185 – end of second semester (3)

Monday evening, Academy Student Union Building.

The circle room conference room in <Anti-Villain>.

There were all the familiar faces I hadn’t seen in a long time.

Starting with my classmate Lee Hyeon-ho, sophomore seniors I haven’t seen in a while, and Yoon Ji-ah, who is preparing to graduate.

I’m not as close as the other four friends, but they were all precious circle members to me.

After I greeted them one by one.

I slowly grabbed the microphone in the center of the conference room.

“Hello everyone.”


A quiet echo rang out.

Even though it was a meeting called during the exam period, most of the members’ expressions were bright.

That, of course, brings peace and safety to the academy…

And it was probably because the circle’s purpose had been achieved.

“Is it almost two months?”


To my light question, the members nodded in affirmation.

After the day of the <Villain> sweeping operation.

<Anti-Villain> only gathered once temporarily, but never properly gathered.

It was because I had declared a temporary suspension of the Circle’s activities.

Through the combined operation, <Villain> was completely wiped out.

It was still left behind by the members of the Clan, but it was safe to say that all the roots of the problem had been pulled out.

Because of that, the purpose of the Circle was achieved much earlier than expected, and in an extreme sense, the reason for the Circle’s existence also disappeared.

‘Circle activities have been blown away.’

Actually, it wasn’t just about our circle.

As the whole academy was in a chaotic atmosphere after going through such a large-scale incident, other circles were also unable to continue their activities properly.

This second semester was not the right time for circle activities.

Therefore, I had time to reset the direction of my future circle activities.

It was a temporary suspension of activities for him, and today was the time to explain the results to the members.

“First of all, thank you for coming during the exam period. Is everyone having a good time?”

To that question, Kim Chae-eun and Park Jin-woo answered instead.

“No problem-!”

“Oh, it’s been a long time since I gave up on the test.”


At the answer of the two mood makers, most of the members burst into laughter.

Even though we hadn’t seen each other in a long time, there was no awkwardness between us at all.

I also said with a gentle smile on my lips.

“Then let’s start the circle meeting. Before the conference, there are two pieces of good news. at first… ”

My gaze turned to the member sitting on the right.

The only third-year member among the members, and the vice-president of the circle.

It was Jiah Yoon.

“Senior Jiah Yoon, who served as the vice-president of our circle for a while, said that she finally passed the Judgment of Fire Clan this time. Congratulations, senior.”


“Wow… .”

The top 3 domestic clans are always envied by holders.

The best clan that everyone wants to join.

It was certainly surprising that one of them had a student who had just graduated from the academy.

In particular, I heard that it is the only one among the 3rd year wizards this year.

As the admiring glances of the members poured out, Ji-ah Yoon smiled embarrassedly.

“Thank you everyone. I think the fact that I was active in anti-villain had an effect on my final pass. It’s a circle I’m grateful for in many ways.”

At the short impression, all the members applauded wildly.

Everyone was sincerely congratulating the vice president who did his best for the circle despite being busy.

No matter how much she resents <Villain>, her range of activities was enormous.

He almost took charge of the operation of <Anti-Villain> alone, participated in the circle’s core activity, ‘field dispatch to Japan’, and even entered the final sweep operation as an academy member.

All of this was done concurrently with the interview for <Judgment by Fire>, so it was truly monstrous activity.

“As senior Jiah Yoon graduated, the position of vice president of the circle became vacant. We will discuss this again in this meeting. And the second good news is… ”

I stopped talking and looked around for a while.

Then he smiled and spoke.

“Our anti-villain circle has been selected as the official Academy Circle of the Year. This is a feat accomplished in just three months since the establishment of the circle, beating all other large circles.”

“… OMG?”

“Oh, really?”

Everyone was surprised by my words and asked back.

‘Circle of the Year’ selected by the Academy every year.

This award is given to the circle that showed the most enthusiastic activity and noteworthy achievements during the year.

Circle additional support money, plaque, recommendation letter from the president, etc…

It is the flower of the circle activity that provides the best benefits that can be received within the academy.

Our <Anti-Villain> Circle was honored with the award right before the end of the second semester.

Today, the day before the award, the club president contacted me first.

Perhaps starting tomorrow, posters about this will be put up on the student union bulletin board and various affiliated buildings.

“Yeah. I was definitely contacted. So everyone can be proud. Because the Academy directly acknowledged our circle’s contribution to clearing up the villains this time.”

Although the circle’s goal disappeared too quickly, in fact, the performance our circle showed during the past 3 months was by no means small.

The very creation of the Circle instilled a sense of crisis in the leaders of the <Villain> clan, and it hastily accelerated the resulting raid.

Since then, with direct support from <Judgement of Fire> and <Royal>, he showed the momentum to collaborate with a large clan for the first time among academy circles.

In particular, the ‘unlicensed warp gate’ found in the field dispatch to Japan blocked the main source of income for <Villain>, and in the full-scale sweep operation, a large number of circle members participated and led the operation to success.

‘… This is not at the level of Circle.’

Although the circle was founded only three months ago, there was no circle within the academy that could follow our achievements.

In a way, it was a natural award.

“Oh, but what’s good about getting that?”

“There are so many, it’s hard to say them all. Read the benefits for yourself later.”

“Tell me the most important things.”

“You can apply for both ‘Group Battle Room’ and ‘Private Battle Room’ in the gymnasium. It’s a free pass.”

