I can extract side effects

Chapter 487 First Trial of Ultrasonic Knife

Haishi, Ruiji Hospital.

Jian Guohua hurried into the office, poured himself a cup of tea, sat down in front of the computer, and started writing courseware.

He has been very busy since the end of the year. Originally, according to the previous regulations, he could retire when he turned 60 this year. Even if the hospital rehired him, he could also go to the relatively easy work of outpatient clinic to make use of his spare heat.

Unexpectedly, the new policy implemented this year will delay the retirement age to 65 years old, so he has to drag his old bones and continue to shine as the director of the department, dedicating another five years to the hospital.

Fortunately, he has already started to train a successor, and plans to select one of several young and vigorous deputy directors to take on a heavy responsibility. After two years, he plans to retire to the second line and assist the successor in leading the work of the department.

Anyway, I have already earned enough money, and my daughter is married to a good man. After five years, I will retire directly, and it is not uncommon to re-employ.

When the time comes to accompany the old woman at home to have fun with the grandchildren, that day will be called a happy one.

Suddenly, the phone on the table rang.

I picked it up and saw that it was my daughter's call, and I connected it immediately.

"Yunyun, why are you free to call Dad?" Jian Guohua's tone instantly became extremely gentle.

"I want to ask, will Uncle Zhou still be a referee at the World Cup of Endoscopy this year?" Jian Lianyun's crisp voice came over.

"It's hard to say in previous years, but this year he will definitely go, because it will be held in Haishi. Why do you ask this? Someone from your hospital also wants to participate?"

"Dad, Sanqing has recently created a complete set of minimally invasive surgery system with ultrasonic scalpel and endoscope. I want to sponsor it and promote it. After all, there are many doctors from abroad for this competition, so we can make a name for the new product."

"See if you can help me tell Uncle Zhou whether Sanqing can be included in this year's competition sponsors."

Jian Guohua laughed immediately: "Okay, my good daughter knows that she is taking the lead in her husband's affairs? You have finally grown up and become sensible, and you will no longer bury your head in surgery."

"I'll help you talk about this matter. If there is any drama, you have to come over in person to thank Uncle Zhou."

Jian Lianyun immediately smiled: "Of course, I will take two bottles of good wine from you to thank him."

Jian Guohua couldn't laugh or cry: "I just praised you for being sensible, and you learned how to get wool from your father, right? Why don't you go to Xiaowei's office to get two bottles of good wine? I have treasured them for many years, and I just wait for them to be picked up every day after retirement. Have a drink or two."

Jian Lianyun curled her lips: "I'm doing this for your own good. My mother has been eyeing your cabinet of wine for a long time, and told me to dispose of it secretly. At least I don't waste it when I give it away."

Jian Guohua was shocked instantly: "Your mother said that?"

Jian Lianyun snickered and said, "Yes, I secretly revealed this to you in advance, and you understand what will happen next."

Jian Guohua got up and walked around the office, anxious like ants on a hot pot: "What should I do, I can't go to the bank to open a safe to store the bar."

He thought about it for a while, then suddenly slapped his thigh: "Yes, dear girl, why don't I let you go there, your place is big, just find an underground storage room and put it away."

"Ah?" Jian Lianyun was stunned for a moment, and could only hold his nose and agree: "That's fine, I'll come over quietly later and remove all the wine."

Jian Guohua was in a great mood, and said with a smile, "When will you let me hold your grandson? I can't go to your place after I retire and just drink wine."

Jian Lianyun said in embarrassment: "Oh, I know, don't keep asking."

"Okay, okay, I won't ask anymore, anyway, you will definitely notify me if there is any good news."

"Hmm, the nurse is here to call me, hang up first."

"Sure enough, girls are extroverted, the ancients really didn't lie to me."

After hanging up the phone, Jian Guohua shook his head and sighed with regret.

However, there was no displeasure in his tone, on the contrary, he was a little happy.

Because her daughter always avoided helping him in the past, and always said that she must prove herself with her own strength, and even broke away from the protection under his wings for this reason, and ran from Ruiji to Kunming City to develop.

For a young female doctor with a lot of money, it is tantamount to breaking her own wings and choosing an extremely difficult path.

Jian Guohua was also angry at the time, and had a big fight with his daughter. The relationship between father and daughter has dropped to freezing point for several consecutive years.

But it was also like this that my daughter met Wei Kang and married a good son-in-law, which is considered auspicious and auspicious, a blessing in disguise.

Jian Guohua looked back on the spot for ten seconds, and sighed: "This is fate."

With his hands behind his back, he just walked out the door and strolled to the endoscopy center.

As a top tertiary hospital in the country, Ruiji has its own endoscopy center. The director, Zhou Ruping, is his junior.

Zhou Ruping is known as the first person in endoscopy in China. He is good at minimally invasive surgery of the gastrointestinal tract. He even created a number of endoscopic resections by himself, which is a full decade ahead of foreign countries. His students are located in five continents around the world, which can be said to be an outstanding reputation.

He is in his early fifties, with a round face and full forehead, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, with small but bright eyes. He has just finished his room inspection and is about to return to the office.

As soon as he walked to the door, he saw a familiar figure.

"Hey, old Jane, it's you, which gust of wind brought you here?" Zhou Ruping pushed open the door and made a pot of tea for his old friend.

Jian Guohua waved his hand and sat down, and said, "To be honest, I really have something to do with you today, but it's not about me, it's about my son-in-law."

"Oh, it's your son-in-law who can't stop talking about it every day? Is there still something he can't handle?" