109. Lesson

[Then everyone~ I will come back to Luca after recharging for a week~]

[Don’t you think it looks too good?]

[No. You guys also like to go on vacation! Why shouldn’t I like it!]

As I was watching the clip from yesterday again, a smile formed on my face.

That is correct. That’s it.

Doah didn’t feel too burdened by broadcasting itself, but it was still work.

This is not something you just turn on when you are bored as a hobby, but a broadcast that is conducted through formal agreement with the company.

Doah once told me that she confessed that it was difficult to turn on the broadcast even when she was busy or feeling a little depressed.

I just hoped that this trip would be a good healing experience.


Doa’s voice coming from the other side.

As soon as I saw her visual, I couldn’t help but burst out laughing.



“Where are you moving to?”

Although she has a small body, she looks even more plump by wearing thick padding.

Carrying a military-sized bag on top of her, Doa really gave off the feeling of a dwarf going on her journey.

“No? “I only put in daily necessities!”

“No. “We are going for 2 days and 1 night.”

What on earth is in that messy bag?

“Clothes, underwear, food, gloves, and…”

Doa hesitated and whined about who she was and what she had packed.

“You listen to this. Then.”

It will be much lighter than Doa’s bag.

Because all I had in my bag were underwear, a t-shirt, and pajama pants.

Toiletries were a hassle, so I decided to either use what was there or go buy it.

“Huh? “Aren’t you too burdened?”

“I didn’t have anything to bring. What.”

“This is an almost empty bag.”

Doa took my bag and shook it up and down with her.

“Oppa. “You didn’t pack this much baggage so you could go somewhere and leave me behind, right?”

“Is that possible? “It’s Bakaruka.”

After giving her cheesy Doa cheeks a quick tug, I held her hand and headed toward the bus stop.

Our destination is a sports complex about 7 stops from here.

Fortunately, there was a shuttle operated by the ski resort, so we were less worried about transportation.

When we arrived at the designated departure point, people wearing colorful ski suits were waiting there carrying large bags.

“Look at this. “Everyone has a lot of baggage.”

“…Isn’t that a big thing to carry ski equipment with?”

Just looking at it, it looks like a boots bag.

Doa couldn’t possibly do that and she insisted on me.

“How long does it take?”

“Three hours?”

Because the bus departed early in the morning, it seemed like it would have arrived as soon as I took a nap.

Doah fell asleep on my shoulder before I did, and she, along with me, soon closed her eyes.

[Ah. Ah. We have arrived!]

As the man’s deep voice rang in my ears, people began to rustle down one by one.


She sleeps well with the most comfortable face in the world.

With only his face sticking out of the padding, it looked like he was sleeping in a sleeping bag.

“Doya. “We have to get out now.”


“Yes. It’s half past nine. Already.”


She stretched once more and slowly raised her body as she was hugged to my chest.

“Oh wow.”


As soon as I came out, an exclamation flowed out.

It didn’t snow that much in Seoul.

At first glance, it looks like it could reach my calf.

The world was dyed pure white.

“Isn’t it so pretty?”


Her breath leaked out from Doa’s mouth.

When we arrived in front of the resort, we put our luggage in the storage area and decided to go skiing first.

As we entered the ski clothing rental store, clothes of all styles were lined up.

“…What should I wear?”

I think it would have been nice if there were a little less variety.

Rather, the excessively large amount of information seemed to be a hindrance to choice.

“Hmm… Do you like something flashy, or do you like something plain?”

“I don’t know.”

It would be more accurate to say that I have no idea rather than not knowing.

“Then I will choose.”

What Doa brought to me after looking around intently was.

“Oh. “It’s okay.”

Normal navy blue ski suit.

I liked the pattern drawn on the right chest more than I thought.

“I wear these pants.”

After handing her plain black pants, I picked up the clothes she had selected and headed to her fitting room.

“…How do you feel?”

As Doa examined her, turning her body around, she smiled brightly and told me what she felt.

“It suits you well!”

Doa seems to be her older brother now, so he dragged me along, asking me to pick something for him.

“I… This.”

They asked me to choose the one I liked, so I did.

From noble mtl dot com

The look in Doa’s eyes when she looks at me is young…

“…Why is it pink?”

“You’re Luca.”

Luca usually wears pink.

She laughed as if Doa was dumbfounded.

“No. Even Luca wears different colors sometimes, right?”

