181 – Do you know Jaehyun Do? (2)

The academy was trying to make many changes starting from this incident.

Among them, the most representative…

As expected, exchanges with foreign academies.

Seoul Holder Academy is an academy that has almost monopolized the domestic academy market.

Although some academies exist in domestic regional bases such as Busan and Gwangju, there was no domestic academy that could follow the Seoul Holder Academy in terms of reputation and authority.

And monopoly soon brings stagnation.

The current academy naturally pooled under the name of Ilta Academy of the holder powerhouse, and this ‘lack of external exchange’, along with ‘lack of manpower’, has been pointed out as a major factor in the deterioration of the academy’s quality.

The first project to try to renew those points.

That was the foreign academy exchange project.

<Welcome to California Holder Academy exchange students!>

The front gate of Seoul Holder Academy.

A large placard hung high in the middle.

Park Jin-woo scratched his head at the unfamiliar sight he saw for the first time after entering school.

“… California?”

Although it is still a temporary suspension period, Park Jin-woo came to the academy naturally.

after all operations are complete.

After resting for about three days, I couldn’t stand it because my body was itchy at all.

It was not right for Park Jin-woo to really just rest just because he said he was going to rest.

“Something has changed drastically.”

Academy that goes to school in almost a week.

Quite a lot has changed since I didn’t see it.

Buildings that had been smashed here and there due to the invasion of the <villain> quickly regained their former appearance, and as the pre- and post-processing of the incident was finished, the gloomy academy was gradually revived.

Besides, the placard I just saw.

Student exchange with famous academies in other countries.

It must have been prepared a long time ago, but the project was already put into practice and exchange students were coming to Korea.

Although he was ridiculed by the domestic media for losing a cow and repairing the barn, the academy’s response to this incident was clear.

“It doesn’t matter to me.”

This change in the academy was a welcome innovation to the people involved, but to be honest, Park Jin-woo was not aware of it.

He just liked fighting.

I felt a great sense of accomplishment when I fought with all my strength and felt that I was getting stronger.

If rune holders each have their own beliefs, Park Jin-woo thought that such a sense of achievement was the biggest driving force that led him.

Because of this, the academy was enough as long as it had an environment where they could play well.

Space and time to train.

Opportunities and preparations for action.

An opponent who can become a target.

If there was that, there was nothing more I wanted.

“Do Jae-hyun. I’m glad I have that child.”

Although he doesn’t usually express himself well, Park Jin-woo secretly felt grateful to Do Jae-hyun.

He was a friend who had risen too high to be a rival, but perhaps because of that, he became a more suitable opponent as a target.

No matter how many times it was bumped into and broken, it served as a driving force to stand up again, and it provided an environment to play in by constantly causing accidents.

In the boring and standardized academy, Do Jae-hyeon used to bounce around like a water swallow.

And such a mess was also Park Jin-woo’s favorite environment.

“It’s okay, Tata. Shall we run today?”

Park Jin-woo warmed up and headed to the academy gymnasium.

Lots of things to try out today.

It was because he had to go through extreme battles through the last operation, and there were quite a lot of things he gained as a holder.

The stats and rune levels that had been stagnant for a while rose sharply, and there were also newly acquired abilities.

In particular, the alliance strategy that was unfolded when Cha Soo-yeon was arrested.

At that time, while using the [Unrecognizable Quicksword], there was a faint thread of enlightenment.

Today, it was my short-term goal to catch that strand more clearly.

Queek, Queek-


The academy gymnasium that I entered like that.

In a place where there seemed to be no one because it was during the holiday period, unexpectedly, there were passengers.

“synthesis! lower pressure… !!”


The sound of a strong spirit delivered in a clear voice.

A knife-like movement passing by accordingly.

At the rough presence felt on one side of the gymnasium, Park Jin-woo tilted his head and went inside.

“… uh?”

And one female holder you can see.

Sleek blonde hair and distinct features.

Pure white skin, long limbs, and sweat dripping here and there.

Above all, the feeling of the strange English that is felt in spirit.

That alone.

I knew at once that she was not Korean.

“synthesis! haap!”

She continued training with regular movements.

A shield that seemed to be bigger than his upper body.

and a generally unfavorable weapon, the rapier.

He handled the two arms freely like limbs, linking prepared and irregular movements.

‘Oh… That person is strong.’

Park Jin-woo felt it as soon as he saw her.

a strong holder

At least a B-class holder, maybe an A-class holder.

I didn’t directly compare the weapons, but I could figure it out only by the amount of magical power I felt nearby and that ‘shield technique’ that seemed to be the power of the runes.

‘The movement is unconventional.’

Her shield technique was quite shocking.

horizontally and vertically, front to back and diagonally.

Moves the shield regardless of direction.

A defense that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

The movement of the rapier protruding from within was also quite fierce.

From the start, it moves in a direction that is difficult to predict, and if it becomes predictable, it changes the path again.

Park Jin-woo, looking at the crude yet thorough battle, wondered if he would be able to win if he went down there and fought.


widely! Tadat-

at some point.

Her movement stopped.

Soon, his eyes turned to this direction.

Park Jin-woo then.

For the first time I could see her eyes.

“… … .”


It was such a deep, clean gaze.

