184 – end of second semester (2)

end of December.

The year is drawing to a close.

For me, who fell into a new world, it was the first year of my life.

A year full of words and troubles,

The second semester, which was full of poisonous incidents…

Now I really ran towards the end.

<2nd Semester End Notice>

-The end of this semester has been postponed by one week from December 16th (Fri) to December 23rd (Fri). Professors, please adjust the lecture plan according to the schedule.

The notice of the end of the class that was uploaded in advance during the last temporary closure period.

The temporary suspension period was a total of two weeks, but the academy flexibly adjusted the schedule and delayed the end of the second semester by just one week.

This temporary suspension occurred due to internal circumstances of the academy, and it was because there was no way to take away the schedules of individual students.

Thanks to that, the end of the second semester is December 23rd.

In other words, it was confirmed before Christmas and Eve started.

And, of course, it was a decision that received enthusiastic cheers and support from the students.

<Everyday – Seo.Hall.A>

-Wow, the end of the lecture before Christmas has a sense.

└ So lol You can play without worrying about exams on Christmas.

└ You have no one to be with for Christmas anyway.

└ Why is it a fight?

-The academy work is doing well these days. What.

└ Isn’t it because Gat Wonho ran it alone? I heard that Tak Won-hyeok and Tak Won-sang were both defeated.

└ Yes? where is the official

└ It’s my brain

-Honestly, from the standpoint of the warriors, it would be nice if Wonho Gat had to give up management and give a lecture hahahaha Everyone can run the operation, but not everyone can lecture.

└ Takwonho is that much? Aren’t all the professors there?

└ It’s because you haven’t met a really good professor.

-Ha, I won’t be able to see California when the class ends now.. My eyes were good and good

└ But the American kids didn’t even finish their classes, so how did they come to Korea?

└ I don’t know?

└ The American Academy operates in 3 semesters. ㅇㅇ They were on vacation when they came here.

Monday of the last week of class.

I sat on one side of the classroom and read the responses from the student holder community.

It is various, but most of them said that the academy these days does a good job.

Of course, this was something I agreed with.

Certainly, the academy’s work these days was clear.

“It’s awkward because I’m suddenly good at work.”

However, it’s just amazing to do things that I haven’t done in a row.

Moon Ga-eun, who was next to me, responded with a smile.

“It would be disappointing if the people at the top heard it.”

“Well. The operation has been a bit strange in the meantime.”

“Do you literally say that to Professor Tak Won-ho?”

“… What does our Ga-eun want to eat? Why is that, again. Let’s talk, let’s talk.”

“Ugh, gross. Do not.”

Moon Ga-eun, who shook her head in disgust, soon agreed with my words with a subtle smile.

“Still, admit that. It seems the academy has suddenly changed.”

To be honest, from the student’s point of view, it’s embarrassingly tidy.

In fact, the negative image of the Seoul Holder Academy has been stronger than the positive.

Monopoly in the domestic academy market.

Lack of manpower and poor quality of professors.

The internal operation is clogged and stuffy…

Even counting the things that immediately come to mind, my hands are full.

If the image is not good, the media will attack and bite every time something happens.

Even the Tak family, which was in charge of the operating foundation, was called synonymous with ‘incompetence’.

“Do you feel like you’ve been completely renewed since the last operation?”

“Precisely from the second semester.”

“Oh right.”

The academy has made a difference.

The starting point was the recruitment of famous instructors, which began simultaneously with the second semester.

By recruiting talented top holders such as Yoo Eun-seol, Jeong Seon-yeong, and Lim Hyeon one after another, the quality level of academy education has been raised significantly, albeit in a short period of time.

And the decisive blow is the last <villain> sweeping operation.

As soon as the operation was successfully completed, the academy showed solid work handling as if it had waited.

Certain compensation was provided to the victims of raids and operations, and the inside of the academy, which was about to be in ruins, was tidied up during the school break.

In addition, the collaboration with California Holder Academy, which had been prepared for a long time, proceeded smoothly, and the students also carried out a series of surprising projects.

The flexibility in handling trivial and trivial tasks such as shortening the end of the class this time was a bonus.

“I guess the rumors were true.”

“What rumors?”

In response to my question, Moon Ga-eun looked around for a while…

He came closer and whispered.

“Why, rumors that there was a spy for the villain on the management side.”

“… … .”

At first glance, it sounds like a conspiracy theory, but it wasn’t without credibility.

Last semester’s end-of-semester evaluation’s Dalian opponent assignment or incompetent supervisors, Kim Do-yoon’s unclear <by-product collection> group assignment in this second semester… There are quite a few unusual phenomena that I experienced right now.

