I Favor the Villainess

244. Love and bigotry

Preparations are progressing steadily for the final battle.

Starting with the formation of an army to challenge the Demon King battle, there is much to be done from preparation for the aftermath to procurement of supplies.

We must pave the way to the Demon King, destroy the Plato and Lattes that will attack us, and defeat the Demon King.

I have to say that the journey is steep.

I decided to challenge the Demon King with a few elites.

Specifically, Claire, May, Area, Manaria, Lily, Rod, Misha, Yu, and me.

In addition, a mixed army of Bauer and Ner opens the door to reach the Devil King.

Regardless of Plato and Lattice, it is too worn out to focus on other monster herds.

The mixed army is going to open the way to that.

And about the magical barrier of the Demon King that tortured us all -

Is that what this is all about, Master Rod?

"Oh, that's what I'm talking about."

Rod nodded forcefully and slapped the magic equipment beside him.

The magic equipment is about the size of a rock, and there is a very large magic stone on the back side.

There is a sword-shaped projection in front, and there is also a magic stone in it.

The closest thing to what was in the world of the twenty-first century is the turret part of a tank.

"This is our trump card.It's a massive operation, Magi Chibray. "

"Magi Sibley... in Bauer's old words, it means focus magic."

Dear Claire,


"Focus magic... is this the magic that binds things together?"

"Well, look at this."

That said, Master Rod threw something at us one by one.

"What is this...?"

It's also a magic tool. It gathers magic from what it has, and it's the mechanism that brings it together to attack. "

I see.

The point is, is it like a magic version of a cheerful ball?

"When I fired at the last fight with the Demon King, I added the magic of the soldiers I had collected and stored in advance.Have you seen the power? "

"Yes, it was incredible."

"Now that we're going to gather more magic from Bauer's people with Sein's help, I think we'll be able to shoot far more powerful shots than before.Not so surprising as the other day, but enough for the Demon King to break through even if he really guarded him. "

Powerful words.

Is this the identity of a large-scale surgical technique developed by Mr. Rod?

"But if we need this device, we need someone to protect it, right?"

"That's right. Before the Demon Kings, you still had a fight with the two Demons, right?If they target this guy, it's gonna be a bit of a mess. "

"It's dangerous to keep it on the front lines.What is the range of this? "

It seems to have been a long way off in the last battle.

"Hmm, 500 meters at best.There's nothing more we can do, but if we're too far away, we can't aim. "

"Then it would be safer to stay back until the Demon King battle and move forward to a critical distance in the final match."

"Well, this one's powerful, but it's hard to mass produce yet.It's a one-point prototype. "

When Rod-sama gets dry, she gets short black hair.

"Well, wouldn't it be an Imperial Castle if it were a place of final battle?Indoors, I think we need to get closer... "

"How could you break a wall?"

"I don't think Philline would look good if she asked."

Nevertheless, it is certainly not the case that we are worried about buildings at a time when the survival of mankind is at stake.

"By the way, Rod, did Rod think of this?"

"Oh, yeah."

"... heh"

"Hey, what's with that surprise look?"

"No, I didn't think Mr. Rod was more of a militant or a pig thruster, or a type that didn't think much of this."

In a word, I thought it was a brain muscle, so I was surprised that Rod was right.

"Excuse me, Ray. Master Rod was originally good at his studies."

"No, Ray's right.Sure, I wasn't very good at this sort of thing.Sein was better at magic. "

That's right.

"Hey, Ray!"

"Ahahah! You really don't hesitate."

Rod continued laughing happily.

"Originally, I was more of an individual power type than a group.You didn't have any doubts about it because you had a very high magic capacity.But I thought about that revolution.That's not enough. "

Not enough?

"Oh, you two did that revolution with the help of many people, including me.It can't be done with personal power. "

It seems that he abandoned his royal registry and entered the army with such an idea.

"This magic was originally developed in anticipation of a rematch with the Manaria.But if I stand up alone, I can't win in Manaria.That's why I changed my mind.Even if I can't win alone, Bauer won't lose. "

The result seems to be this focussed magic.

"But I think Manaria-sama can spell break it."

"I think it's hard. This is the magic of shooting multiple magic pieces together.Of course, the compositional formula, but analyzing the mixed magic is purely difficult. "

I see, you're thinking about it.

"This guy, hahahaha!"

No, I'm not going to jerk off.

I'm totally impressed.

"Now, I'm turning to the Demon King instead of the Manaria, but, well, there's no problem.He's stronger than Manaria.You deserve Magi Chibray. "

"I'm counting on you, Mr. Rod.Without this, the Devil's defense barrier cannot be breached. "

"Oh, let me handle it. I'll show you something to the other crazy Ray."

That said, Master Rod smiled brightly... and looked as if he had come up with something.

"Hmm? Yeah, well, the Devil King was the other Ray."

That's right. What's that? "

"No, my ray is with Claire, but I was wondering if that ray would give me a chance."

"... Master Rod, haven't you given up yet?"

"Why should I give up?"

Mr. Rod is seriously tilting his neck.

Because of this, my type...

"I think the Demon King is obsessed with Claire much more than I am.You've seen the virtual reality of time, haven't you, Rod? "

"Oh, that record. I did see it.But he's trying to end the world, in short, because of what he thinks of Claire. "

That's right.

"Then why don't you teach him a new love?He said Ray wasn't the only one in love.Then we'll end the world. What are you thinking? "

I didn't have the idea.

However, I don't think the Demon King, who has thought of a woman all the way for hundreds of millions of years, will change his mind even now.


"Master Rod, I repeat, both the Demon King and I are in love with women.Rod-sama, who is a man, doesn't stand a chance. "

Is that what this is about?

"Yes, and the man trying to get caught in the lily is an incredible death flag."

"Lily? Death flag?"

A hatchet mark appeared on Rod's face.

"Mr. Rod, you should listen appropriately.It's Ray's usual delusion. "

"Well, then I won't mind.I'm looking forward to the Demon King Battle in many ways. "

"... the vessel is as big for nothing as it is for this person"

"Did you say something?"

"Rod-sama has a big vessel."

"Hahaha, that's unusual. I can't believe Ray praised me."

No, I didn't praise you.

When I glanced at him, Rod continued to change his expression to something serious.

"... from your point of view, you might say it's an old way of thinking, but a man wants to protect a woman he likes.Claire has you.But the Demon King isn't here right now.He's a little lonely. "

"Master Rod...."

"If only I could save the Devil in some way."


Master Rod's idea was something I didn't quite understand.

Claire is the best for me, and anyone who threatens Claire is a clear enemy.

I have no intention of relenting to my enemies.

But Master Rod has a feeling of mercy even towards such enemies.

I don't like to stereotype gender differences much and value individual differences more.

I'm sure this is the difference between a human being named Rod, who will not change until he dies, and a human being named me, who will not change even after he dies.

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