Japan, Tokyo.

A samurai warrior dressed in cloth clogs slowly paced out of the jungle.

His eyes were a little confused, as if he didn’t know where to go or what to do.

From behind him, a beautiful woman in a red kimono followed.

“You… are you really leaving?” the woman cried.

“Let’s go.” The samurai continued to walk forward without looking back.

“Saki, why did you become like this?” The woman tried to grab the samurai’s arm.

But the samurai’s arm is clearly in front of her eyes, but she can’t grasp it, like the wind that can’t be grasped.

“I’m not Zaoji.” The samurai shook his head.

“It’s not Zaoji, who are you?” the woman asked.

With the woman’s questioning, the warrior’s eyes became more and more blank, and the mist overflowed from his eyes and quickly spread to his body.

“I… Who am I? Who am I? Who am I?”

He kept mumbling, and with the thick fog, he just disappeared.

“Early age? Early age?”

The woman fell helplessly to the ground, crying incessantly, calling out the samurai’s name.

It should be said, is his original name.

Huaxia, Yanjing.

“Have you heard? Our country is going to go to war with the United States!”

In a certain restaurant, several drunken middle-aged people were chatting loudly.

“War? Who is afraid of war? Going back thirty years, we may still be afraid. Who is afraid now?”

“Yeah, now that the country has developed, and the dumplings of the aircraft carrier fleet are finished, I’m really not afraid to touch the United States.”

“As I said, the United States is just pretending, how dare they go to our inland sea to film?”

“Whether the United States is a paper tiger will soon be seen.”

“Don’t just say that, in the final analysis, war is still war, and many people will die.”

“That’s fine. As long as the country needs it, I am willing to enlist in the army and fight to kill the enemy!”

“Forget it, it’s all a bad old man. If it’s our turn to go to the battlefield, I’m afraid we’ve already lost.”

The middle-aged man who wanted to join the army said with emotion: “To be honest, I really want to give full play to my residual heat.”

“When I was young, my biggest regret was not being able to join the army. At that time, all the formalities were completed, and finally I was stuck on the medical examination.”

“Later, I took the civil service exam and wanted to use another way to shine in my post, but I was missing something.”

The middle-aged man said, drank the remaining wine in the glass, and his expression was a little sad.

“Hey, what are you talking about, who doesn’t have any regrets?” said the friend next to him, “I also failed to marry Liu Chen?”

Speaking of this, the atmosphere became solemn, and the middle-aged man who said he wanted to join the army smiled bitterly: “Don’t say this, say something happy.”

Soon, they talked about happy things, and the atmosphere became more and more active, but the middle-aged man became more and more silent.

His eyes are also becoming more and more dazed, as if he remembered something, and seemed to forget something.

“Old Zhang, what’s wrong with you?” Someone noticed his strangeness.

“I’m leaving.” Lao Zhang said blankly, standing up as he spoke.

“Go? Where are you going? Lao Zhang, aren’t you drunk?”

“I want to join the war,” said the middle-aged man.

“Didn’t we say it just now? Even if we participate in the war, it will not be our turn…”

The persuasion beside him stopped abruptly.

Because they saw that a golden halo gradually rose from the feet of the middle-aged man.

The halo quickly became extremely dazzling, and everyone around had to cover their eyes.

“Old Zhang, what’s wrong with you?”

“What happened? Has the war begun?”

Suddenly, the light disappeared. At the same time, Lao Zhang disappeared.

“Where did Lao Zhang go?” someone asked.

“I just… I seem to have heard it just now.” A friend who was closer to Lao Zhang hesitated, “I seem to have heard something just now.”

“What did you hear?”

“I heard Lao Zhang keep talking, who am I, where should I go…”

“This…” Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The grey-haired tavern owner, after witnessing all this, his dim old eyes radiated a strange light.

Yawen Library

With trembling hands, he took out a simple and beautiful jade from his arms.

Even under the effect of the magic immunity barrier, the piece of jade is still flashing light, and it is uncertain.

The old man looked up at the sky and said excitedly, “Finally… is it coming?”

Outside India, Crystal Forest.

A group of adventurers are setting traps here. Judging from their faces, they should all be Indian adventurers.

“Today, there are a lot of iron-footed bulls migrating from here, and we can get a lot of money with this ticket!” said an adventurer.

“I’m excited when I think about it. The horns and feet of the iron-footed bull can be sold for a good price. If it succeeds, at least within three years, we don’t need to worry about our livelihood!”

The adventurers were all excited, looking forward to the arrival of the Iron-footed Bull, but one of them seemed unhappy.

“Nunara, what’s the matter with you?” his friend asked. “Aren’t you happy about the wealth we’re about to get?”

Nunara’s eyes were blank, and he said, “Isn’t it wrong for us to do this?”

“What’s wrong?”

“The migration of iron-footed rhinos is to survive better, but we do this in the process of their survival.”

“The iron-footed rhino is also life, and it also has relatives and friends. Killing them like this is really…moral?”

“Hahaha, Nunara, what are you talking about? Did you suddenly become a vegetarian? But you ate a lot of beef yesterday!”

Nunara shook her head and whispered, “Maybe… I did something wrong.”

He kept talking, walked to a tree, and sat there cross-legged.

“Nunara, what are you doing?” his friend wondered, trying to pull him up.

Nunara gently folded her palms.

At the moment when the palms touched, a golden light suddenly burst out, engulfing everything!

The light gradually disappeared. Other adventurers found that Nunara’s figure also disappeared…

Similar things are happening in every corner of the world.

Huaxia, a business circle.

A young man, sitting on the sofa in the hall, looked bored, obviously waiting for someone.

“Sir, the service you need has been completed.” The front desk came to him and said respectfully.

“Oh?” said the young man, standing up. “Take me there.”

“This way, please.” The front desk stretched out his hand.

The front desk led the young man to the door of a certain room and said, “It’s inside, you can push the door in at any time.”

“Yeah.” The young man pushed the door open and was about to step in, but he stuck there.

Inside the door, a woman in a long blue dress, holding bright roses in her hands, faced the door, so that the young man could only see her profile.

Her hair was tied into a bun and tied with a hairpin on the top of her head, revealing an indescribable elegance and luxury.

Exquisite makeup and well-proportioned facial features make her look indescribable.

She stood there with a shy face, but her whole person had a mature charm.

She turned her head, looked at the young man, and asked in a low voice, “Does it look good?”

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