“So this is not good?”

Regardless of whether it’s Luca or not, I don’t think the clothes themselves are bad.

“Hmm… I’ll try it on first.”

Although she tried it on with a nervous look on her face, her reaction didn’t look that bad when she stood in front of her mirror.

“I think it’s just okay.”

“Look. “You look good on me?”

“Because it’s Luca?”

“That’s just an extra point.”

After renting clothes, we succeeded in renting all ski equipment.

I was approaching the final hurdle.

“But I think it would be better to learn during the day, right?”

“Okay. Let’s learn only during the day and ride on our own in the afternoon.”

We came to the ski resort out of curiosity, but since neither of us had ever skied before, we decided to take private lessons only during the day.

“Then I’ll handle it as a morning lesson for two adults!”

As the employee organized the payment details for confirmation, Doa nodded.

“I’ll charge you for this later too. Expense.”

“Okay! Later. Flaw.”

If there was anything to pay, it was all done with Doa’s credit card.

“Ah. Then just wait a moment, I’ll bring you a teacher!”

Approximately 3 minutes had passed since the employee entered the back office.

A young woman wearing a ski suit with the resort’s name written on it approached us.


“Ah. Yes. Hello.”

“Would you like to put on your boots first, take your skis, and go to the front gate over there? “I’ll be out soon!”

“I understand.”

As I followed the instructor’s instructions and went outside, the ski slope was right in front of me.

Probably because we came to a large-scale place, the courses seemed very diverse.

“…You can’t go there, right?”

Doa looked up at the advanced course and blinked her eyes.

“Aren’t we lucky if we only go to intermediate level today?”

To begin with, my athletic skills were poor.

As for Do-ah, she didn’t seem to have any talent for using her body.

If we thought we were falling from above, it was clear that there was a high probability that we would be in distress.

“You’ve waited a long time!”

The instructor smiled brightly and approached us.

“Neither of you have any skiing experience?”


“Then, let’s go over there and learn the basics one by one in the beginner’s course!”

The brutal courses we saw a little while ago went away and the place we arrived was a slope that was almost like a sledding slope.

“When riding the lift, you must not place your pole on the floor.”

I feel like I’m at a daycare center.

But since I was paying money to learn, I thought I should learn it properly.

“The first thing to learn is the commonly called A-shaped pose called Bogen.”

When you put your legs together and form an A shape, the ski starts to slowly go down.

Doa, who went down first, followed the instructor’s instructions and succeeded in getting down to the bottom.

Doa does it too, there’s no way I can’t do it.

When the teacher motioned for me to come down, I tried to go down by making the letter A, just as I had learned.


Is it because I put too much pressure on my back?

With both skis hanging over the edge of A, my sense of balance began to disappear.

I don’t think this is how it is done.

It was that moment when I slightly lifted my foot in the air and tried to distance myself.


A cool yet soft feel on your lips.

“Are you okay?”

Before I could even feel embarrassed, I heard the instructor’s voice.

“Ah. I.”

“I will learn how to get up when I fall.”

She stretched out her hands to help me up, and this time she showed me how to get up by showing me how to fall.

“How do you feel? “You understand.”

“Yes. I think it could happen.”

After she succeeded in going down after a couple of practice sessions, the instructor gave Doa the same lesson.

“Then Mr. Doa, would you like to go to the place where the flag is first?”

“Huh? “Just me?”

“Taemin, I don’t think you’ve figured it out yet, so I think it would be better if we go down together.”

“Ah… Yes…”

After looking at me once, Doa turned his body and slowly assumed his pose.

As expected, Doa goes down easily despite his timid personality.

I think it would be nice if I could do just that.

“Then, Taemin, since I’m going to ride backwards like this, let’s set off thinking that you’ll follow the same path I came from!”

It’s so amazing.

How can you ride upside down like that?

I heard people who are good at skating skate like that.

I thought I was going well this time, but I ended up falling in the same pattern as always.

The instructor, who was watching it right in front of me, helped me up and diagnosed what exactly I needed.

“So, just apply strength to your pelvis here.”

She went behind me and tapped my waist.

“It’s easier to think of maintaining that posture.”

“…I’ll try.”

After about 3 hours of training.

“…Wouldn’t it be better to just eat here at the food court?”

“I don’t know. I’m not going to eat. Me.”

For some reason, Doa didn’t even make eye contact with me.

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