
Qin Shaoyou raised his brows slightly, his eyes showing surprise.

He could see very clearly that among the two people who were rushing towards the small building near the lake, one of them was his third brother-in-law, Xue Qingshan.

"Brother-in-law came so fast!" Such a thought flashed through Qin Shaoyou's mind.

Qin Shaoyou recalled the afternoon when Xue Qingshan told him that he had an appointment with the deputy Qianhu of Jincheng Town Yaosi.

From this point of view, the master who rushed into the lakeside building with him should be Lu Xiaochuan, the deputy Qianhu of Jincheng Town Yaosi.

This person's strength is slightly stronger than Xue Qingshan's.

But then, Qin Shaoyou realized something was wrong again: "We are not too far from this brothel, and we have Senior Brother Cui's earth escape technique, so we can arrive so quickly. Brother-in-law, why did he come so quickly? Could it be that he Are you near here?"

There are brothels around here!

So, brother-in-law, are you going to the brothel? !

Qin Shaoyou raised his brows and couldn't help but think, "Brother-in-law doesn't call me for such a good thing as visiting the brothel... Ah bah, no, even if he calls me, I won't go."

Qin Shaoyou felt hot all over when he thought of the brothel.

This does not mean that he has any dreams for the brothel, but the strange aroma inhaling in his body is inducing him, influencing him, and making him desire the brothel, the people and things in the brothel.

He hurriedly calmed down, not letting the strange aroma take advantage of it.

At the same time, they greeted Cui Youkui and Monk Ma: "Speed ​​up, fast!"

Qin Shaoyou is anxious to follow up and grab people's heads. By the way, there is nothing, and they need their help.

That is to say, Cui Youkui had just performed the earth escape technique, and was affected by the strange aroma.

Otherwise, if there is another earth escape technique now, the three of them can not only enter the lakeside building faster, but also make a sudden attack, attacking the demons and ghosts unprepared.

Even if the earth escape technique was not used, Qin Shaoyou's speed was not slow.

But even so, when they rushed into the lakeside building, Xue Qingshan and Lu Xiaochuan had already severely injured and suppressed the monsters entrenched in the lakeside building.

The appearance of this monster is very strange. She is half-human and half-snake, her upper body is humanoid, her body is red, her beautiful face and **** Danai are enough to make people look bloody.

But at the same time, she has a weird snake-shaped lower body.

And not just one snake tail, but multiple ones.

On each snake tail, in addition to the snake scales, there is a strange mucus secreted.

At this moment, on every snake tail of this monster, there is a person entwined, using the snake tail to do crazy **** with it.

A strange blush appeared on the monster's face.

Although she was seriously injured and suppressed by two powerful warriors, she didn't feel any pain at all, she just kept struggling.

But instead of trying to break free and run away, he was struggling to use the snake's tail to entangle Xue Qingshan and Lu Xiaochuan, and have **** with them too.

At the same time, in the mouth of this monster, he was still muttering: "Not enough...more...more..."

Seeing Qin Shaoyou and the three of them, Xue Qingshan's face flashed a trace of confusion and confusion.

Although he saw the three night watchmen from the Demon Suppression Division just now, he rushed over to catch the demons because he was in a hurry, and didn't notice who the three night watchmen were. It was only now that he could see clearly that it was Qin Shaoyou three people.

However, Xue Qingshan quickly calmed down, and at the same time, the current situation made him unable to ask why the three were nearby, and hurriedly shouted: "Come and help, drag these people away, they are about to be sucked dry by this monster. already."


Cui Youkui and Monk Ma responded in unison and rushed to the monster, trying to pull out the person who was entangled by the snake's tail.

However, the snake tail was wrapped very hard, and the mucus on it also had strong adhesion. The two of them tried their best, but they couldn't pull the person out.

"Cut off the snake's tail!" Lu Xiaochuan shouted.

Cui Youkui and Monk Ma did not hesitate in the slightest, and immediately drew their swords and slashed the tail to save people. At the same time, they did not forget to throw their swords at Xue Qingshan and Lu Xiaochuan.

Xue Qingshan was not surprised, but Lu Xiaochuan was surprised. He could see clearly that the two were swords drawn from their clothes.

In addition to their swords, these two night watchmen actually hide weapons close to their bodies? And it seems that there are more than one or two hidden? Where did this habit come from?

Qin Shaoyou didn't get involved in saving people.

On the one hand, he believed that it was enough for Cui Youkui and Monk Ma to save people, not to mention Xue Qingshan and Lu Xiaochuan.

On the other hand, he discovered that this monster was strange.

She doesn't look like an active evil monster, but she seems to be controlled by something or some kind of force and has to do it.

Who will control this monster?

In addition, there is a very strange situation.

This half-human, half-snake monster has obviously been severely damaged and suppressed by Xue Qingshan and Lu Xiaochuan, but the strange aroma that confuses people's hearts still exists, and it has not weakened in the slightest.

Could it be that the strange aroma was not released by this monster?

No, the source of this fragrance is indeed on this monster.

But why did she continue to release strange aromas after being seriously injured and suppressed?

Could there be other oddities in this place?

It was with this series of discoveries and suspicions that Qin Shaoyou did not go with Cui Youkui and Monk Ma to cut the tail of a snake to save people, but narrowed his eyes and quickly looked at the people and things in the small building near the lake.

Seeing that Qin Shaoyou didn't come up to help, Lu Xiaochuan looked around, searching around, and was about to ask, but heard Xue Qingshan speak first: "Did you find anything?"

"I didn't find it for the time being, but my intuition tells me that there are other oddities here." Qin Shaoyou replied.

Lu Xiaochuan couldn't help frowning. Neither he nor Xue Qingshan's intuition found anything strange here. How could this young boy find out by intuition?

In Lu Xiaochuan's view, either this kid is bragging, or his intuition is wrong.

But what he didn't expect was that after listening to this kid, Xue Qingshan actually said: "Then hurry up and see, where is the weirdness and what it is."

Um? Lu Xiaochuan turned his head and glanced at Xue Qingshan. Although he didn't say anything, his eyes had already revealed his surprise: Do you really believe what this kid said?

Xue Qingshan whispered: "His intuition is well-known in our Luocheng Town Yaosi, and he is better than me. Since he thinks there is something weird here, then nine times out of ten, it is really weird!"

Lu Xiaochuan was more and more surprised, because he could see that Xue Qingshan's words were serious, not a joke.

Under Lao Xue's hands~www.readwn.com~ When did such a talent become available?

Lu Xiaochuan couldn't help but secretly amazed, and his curiosity was also lifted.

He wanted to see if this kid's intuition was as strong as Xue Qingshan boasted.

Qin Shaoyou did not disappoint him.

After searching for a while in the small building near the lake, he stopped at the door of a room.

In this room, there is something that makes him 'want to eat'.

"The weirdness is in this room."

Qin Shaoyou greeted him, and at the same time kicked open the locked door.

"You two are guarding the monster." Xue Qingshan instructed Monk Ma and Cui Youkui, and immediately ran towards Qin Shaoyou.

Lu Xiaochuan also followed, wanting to see what the strangeness Qin Shaoyou found.

At the same time, a question arose in his mind: Why did this kid seem to be swallowing saliva when he spoke just now?

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