His unwavering eyes were as clear as a lake, and his eyes were as blue as the wide sea.

His eyes seemed to have a strong will toward martial arts.

In those strange eyes…

Park Jin-woo lost his gaze in a daze.

that’s really

It was the first feeling in my life.

“who are you?”

A voice came from the woman again.

it was english

-Who are you?

I heard quite simple English that even Park Jin-woo could understand.

Tak- Tadat-


At those words, Park Jin-woo crossed the railing at once and entered the gymnasium.

If your magic power and durability are high.

It was possible to land at this height.

“Ah, um… ”

And I was immediately speechless.

Park Jin-woo scratched his head with a puzzled expression.

I came down blindly, but I couldn’t figure out how to talk to her as a foreigner.

But unexpectedly, the question came first from the woman.

“Are you a student here?”

“uh? Can you speak Korean?”

Also, Hangeul is great.

As soon as I hear a familiar language, I feel welcome.

To Park Jin-woo’s question, the woman answered with a nod.

“little. Surprisingly, I wrote in English.”

“It’s still awkward.”

“yes. I’m learning. Korean is difficult.”


At the slightly cute tone, Park Jin-woo laughed.

After rubbing his wandering hand for a while, he carefully handed it to her.

Feelings for the first time in my life.

It was an attempted handshake that barely held on to his thumping heart.

“My name is Park Jin-woo. I belong to Seoul Holder Academy, and I am a freshman in the warrior class.”

“Gourd… Jinwoo.”

A woman chewing on his name with a still slurred pronunciation.

She smiled broadly and held hands.

“I am Camilla. Camilla Flores. California Holder Academy, 1st year warrior class. Please take good care of me.”

California Holder Academy.

At that familiar name, Park Jin-woo said, ‘Ah!’ and snapped his fingers.

“You were an exchange student.”

This exchange project of Seoul Holder Academy.

Camilla seemed to be an American student holder participating in the project.

“yes. You came yesterday.”

“Wow. It really hasn’t been long.”

“yes! don’t know, a lot let me know.”

“Me, me?”

Park Jin-woo was taken aback by the conversation that flowed so naturally.

Then Camilla nodded brightly.

“yes! Korean academy, I’m curious.”

In contrast to when she was training hard, she was usually a person who conveyed bright energy to those around her.

Park Jin-woo, slightly taken aback by his clean appearance, soon regained his composure and thought.

An American holder who has just arrived in Korea.

About the academy information to teach her.

‘But what should I tell you?’

But unfortunately…

Park Jin-woo was weak in this.

Introduction to basic buildings and families.

Introduction of relevant professors and key information.

Introduction of academy facilities and nearby areas, etc.

In fact, Park Jin-woo knew very little about the content that any academy student could easily teach.

‘… I’m tired.’

It was because Park Jin-woo’s patterns were almost always similar.

Classroom – Gymnasium – Home.

Or gymnasium-classroom-home.

Excluding classes, he only trains every day, and even now, a year later, he didn’t know exactly how the academy was structured.

Of course, what he could teach Camilla was limited.

Park Jin-woo, who was concentrating his mind on a method…


A thought that came to my mind like lightning, I barely said a word.

“… By any chance, do you know Do Jae-hyun?”

“Do Jae-hyun?”

“yes. The most… ”

“ah! Know! Academy Hero! Korea’s promising star?”


At Camilla’s positive answer, Park Jin-woo called for joy.

Also Jaehyun Do.

The friend’s reputation, which had recently dominated the media headlines, also reached holders from other countries who crossed the sea.

I felt like my blood was being pierced by the flow of conversation that had been clogged.

“He is my friend. Would you like to watch him sparring with me?”

“big… lotus?”

“Ah, so fighting each other. Korean holders will show you how to fight.”

“Five! great. i love it.”

Like Camilla, who started training the day after arriving in Korea, she seemed very interested in Dalian.

After contemplation, Park Jin-woo chose the method with difficulty.

It was the sport he knew best and was good at.

“OK. Then wait a minute.”


Park Jin-woo left Camilla behind for a moment and went to one side of the gymnasium and took out his cell phone.

His friend and savior.

It was to convey this good news to Do Jae-hyeon.

[I] What are you doing?

Fortunately, the guy was looking at his phone, and the reply came in 3 seconds.

[Do Jae-hyeon] Filling the party. I feel like dying now.

[Me] Is it a cafe?

[Do Jae-hyun] Uh. Inhaling Mocha Frappuccino.

[B] Come to the gymnasium. Let’s open a plate.

[Do Jae-hyun] ?

The conversation stopped for a moment at that suggestion…

The reply came back as if it was absurd.

[Do Jae-hyun] Can’t read the letters? because i feel like dying I just had a sparring with Professor Tak Won-ho.

[Me] Do it just once today. really important.

[Do Jae-hyun] No, you say you can’t? I’m exhausted now.

[Me] If you practice sparring today, I’ll give you a ticket for 10 free sparring anytime next time.

[Do Jae-hyun] Ah, you crazy bastard. I don’t like it. And that’s what you like

There was an intense call from a friend, but Park Jin-woo was just as happy.

‘Famous friend, this is good.’

Today was a day that seemed to be going well.

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