Inpatient department mouth.

Director Wu watched the group of people get off the ambulance with a serious expression.

A young patient in a wheelchair is followed by a man and a woman with similar looks, which seems to be a family.

The doctor on board next to him handed over a document and said with a smile on his face: "Hello, Director Wu, I am from the No. 1 Hospital of Zhejiang Medical University in Hangzhou. This is a patient and family member who was transferred to another hospital. The director should tell you about the specific situation. It's all on this handover record."

Director Wu took the record sheet with a blank face, and it was clearly written on the transfer to the department, the patient's current situation, background, evaluation and suggestions.

He waved his hand: "I see, don't worry."

After finishing speaking, he walked forward and came to the wheelchair youth, showing a kind smile, and said kindly.

"You are Zhu Jun, go to the ward with me first, by the way, the family members go to go through the hospitalization procedures."

Zhu Jun nodded. He had a lot of questions in his mind that he wanted to ask clearly, but he had just arrived here and there were still many things to do, so he put all the questions in his stomach for the time being.

The elder brother Zhu Ming took the handover record sheet and went to go through the formalities, while his mother accompanied him to the ward in a wheelchair.

When I arrived at the ward, I saw Director Wu holding his case information and looked at it seriously.

He finally couldn't hold back anymore, and asked the biggest question in his heart: "Director Wu, mine, can my bladder still be saved?"

Director Wu browsed and pondered for a while before replying: "Your situation is more complicated. We may need to consult with experts before we can determine the treatment plan."

"But don't worry, if it's just a bladder problem, it's still relatively easy to solve. The artificial bladder transplant project we're cooperating with Sanqing Group has achieved great success. So far, more than a dozen operations have been performed, and patients have reported Very good, basically all the urine bags were removed, and the function of the bladder was restored.”

Zhu Jun was overjoyed immediately, and before he could smile, Director Wu continued.

"However, high paraplegia is completely different from ordinary patients, which is also a serious challenge for us."

Zhu Jun's smile suddenly froze on his face, and quickly turned into depression, and his head drooped.

"Zhejiang Medical also said the same thing, saying that they can't solve my problem, and the only hopeful place is here..."

"Doctor, is that artificial bladder useless for my brother?" At this moment, Zhu Ming hurried in and asked eagerly.

Director Wu explained patiently.

"It's like this. Your brother is a traumatic paraplegia patient. Due to spinal cord injury, neurogenic voiding dysfunction often occurs. There is often a large amount of residual urine, secondary bladder, ureteral reflux, and hydronephrosis. Over time, it is very easy to cause infection. .”

"The urinary system is prone to infection, and the daily insertion of the urinary catheter makes the infection recurrent and difficult to control. As a result, the chances of uremia and renal failure are very high."

"I guess his urinary system infection should have happened many times."

Zhu Ming nodded: "That's right, I often go to the hospital for emergency treatment because of this urinary infection throughout the year, and it is very serious every time, and I have been rescued from the door of hell several times."

"However, since two years ago, I have been using Sanqing's nano-pills for antibiotic treatment. The problem of infection is not that serious, at least the danger to life is gone."

Director Wu smiled and said: "It's written in the medical records, but the infection can be cured, but the symptoms are not the root cause, because the root cause is neurogenic bladder problems, and your brother's disease has been going on for a long time, and the bladder has shrunk, I'm afraid Only an artificial bladder can be transplanted."

Zhu Ming was puzzled and said, "Isn't this very good, my brother came here just for this artificial bladder."

Director Wu shook his head and said: "His spinal cord injury problem has always existed, so after transplanting a new bladder, he will continue to have the problem of urination disorder. After a long time, the bladder will shrink again. Repeatedly, the problem cannot be completely solved. "

"But don't worry, the new bladder can last for a while, eliminate or reduce residual urine, reduce urinary tract infections, and delay the occurrence of uremia."

Zhu Ming wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said gratefully: "That's fine, even if it can be cured for a short period of time, it's okay. I'm really afraid that my brother will suddenly die because of kidney failure."

Zhu Jun listened quietly, and suddenly asked: "Director Wu, tell me, is there any way to completely solve my problem?"

Director Wu looked at the young and resolute face of the other party, with hopeful eyes, but felt that he was panicked, and there were thousands of words for a while, and he didn't know where to start.

He has seen many high paraplegia patients in the neurology department of this hospital. Basically, there is no hope, and it is a fortune teller if they can live a few more years.

But it must not be said that way. Patient care is a very important means of treatment. When a person has hope, even ordinary treatment will have a much better effect.

