I Eat Monsters In the Town Monster

Chapter 238: quirky fragrant

Liao Yansuo and other night watchmen saw that Qin Shaoyou and Cui Youkui suddenly stopped, and they all looked in the same direction with a solemn expression, and immediately realized that something had happened.

They all held their sabers and asked aloud, "Sir, Cui Xiaoqi, but what happened?"

Cui Youkui raised his hand and pointed: "In that brothel, there is an outbreak of demonic energy."

Qin Shaoyou didn't say that he heard the screams, but said: "My intuition tells me that there is a situation over there."

Are there ghosts in the brothel?

Everyone's faces changed.

"Sir, do we want to go over and take a look?" Sun Xianzong asked hurriedly.

Qin Shaoyou is hesitating about this question.

He wanted to go and see it.

On the one hand, it is to prevent demons from hurting people.

No matter how bad it is, he can also harvest some ingredients. Even if there is no way to cook it for the time being, he can save it in the mysterious recipe, and when the relevant recipe is prepared in the future, it can be used immediately.

But now there is a situation - this is Jincheng, the state capital of Yizhou, not Luocheng where they work.

Here, their group of night watchmen from Luocheng belonged to the guest army.

If they rashly go to another place to enforce the law, they will be considered by colleagues in Jincheng as stealing the limelight and taking credit.

But Qin Shaoyou didn't hesitate for too long, just for a moment, he made up his mind.


Even if you offend the night watchman here in Jincheng, you must go.

Not for new recipes, nor for new ingredients, but to save those screaming people and prevent ghosts from harming people again.

And at this moment, through [Debate Listening], he also found that in that brothel, in addition to the screams, there were also some strange moaning and roaring sounds.

The situation over there is obviously very strange, and it must be dealt with as soon as possible, otherwise it will cause serious harm!

But just when Qin Shaoyou made up his mind to invite everyone to go with him to the brothel to kill the demon, the situation changed again.

On several houses near the brothel, several vigorous figures appeared, from different directions, at an extremely fast speed, pounced on the brothel with demonic aura.

Through the moonlight, Qin Shaoyou could see their clothes clearly.

It is the night watchman of Jincheng!

The people under Qin Shaoyou also recognized the group of Jincheng's colleagues and said:

"It's the night watchman in Jincheng. It seems that they happen to be patrolling near the brothel."

"They're closer than us. When we get there, I'm afraid all the ghosts will be arrested and killed by them."

"Are we still there?"

Qin Shaoyou raised his right hand, and everyone immediately quieted down.

He thought for a moment and said, "Since the night watchman in Jincheng has gone, we don't have to go over to join in the fun. Let's go and go back to the inn. The curfew will soon be coming, we have to hurry back to go back, after all, this is Jincheng, not Luo. city."

After saying this, he sighed lightly.

Not being able to kill the demon to open the recipe and get the ingredients made him a little regretful.

But at the same time, he breathed a sigh of relief, at least he wouldn't offend Jincheng's colleagues.

The snake-shaped wooden sign in Qin Shaoyou's arms flashed red again, as if he was very dissatisfied with his decision.

In its view, it should not consider where this place is, nor whether anyone will come first. Since it encounters a disturbing ghost, go and kill it. It is not only to protect the safety of the people on one side, but also to make more for oneself. delicious.

It's a pity that Qin Shaoyou didn't know what it was thinking, so he took everyone to the direction of the inn.

They didn't go very far, and suddenly there was a piercing screeching sound from the brothel where the demonic energy and screams appeared.

Immediately followed by a 'bang' sound, a thunder-like explosion, accompanied by a dazzling fire, appeared in the night sky above the brothel.

Even from a long distance, people can see the fire and hear the explosion.

Sun Xianzong, Monk Ma and the others looked at each other and shouted in unison, "Cloud Piercing Arrow?!"

The night watchman, who just rushed into the demonic brothel, released the Cloud Piercing Arrow to ask for help. It seems that the situation over there is more serious than they thought!

