
Claire looked suspicious at the words Dr. Tridd said.

The Apostle - a word that is not in my original knowledge.

"Why don't you sit down? Ah, tea is fine."

The messenger with Lily's face said such a stupid thing.

Dr. Tridd, Claire, the three of us looked at each other, but we decided to do what the Apostle said for now.

Within the four sides of the table, the Apostle was seated closest to the entrance, and in the distant seat, Dr. Tridd, Claire and I were seated face-to-face on the two sides connecting them.

"Now, let me introduce myself first. I know all about you, so you don't mind if I do?

The Apostle looked like he was teasing, but nodded because there was no particular existence.

The Apostle continued laughing with satisfaction.

"We are called apostles. He is the coordinator of the world that moves by the will of the Spirit Church. We are interfering from behind the scenes to ensure that the world is balanced."

"What is your relationship with Lily? Are you Lily's other personality?

I'd like to ask you a lot of questions, but that's what Claire checked first.

Lily is not her usual girlfriend in any way.

Is Lily okay?

"Lily Lillium is now asleep. But I'm not her other personality. Her other personality was created by Saras-Lilium and“ he ”is already part of her."

I was also concerned that Lily's other personality had become part of her, but now it's not that bad.

"Then who the hell are you?

"So, I am an apostle. It is the Fixer who borrows the human body of the Spirit Church to balance the world."

It's getting bigger and bigger.

Fixer of the world?

"You said you were interfering with the world, what exactly are you doing?

"We are secrecy, so we don't have much to say about what we do. But to the best of your knowledge, there are things like giving warnings and monitoring people who might notice how the world works."


The Apostle is probably talking about Dr. Tridd.

Is the way the world works about magic?

"So you came to warn us?

Claire asked.

From what we've been talking about, it's the most natural thing.

But the apostle waved his head to the side.

"No, I'm here today to improve Ray-Taylor and Claire-François."

"... what?

I don't know why.

Is the presence of interference in the world from behind the scenes intended to improve Claire and me?

What the hell was that for?

"You are too weak to fight the demons. I thought it would be enough to lend a blessed weapon, but it didn't seem to be enough."

"No way, what about Lily back then...?

"No, Lily Lillium was herself at that time. It was our church's intention to lend weapons."

Anyway, what I saw was totally Lily.

We can hardly distinguish ourselves if we are impersonated by tone and behavior.

"Let's get back to the story. The two of you will learn about magic from Trid-Magic. Something that is closer to the essence than what is commonly available."

"Please don't! Stay out of this!

Dr. Tridd is desperate to say so.

But the apostle laughed thinly,

"Trid-Magic, you're making a mistake."

"What do you mean?"

"They're not going to get caught up in you. The Spirit Church doesn't want both of them to die. Rather, you will be used to protect them."

I glanced at Claire.

Claire is looking at us too.

Perhaps Claire is thinking the same thing as me.

There is a part of the Apostle's way of speaking that overlaps with what the demons used to say.

I don't know why, but they both have a special focus on Claire and me.

"What do you mean?"

"Trid-Magic, you don't need to know. When the time comes, I'll tell Ray-Taylor and Claire-François."

Teacher Trid asked for an explanation, and the Apostle turned cold, and saw Claire and me.

"Anyway, the two of you will become more proficient in magic. Specifically, you will learn the magic chorus."


The Apostle nodded against Claire.

"Normally, the magic chant that an individual handles is called a solo. In contrast, it is a chorus to activate a single magic in multiple humans."

"One magic in multiple humans....? Can you do that?

"Yes, ask Trid-Magic for more information. He's already finished the theory."


Teacher Trid shouted like a scream.

"Chorus is too risky. The conditions for its establishment are very strict. And if you fail..."

"That's right. The surgeon has a recoil."

An apostle who speaks plainly.

From what Dr. Tridd looks like, the recoil is more serious than the sound of the words.

"Don't worry. We assure you that there will be no recoil."


"You don't need to know why, Trid-Magic. All you have to do is teach them chorus."


Teacher Todd looked sorry.

The treatment of the Apostle's teacher from earlier is terrible.

He looks at the teacher as if he were a tool.

"Hey, you. Are you just being rude to the teacher? If you're asking people for something, thank them."


Against Claire, who told her to blame, the Apostle did well.


"Fufu... ahahaha...!

I laughed so that I could play.

"Hmm, what's wrong with you!?

"Oh, I'm sorry. This is a reflective response to the failure of logic. Because they treat us like human beings."

"!? You're not human!?

"Yes, we are not human"

I don't know why anymore.

Aren't you human beings trying to do something behind the scenes in this world?

Then what the hell is this world...?

"We... well, you can think of us as spiritual gods."

"What did I say...?

"There's a better way to put it, but Claire-François won't understand it. Most of all..."

And when the apostle saw me there, he cut off his words.

"Of course, Ray-Taylor would understand that, right?

The Apostle has been saying all sorts of things since before.

What am I (her)?) I don't understand.

"Anyway, Ray-Taylor and Claire-François should get the chorus from Trid-Magic and become familiar with it."

"What are you going to do if you refuse?

"You won't say no."


"You can't miss the chance to gain the power to protect your family."

"... hmm"

Claire doesn't seem to be interesting, but she must be a star.

Neither Claire nor I will drown in strength, but I don't want to miss it if I have the chance to get the strength to protect my family.

"Now, excuse me. It's about time she woke up."

So the apostle stood up.

"Yes, please keep me confidential. Otherwise..."

As he was leaving the room, the Apostle looked back and said:

"Otherwise, Mae and Ariel are dead.

Claire threw a sharp gaze, but the Apostle left without worrying about it.

This was the first contact with the Apostle - no, with the truth of the world.

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