It wasn’t awkward at all even if the <villain> side breathed in.

Besides, they were infiltrating the top 3 clans and holder associations in Korea, so there was no reason they couldn’t infiltrate just because they were academy management.

Cha Soo-yeon and Ji Yoon-jae are currently being intensively interrogated by the Holder Association.

If we could get information from them, who were the Academy’s key spies, we would probably be able to draw a more definite conclusion.

“Anyway, it’s nice that it’s different.”

“I know. To be honest, I didn’t expect it.”

Anyway, the current academy has changed.

In particular, seeing that Professor Tak Won-ho is extremely busy these days, it felt like he had clearly taken the lead among the Tak family’s heirs when it came to running the academy.

It was a good end to the year and a move worth looking forward to next year.

“Oh, the professor is here.”

While chatting with Moon Ga-eun…

Professor Kim Kwang-bu entered the classroom on time.

It was for the last class of <collecting by-products>, a common subject that only had two this semester.

“Nice to meet you, students.”

<Collection of by-products> is a lecture aimed at directly collecting the by-products of monsters, including mana stones, and finally acquiring the [Slaughter] rune.

There was a time when I hesitated for a while because of the Kim Do-yoon attack, but Professor Kim Kwang-bu led the lecture well to the end with his unique experience.

Today, we had time to summarize all the classes so far and briefly talk about the direction students should have in the future.

It was a class that focused on field practice, so there was no special final exam.

We talked for about 30 minutes or so.

Professor Kim Kwang-bu slowly finished the class.

“ … … As you are well aware, the talents of rune holders are divided into innate talents and acquired talents. And slaughtering is often an acquired talent.”

Taking a deep breath, he continued.

“Even if you didn’t get the butchery series rune by the end of this semester, students, please don’t be too disappointed. As I have always emphasized, harvesting by-products is a battle of perseverance and perseverance.”

innate and acquired talents.

While the former refers to runes acquired upon awakening, the latter refers to runes that can be acquired according to the holder’s efforts.

Read at readwn.com

Just like Kim Chae-eun acquired the [Frozen Battlefield], or Song Hyun would soon acquire the [Sword].

Rune holders have a chance to acquire runes even after the first awakening.

Among them, [Slaughter] is a representative common rune belonging to Acquired Acquisition.

Read at readwn.com

Just as I had acquired [Magic Control] while listening to the lecture before, I had heard <Gathering By-Products> to obtain the [Slaughter] rune.

‘… I didn’t get it in the end.’

I listened intently to the lecture, but unfortunately I didn’t get any runes.

It could be that I don’t have any talent for slaughtering, or it could be that it’s not the timing to get runes yet.

But it didn’t matter too much to those who had no talent.

Even if it wasn’t a rune, <Collecting by-products> helped me a lot in understanding monsters and by-products, and if the moment came when I really needed it, [Rune Hunter] was enough to acquire it.

“Then, today’s class, no, this semester’s by-product collection class will end here. Everyone has worked hard so far.”

Finally, Professor Kim Kwang-bu said…

The first class of the second semester is over.

With the students saying, “Thank you for your hard work,” the full classroom began to empty.

“Wow- it’s over-”

After class, Moon Ga-eun stretched and was delighted.

That look makes me laugh without even realizing it.

“Is it that good?”

“yes! I feel something is ending. It’s a pity that I didn’t get the slaughter rune.”

Moon Ga-eun was also unable to obtain the rune.

Moon Ga-eun expressed deep regret for him.

Even though <Royal> already has professional slaughter holders, they say that they really wanted to get [slaughter] themselves.

Me too, but Moon Ga-eun was also a holder who was very interested in acquiring common runes.

I looked at the watch for a moment and asked her.

“Are there any exams today?”

“yes. All my exams are on Tuesday and Wednesday.”

“I’m glad. Then study, then come to the circle room later.”

At those words, Moon Ga-eun widened her eyes.

“Are you going to have a meeting?”

“Yeah, 30 minutes? to make it shorter It’s the end of this week, so everyone can’t come.”

Almost all of the <Villain> clan was wiped out in the last operation, but the <Anti-Villain> circle still remained.

It was also because there were still <villain> clan members hiding in every corner of society, and because I, the club president, hadn’t conveyed a special position.

At today’s meeting, we wanted to talk about the future direction of such <Anti-Villain>.

Read at readwn.com

Just as the academy came to an end and the lectures ended well, it was the moment when I had to take responsibility for the circle I created.

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