108. Dip-meok contract

“What? In fact, in the case of the Closer project, we are in a completely different department.”

The team leader looked embarrassed, probably not expecting me to ask this question.

“I think it would be difficult to give a definitive answer on what we can do for you right now.”

“Ah… Yes…”

Then isn’t it okay to just not do it?

There were too many complex interests involved to jump in, believing only in the possibility of helping Doa.

“Instead, if Taemin proposes support for Luca as a condition of the contract, we will hold a formal internal meeting on our side.”

“Hasn’t it been 10 years since you and the Metaverse team leader in charge of closure have been eating from the same pot?”

The manager quietly inserts a hint into our conversation.

“It’s been about 12 years to be exact. 6 Years here. “Six years where I was before.”

“If Taemin says he will do it right, I think he might be able to provide additional support…”

The more I heard about it, the more it seemed like it was an attractive proposition.

It means that there is a means to definitely push Doa. That one.


I closed my eyes for a moment and took my hand off the glass containing the coffee.

“Is it even possible to do this?”

“Please tell me.”

“Honestly, I don’t have any knowledge about what to do or how to do it, and I don’t have confidence in whether I can do it well.”

Yes. I think this is a reasonable decision.

“Is it possible to work together for a few months in the form of a temporary contract?”

“Ah… I think that might be a bit difficult… But since we are now a company that has raised the draft plan and received investment.”

The manager’s embarrassed laugh made me think this might not work.

“You do that. Then.”

Doah’s manager was more surprised than me by the team leader’s cool declaration.

“Yes? Manager. Do you mind if I handle it that way?”

“What? “I think this is also part of investment.”

“No… Then…”

“There is nothing to worry about, Yejin. “This is something our casting team will handle.”

The manager seemed to want to say something, but being ignorant, I couldn’t guess what it was.

“The deadline is 6 months. No. “How about trying it for about three months?”

If I had said 6 months, I would have said it was absolutely impossible, but it would have been around 3 months.

He seemed like a person who knew how to easily penetrate people’s hearts.

“I would like to make it shorter, but it is also true that it is not enough time to learn something and achieve proper results.”

Rather, speaking like that made me feel like a bad person.

“Ah… Then about 3 months… Well…”

“Well thought out. This is definitely for Taemin and Luca. Oh, did I mention Mr. Doa? It will be a good opportunity for Mr. Doa as well.”

“We will send you the formal contract as soon as it is ready. “It will probably be someone else, not me or Yejin, who will contact you.”

Perhaps because they answered positively, the two people sitting opposite had happy faces.

“Then, I’ll see you at work next time.”

They bowed their heads and even saw me off on the way home.

* * *

“Hmph~ Hmph~ Hmph Hung Hung~”

Oppa, you won’t come after lunch, right?

Since my boyfriend was the type to eat breakfast so diligently, he definitely had to eat a slice of bread.

Today’s dish is tteokbokki.

I know that ordering food to be delivered tastes better, but I’ve been so fed up with delivery lately that I wanted to try cooking it myself.

I was following a popular YouTuber’s recipe and couldn’t help but frown.

“…Isn’t this powdered food?”

No. Are you really putting this much Miwon in it?

The chef who introduced us suddenly poured powder on it, saying that this is how it tastes like when you buy it.

It almost feels like half seasoning and half powder.

I, who was making improvements to paper cups for quantitative measurement, was momentarily troubled.

…Wouldn’t it be okay to put in only half?

If you put too much of it in a destructive way, I think it will be bad for your body.

I heard somewhere that it wasn’t actually like that, but somehow it felt that way.

As the bright red soup began to thicken, the spicy scent of seasoning reached my nose.


When I blew the sauce with a spoon and put it in my mouth, an exclamation of exclamation came out.

Is it delicious? I think it’s better than I thought?

As expected, Tteokbokki was never wrong.


A cell phone rings just in time.

I received it without even checking who it was, but as expected, it was the person I was expecting.


[Are you finished?]

[Yes. I’m almost there now.]

