I can extract side effects

Chapter 616 It's clinical, and it's also on the banned drug list

"You really think I won't find out?"

"Are you playing the whole world for a fool? Do you understand?"

"After the new drug is clinically available, who doesn't know the effect of this thing?"

"How will you explain to everyone then?"

"Everyone thinks you are very talented, but you just slapped them in the face?"

Wei Kang stood in front of the desk with a livid face, and cursed out of spite.

The continuous barrage of cursing was like daggers, piercing into the body of Xue Shen who was sitting opposite.

He just returned to China yesterday, and he was treated like a star at the airport. Even the airport staff became his little fans, chasing after him for a group photo.

He was very happy, but when he came to work, he was called to the office by the boss and scolded him.

Only then did I know that what I had done had been revealed.

Thinking about it, it is not difficult to find out. The performance and curative effect of high oxygen-carrying nanoparticles, but anyone who has read the project report and experimental records, it is difficult not to connect the two.

In fact, he had already prepared in his heart that this matter would be known to the boss sooner or later, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

Xue Shen was complaining in his heart, but he also knew that he was wronged, so he didn't dare to speak at all, but just lowered his head in fear, and didn't even dare to raise his head to meet Wei Kang's eyes.

"Look up and look at me!"

With a bang, Wei Kang slammed the table hard, causing the cup next to the computer to buzz.

Xue Shen raised his head slowly, his tanned face was gloomy at the moment.

He and Wei Kang looked at each other, his body trembled, and his eyes suddenly became erratic, avoiding Wei Kang's sharp gaze.

After Wei Kang vented all his anger, he suddenly felt exhausted. He sat back on the chair, sighed, and said.

"What else do you want to say, just say it!"

Xue Shen wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, knowing that this was his last chance to confess, so he told the whole story from beginning to end.

"Mr. Wei, I was wrong. I was really blinded by lard. I shouldn't have done this."

"At first, I was just curious and wanted to try the effect of the new drug."

"I never thought that Xiao Liu would register for the marathon for me, and then I was a little bit excited when I saw the prize money, so I went wrong all the way."

"Actually, when I was asked to participate in the Olympics, I also wanted to refuse, for fear of being caught cheating and embarrassing the country and the company."

"I just thought that the country really needed me, so I bit the bullet and didn't tell anyone. Being caught like this is my own business, and it has nothing to do with the company or the national team."

"For this reason, I even improved the nano blood and made some optimizations to ensure that there will be no problems during the doping test."

"And I've decided, just this once, that I'll never run any marathons again and just keep this secret to myself."

"Mr. Wei, if you want to beat, scold and punish me, even if you fire me, I will admit it, and I will never complain."

Wei Kang stared at him for a full 10 seconds, his eyes narrowed, as if he was thinking about how to deal with him.

After a while, he suddenly asked: "You just said that you have also improved this kind of nanoparticles?"

Xue Shen said without hesitation: "That's right, because I was afraid that it would be detected in the blood test, so I optimized the metabolism time of the nanoparticles."

"Version 1.0 takes about 24 hours to be metabolized in the human body. The nanoparticles will be decomposed into small molecular perfluorinated compounds. This compound has a very low boiling point and will be breathed out from the lungs at room temperature. It is completely mild and harmless to the human body."

"Version 2.0 enhances the body's ability to decompose. When metabolism is accelerated and body temperature rises, the decomposition speed is much faster, and it can be completely discharged from the lungs within 2 hours, achieving the effect of leaving no traces."

Wei Kang said thoughtfully: "No wonder I saw you on TV, and I ran to the back and started to spit clouds. I thought it was because the local temperature was too low."

Xue Shen quickly explained: "In fact, it has nothing to do with the temperature. The boiling point of the main small molecule perfluorinated compounds is a little higher than the normal body temperature of the human body. into mist."

"Hehe, I'll see if I can do it for you." Wei Kang grimaced and snorted coldly.

Xue Shen smiled awkwardly, then lowered his head again, looking extremely docile, waiting for punishment.

Wei Kang looked at this competent subordinate, thinking about the solution, and at the same time, he was filled with a heart of love for talents. Under the balance of the two, he suddenly had a headache.

This matter is too bad, not severely punished.

However, Xue Shen's show operation has been concealed from the whole world and has not been exposed. It can even be said that it has not caused any negative impact, but has brought great honor to the country and the company.

