
The game that keeps their hearts and minds on is finally in!

It’s no longer that glaring [end of demo story]!

Teacher Ma looked at the scene in front of him:

At this time, he was in a wasteland at dawn, and the wasteland was dark brown.

In the distance, there is a small white dawn in the row of the horizon, and the rest of the sky is twinkled with stars. It is the scene where the sky is cloudy and white.


Feeling a cold breath approaching, Teacher Ma tightened the clothes on his body and said coldly.


“I’m going, why did Teacher Ma appear directly in a wasteland?”

“Hey, could it be that this directly simulates the environment of an alien civilization?”

“Uh, no! How can it be so smooth? ”

“yes, it won’t go this smoothly, will it?”

“What is the situation, enter the game and open the wilderness to survive?”

“Hey, Teacher Ma, pay attention to the left front, there seem to be two figures.”

“Shhh, there really is, it seems to be moving. Teacher Ma, you hurry up and chase over, this must be an important clue figure. ”

Obviously, Teacher Ma also noticed these barrages.

Looking to the left front, I found two moving figures.

It’s just that this figure is very small, obviously some distance.

I have to sigh that the eyes of these netizens are really good!

Without too much hesitation, Teacher Ma ran directly towards the figure.



“Hello guys.”

“Can you wait?”

Teacher Ma chased for a long time, and finally he was about to catch up.

After the two figures heard the voice, they also stopped and turned to look at Teacher Ma.

Then he really didn’t continue to rush.

Netizens in the live broadcast room witnessed the entire running process of Teacher Ma, and they all laughed:

“Haha, Teacher Ma probably hasn’t run this far for a long time, right?”

“At this moment, Teacher Ma said: There are also disadvantages to feeling too good!”

“Teacher Ma: What about the picture turning? Why don’t you turn around? Did you really let me run over? ”


When Teacher Ma walked in front of these two, he was already exhausted and panting.

At this time, everyone was able to see the appearance of these two people clearly.

Both are human, male.

Both were dressed in tattered robes and covered in a filthy hide, and both carried a wide and short sword of the Bronze Age.

Well, among them, they are ‘human’ this information element, which is what Teacher Ma and netizens in the live broadcast room pay the most attention to.

“Shhh, it’s a human, not an alien.”

“This is normal, okay, if you enter the game and you can see the existence of aliens, then explore and find information is a fart?”

“If you can see alien civilizations as soon as you come in, it is a failure! In that case, there is no sense of expectation. ”


On Teacher Ma’s side, after he came to these two people, without waiting for Teacher Ma to speak first, the other person’s person spoke first.

One of them was carrying a wooden box, and he looked at Teacher Ma and asked

“You’re also going to see King Jun, right?”

Teacher Ma, who was originally panting, flashed surprise on his face after hearing this.

Jun King?

What does that mean? The world in this game, is the Shang Dynasty?

The people before the live broadcast room were also surprised and puzzled.

Teacher Ma was puzzled in his heart

But for this person’s question, I immediately understood how to answer.

It seems that going to see the ‘King of Jun’ is the first step to be done now. Otherwise, you will be wandering in this wasteland all the time.

“That’s right, I’m also going to see King Jun, can I pass with you?”

The man carrying the box among the two still maintained his original expression

But the other person, who was not carrying the box, showed some pleasure:

“Of course you can! With one more person, our journey will be less tedious. ”

Then, with some excitement, he introduced:

“This is King Wen of Zhou!”

“He’s a genius!”

“I am a follower of King Wen of Zhou, and my ID is called ‘Follower of King Wen of Zhou’.”

Hearing these words, Teacher Ma raised his eyebrows slightly

All the netizens before the live broadcast room also expressed their different actions.

Because after this sentence, a very useful information point is revealed!


In that person’s words, the word ‘ID’ was used!

It shows that this person who claims to be a follower of King Wen of Zhou is not a person from the original era in this world, and should also be a player.

Players from the world of ‘Wang Miao’.

Even that King Wen of Zhou may be a player in the ‘Wang Miao’ world.

As for their identity, it is very necessary to consider!

But fortunately, there is no need for Teacher Ma and the netizens in the live broadcast room to spend too much brains on the brain, so as not to scratch their hair to think

There are already big guys in the live broadcast room who have given the answer:

“Sociology at Jingbei University: Both of them should be people with ‘scientific boundaries’!”

“Chinese Academy of Social Sciences: Their purpose is to ‘guide’! They are ‘guiding’ you. ”

“The Institute of Social Sciences: There are also people playing in the combat center, but I guess there is a difference between your experience and theirs in this game!

Because you’ve been invited by ‘scientific boundaries’ before! You are the one who is being targeted by the ‘boundaries of science’.

Therefore, they want to have some influence on you in this ‘game’, trying to achieve some goal. This is also what the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences calls ‘guidance’! ”

“Social Science Psychology: It’s okay, don’t be afraid. Just follow their guidance so you can learn more.

Moreover, it is not only you who are ‘guided’. Because there should be some people who, like you, are targeted by the ‘scientific boundary’, but those people are not invited by the war center. ”

Netizens watched the speeches of these bigwigs and felt shocked.

Hey, it’s not a loss that the big guys can analyze these from this one information point.

Not only the identities of these people were analyzed, but also their purpose?

And when Teacher Ma saw the barrage of these big guys, he was also relieved.

He also understood the general meaning.

Isn’t it that the ‘scientific boundary’ is preparing to dig a hole for him to jump into?

Dig and dig, that is, who jumps in, not necessarily!


There is a small author’s bar after each chapter, forgive the big guys, when the word count can be on the shelf, the small author will have one more free chapter as compensation.

Thanks to ‘15990.., Dream River. Laughing at the sky!!!! , crazy three my wife does not accept the war’ monthly pass, thank you for the “what is the problem” reward, thank you for the support of the big guys.

Ask for flowers, review votes, please,

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