I can extract side effects

Chapter 617 Opening Pandora's Box

"China Anti-Doping Center?"

Wei Kang was taken aback, and subconsciously felt that it seemed to be directed at him again, so he immediately became alert.

"So it's Director Zhao? I don't know what to do with me?" He asked with a hint of vigilance.

"Hehe, Mr. Wei's great name has been admired for a long time, and I finally got your phone number, so I took the liberty to ask about some things about the high oxygen-carrying nanoparticles of Sanxin medicine."

Zhao Kun was very enthusiastic, but the words that came out of the 38-degree mouth, in Wei Kang's ears, were as cold as ice in the cold winter.

"Did the other party discover Xue Shen's tricks? Want me to cooperate with the investigation?" Wei Kang said politely while thinking about it.

"Oh, I just heard the news that this new drug has been added to the prohibited drug list by WADA due to its overly strong oxygen regulation ability."

"If this is what you mean, I'm afraid I have nothing to say but regret."

However, Zhao Kun didn't seem to hear the alienation between his words, but became more enthusiastic, even with strong indignation in his tone.

"Mr. Wei, I was actually there when the Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) made the decision, and I expressed strong opposition at that time. It's a pity that we are weak and unable to turn the tide."

"That's what I told them, because this new drug only discloses animal experiment data, and there is no human clinical report, so it cannot be included in the list of banned drugs without evidence."

"But the WADA people did not accept my opinion, and I, like you, can only express regret."

"That's it, thank you very much for your support." Wei Kang listened to the inside story of WADA, and only then did he understand the purpose of the other party's visit.

Director Zhao is here to show his affection, so of course he should be more enthusiastic.

Therefore, Wei Kang asked bluntly: "Director Zhao, we are all on our own, so you are welcome. I wonder if there is anything I can do to help you?"

Zhao Kun was silent for a few seconds before speaking carefully.

"Mr. Wei, high-oxygen-carrying nanoparticles are common blood doping drugs in the field of track and field. Now that they have entered the banned list, we want to obtain some samples for research and find a new detection method as soon as possible."

Wei Kang was a little puzzled: "But this drug hasn't been released yet, isn't it too early? At this moment, no athlete can get the drug at all."

"Under normal circumstances, the Anti-Doping Center will directly cooperate with pharmaceutical companies to find methods for testing drugs from the source." Zhao Kun patiently explained.

"For example, in the detection of a certain generation of EPO, we cooperated with Pfizer. Before the drug was on the market, we found a new detection method and played the greatest role in the competition."

"This is a common practice in the anti-doping industry. World-renowned pharmaceutical companies have in-depth cooperation with WADA. When a drug developed by a pharmaceutical company has a doping effect, they will share relevant information with WADA to make arrangements in advance. Gain an advantage in the game of catching mice."

"You know, many athletes take doping, and there are medical institutions involved, but doctors must not know as much about drugs as pharmaceutical companies, so we must cooperate with pharmaceutical companies if we want to combat doping abuse."

"So that's how it is." Wei Kang immediately understood, it was the first time he had encountered such a situation, so he agreed immediately.

"No problem. Sanqing is very happy to cooperate with the Anti-Doping Center. Please leave me an address, and I will send a batch of samples to you in a while."

"There's no need to trouble yourself. Coach Shi from Haishi is very familiar with Xue Shen. He happens to be coming to the capital tomorrow. I'll ask him to come to Sanqing and bring the samples." Zhao Kun said with a smile.

"That's fine too. It's best if you can pass by."

Zhao Kun said with a smile: "Thank you, Mr. Wei. By the way, I have to remind you of one thing."

"At the WADA meeting, after the vote, Eagle Country Athletics officials made a suggestion that some Eagle Country athletes suffered from severe symptoms of anemia and might need this drug for treatment."

"If the high oxygen-carrying nanoparticles are effective, doctors may prescribe the drug to track and field athletes. Hopefully, WADA will give Eagle Country anemic athletes an exemption from taking this drug."

"So I just want to tell you that maybe it won't be long before Eagle Country's FDA will send another invitation to allow this new drug to conduct overseas clinical trials."

Wei Kang was stunned for a moment, and asked in disbelief: "So WADA listed my new drug as a banned drug, and then gave Eagle Country's anemic athletes the privilege to take this banned drug to compete?"

"Are they sick or am I sick? Why can't I quite understand."

Zhao Kun said meaningfully: "Hehe. This is the exclusive right of Eagle Nation. If we were to apply for exemption from taking medicine, no one would approve it."

"I don't know if you have heard of Zhang Yang, the swimming champion? He has a bad heart and needs to take a heart drug. He has been taking it for several years without incident, but in the year he won the Olympic championship, WADA took this drug included in the Prohibited Drug List."

"Everyone knows what happened next. Zhang Yang tested positive for several doping tests, so the Olympic Committee announced that he would be banned from competition for 8 years."

"What a child. He had a bright future, but he was ruined by a so-called forbidden drug. Hey..."

Zhao Kun let out a long sigh and continued: "However, in the Eagle National Swimming Team, some athletes who have heart disease like Zhang Yang and need to take medicine have been exempted from taking medicine, and they can take medicine to participate in the competition openly."

"Of course, when I mentioned this, it was mainly because I thought of this child, and I couldn't help feeling a little bit in my heart, and it didn't mean anything else."

Hearing what he said, Wei Kang suddenly felt that he understood what he meant, so he asked tentatively.

"So you mean, let me refuse overseas clinicals? So that the Eagles can legally take drugs, and our players can only watch them win the championship?"

"Oh, how could it be? Mr. Wei, don't think so. As the director of the Anti-Doping Center, I absolutely dare not have such thoughts."

Zhao Kun shook his head again and again, and denied it flatly: "The affairs of the athletes of the friendly countries belong to their internal affairs, and it is impossible for us to interfere."

"It's just," he changed his voice, and said, "Our track and field team also has a few good seedlings who work very hard. I can see their hard work. Even if their lives are not very good and they have a little anemia, they may not be able to escape. Good results."

"I thought about it, they have paid so much, if they can't get any results, their life after retirement will be too miserable, and I'm sorry for their sweat over the years."

"No, Sanqing's new drug has just come out, and the track and field team wants to apply for a few clinical places for them. By the way, apply to the IAAF for drug exemption."

"Hey, I'm just worried that WADA won't approve it."

He said with a worried face: "How good do you think this is? It can't be the new drug from Huaxia Pharmaceutical Company, which can be eaten by Eagle Country athletes, but we ourselves can't eat it."

Having said that, Wei Kang finally felt that something was wrong.

Director Zhao, the co-author, wanted to seek his own support to indirectly force WADA to give the national team the green light.

Anyway, the drugs are in the hands of Sanqing, if Eagle Country athletes want to take drugs with a license, they must get Sanqing's consent.

In this way, Huaxia will have countermeasures. If a deal is made with Eagle Country, it will definitely be much easier for Huaxia athletes to obtain drug immunity in the future.

After thinking about all this, Wei Kang suddenly realized that he didn't understand the real meaning of the other party from the beginning to the end.

After practicing Tai Chi for so long, the opponent was cornered, and only then did he reveal some real intentions.

It wasn't that he was unresponsive, it was mainly that Director Zhao's words were deeply rooted in the essence of an official, and they were too tactful. If you didn't listen carefully, you really couldn't understand what he meant.

It may be that people at this level talk in such a winding way, and they have to hide their thoughts, and they can't say them directly, so as not to teach others.

In addition, what the two of them said is indeed not very visible, and the implicit communication method is indeed better.

To deal with these people, it seems that you have to learn to communicate in their way.

Therefore, Wei Kang nodded approvingly, and agreed: "Director Zhao, you are very good, and I think so too. Our Huaxia's good medicine must not only be cheap for outsiders, but our own people will not benefit from it."

"So don't worry, I have no reason not to support these respectable and lovely athletes who want to win glory for the country."

"Let the Athletics Federation go ahead and apply for drug exemption for them. They won't get it for a day, and I won't conduct overseas clinical trials for a day."

"Great, thank you, Mr. Wei, the Athletics Federation and I owe you a favor in this matter."

Zhao Kun's hearty laughter came over, revealing a wave of joy.

Wei Kang smiled slightly, and for some reason, suddenly said a word like a ghost.

"Actually, for the treatment of anemia, I have a better drug than high oxygen-carrying nanoparticles."

"Oh, I wonder if you can explain it in detail?" Zhao Kun's voice suddenly became a little urgent.

Wei Kang thought for a while, and hesitated for a while, not knowing whether he should say it or not.

Nano Blood 2.0 has outstanding effect on Xue Shen. Not only does it have the effect of 1.0, but it can also be traceless. WADA tried hard to find any flaws.

This upgraded version can be said to be a new drug specially made for athletes, but it can't be used for those with some physical problems, so the commercial value is not high.

Because for ordinary people, it is enough to complete the metabolism in the body within 24 hours.

