“What is this place?”

Standing in front of the splendid building, Lu Menger hesitated, apparently not having the confidence to walk in.

It looks expensive here.

“Richu Creative Design Company.” Liszt replied.

“What does it do?”

“Fashion design, styling design, copywriting design, decoration design, as long as it is related to design, basically anything can be done.”

Liszt continued: “Of course, the main business here is clothing design, which has a very complete design process.”

He pushed Lu Menger, who was still hesitating, through the revolving door and entered the design company.

“Sir, do you need anything?” Immediately, a beautiful lady at the front desk came over and asked.

“Help her design the clothing and styling.” Liszt pushed Lu Menger, who was hiding behind him, to the lady’s side.

Miss Sister looked at Lu Menger, then at Liszt, and asked, “Sir, what level of designer do you need?”

“We have ordinary designers, senior designers, silver designers, and gold designers. There are four levels in total.”

“Gold medal designer.” Liszt said.

“Ordinary designers are enough…” Lu Menger said hurriedly.

“Hey, since you’re coming out with me, then listen to me.” Liszt said, “I want a gold medal designer.”

The young lady continued to ask, “Do you have any specific requirements?”

“No, how beautiful it is.” Liszt shook his head and said, “In addition, it is better to have a shape that is easier to take care of.”

“Understood, sir.” Miss Sister said to Lu Menger, “Miss, please come with me.”

Lu Menger looked at Liszt, Liszt nodded and gave her a look of affirmation and encouragement.

“Okay.” Lu Menger could only be obedient and clever, and followed the lady at the front desk to the modeling room of the gold medal designer.

Liszt sat on the sofa. He was not very worried about Lu Menger. As the best design company in Lunan, the service here is very formal.

Female customers are all served by female designers, so as to ensure the safety of customers as much as possible and avoid unnecessary disputes.

It seems that since he became Liszt, he has been busy all the time and hardly has any time to rest.

Liszt was not used to such a life at the beginning. As a dark lord, he was used to being lazy.

In the world of miracles, the most common thing he does is to sing with the ladies and sisters of the harem every night, uh… Most of the time, he will not let them go during the day.

The fast-paced urban life made him a little chaotic, but he quickly adapted and integrated into the modern society in his own way.

He gave up the power of the dark lord, but the invincible dark lord obviously does not only have “power” as a plug-in.

The plug-in of the dark lord is all-round coverage and 360° without dead ends.

The dark lord’s thinking can help him complete various copywriting work perfectly and become the ace of the trump cards.

The understanding of the magic veins will enable him to display powerful advanced magic even when he is “without the power to bind the chicken”.

With his understanding of the magic pattern, it is not difficult to create a magic circle that ignores the safety barrier.

He can also use the contacts accumulated in the miracle world to clear the obstacles he encounters in the real world.

Ye Luo sent him a lot of money, and Qin Weixin was able to help him out of all troubles.

Liszt is still very satisfied with such a life.

Who can’t live without a carefree life?

But Liszt was still busy.

The first thing to solve is to marry Yu Shiya home.

Secondly, Liszt also needs to pay attention to the affairs on Lu Menger’s side. He has to make sure that there is no problem with the operation of the coffee shop.

Then, Liszt has to worry about the public opinion center. After all, he is the person in charge, and he has to take corresponding responsibilities for the reorganization of the public opinion center.

In addition, he is a thorn in the side of the United States of America, always on the alert for a killer to come out and kill him.

If you want to marry Yu Shiya, you have to become a ruling-level powerhouse and meet Yu Qing’s requirements for him, which is not difficult.

However, Liszt’s competitors are also not wine sacks, and many rich and powerful bosses are very fond of Yu Shiya.

If it wasn’t for the protection of the Yu family, a natural beauty like Yu Shiya would have been taken away by someone with a heart.

Today, Liszt is rich and has astonishing financial resources, and he has become the Minister of Public Opinion. Whether in terms of financial resources or power, he can meet Yu Qing’s conditions.

However, what he likes is the feeling between him and Yu Shiya, and he doesn’t want this feeling to deteriorate.

He can’t always run up to Yu Shiya and say, “Hey! I have a lot of money now, and I’ve become a minister-level administrative giant. You marry me!”

Yu Shiya will definitely ask why he can achieve such results, when Liszt can only tell her honestly that he is actually the dark lord.

“One Sword”

By then, it’s all over. He is sure to keep Yu Shiya by his side, but the good feeling of caring about each other will definitely disappear without a trace.

Even if she wants to showdown with Yu Shiya, she must tell her the truth at the right time, at the right place, and in the right way.

The reason why he gave up the power of the dark lord and became Liszt was because he wanted to experience the experience, what it was like to be in love in the real world.

After changing back to the dark lord, this feeling will immediately evaporate and disappear without a trace.

Thinking so, Liszt’s eyes were drawn to the news on TV.

“According to forward reports, the U.S. fleet has assembled on the west coast and is heading towards the military base near the western side of the Pacific Ocean. It is expected to reach the target area at 5 o’clock this afternoon.”

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a serious warning three times in a row that if the US military threatens our territorial sovereignty, our army will carry out a military counterattack.

“The Liaoning, Shandong, Jiangxi, Macau, and Gansu ships have assembled in the Taiwan Strait and are ready to counteract the U.S. military’s military operations at any time.”

Liszt frowned. He had been hearing similar rumors recently that China and the United States were about to go to war.

However, the sound of the wind is the sound of the wind, and the war is the war. There is still a long distance between the sound of the wind and the war.

Qin Weixin also mentioned clearly to Liszt that there will be a war between China and the United States, and this war is not far away.

However, even Liszt did not expect to be so close.

Beside Liszt, there are other people who are also waiting.

He heard them comment: “Every day they say they want to fight, when did it start? Impossible.”

“The high-level officials on both sides are just pretending to continue to oppress us civilians. Who doesn’t understand this kind of routine?”

“It looks like a contradiction, but it’s actually a business. If there is a fight, I’ll take my head off and play it for you!”

Listening to these people’s eloquent talk, Liszt just sneered.

War is really coming.

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