He thought about the other party's experience, weighed his words, and said, "Unless you can control your bladder, urinate regularly every day, and no longer be disordered, the problem of the urinary system can be completely solved."

Zhu Jun smiled miserably, with a look of despair in his eyes: "That means there is no hope. We can only continue to hang the urine bag day after day, year after year, and keep getting infected until the last day comes."

Zhu Ming's heart also sank. He also knew that a paralyzed person cannot control his bladder and urinate spontaneously. The doctor said so, it seemed that his brother's hope was lost.

Zhu Jun suppressed the sadness in his heart, and squeezed out a smile: "Anyway, it's good to change the bladder and continue to live for a while. Director Wu, thank you."

Director Wu nodded, sighed insignificantly, turned and left.

Back in the office, he thought that this patient was in a special situation, and he had to explain the specific situation to Sanqing.

So the electronic medical record was sent over.

Then I contacted neurology experts for a joint consultation.

The results of the consultation were no different from the previous ones.

Bladder atrophy can only be transplanted with an artificial bladder, otherwise it will continue to deteriorate, and the secondary kidney failure will be life-threatening.

However, there is no need for a full bladder transplant, and only a part of the bladder needs to be transplanted to improve bladder function and prolong life for a period of time.

As for whether the new bladder will cause problems again, I don't care so much now.

After the meeting, Director Wu hurried back to the office.

He took out his mobile phone and found that there were seven or eight missed calls on it, all of which were from unfamiliar numbers.

He hesitated for a while, and dialed.

"Hello, Director Wu? I'm Ding Mian from Sanqing Group. I'm in charge of the artificial bladder project. Nice to meet you. The case you sent just now is a high paraplegia patient. I'm very interested. I have some ideas that I want to talk about in depth. I don't know if it is convenient for you to participate in the video conference?"

The other party talked a lot in one breath, and Director Wu almost didn't react.

But when he heard that he was the person in charge of the artificial bladder project, he immediately agreed.

"Okay, no problem, just send me the link."

"When exactly? What? Right now?"

"Hehe, yes, we are having a meeting to discuss this case, so it's better to come early than coincidentally." The other party said with a smile.

"Oh, I also consulted with the experts in the hospital just now, okay, I saw the link. I will come right away."

Director Wu clicked on the link and soon entered a video conference interface.

Oncoming is a meeting room, in which seven or eight people are sitting, some men and some women, all of them have relaxed expressions and lazy postures.

There are also some biscuits, snacks and fruit plates on the conference table, which looks like a dinner rather than a meeting.

When Director Wu's big face appeared on the screen, everyone looked over in unison.

Director Wu calmly waved his hand and said hello.

Ding Mian sat up straight, and said seriously, "Hello, Director Wu, you are finally here. We are discussing the condition of the paraplegic patient. Do you have a treatment plan?"

Director Wu looked at the face of the other party who was too young, and was secretly surprised that such a young person actually made such an achievement as an artificial bladder, which is worthy of Sanqing's genius.

He told the patient's condition slowly, and finally gave his own treatment plan.

"In view of the current situation, renal failure can only be alleviated by transplanting an artificial bladder and restoring the function of the bladder."

"However, this is a solution that treats the symptoms rather than the root cause. The new bladder can't control urination, and it will continue to have problems, and it will happen again and again. This is something that can't be helped."

"It's a pity that a young man who is only 29 years old will spend his prime years in a wheelchair."

"This patient has a very tenacious vitality. With his unyielding will, he learned to play games with a mouth-controlled device, and became a king. He became popular on the Internet. He can be regarded as an Internet celebrity with millions of fans. He set a positive example for many people. model."

"If the artificial bladder can allow him to live a few more years, it will be a great merit."

Director Wu spread his hands and said with a sad face.

These words moved everyone.

"Zhu Jun, right? I'll search for him online."

A young man in his early thirties, wearing a white shirt, messy hair, and looking very energetic, tapped on the notebook in front of him, and soon said with a sigh.

"That's right, it's him. It's really a fateful life. He was a firefighter before, and he was 20 years old when he was in a catastrophe. It's hard to survive until now."

"Hey, it's true that the hemp rope is only picked at the fine points, and bad luck is only picked at the poor."

"I, Aaron, have never seen anyone, but I have never seen such a hard-working and tenacious person. I really admire it!"

He let out a long sigh, and said to a middle-aged man next to him: "Old Chen, you are an expert in neuroscience, can you see if this person can be saved?"