2 hours of metabolic time, and you have to exercise hard to raise your body temperature to completely volatilize, which is really useless to patients.

These anemic patients are all weak with kidney deficiency. They collapsed after running for two steps, and they couldn't last that long at all.

So he didn't think about going public at all. After developing it, he kept stuffing it in the cabinet to collect ashes.

But if it can be used on athletes, it is an excellent means to evade drug tests, and it can be considered to make the best use of it, so that it will not be completely wasted.

But, is it really necessary to take this step?

Really want to push such a drug into the sports world?

I don't know what the consequences will be?

Perhaps, it will open Pandora's box and bring an unknown huge storm to the world sports world.

Wei Kang was at war with heaven and man, unable to make a decision for a while.

On the other end of the phone, Zhao Kun called repeatedly anxiously: "Mr. Wei, Mr. Wei, hello, hello..."

Wei Kang calmed down, remembered WADA's malice towards Sanqing, couldn't help but sneered in his heart, and instantly made up his mind.

He said in a deep voice: "Director Zhao, this drug is actually an upgraded version of high-oxygen-carrying nanoparticles. It is still in the laboratory stage. Due to its particularity, its commercial value is not high, so I don't plan to push it to the market. , the application is also a secret patent.”

"This drug can be regarded as version 2.0. There are some slight changes in the drug molecule, and the oxygen carrying capacity is similar, but the metabolic time is much shortened. It can be metabolized within 2 hours when the body temperature rises, and it can be excreted from the lungs. "

"You said before that you hope that pharmaceutical companies can reach a cooperation with the Anti-Doping Center to share some new drug information, preferably some new drugs that are in the research and development stage, and find ways to test drugs from the source."

"This new drug is similarly effective in treating anemia, but it is metabolized faster, it is more harmless, and it is more suitable for some people who want to fight hard on the sports field."

"I can provide some samples for your anti-doping center to study."

Zhao Kun couldn't bear the joy, and hurriedly said: "That's great, only a giant pharmaceutical company like Sanqing can develop such a good new drug, and those pharmaceutical companies in the past just purified steroids... .”

Having said that, he knew he had made a slip of the tongue, coughed twice, and quickly changed the subject.

"Haha, with an entrepreneur like Mr. Wei, why should China's sports world be unhappy?"

"I don't know when the samples will be ready. I'll ask Coach Shi to bring them over."

Wei Kang pondered: "Version 2.0 is not in stock, I have to ask the lab to hurry up and make it. If you ask Coach Shi to come over early the morning after tomorrow, it should be fine."

"However, we have tested this new drug, and there are some limitations in its use."

"It can only be injected intravenously, and it will be effective when injected into the blood. The dosage is relatively large and cannot be injected subcutaneously."

"It can't be detected in urine, so don't worry, only blood tests are effective."

The more Zhao Kun heard it, the more frightened he became. This is simply a tailor-made stimulant for athletes, and I don't know who came up with the idea of ​​developing this drug.

And the other party seems to be very clear about the effect of using this version 2.0. The question is that this seems to be a laboratory drug, and it has not yet been clinically used. So where does this experience come from?

Only to hear Wei Kang continue to say: "If it is injected into the body before the game, due to the large amount, it is easy to detect in the blood. Naturally, the drug test after the game will disappear without a trace, and it will be useless."

Zhao Kun quickly said: "Don't worry, we professionals, we have never seen any cases, so we naturally have professional methods to deal with various cheating methods."

"In fact, athletes' cheating methods will be upgraded every year, and we are constantly learning and improving our detection methods. Hehehe."

Wei Kang nodded in satisfaction and said with a smile: "Then I can rest assured."

He understood what the other party meant. Since he was a professional and knew all kinds of cheating methods like the back of his hand, he would naturally feel like a duck to water when he did his own tricks.

Anyway, I have explained all the constraints clearly, and the other party must be able to adapt to local conditions and flexibly find a countermeasure.

The two sides chatted for a while, finalized the cooperation matters, and then ended the conversation.


"It's done!" Zhao Kun hung up the phone and said with a happy face.

"Not only did I get the samples, but also reached a cooperation with Sanqing, and there was also a surprise."

He was sitting on the sofa, and there was another mobile phone on the coffee table in front of him. He was turning on the speakerphone, and a gentle male voice came from inside.

"That's good. I've already bought the air ticket for noon the day after tomorrow. As soon as I get the samples, I'll rush to your place."

"Thanks to your help this time, you can have such a harvest."

"What about the three of you, don't just watch and don't talk? Are you going to join or not? Now is your last chance to regret it."

