“What? The official version of the three-body is online? Really fake? ”

“I opened the game platform directly, really!”

“Hey, it’s still directly in the best position on the homepage.”

“Nonsense, this is a three-body alas! It is estimated that after the game was uploaded, the staff of the game platform immediately adjusted it to the best position on the platform. ”

“This is the platoon of the three-body problem!”

“Lying groove, only 298? Is this pricing low? Qin Feng, as a player, I ask you to set the price higher, okay? Otherwise, I don’t feel safe playing and always feel that this cheap is too big. ”

“Woohoo, it’s crying to death! Qin Feng must have considered it for our student party! ”

“This student party refers to college students! Because middle school students are richer than us college students. ”

That’s right.

After thinking about it, Qin Feng decided to price 298, which is a medium price on a game platform.

It was not set high, and the reason was simple: Qin Feng mainly earned emotional values!

The more players, the higher the sentiment points earned.


“Buy directly! Rush Rush! ”

“Go and let Teacher Ma go live broadcast, hurry up and let him get on the number, I’ll wait to copy the homework.”

“Is this where our rookie comes in? The game was launched, and I was the first to download it, but I couldn’t play it right away. Because without looking at the process first, I can just get stuck there! ”

“Yes, go and get Teacher Ma online!”

“At this time, not only do we have to let Teacher Ma go online, but we also have to call our big guys!”

For the official version of the three-body game is online, although these netizens are extremely excited

All are downloaded immediately

But none of them rushed into the game.

Because they all know that even if they enter now, they are likely to be dry stare.

Therefore, they are all ready to take a look at the gameplay and copy the homework, so that they can also play a role in the game.

Therefore, everyone said that they should quickly let Teacher Ma go online

And Zhou Yi saw that everyone said in their live broadcast room to let Teacher Ma go online and let Teacher Ma go online, and he was not angry at all.

Instead, they share the same opinion as them.

The reason is actually very simple –

Teacher Ma is relatively stable!

Or in other words, Mr. Ma doesn’t have any live operations, which is very decent.

It’s like being in a class

Teacher Ma belongs to the kind of three good students, and the others belong to the special students, each with their own highlights

Only Teacher Ma is honest and rules.

But it is for this reason that they can better ‘copy homework’.

Only Mr. Ma’s decent gameplay can give them a correct understanding of his game

Then they can perform their own operations.

Otherwise, they won’t even have a chance to play.



These netizens immediately rushed to tell each other

And this news also directly triggered a shock on the entire network.

The top few hot searches on various platforms were instantly dominated by the three-body game.

It’s that scary!

Zhou Yi contacted Teacher Ma and informed him of the matter

Teacher Ma is also very excited

Start the live stream immediately, download the game, and get ready to play.

And in his live broadcast room, he is also pouring into the audience at an amazing speed!

Three million, five million… Ten million, twenty million….

It’s still growing rapidly

Douhu’s new registered users are also growing rapidly.

To this end, Douhu directly and urgently connected several new servers.

And all this reason is because the official version of the three-body game is online, and the first live game has begun!


Teacher Ma was also prepared for this kind of scene, so he was not nervous.

Because he knows that he is just a tool man.

But he is also happy to be this tool man, and even feels very honored!

What he is focusing on now is whether those big guys are in the live broadcast room.

If he wasn’t in the live broadcast room, he wouldn’t even have the opportunity to be a tool man!

“Are you guys here?” Teacher Ma asked expectantly.

Netizens also stopped the barrage full of screens in an instant, waiting for the big guy’s speech.


Look at those scrolling ‘in’, and these IDs

Teacher Ma and all netizens are relieved.

In addition to reassurance, they were surprised.

Because the number of big guys has increased dramatically!

It’s a lot more than the last time I livestreamed.

And it’s not just physics and astronomy

Those chemistry, biology, geography, sociology… And even philosophy?

This made all netizens can’t help but be shocked again about the platoon of the three-body problem, which attracted the attention of so many bigwigs, this has a three-body problem, right?

This is the platoon of the three-body problem!


Seeing that the big guys were there, Teacher Ma didn’t say much nonsense, directly brought the VR equipment and started the game.

It’s still a familiar entry screen

However, the difference is that the official version has an additional BGM.

This BGM alone makes netizens feel excited, and their sweaty hairs are about to stand up!


Listening to this familiar rhythm, the corners of Qin Feng’s mouth rose slightly, and there was a bright light in his eyes.

This BGM is a prelude to the ‘Night Voyage Star’ in the previous life.


On Mr. Ma’s side, after entering the game, he found that the official version had an additional function of reading files than the trial version.

Teacher Ma tried to click, and the picture came directly to the study!

The study room with computers and VR equipment!

Obviously, the data in the demo version is also directly synchronized to the official version.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Teacher Ma and the audience were excited.

You can go straight to that game!

Go to the game that they have been waiting for for a long time, the one they have already identified, and is the key to understanding the information of alien civilizations!

Teacher Ma was excited

Bring up the message card, turn on the computer, enter the URL, enter the game, bring your device, and start the game.

These actions are done in one go.

Enter the game, enter the ID ‘Sea Man’, and click [Start Game].

The picture flashed

New scenes appear

This made everyone hold their breath and look at it without blinking.


Thanks to the September Year, Orange, and Elheisen! Censored infertility and childcare grandchildren full of unsolvable ‘monthly pass, thanks to ‘15343..’ , thanks to the big guys.

Gagen’s arrears have finally been paid, phew

Welcome to the National Day 7-day long holiday and read books and enjoy reading! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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