Chen Yiqing adjusted his glasses, and pondered: "It must be difficult to get a paraplegic to stand up. But if it's just to let the bladder control urination, it shouldn't be difficult."

Director Wu's heart was shocked, and he blurted out: "What way?"

The others also turned their heads in unison, looking eagerly at Chen Yiqing.

Chen Yiqing looked around and couldn't help laughing.

"Why do you look at me that way? I'm just putting forward an idea."

Wen Renlong urged: "Okay, Lao Chen, don't be a fool, just speak quickly."

Only then did Chen Yiqing clear his throat, and said in a deep voice, "My method is very simple. It only requires a small operation to precisely redirect the visceral autonomic nerves that control the bladder, connect it to the nerves controlled by the skin, and rebuild the reflex urination pathway."

"Because after paraplegia, only the spinal nerves are damaged. In fact, the neuropathy in various parts of the body is not damaged, but the signals from the brain cannot be received, and the functions are lost."

"It's as if everyone was in the same room, but a wall suddenly appeared in the middle, blocking the signal transmission on both sides. In this case, the people on one side can act independently, rebuild the communication channel, and complete some necessary functions. "

"We are equivalent to re-bridge the damaged spinal nerves, so that patients only need to stimulate the skin of the innervated area of ​​​​the legs, generate and release electrical signals, and then follow the displaced nerves to reach the bladder, and then control it autonomously. Urinate, shake off the pee bag."

"Based on my experience, the operation is not complicated and only requires a skilled neurosurgeon to perform the specific operation."

After the words were finished, the audience fell silent for an instant.

Clap clap!

Director Wu was the first to react and applauded excitedly.

"Second, this operation is a good idea. As long as the patient can control urination, there will be no more problems with the urinary system in the future. Not only will the quality of life be greatly improved, but the chance of survival will also be improved."

Others also applauded.

"Director Chen is awesome!"

"I didn't expect to be able to solve patients' problems from this perspective."

"The boss is indeed a boss, I admire him!"

"Wait a minute!" Wen Renlong suddenly shouted, "Something is wrong."

Everyone stopped and looked at him one after another, feeling a little confused for a while.

Wen Renlong scratched his head and asked: "But this patient is a high paraplegic, only his head can move, and his hands and feet can't move at all."

"Now he has to use his mouth to control the device when using a computer, and he has to be pushed around in a wheelchair."

"Then how does he stimulate the skin of the legs, release electrical signals, and control urination?"

This knocked everyone down, and they all looked at each other in blank dismay, speechless.

Chen Yiqing said apologetically, "It's because I didn't think carefully, I didn't think of this. In this case, the patient may have to let the people around him stimulate the skin and urinate every few hours."

Director Wu nodded approvingly and said: "This is actually possible, although it is a bit troublesome, but compared to bladder failure and urinary tract infection, it is a great improvement, and it is just a small problem."

Wen Renlong muttered to himself: "But I always feel that there is a better way."

Ding Mian suggested: "How about making a mouth-controlled device, so that he can use his mouth to control and stimulate the skin of his legs? Just connect a wire to his leg. I can ask someone from the equipment department to design it, and then make a device." .”

Director Wu was overjoyed: "That's a good thing, I'm going to trouble Mr. Ding."

Ding Mian waved his hand: "You're welcome." He took out his mobile phone and called Xue Shen.

After a while, the meeting room door opened.

Xue Shen walked in with a smile.

Wang Dali followed behind.

Ding Mian's eyes widened, and he was overjoyed: "This is Mr. Wang who invented the artificial heart, Mr. Mechatronics. With you on the stage, it will definitely be a success."

Wang Dali twisted his mouth, and chuckled: "Where, where, I mainly work in the same business department as Lao Xue, and he called me, so he must show some face."

He sat down on the chair carelessly: "I heard that a mouth control device is going to be made for paralyzed patients. It's easy to say, easy to say."

Director Wu once again introduced the patient's situation.

Wang Dali pondered for a moment, then nodded: "It's not difficult, I can even remove the wires and make it a wireless control mode."

"However, it's best to ask the patient's opinion on where to put this thing. After all, he needs to use it every day, so it's best to fit his usage habits."

After some discussion, the plan was decided.

Director Wu looked at everything in front of him, and was immediately excited: "Thank you so much, it is his greatest blessing for the patient to meet a scientific researcher like you."

At this moment, he deeply felt that there is nothing happier than owning a top medical scientific research institution in his country, and it is also a cooperative unit of the hospital.

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