[Oh… Did you have a good conversation?]

It was difficult to predict what would happen once the voice was included.

I don’t think you look that bad.

I was worried that I might have stamped the product without even reading the explanation.

[I’ll go in and talk to you. I’m all here now.]

[Ah. Yes. I understand.]

My brother knocked on the door less than a minute later, as if he was really right in front of me.

“It’s cold.”

“Okay. “It was cold.”

“Come in quickly.”

I couldn’t leave the pot empty for long, so I went back in front of the induction cooker, and my brother took off his coat and hung it on his hanger, as if he was used to it by now.

“Oh. What. Are you making tteokbokki?”

“The color is perfect!”

From noble mtl dot com

“I see.”

“Could you please open the table for me?”

My brother answered that he understood and went back inside.

The two of us sitting across from each other on the floor.

Steam was rising from inside the pot.

“I will eat well!”

“Ah. But oppa, I think I did it too nicely to eat tteokbokki here today.”

I was so distracted that I couldn’t see it properly.

Now I see that my brother was sitting on the floor, looking like a guest attending a relative’s wedding.

“How can I just leave when I see the people at your company?”

My brother, who was gulping down the ramen noodles with a slurping sound, urgently looked for water as it was hot.

“Aww. “Hot.”

“Be careful. Tongue dela.”

“It looks like he’s already been dealt a fatal blow.”

I smiled while watching him frown as if he was in pain, and now it was my turn to ask the things I was really curious about.

“Let’s talk. “How was your day?”

“Ah… First of all, your manager and the casting team leader came?”

In a quiet voice, my brother told me what was going on one by one.

“Hmm. So you’re saying it’s for 3 months?”

“A little preview? “I’m going to go with that concept.”

“But did you say that if you generate profit that way, you will also share it?”

“Hmm… I guess I’ll have to get the contract to find out the details. “They’ll give it to me next week.”

Still, after listening to the contents up to this point, it seemed like there was nothing bad about it.

It’s not like you’re just signing a contract for five years.

For no reason, it was my wish for the trajectory of life to change because of me.

I thought that my brother’s career path was entirely up to him.

“If so, what activities do you do first? Performance? Model?”

“First of all, what was it? “I heard there was talk of appearing in a web drama.”

My eyes widen at the unexpected answer.

…Your brother appears in a web drama?

I was more worried than excited.

“…Are you acting?”

“No? “I thought it would be enough to just show my face like a cameo.”

“Ah. “Then you don’t talk at all?”

“Wouldn’t that be the case? “If you ask me to act, will the drama fail?”

My brother burst out laughing, probably thinking he thought it was funny too.

“What? If you do it, you just do what they tell you to do there.”

The sight of him shrugging his shoulders makes me feel sad.

“Oppa. What if I hit it big and there are a lot of pictures of my face going around on the internet?”

It was a common occurrence.

Back dancers who shine brighter than singers.

A supporting actor who is more handsome than the lead actor.

It may be the power of the bean pods, but it seemed like my brother could easily win that title if we were to compete solely on his face.

“Ugh… I don’t like it?”

My brother shook his head as if he was mad.

“Even at school, juniors are asking for my autograph.”

I told my brother everything that came to mind, but for some reason, my boyfriend looked like he was about to turn into dust and disappear.

“Doa-chan… It might seem like too much of a stretch…”

“Oh my. “Until now, I said I was thinking about it positively.”

I took a bite of the egg that was left until the end and brought it to my brother’s mouth.


“If you eat it in one bite, it’s dry.”

“Lu… Luca-tan. My arm hurts. “I can’t believe you won’t eat this.”

When I raised my voice and made Luca’s characteristic tickling sound, my brother opened his mouth wide.

“Ugh. Really.”

Why don’t you eat it when it’s given to you all at once?

Out of shame, I just put one whole piece into my mouth without cutting it, and my brother’s teeth began to pulverize the contents very dynamically.

“…Give me water.”

As expected, my brother seemed to be better suited for non-speaking cameos than speaking roles.

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