shake the holder world again was delivered.

The academy’s hero, Korea’s biggest prospect.

Do Jae-hyun, the youngest and closest holder to S-rank.

He surprised the people around him with every step he took, but this time he took his first steps as a professional holder.

– Do Jae-hyeon, recruiting a temporary raid to attack the undiscovered dungeon!

– Recruitment guidelines posted on the association’s website. Turns out to be official…

-Korea Holder Association, “The dungeon is under protection of the right to capture.”

Temporary Raid Recruitment.

In the domestic holder system, which mostly operates on a clan basis, the largest ad hoc group that independent holders can assemble.

The main case is to recruit from the association when a disaster monster appears, and is often recruited when the size of an undiscovered dungeon is large and the difficulty is high.

And in the case of the latter…

Only holders with high reputation and rank can do this.

More precisely, that’s how recruitment works.

This is because there is no need to enter an attacking party led by a sub-holder, and reliability drops sharply if an anonymous holder leads it.

So, the holders probably wouldn’t have attacked a dungeon of that size in the first place, but even if there was, they wouldn’t even bother recruiting a temporary raid group.

-The first among the students belonging to the academy! Do Jae-hyeon’s temporary raid.

– Do Jae-hyeon, who has the qualifications, has no shortage as a raid leader.

-Already moving holders… Class A holder Lim Hyun, “I’m interested”

In the meantime.

Do Jae-hyeon, who is still a student, suddenly started recruiting raiders.

Of course, it was the first among academy students, and the first to be recruited at such a young age.

The youngest attack leader.

It was the moment when a new nickname was attached to him, who already had a lot of modifiers.

Due to this unconventional news and announcement, the holder world and various communities were also upset and upset.

No matter which site you visit…

Only Do Jae-hyeon’s story lingered.

<Holder Korea>

-Are you making a real raid? Isn’t it chirashi?

└ Association official

└ Wow, it’s really hard, it’s going to be a risk

– Is it you again? GOAT

└ I worship you..

-I’m 21 years old, I’m an A-class holder, and I’m starting a raid hahahaha f*ck my life

└ Do Jae-hyeon raid leader form is crazy

└ I don’t even feel inferior at this level hahahaha I’m so f*cking envious

└ The important thing is unbreakable talent

-No, who applies for that kind of thing;; A raw starter raid…

└ Am I going to apply? Highest pay for success ever.

└ Do you believe in that? Do Jae-hyun has some money, so he gave it to me.

└ Then don’t do it hahahaha Who threatened to do it with a knife?

└ Stupid ㅋ Blocked

-Can a C-level holder apply for this?

└ Available from B level or higher ㅇㅇ

└ Ah ㅠㅠ I want to see Jaehyun-nim’s face just once..

From a community with a large number of young generation holders.

<Korean Rune Research Association>

– Do Jae-hyun The propulsion of the holder is amazing. I was young.

└ You didn’t become a top-tier holder at that age for nothing.

-Do you have any members who want to apply this time?

└ I’m applying for that B-class warrior class.

└ I’ll go with you. Any runes you’ve come up with?

└ Of course, it’s the flow sword method. I’m applying to see the floating sword.

-If you pass the raid, can you see the Dragon Balls?? If you look at it once, you won’t have a wish…

└ Huh. Didn’t you see it during the villain sweep? It was really great.

└ There was an important dungeon raid at that time ㅠㅠ

– I’m curious about the level of the previously undiscovered dungeon. If it’s the level of the deep green meadow, it looks like it’s enough to apply.

└ From what I’ve heard, it’s said to be much more difficult than Deep Green Meadow.

Research groups and related sites where mid-sized holders mainly communicate.

All communities related to rune holders in Korea focused their attention on Do Jae-hyun’s unconventional challenge.

From nob le mt l dot com

Just like when Song Hyeon-ah revealed how to acquire the [Sword] rune, and Yoo Eun-seol revealed the information about the <Room of the Transcendent>…

It was a heat that was close to a gale.

“Camilla, what are you going to do?”

A woman with long red hair.

Angela Gremville asked the blonde beauty sitting next to her.

Her name is Camilla Flores.

A holder of the California Academy and an exchange student who came to Korea.

Likewise, he was also the motive of Angela, who belonged to the academy.

The two were discussing the ‘creation of Do Jae-hyeon’s temporary raid’, which has now become a hot topic.

This is because it was written that there was no distinction of nationality in participating in the raid.

In other words, two people who went over as exchange students were able to apply.

“Um, well… .”

Camilla smiled strangely and looked away.

I blurted out the end of my words and avoided a definite answer, but in fact the correct answer was fixed.

Established a raid group to attack an undiscovered dungeon.

A large party that recruits at least 20 people with a B grade standard.

Remuneration for participation and success is at an all-time high.

This is an opportunity that is hard to find even in the US.

It was strange that he hesitated to apply.

Besides, Camilla is still a student holder.

The tendency to not select students as party members is the same as in Korea and the United States, so the opportunity to participate in this raid was even more precious to her.

