"Absolutely not!"


"We can fight too!"

"If you say no, no!"

Claire's voice was unusually rough against May and Ale.

I don't think it's impossible.

This is the accommodation for Bauer Nationals in Zuluk.

We rented out a whole house in Zuluk, and we used one of them as a temporary lodging.

"You're still kids, right?I don't want to fight the Demon King! "

Yes, it is.

Claire is upset because May and Alea have told her they want to participate in a duel against the Demon King.

I had no intention of taking the two of them, so I said, "Please leave a message because I have a little work to do." But I was immediately spotted.

If you think about it, you've heard the stories of the Devil King and the Pope, Mei and Ale, and it seems that they found out for two people with mature thoughts older than their age.

But, Mae, you guys are good.

"Maybe it's better than the rest of us."

Mae and Alea say that.

But strength is not a problem.

"Sure, Mei and Area are strong.But neither Claire nor I will take you to war. "

"So why!?"

"It won't go away!"

May and Alea step on the dungeon.


"Because May and Alea are our dear daughters.If anything happened to both of us, even if we defeated the Demon King, it would be the same for us. "

That said, May and Alea were a little silent.

I keep going.

"May and Area are strong.But now is not the time to fight.Fight when they grow up and have something to protect? "

That said, I tried to hug them.

Because I thought maybe I could convince her.

But my hand was shaken off.

"Ray, why would you say that?"

"Even we can't leave if we have a mistress!"

They challenged with tears.

I accidentally lose my words.

"I know you don't want to embarrass me, and I don't want to embarrass you!"

"We're not just children!Don't shrink! "

The two reacted harshly.

It's similar to how you reacted when you tried to leave the kingdom behind.

Being apart from Claire and me seems to inspire trauma for both of us.


"Not this time. Whatever you say, I won't take you to the Demon Kings."

"Yeah, I'm sorry, Mae, Area."

We had no intention of compromising this time.

Even if this choice hurts two people, even if they hate me, I can't give up on this.

For we are two irreplaceable daughters.

"Don't say that, I'll take you there."

A sudden voice rang from the entrance to the living room.

"Lily... no, it's time."

Standing there was time to rent Lily's body.

Lily doesn't pretend to be able to unlock people's houses.

"I don't know what you're thinking, but no matter what they say, they won't take you with them."

"Don't be so stubborn.Think harder. "

"Think carefully, what?"

Claire asked with an attitude of listening.

"Look, if we lose the fight against the Demon King, May-Barbe and Alea-Barbe will soon be killed.Shouldn't we do everything we can to win the Demon King first? "

"That's why I told you. If anything happens to May and Area, if we beat the Demon King, it doesn't make sense to us."

Winning the Demon King is not a condition, it is a condition.

I'm not talking about winning.

"That said, we can't defeat the Devil without the help of these two."

"On what grounds?"

"This is the result of my calculations.I could call it a pseudo-future-prediction. "

"... is that possible?"

Claire turned her suspicious eyes to time.

"I assure you, the power of the human side alone cannot beat the Demon King.I really need the power of May-Barbe and Alea-Barbe. "

Time says that their non-participation means the defeat of humanity.

"... still, I can't take you two.If we both die, we will die there, even if we are saved.They die alive. "

"Yeah, I can't give it up."

Rod also said, but I think it is dangerous to swallow all the words of time.

Besides, even if everything she says is true, we can't take them.

"Hmm... then I guess I should change my way of saying it.Claire-François, Ray-Taylor.Take the two of you.Otherwise, I'll kill them both. "

"Ha!? Time, what are you talking about!?"

Suddenly, Claire and I threw out the wand to cover Mei and Allear in response to the disturbing time.

"Because if you don't, you won't change your mind, will you?"

"Thought we'd give in to such threats!?"

"It's not a threat. It's just a fact."

Time does not break away from the mortal attitude.

"Well, until I take you down here."

"Can you do that? This body belongs to Lily Lillium.Can you kill her without knowing anything? "

"... make a vile imitation!"

Claire raised her willow eyebrows against the time to give back my words.

It's getting harder and harder for me to stay calm.

"I can escape without defeating you."

"Isn't that impossible?As you know, I am a system.Everywhere in this world, I'll show up. "

... it seemed like they were worse than the Demon King.

Is he really on the side of humanity?

"I apologize for what I said.But the significance of my existence is the survival of mankind.I'll do anything to do that. "

As if you had read my mind, time suddenly came to a special victory.

But I had no intention of trusting time anymore.

She doesn't lie, but she doesn't tell the whole truth.

If she rides in that mouthpiece that manipulates mankind from behind, she will move it conveniently.

Nevertheless, what should I do?

If you don't take Mei and Allear, the word in time to kill them is probably not a lie.

She will do what she deems necessary.

That's why I'm taking the two of you to a duel with the Devil King...