“… It really is the best benefit.”

When Park Jin-woo recited the benefit he would most like, he muttered with a bewildered face.

As it is a circle award that can only be received once a year, there were quite a lot of benefits that could be helpful to each member.

After we chatted for a while and shared the joy of winning the award.

Soon, the atmosphere was corrected, and the meeting began in earnest.

“Then, let’s start this meeting soon. As you might have guessed, this agenda is about the continuation of our circle.”

When I brought up an important topic, everyone looked at me with nervous faces.

In fact, even if it was selected as the ‘Circle of the Year’, it was <Anti-Villain> that was no different from a time-limited circle.

As long as the Circle’s main goal is gone…

In fact, all that was left was the dismantling process.

Today’s meeting was also a gathering to finish him off.

“To begin with, the dissolution of the circle is final.”

“ah… .”


A small exclamation is heard at my cool words.

There was a voice that seemed to be expected, a feeling of regret, and a calm reaction…

Complex elements that are difficult to put into words were mixed.

“The Villain Clan has already reached the stage of disintegration, and at the point of finding peace… I think the existence of our circle is no different from punching the air. Just as you agreed to my reckless plan when I first started the Circle, I also felt that I should respect your free will in achieving the goal.”

I nodded a couple of times and continued.

“So our circle wants to stop at the most honorable and beautiful moment.”

The dissolution of the <Anti-Villain> circle.

We made achievements that no other circle could achieve within 3 months of establishment, but as we were created with a short-term goal, we had to go on a new path even though it was regrettable.

In this regard, most of the members seemed to agree.


“However, we want to postpone that point until next year.”

It wasn’t right now.

suspension of dissolution.

At the sudden words, I said with a slight smile to the members who looked puzzled.

“As you all know, there are still many Villain Clan members in Korea who have not been arrested. It is said that the number gathered during the last operation was less than half, so at least 100 Villain Clan members are scattered.”

Almost all of the heads have been captured, but the small pikes are still roaming around.

If you leave them alone, saying that you can’t give them dog habits, they will eventually turn into another criminal.

Perhaps ‘outholders’ were the ones who would easily overcome them and become a nuisance.

“Therefore, our circle is going to do activities to catch those remaining villain clan members in the future. You might ask why Circle had to step in and do that, but… In fact, if you have to find something you don’t have to do and do it, isn’t it a circle activity?”

At that, all the members nodded their heads.

of the people gathered here.

No one was forced into the circle.

“The activity period is until the recruitment of new circle members next year. Anti-Villain will be disbanded during summer vacation in the first semester of next year. Therefore, those who want to work together can do it together, and those who want to go out can go out as much as they like. As was the case at the beginning, the choice is yours. I will just persevere with what I have planned. Please decide freely.”

That’s how I finalized the meeting agenda.

The dissolution of the circle is confirmed.

But the grace period is until next summer.

You are free to leave the circle within it.

It was something that was decided after thinking about it for a long time.

And… .


“So, when will the vice president be elected?”

“He talks about boring things for a long time.”

The members of the circle laugh and joke.

There was not a single member who left the circle with this decision.

* * *

After a meeting that was long if it was long and short if it was short.

I was left alone in the circle room.

The future circle direction was being reset.

In fact, it was not in my expectation that all the members of the circle would remain, so it was necessary to change the direction of activities more actively accordingly.

“What are you so busy with?”


However, it seems that he was not left alone.

When I turned my head at the sudden voice, Kim Chae-eun was smiling and looking at me.

“Didn’t you go?”

“yes. I went to the bathroom and came back.”

“Can I not study for the test?”

“hehehe, you don’t either.”

“It hits the bone.”

A smile forms on my lips without my knowledge.

With the corner of his mouth lowered, he wrote down the plan he had been writing.

Kim Chae-eun sat next to me and chatted with me.

“They secretly liked it.”


“Circle didn’t disband right away. Even if I pretended not to, everyone must have felt sorry for me. It takes quite a bit.”

“I know. It’s a scenario I hadn’t even thought of, this.”

It was not in the plan that everyone did not leave.

I wondered if most of the 2nd year seniors would drop out, but not a single one left, which made me feel both strange and happy.

It must mean that the circle I have led is not an organization that will decide for simple reasons.

“I especially like Hyeon-ho.”

“Lee Hyeon-ho?”

“yes. He pretends to be blunt, but his expression is all readable.”

The reason was roughly guessed.

Maybe it’s because of Hwang Seong-yeon.

Lee Hyeon-ho is a person who lost his mother because of Hwang Seong-yeon.

No matter how much <villain> is wiped out, his pursuit will not end unless Hwang Seong-yeon is caught.

‘So do i.’

Although not as much as Lee Hyun-ho, Hwang Seong-yeon became a goal for me as well.

A holder who casually kills innocent citizens.

A man who brutally murdered people at the academy.

Hwang Seong-yeon is definitely the worst criminal in Korea.

I wanted to find him who ran away someday and catch him with my own hands.

To do that, first of all, I also needed to have the skills of an S-class holder.



I was lost in thought for a while.

I turned my head at the voice of Kim Chae-eun calling me.

She was staring at me, pursed lips.

A look that seems to have something to say.

And that hesitation did not last long.

“Perhaps… What are you doing this Christmas?”


Something to come has come.

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