In that brothel, what kind of ghost had slipped in? !

This time, Qin Shaoyou didn't hesitate any longer, and immediately ordered reinforcements.

According to the regulations of the Demon Suppression Division, as long as the Cloud Piercing Arrow is seen, the surrounding night watchmen must immediately go to reinforce them. Whether it is the guest army or the local night watchmen, they must abide by this regulation.

There is some distance from the brothel where the problem occurred. Qin Shaoyou thought that the speed of his feet was not fast enough, so he said to Cui Youkui, "Brother Cui, can you use the escape technique to send us there?"

Cui Youkui replied quickly: "With my cultivation, I can't bring so many people, at most two at a time."

Qin Shaoyou immediately made arrangements: "Monk, follow me first, and the others will come as quickly as possible. Old Sun, you are in charge of giving orders."

The crowd answered in unison.

Monk Ma took out the two sleeve hammers hidden from his clothes, and strode to Qin Shaoyou and Cui Yougui's side.

Cui Youkui chanted the mantra, performed the earth escape technique, took Qin Shaoyou and Monk Ma two pendants, and slammed into the ground.

"We also set off and rushed to the brothel as soon as possible, and adults should not be allowed to fight alone."

Sun Xianzong greeted and rushed to the target location with everyone.

The speed of Tu Dun is much faster than running with both feet.

When Sun Xianzong and others were far away from the brothel where the accident happened, Cui Youkui took Qin Shaoyou and Monk Ma to get out of the brothel's garden.

As soon as they got out of the ground, Qin Shaoyou, Cui Youkui, and Monk Ma smelled a strange fragrance.

This fragrance hits people's brains and confuses people's will, as if to hook out the desires deep in people's hearts, let them burn, and burn people down.

At this moment, all the people in the brothel, including the animals, were all confused by the fragrance.

Even the night watchmen who just rushed in and wanted to arrest ghosts and kill demons were no exception.

They were all dazzled by lust, lost their minds, and there was only one thought left in their minds, which was indulgence.

So when Qin Shaoyou and the three looked around, the pictures they saw were unsightly and irritating eyes.

Groups of men and women, intertwined like snakes, shaking wildly.

Not to mention Cui Youkui and Monk Ma, even Qin Shaoyou, who has watched action films in Japan, Europe and the United States in his last life, also feels that the scale is too large to accept.

At the same time, he also felt a little bit of confusion in his consciousness. Knowing that he was affected by the strange fragrance, he hurriedly stirred up his blood, intending to guard the spirit platform. With his super-high mental resistance, he forcibly suppressed the **** aroused by the strange fragrance.

And the Bodhi bracelet on his wrist also released a burst of energy at this moment, which made him feel a bit of a sage's thought without desire and desire while he was suffering.

Cui Youkui and Monk Ma are also using their respective abilities to resist the strange scent.

Monk Ma relies on chanting scriptures to keep himself calm.

On his bald head, UU reading www.uukanshu.com was already dripping with cold sweat.

Cui Youkui cast spells, trying to keep himself from being affected, and at the same time he raised his hand and pointed towards the small building at the front left of the lake: "The fragrance and the demonic aura all come from that building. "

Qin Shaoyou didn't hesitate, and immediately ordered: "Go, hurry up and kill the demons and ghosts, and cut off the fragrance."

As long as the strange fragrance does not stop, let alone these people who are dazzled by lust, even the three of them will not be able to resist its toxicity after inhaling too much fragrance and become slaves of desire.

Cui Youkui and Monk Ma were very clear about this, and they agreed in unison, and together with Qin Shaoyou, they went straight to the small building at the lake.

However, before the three of them rushed into the small building near the lake, there were two figures, but they rushed in one step ahead of them!

These two people were originally behind Qin Shaoyou and them, but in the blink of an eye, they surpassed them and rushed into the lakeside building.

The speed is astonishing!

The momentum is fierce, like a hungry tiger rushing down the mountain!

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