But there was another factor that decidedly encouraged her.

-Camilla… ! If you have time, would you like to do this with me? The raid leader is my friend, so if we apply, we get a free pass. do you remember The guy I fought with back then.

The first man she met when she came to Korea, and the man she became closest to.

Even though I lost to a friend and once to Camilla…

A man who never lost his confidence in an unbending position.

A much brighter and more stylish holder than other vanity holders.

That’s why he suggested participating in this raid.

While speaking English, which is still not good enough.


Recalling Park Jin-woo, Camilla burst into laughter.

A man who asks for a date by participating in a dungeon raid.

what the worst man

But I didn’t like it.

I liked his sincerity in contrast to his poor English.

“huh. to apply.”

It was for this reason that Camilla was willing to join the raid.

“Angela, are you going to do it too?”

“If Camilla goes, I’ll go too.”

Angela nodded happily at Camilla’s question.

It was a classmate who had only recently known her, but in this area, Angela was quite compatible.

* * *

Hanam, Gyeonggi-do.

A ruined subterranean space in a remote area.

Hwang Seong-yeon was drinking beer in a large glass.

There are already eight empty bottles around it.

It was a passage that showed how maniacally he likes beer.


gulp- gulp-

In the quiet underground space, only the sound of pouring alcohol and passing one’s throat can be heard…

There was no change in the expression of the owner, Hwang Seong-yeon.

Rather than drinking for a purpose, it seemed like drinking mechanically, like a habit.



with the sound of a door opening.

The drinking in the silence ended only then.

“Have you come?”

“It’s late. sorry.”

“Okay. Waiting time was also quite fun.”

The man who arrived at the meeting place belatedly took out some papers from his bosom.

A very familiar name, often written in it.

Hwang Seong-yeon’s eyes shone lightly.

“After Do Jae-hyeon, the holder, asked the association to protect the attacking rights, we recruited a temporary raiding party. The raid attempt dungeon, as expected, matches our Ludenark’s target dungeon.”

“Is it Jaehyun Do again?”

“… That’s right.”

“That’s a really interesting story.”

Hwang Seong-yeon’s expression is slightly interested.

It was something he had originally intended to do, but as his interest increased, the degree of immersion doubled.

He said, pouring the rest of the beer into his mouth.

“It’s a lot of fun. How did he come to know so well, that guy?”

“As a result of the investigation, it is a coincidence.”

“That coincidence is too much. like… As if he knew something.”


To Hwang Seong-yeon, Do Jae-hyeon has always been an interesting subject.

His actions and his skills.

Everything was a stimulus to Hwang Seong-yeon’s joy.


Hwang Seong-yeon, who roughly put the empty glass down on the table, said.

“So, what are your plans?”


Those called Ludenarks.

According to the expression the man of Robe said, those who are called ‘devourers’.

They were Hwang Seong-yeon’s helpers in this plan.

“First of all, I move with Seongyeon Hwang. You can completely entrust me with the magical processing required in a non-combat situation or the details of the operation. You can see it as a kind of staff role.”

“In a combat situation?”

“The magic of Ludenark will never be a nuisance.”

At that, Hwang Seong-yeon nodded.

Their magic skills had already been verified to some extent.

The guys who came from the other world and didn’t even know the consonants of Hangeul speak such natural Korean with improved interpretation magic…

There was nothing more to say about other ordinary magic.

“Where is the other one? I heard that two breakaways will be added.”

“I will join the raid directly. It acts as a bridge from the inside and tries to connect with us.”

“If my career was ambiguous, I would be fired right away.”

Hwang Seong-yeon slightly frowned.

The domestic holder world has become very sensitive about spies after the sweep of <Villain>.

Without accurate identification, it had to be seen that it was almost impossible to penetrate as easily as before.

But it doesn’t seem to worry.

Hwang Seong-yeon’s assistant, the defector, said confidently.

“It will be fine. It didn’t go into the Korean holder, and it made an excuse to enter easily.”

If that all goes well…

There will be no problems with the plan at all.

At the words of the defector, Hwang Seong-yeon nodded and clicked her tongue inwardly.

‘Jerk the. You still don’t know Do Jae-hyeon.’

A 21-year-old promising holder from the academy.

It’s a perfect sign to look down on the outside, but…

In fact, he wasn’t such an easy opponent.

When I recalled how embarrassed Hwang Seong-yeon had been with him directly or indirectly, I could see that he was a holder that should not be taken lightly.

Rob’s man.

Even though he was so resentful of Do Jae-hyeon’s interruption, it seemed that he was still ignoring him.

‘It doesn’t matter as long as it’s fun.’

However, Hwang Seong-yeon did not care much.

His purpose everywhere is simple.

Space and opportunity to slaughter to your heart’s content.

And an opponent that can be fun to fight.

The most reasonable thing to realize him was Ludenark’s plan.

So, as long as he could fight with Do Jae-hyun to his heart’s content and have fun, he wasn’t very interested in Luden Arc.

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