On the chair next to it, sat three other middle-aged men. They glanced at each other, seemed to have made up their minds at the same time, and nodded in unison.

A middle-aged man with a round face said carelessly: "Old Shi, our four marathon coaches are all one, and they will naturally advance and retreat together. Of course we will support you for coming up with such a good way to make money."

Another person suddenly interjected: "Old Shi, it's not that we are lacking in loyalty. The main reason is that I heard your idea before and always felt that it is not reliable. If this matter is discovered, the consequences will be very serious, so we are a little hesitant."

Coach Shi laughed happily: "Don't worry, I didn't have much confidence at first, but after hearing what President Sanqing Wei said, I can now be sure."

"Listen to me, you guys can definitely make a fortune. It's hard to say about foreign marathon competitions, but you can definitely eat all of these domestic competitions."

Hearing this, Zhao Kun couldn't help being surprised: "You are really brave. There are always thousands of domestic marathons a year. If you want to eat them all, you are not afraid of filling your stomach?"

"Hehe, I will take care of it. You don't have to worry about it. Anyway, your share will not be lost."

Zhao Kun shook his head: "I'm not interested in domestic marathons. I'm only interested in the Olympics and World Championships. After all, my results have something to do with me."

"For the domestic marathon runners, don't all the samples from the Doping and Drug Administration have to be sent to your laboratory for testing? So we can't do business without you."

Coach Shi laughed, his tone very relaxed.

"Actually, I'm not losing money to outsiders. How many black Filipinos have been fattened up by these domestic marathons, as well as their intermediaries. Now that we have the means to evade drug testing, there is no reason to let this money not earn. Instead, give it to outsiders."

"There are 68 large-scale international marathon competitions a year, and the top three will have a combined prize money of at least two to three hundred thousand yuan. Even smaller marathon competitions will have a prize money of one hundred thousand yuan."

"Marathon competitions are so popular now, from Jinghaishen on the first line to Hegang on the 18th line, and even Lasa at high altitudes, there are marathons."

"Of the 337 prefecture-level cities across the country, 330 cities have held marathons, and only 37 have not joined."

"They made 10 million yuan by opening a bag, and they made a lot of money. It's a lucrative business."

"Such a big market was originally ours, but it was taken away by those black people. Who can be convinced? Who doesn't look jealous?"

"If everyone had no strength in the past, it would be fine, but now there is a way, no profit is nothing."

"Thousands of races a year, tens of millions is easy, plus some foreign marathons, hehe, I don't know if it can break through 100 million."

"It doesn't matter if we give the athletes 30-70 or 40-60% of the money, the meat will rot in our own pot after all."

"They have become famous, and they can still accept business endorsements. There are many ways to make money. Isn't this better than the bastards in the men's football team?"

"Speaking of which, we also dared to pull all these black people off the horse with our body cut in order to boost China's marathon performance."

"Speaking of it, we have a righteous reputation. Even in terms of public opinion, public opinion must be on our side."

"It's just that those niggers can't make money. What does that have to do with us?"

"Hehe, we get the money, the leaders get results, and the team members get honors and bonuses. It's a triple win."

These words seemed to appease everyone present.

Immediately, someone slapped his thigh violently and shouted: "That's right, I have long since disliked those niggers, they came to our territory, took our money, and ate it all up, without leaving us a bite to eat. "

"That's right," the other person also said angrily, "It's like locusts every time, a huge wave of people comes and sweeps away the marathon races one by one. If you don’t leave it to us, it will be too ugly to eat.”

"Fuck the niggers, eat and drink hot!"

The last person clenched his fist, raised it high, and let out a long-suppressed roar.

In the 1990s, Ma Jiajun of the track and field team stole most of the trophies in the women's middle-distance running international competitions and repeatedly broke the world record. It was not until the 2000 Sydney Olympics that he tested positive for drugs that he missed the Olympics.

The truth of this scandal was not revealed until more than ten years later, and the authorities also concealed it for the sake of black hats.

They were taking steroid drugs, such as testosterone, which can increase muscle strength and endurance, but they were very harmful to the body and left many sequelae. If you take too much, masculine signs may even appear, leading to infertility.

Among them is the contribution of domestic pharmaceutical companies. Due to economic development, the manufacturing level of domestic pharmaceutical companies has improved by leaps and bounds. They can produce high-purity steroid drugs with high quality and low price.

Later, it was not until WADA developed a detection method with higher accuracy, under the iron fist, that the deal was disrupted.

The waters in the international sports arena, and even the domestic sports arena, are really deep.

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