From this point of view, Xue Shen is not only innocent, but also meritorious.

If it has not been exposed, it seems that he cannot be severely punished, otherwise it will inevitably arouse doubts from the outside world.

And this kind of thing can't be explained to the top, it can't be directly confessed to the national team.

Then this is equivalent to kicking the ball upwards, and it will definitely be difficult for the top.

After all, Sanqing is a private enterprise, and Xue Shen is also an amateur, so there is no need to be directly responsible to the above.

Originally won the gold medal in the marathon, and the national team was happy. You directly blew up the truck. Not only did you lose face, but you also took credit for it.

Isn't that nonsense?

Therefore, this matter can only be rotten in the stomach, hello, I am good, so that everyone can be happy.

Hey, Xue Shen is really talented, but it's really not worrying.

Maybe that's the price to pay for talent.

Talent is like a sharp blade, with a sharp weapon in your body, you will kill yourself.

Talented people will naturally regard the rules as nothing, and they can break the rules with a backhand, so how can they follow the rules.

Going beyond the rules, remaking the rules, and doing whatever they want is the result they want.

If there are too many restrictions, their creativity will be curbed. If there are no restrictions, they will do whatever they want, causing huge damage to society.

Think about it, Xue Shen is just using his talent to create new drugs, run a marathon to pretend to be aggressive, and earn a little bonus. He is already a good baby.

It would be more destructive if they were replaced by other people with evil intentions. This is how the evil scientists in film and television dramas often come about.

The most terrible thing is that he can't even tell whether Xue Shen has this stinking problem before coming here, or whether he learned it from others in Sanqing.

After all, there are a group of high-end talents in Sanqing, and their main focus is rebellion.

Hey, he sighed in his heart again.

It seems that it is not easy to manage a group of talented scientists well, it is really difficult.

After much deliberation, Wei Kang finally spoke.

"Since you are deeply aware of your mistakes, that's it."

"This year's bonus is gone. Anyway, if you win the million-dollar prize, you must not think highly of the bonus that the company gave you."

"I'm punishing you mainly because you cheated and used the company's new drug to benefit yourself, and it caused unpredictable consequences."

"You'd better pray that this shitty thing you did won't be exposed, otherwise I won't be able to protect you, let alone wipe your ass."

With a gloomy face, he spit out the last sentence word by word: "Don't be an example!"

"That's it?" Xue Shen raised his head in surprise and joy, and looked at the boss in disbelief.

Seeing Wei Kang's furious look, he originally thought that he would be demoted or even fired, but he never expected that the boss would let him go so lightly.

Just being fined for the year-end bonus was very painful for him, but with the marathon bonus subsidy, he wouldn't feel too sad.

The punishment was far too light for what he had done.

If they had switched to another company, they would have fired him a long time ago when they knew about it, and reported it to the national team, and even demanded compensation for the loss of the company's reputation.

It can only show that the boss really values ​​him too much and cherishes his talent too much, that's why he lifts it up high and puts it down gently.

Thinking of this, a warm current surged into his heart instantly, and Xue Shen suddenly felt moved to die for his confidant.

His whole body relaxed, his eye sockets moistened a bit, and he said gratefully.

"Thank you Mr. Wei. From now on, I will be born as a member of Sanqing and die as a ghost of Sanqing. I will be with Mr. Wei for the rest of my life."

Wei Kang waved his hand and said in a deep voice, "Even if this matter is over, there is still a big trouble."

"The animal experiment of the new drug high oxygen-carrying nanoparticles has been completed, and the clinical trial will begin soon."

"The public may not be clear about such a new drug in clinical practice, but those pharmaceutical companies from friendly companies will immediately understand it once they take a look at it."

Xue Shen panicked, and said repeatedly: "Then, what should we do?"

Wei Kang glanced at him and said, "So you are not suitable to be in charge of this project anymore."

"This project has nothing to do with you in the future, and it will never have anything to do with you before."

"I will let Ding Mian take over this project. Anyway, it is a disease related to anemia, which is very suitable for him."

Xue Shen was startled at first, then suddenly realized, and quickly shook his head and said, "Yes, Mr. Wei is absolutely right, this is not my project at all, and I have never even heard of it."

Wei Kang looked at him with a half-smile: "You're a bit too far, Ding Mian is as close as you are to wearing a pair of pants, you've never heard of his project, it's unreasonable to think about it."