Ray, listen to me.

"We want to go."

Mei and Allear said that to me when I was conflicting.

"What do you mean?"

"Claire, I know you said that earlier.The other Maes were walking, but they just didn't. "

"I don't think I'm familiar with what's not hissing and what's going on."

They said that in the words of Claire earlier.

She seems to be trying to use words that are difficult for an adult woman, and she thinks desperately and spins them.

"Miichiasa, I want you to have dinner, eat, and drink."

"Even after I went there today, it was just a happiness"

But they went on.

"Mae and the others finally made it."

"The ladies gave us carrots."

They both laugh.

With an angelic smile.

"May and I don't want to stroke anymore."

"If the mistresses are stroking, I'm familiar with stroking them even as they go."

"May... rare..."

Claire hugged both of them.

They say more from inside their arms.

"Let me sit with you? So shall we all go home?"

"I don't like the two of you.I don't mind... yeah, the rare ones too! "

That's how they cling to Claire.

"Are you still hesitant when the children are ready for this?"

Time says.

With an abominably calm voice.

"Please don't be so simple."

"I feel it in your heart. But it's not just bad for the twins to participate in the final."

"? What do you mean?"

When Claire asked, time said with a smile on her face.

"If you join the duel, you'll probably be able to break the spell of twin blood."

"!? Is that true!?"

"I don't want to lie.No, I can't. "

The curse of blood - the curse on May and Area, which turns the subject touched by blood into a magic stone, could not be undone even by the tears of the moon.

Is that... solvable?

"Time, what are the odds of them getting hurt or going through the worst if you take them?"

"Injury is probably inevitable.But it won't be life-threatening. "

"Can we leave it up to you to decide where you two stand in the game?"

"It is safer to follow my calculations to some extent.It's more dangerous to accidentally place it back. "


I looked at Claire.

"Dear Claire...."

"Ray, but...."

"I didn't mean it either. I don't mean to, but I think we have to talk about time here."


Claire still seemed to have no decision.

I really don't like it either.

What makes you sad is that you have to take your daughter to war.

Time, can't you beat the Demon King if you don't take the two of us?

"Yeah, that's for sure."

"You're not gonna let them die, are you?"

"Not zero percent, but very low.That's how I get here. "

"Is it true that the curse of their blood can be lifted?"

"Yes, that's almost certain"


Claire seemed to be in the deepest conflict I've ever seen.

I know how it feels, too.

After a similar silence forever, Claire opened her mouth and said:

"I see. I'll take you both."

No, thank you.

"But think that if anything happens to you two, next time I will be the Devil King."

"... good. I'll bet on all my computing skills to protect both of you."


I took Claire's decision painstakingly, but asked Tim not to confirm it.

"But time. Let me check about three points.One, I say that I need the power of May and Ariel, but what exactly do you want me to do?Two, I told you to protect them, but what is the specific method?Three, why can the curse of blood be de-cursed?Is it related to the Devil King? "

I can't take you two without confirming these.


"We are unable to answer those questions at this time."

"... why?"

"As I told you, the Demon King has administrative authority.That's because she can't deny that she's watching my words and actions. "


After all, it is a convincing explanation.

But I can't help but feel the smell of sex from this artificial intelligence.

"Ray, let's go without relying on that person, we're going to protect ourselves.It's not up to you. "

Then Claire turned to May and Area.

"Very well? You should also consider protecting yourselves first.I can't help someone while I can't. "


Got it!

"Never move arbitrarily.I don't know who's going to give you the instructions, but I need you to do exactly what he says. "


"... I understand."

"Neither I nor Ray will die.So... don't die, either. "

"... yeah"

"... I understand..."

Claire's face was ticklish.

The anguish of having to put her on the same battlefield tears her heart apart.

Mei and Area were also used to make me cry.

"Ray-Taylor, you don't cry."

Yeah, well...

Are you okay?

I'll punch you, won't I?

Excuse me.

I don't cry because it's all my fault that this happened.

It's sweet to cry.

I have to take responsibility.

"Defeat the Demon King. It is unacceptable to make mistakes.No one is missing, it's a complete victory. "

That was the only option I was allowed.

"Let me give you another piece of advice, sparing you a healthy one.You should take Lily Lillium to the Demon Kings. "

Lily too?

Certainly, her swordsmanship is amazing, but it's not all that time says.

"The time magic she can use can reduce the power of the Demon King.Because magic comes from the flow of time. "

Time says we should slow down the demon king's flow of time.

"Wasn't it Lily's other personality who could use time magic?"

"He is now integrated into the personality of Lily Lillium.I'm just hiding it from you to remind you of your bad memories. "

Was that so?

"Break the magic barrier with Rod-Bauer's Magi Sibley, magically debuff Lily Lillium's time, and use the chorus to win."

"... well, I'll win. Definitely."

For us - no, that's all I have.

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