182 – Do you know Jaehyun Do? (3)

“I’m really going after… .”

It’s overworked.

There was no other kind of cruelty like this.

Because of Professor Tak Won-ho’s busy schedule these days, I split my time and sparred with him from dawn…

In the morning, out of nowhere, Park Jin-woo took me to sparring.

Park Jin-Woo is a guy who never asks for something like this, so he did his best to listen…

After working so hard, my whole body ached.

“You bastard Park Jin-woo… Selling a friend for a woman.”

Even thinking about it again makes my teeth clench.

At the gymnasium, where I went to the gymnasium with the twist that it was a ‘really important issue’, there was a foreign woman with blonde hair and blue eyes.

An American holder named Camilla Flores.

A student who came to this academy’s foreign exchange project.

Park Jin-woo brought me under the pretext of showing her the ‘fight of Korean holders’.

“The Korean holders’ fight is a piece of shit.”

That it was all bullshit, I figured out as soon as I arrived.

Camilla’s beautiful appearance and bright energy.

A friendly atmosphere between the two in the gymnasium.

In the midst of the conversation where laughter blossomed, I couldn’t help but feel the strange air current.

Park Jin-woo used me as a sacrifice in order to lead a more colorful conversation topic.

“Damn you child. They pretended not to be interested.”

When I first saw the scene, I was honestly shocked.

Fight addict Park Jin-woo, who seemed to be getting stronger as his goal in life, showed interest in women.

A surprise to everyone who knew him.

It was a peculiar phenomenon that had never happened in the original work.

“Because there was no romance in the original work in the first place.”

<Next Rune Holder> is a pure growth story with no romance.

The main themes are Park Jin-woo’s growth process, battles, human relations, and the punishment of good and evil, but there was no content about the love of the main characters.

That’s why Kang Joo-yeon’s name in the play is classified as ‘the heroine’.

She is literally the heroine.

He was another main character in the play, showing growth in a different direction from Park Jin-woo.

Because of that, there was no romance between the main characters in the original work, and of course, what happened now was a strong butterfly effect that appeared through my intervention and numerous variables.

A new character named Camilla and Park Jin-woo’s interest outside of combat.

It was a very strange yet strange sight.

“Whatever… Isn’t that bad?”

I grinned and scratched my cheek.

My body was all swollen, but my heart was light.

Anyway, now Park Jin-Woo is my friend.

It’s almost the only one who can share a sword, a best friend who communicates a lot both internally and externally.

How was the original work, how was the butterfly effect…

It didn’t matter.

The important thing is that my friend found a woman he liked and asked me for help to do something better.

In helping him, there was no reason not to be happy.

I did my best in the sparring with Park Jin-woo.

Although Park Jin-Woo lost, Camilla was delighted with the high level of sparring regardless of the outcome.

It was a holder who seemed genuinely interested in handling martial arts.

And after the Dalian is over.

He called Park Jin-woo separately and handed him a map of the academy and a map of major facilities and gave him advice.

-This cafe has a particularly good atmosphere, so go see it if you have time after we guide you.

Park Jin-Woo’s face seemed quite surprised by the sincere advice.

Is he shy? He was saying things that didn’t make any sense.

-Oh… I know this well, but why are you doing this?

– What, all of a sudden. Why do you have to tell me?

-Ugh- No. Anyway, thank you for your help today. really.

– If you’re grateful, then shoot yourself a chin later.

-Today’s 10 rounds of free sparring, I’ll increase it to 20 rounds.

-Oh, little! I don’t need anything like that.

Anyway, Park Jin-woo left to ride a thumb under the guise of a guide, and I was back at the cafe.

Throw away the finished coffee and order another sweet drink.

I came to fill the fallen party, but I was exhausted again from the sparring just now.

A charge per second was needed.

And while resting with my face leaning against the cafe table.

I want to throw it away right away, the sickest text message came again.

[Professor Kang Dong-wook] Do Jae-hyeon Holder, didn’t you forget today’s field practice? Let’s run properly today and make it to the 2nd stage of sealing! ha ha ha.

“… Really save me.”

For some reason, the schedule seemed to have gotten busier after finishing a big event.

* * *

Yoo Eun-seol has been in a pretty good mood lately.

At first, he was an academy instructor who took office for personal purposes only, but after teaching for more than two or three months, he developed some affection for the students.

The <villain> clan who took away the peace of such students and slaughtered innocent citizens.

<Villain> was the first time Eunseol Yoo felt such strong hatred towards a specific group.

After eradicating them all, the academy regained stability.

That alone was enough to increase the tension of Yoo Eun-seol.

But that wasn’t all.

-Do Jae-hyun, you worked again! Succeeded in the 1st step of the Order of Harmony.

– Korea’s biggest prospect, Do Jae-hyun’s move. Highly praised by foreign media!