Xue Shen wiped the cold sweat from his forehead again: "Yes, yes, I was negligent, and I only heard him mention it when we were eating together. I really don't know what it is."

He was also flustered in his heart, and he didn't think about it for a while, but now that he thought it over clearly, he immediately calmed down a lot.

"Okay." Wei Kang pondered for a while, and felt that there should be no mistakes, so he made a decision.

"During this period of time, you have been known to the public as over-exercising to win the championship, and your body is a little overdrawn, so you can only concentrate on your work."

"If someone invites you to participate in a marathon, whether it's a local or a national team, I will refuse you in the name of nourishing your health."

"Anyway, the Olympic Organizing Committee can't find any conclusive evidence. Seeing the clinical trials of new drugs, it can only be speculation."

"Wait for a long time, and this matter will pass."

"In the future you will live as an Olympic legend, but that's all."

"You, you have a good brain and are very innovative. I really appreciate this, but this brain."

Wei Kang tapped his forehead with his fingers, a little confused about whether to laugh or cry.

"It still has to be used on the right way, and in the future, think less about those things that you have and don't get."

"What's new, just play with it yourself, don't make it so big, okay?"

Xue Shen blushed, and suddenly felt a little hot on his cheeks, and hurriedly swore.

"Don't worry, Mr. Wei, my experience this time was very painful, and I won't dare to do it again in the future."

"If I play this big again in the future, I will be struck by lightning and die!"

"Go away, don't let me see you." Wei Kang said softly with a smile.

Xue Shen immediately felt relieved, stood up, bowed respectfully, and then turned to leave.

When I walked out the door, a cool breeze blew in the corridor, and I felt a chill on my back.

When I reached out to touch it, I realized that the back of the shirt was already wet with sweat.


Maple Leaf Country, Montreal, Headquarters of the Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

A spacious conference room was filled with officials from the Olympic Committee, the IAAF, and the International Marathon Association.

Everyone was whispering to each other, discussing something excitedly.

"I knew that the gold medal in the Olympic marathon was taken away by the Chinese. There is absolutely a problem."

A middle-aged man with a big belly held up a document and shouted angrily, splashing from his mouth.

"Did you see it? Sanqing just registered a drug called high oxygen-carrying nanoparticles with the Food and Drug Administration this week, and it is undergoing Phase 1 clinical trials as a drug for treating anemia patients."

"The animal experiment data of this drug is very amazing. It has an oxygen-carrying capacity 20 times stronger than that of red blood cells. What is the difference between this and erythropoietin (EPO)?"

"After this kind of drug is launched, track and field athletes all over the world will go to get an injection to strive for the biggest advantage in the competition. If this continues, can track and field competitions still be watched?"

"We must update the corresponding detection methods as soon as possible."

Suddenly someone asked: "Now that you are just in the clinic, you can't get the medicine at all. How do you test?"

The middle-aged man with a big belly suddenly became dumb, snorted angrily, and fell silent.

The anti-doping agency chairman Thord looked at the scene in front of him, and his originally ugly face instantly became gloomy.

He tapped on the table lightly, cleared his throat, and said in a deep voice.

"Everyone, don't forget the topic of today's meeting. At present, this new drug from Sanqing has started clinical trials. Given the disclosed experimental data, we need to discuss whether to include it in the prohibited drug list."

"Is this still worth discussing? Oxygen regulators that are more effective than EPO must be banned!" A black official from the Philippines said angrily.

"And this year's Olympic marathon champion is actually an employee of Sanqing. He must have used this brand-new doping agent to achieve such results. This is blatant cheating."

"I strongly recommend that his title be taken away and the second runner-up be the champion."

"Do you have proof?" Thord asked calmly.

The Philippine official fell silent for a while, before saying unwillingly: "He took a doping test after the game, and there must still be samples. We can conduct further tests on the retained samples."

Thord sighed, and said: "When I learned about the three new medicines, I asked someone to find the reserved samples and do a second test."

"According to the new drug clinical trial registration information, this is a perfluorinated compound polymer nanoparticle, which can be retained for 24 hours when injected into animals."

"It stands to reason that Xue Shen did the test just after finishing the competition. It has not been more than 24 hours. There should still be a large amount of perfluorinated nanoparticles in the fresh blood. Even after the decomposition, there will still be fluoride ions in the blood, which is easy to detect. .”

