"I don't know what the situation is either... but I can't resist what the Apostle says. I'll tell you both what I know."

After the Apostle's departure, Claire and I went straight to Dr. Tridd for magic.

What we have here is an empty space behind Bauer's dorm.

I didn't think it was big enough to practice magic, but the teacher said it was fine.

Claire and I take out the wand and wait for Dr. Tridd's words.

"As the Apostle said, let's check it out. What I'm going to teach you is a technique called chorus. Think of different individuals working together to chant one magic."

"Is that possible?

"Yeah... theoretically."

Does that mean that there is a problem in practice?

"Do you know that there are several types of human blood?

"I've heard of it. Something about blood that doesn't go well with each other."

This is probably about the blood type.

Even in a world where medicine is less developed, it seems to be known that there are so many types of blood.

"Dr. Claire is right. Magic is like that blood and goes well with it. The chorus needs to be mixed with magic, but if the magic matches poorly, it causes a rejection."

Worst case scenario, Dr. Tridd said.

"Based on this theory, I made a ring sealed in a taboo box. It has the effect of amplifying certain types of magic. However, if that ring doesn't match, it will run wild. At the expense of thousands of people, including my daughter, only a few things were gained."


Claire shouted carefreely to the self-ridiculing teacher Trid.

"Well, my self-blame doesn't matter now. Let's continue. Chorus requires a mix of magic. Let's start by overlapping your magic."



Responding with Claire reminds me of my college days.

So, I had Dr. Tridd's first lecture with Claire just before I met Rare.

It should only be two years or so ago, but it feels like it was a long time ago.

Evidence of the intense time we spent together with Claire.

Well, first of all, please hold hands together.

"This is it?

Claire took my hand.

You said you wouldn't touch the hands of civilians in the old days.

Claire has also changed, right?

"Please hold on tighter. Wrap your fingers around each other."

Ah, it's a lover connection.

"Here, here!?

I held my hand again as instructed by Dr. Tridd, but Claire is upset.

Even though we were friends at night, Claire still has a beginning.

That's cute again.

"I know how you feel, Dr. Claire, but this is necessary. Now, please be aware of each other's existence."

"It's harder to be unconscious..."

It's Claire's hand, isn't it?

"Uhiaa!? Stop stroking the back of your hand!?

I mean, it's rude of you not to enjoy Claire even though you're so connected, right?

"Next, let's try a little bit of pure magic with no attributes from the connected hands."


"Wait a minute, Ray! What is Dr. Tridd talking about?

When I tried to try it quickly, Claire changed her blood phase.

"? Is there a problem?

"It's huge. If you let pure magic flow to others, it will cause illness and other illnesses to the other person. It's not the foundation of magic."

"Oh, is that so?

"You didn't know!?

There was no such thing in the original knowledge.

Probably because there was too much common sense in this world and it wasn't something to note.

"As Dr. Claire said, it's not normal. My daughter also died in a magical accident that triggered it. But the messenger promised me he'd be fine....."

"Isn't there no choice but to try?

"... I can't help it. I'll take care of the cure, Dr. Tridd."

"Yes, I'll take care of it."

What to do is exactly what May did when she opened the forbidden box.

Magic without attributes diffuses easily, making it a little difficult to control.

I carefully overlaid and poured magic into Claire's hand.

"... how about that? Don't you feel sick?

"No, not particularly. Instead, something warm and mellow is pouring in from the connected hands, making it so pleasant."

Claire's magic feels so good.

How to say it!

I mean, it's true.

"Hmm... Apparently, what the Apostle said was true. Magic blends beautifully. You guys seem to go well with magic. It might not be a problem with chorus."

Let's move on to the next stage, says Dr. Tridd.

"Let's actually sing a chorus. The magic of chorus is the magic of an attribute that can be used by either of the two who make up the chorus."

So, if I were Ray, which of the three types of earth fires and water fires would I be?

"That's right. I find it difficult to control at first, so please try to generate a very simple flame shell."

"Very well. All right, Ray?


I've never dealt with flame attributes.

It's an unknown feeling, so I wonder if it'll work...

"Put your tied hands behind your back and face the wand."

"This is it?

"No, thank you. Then imagine producing a flame bomb at the end of your hand. As a feeling, it would be good if Dr. Claire had the main control and Dr. Ray assisted."

Claire and I struggled a little, dressed like social dance positions.

This is going to be difficult.

By the way, the connected hands are behind each other, and each hand with a magic wand is in front.

"There's no rush. Chorus is a very complex technique. It takes months to years to learn."


A flame bomb was fired from the hand that was protruding in front of me.

I should have kept it as powerful as I could, but it was huge, and instead it turned the tree into charcoal.

"... will you be able to do it?"

Well done.

I'm done.

Dr. Trid has an unspeakable look on his face.

The chorus must be a technique that Mr. Tridd and his daughter took incredible time to complete.

It's still a complicated feeling to be able to put it into practice this easily.

"No, you should be happy to succeed. Congratulations, Dr. Ray, Dr. Claire."

"Thank you."

Thank you very much.

Still, it's Dr. Tridd's virtuous business to make him smile.

The teacher continued his words as he worked for us.

"As you have just experienced, chorus is very powerful. Even the first flare bullets are so powerful, for example, Dr. Claire's Magic Ray and Dr. Ray's Absolute Zero would be terrifying."

Dr. Tridd cautioned against misuse and control.

"Dr. Ray was able to use synthetic magic, right?

Yes, some of them...

"The chorus will also allow you to handle the flame attributes, so if you can afford it, you can increase the variation of synthetic magic with Dr. Claire."

"Yes, I will."

"I'll practice."

"But... do you dress up like this every time?

Claire seems ashamed.

"Oh, you don't want to?

"I don't hate it, but... it's embarrassing."

"What now... there's so much more to be ashamed of"


"Hahaha, it's very good to get along. But don't forget I'm here, okay?

"Oh, excuse me."

"It's Ray's fault!

I mean, if there's a gap, I want to play with Claire.

Recently, there's been too much serial stuff going on, and I don't have much time to figure it out with Claire.

"That's about it when it comes to chorus. Let me also show you a few things you can do with chorus technology."


Thank you very much.

I asked Dr. Tridd to tell me that day until the evening.

Chorus will undoubtedly be our weapon.

I'm glad.

But I often wonder.

Why did Claire and I mix their magic beautifully?

And how did the Apostle know about it?

It will be much later for my doubts to dissolve.

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