-Do Jae-hyun is Yu Eun-seol’s exclusive disciple? His luxurious teachers…

– A genius taught by a genius. Can Do Jae-hyun become the sixth S-class?

Now that the sweeping operation is over, quite a bit of time has passed.

The heat for Do Jae-hyeon had not cooled down yet.

A holder who single-handedly captured dozens of <villain> clan members and neutralized the undead army created by Hwang Dong-yeon.

Hwang Seong-yeon, who even missed Yoo Eun-seol for a while…

A holder who succeeded in competing, even for a moment, with that man who was probably an S-class holder.

The fact that Holder was still only a freshman in the academy made many people enthusiastic.

As always, Koreans love heroes.

A young hero who appeared at the academy.

Do Jae-hyun is currently the biggest prospect in the holder world in Korea.

“… … .”

Yoo Eun-seol managed to hold the corner of her mouth that was about to go up gently.

That was the reason Yoo Eun-seol was in a good mood these days.

his own disciple

A disciple whom she has entrusted to someone for the first time and is teaching her directly.

Such a person is receiving the attention of the whole nation, and in the holder world, he is even praised as ‘the best prospect’.

It was even weirder that I wasn’t feeling well.

“… Interesting.”

At first, it was just for the purpose of saving party members.

Do Jae-hyun was the ‘holder of the dragon’s energy’ that Yoo Eun-seol had been looking for, and this met the conditions to enter the double dungeon in <The River Where the Dragon’s Breath Touches>.

Yoo Eun-sul A means to an individual’s end.

It’s cold, but it was a natural story in the holder’s world.

Do Jae-hyun also gained a lot from such a relationship.

“now… .”

However, after entering the academy and receiving him as a temporary exclusive disciple.

Her perception has also changed significantly.

Do Jae-hyun was a talented holder.

He quickly and accurately absorbed all the lessons taught, and the speed at which he grew accordingly was tremendous.

Even though she is the first exclusive disciple, there has never been a blockage in Yoo Eun-seol’s education.

His performance in the <Villain> sweeping operation.

It was not an accidental fluke, but a prepared outcome.

Do Jae-hyun’s new nickname that the media keeps talking about.

Reserve S-class holder.

Yoo Eun-seol, the youngest S-class holder, thought that the possibility was not completely absent.

“Holder Yoo Eun-seol. Are you familiar with Do Jae-hyun’s holder?”

Public interest was not confined to the media.

In fact, acquaintances who have known each other often ask this question.

To ask Yoo Eun-seol, an S-rank holder, about other promising holders besides her.

Yoo Eun-seol found the situation strange, but felt good for no reason.

“He is my exclusive disciple.”

So these days, these words come out without hesitation.

To be precise, he was a temporary exclusive disciple, but it was okay without such unnecessary clarification.

“Wow, really?”

“Yeah. It’s already been several months since I taught Do Jae-hyeon holder how to dagger.”

“The contents of the article are true… . No, it’s nothing else, we really want to recruit Do Jae-hyun holder from our Sunset Flower Clan. He is a promising player who will lead the Korean holder world in the future.”

“Yes. It is no exaggeration to say that Do Jae-hyeon has the talent of Holder.”

A holder from <Sunset Flower> who once formed a party in the form of a raid.

This conversation took place at dinner with her.

And at the other person’s words, Yoo Eun-seol also nodded.

The current Do Jae-hyeon was definitely a talent that any clan could covet.

The three major clans in Korea were also gathering, but there was no reason not to rush into <Flower of the Sunset>.

‘As expected, he’s my disciple.’

And such an embarrassing thought pops into my head at the same time.

I’m not even embarrassed anymore

Is this the teacher’s joy?

The better Jaehyun Do goes, the more praised he gets…

Yoo Eun-seol felt her mood improve for no reason.

And I thought.

The ‘exclusive disciple’ that I thought only temporarily.

I think it would be okay to officially change it now.

If it was Do Jae-hyun, it seemed like it would be enough.

“By the way, Yoo Eun-seol Holder, aren’t you very close with your student?”

“… Yeah?”

Why is this all of a sudden?

Yoo Eun-seol tilted his head and asked, and the <Flower of the Sunset> clan member answered with an awkward smile.

“No, they just said Do Jae-hyun holder, Do Jae-hyun holder, so I felt awkward between the teacher and the teacher. Aha, ahahahaha. Poetry, never mind. There’s nothing I can’t say to Yoo Eun-seol holder. I’m not saying honorifics to my pupils, it doesn’t matter if it’s a title.”

“… … .”

The opponent who finishes talking in a hurry as if embarrassed.

But at those words, Yoo Eun-seol quietly kept her mouth shut.

‘… They even use honorifics.’

And I thought about it again.

If you use respectful words to your student, do you think you look too affectionate… ?

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