"However, the experimental results were quite disappointing, and no fluoride ions were detected at all."

"That's one thing I still can't understand."

An official from the Eagle Kingdom interjected, "Is there a possibility that Xue Shen is useless at all?"

"Impossible, if it weren't for this kind of violation, how could the Chinese take the marathon championship from us?" the black official yelled angrily.

The Eagle Country official shrugged: "It's hard to say. Among the 1.4 billion people, the proportion of a long-distance running champion is still very high. Even God can't deny this probability."

"You!" The black official glared at him, but he couldn't help but shut his mouth angrily.

"Okay, stop arguing." Thord looked around and said slowly.

"Since none of you have any objections, we have decided to add this new drug to the list of prohibited drugs."

"Wait a minute, I think the final decision should be made after the new drug is on the market and there are human clinical results." Another Eagle Country track and field official raised objections.

"Oh, do you have any necessary reasons?" Thord looked at him coldly.

The eyes of the Eagle Country officials flickered, but they spoke righteously in their mouths.

"Our Eagle Country values ​​facts the most. There are no human experiment results yet. I don't think any rash decisions should be made."

"Hehe, do you, Yingguo, want to ask Sanqing for this drug in private, and use it secretly for your own track and field athletes?"

An official from Mao Xiong Kingdom said sarcastically.

The Eagle Country official blushed instantly, and stared back angrily: "I didn't, I wasn't, don't talk nonsense!"

Thord frowned and looked at one of the people present: "Zhao Kun, what do you think about this?"

Zhao Kun smiled slightly and said, "I think what Ying Guo said makes sense. I always think that respecting the facts is the most important thing."

"Currently, there is no human experiment to prove the stimulant effect of this new drug on athletes. It is just speculation based on animal experiments. It has not been marketed, and we cannot get samples for testing."

"So it's not too late to talk about it after a while."

"After a while, I'm afraid all of you Chinese athletes will use this banned drug." The Philippine official sneered.

The smile on Zhao Kun's face disappeared, and he said with a serious face: "That's really not the case. If there is no evidence, please don't talk nonsense."

"I just think that even an addictive drug like cannabidiol can be removed from the list of banned drugs, so why is our new drug in Huaxia added to the list of banned drugs without any evidence? Isn't that right? Something against us?"

Thord suddenly felt dizzy, waved his hand and said, "If that's the case, let's vote."

Soon, the voting ended, and with a result of 59:35, the decision to add the new drug Sanqing to the banned list was passed.

Seeing this result, the Eagle Country officials were immediately very dissatisfied, with a long face.

"I protest that among our athletes there are some anemic patients. Although they are seriously ill, they still want to fight tenaciously on the sports field, sweat and gain respect and honor. We must not deprive them of this natural human right."

"So, I suggest that for patients with anemia diagnosed by doctors, if the drug works well, they should be allowed to obtain drug exemptions."

Everyone present suddenly showed a tacit expression of "here it is again".

Thord showed a knowing smile, he had been waiting for this move, so he waved his hand.

"This does not violate any regulations of the Anti-Doping Agency, and I believe everyone should agree."

"Hehe, it really complies with the regulations perfectly."

Zhao Kun said in a cold voice, under the calm face, there was a volcanic anger that was about to erupt.

Thord ignored it directly, looked around, and showed a satisfied smile.

"That's it, this meeting is successfully completed, and the meeting is over!"


In this way, Wei Kang was notified by the Anti-Doping Agency of the Olympic Committee very quickly.

After learning that his new drug was added to the banned drug list as soon as it was clinically administered.

He was suddenly stunned, and there were ten thousand muddy horses galloping past in his heart.

"What the hell? I just applied for a clinical trial, and I haven't even published a human clinical report yet."

"Why are these people moving so fast!"

"They have no evidence at all and just made a decision so arbitrarily."

"This is targeting me!"

Thinking about this, he immediately flew into a rage.

"Bah, tmd is shameless."

"I revealed the information about the new drug, which was originally done according to the rules, but they actually used it as a trick to manipulate us."

"In that case, don't blame me for being rude."

At this time, the phone on the desk rang suddenly, showing a forwarded call from an unknown person.

When I picked it up, I heard the voice of a middle-aged man.

"Hello, Mr. Wei, I'm Zhao Kun, the person in charge of the China Anti-Doping Center."

"Do you have time, please? I want to talk to you."

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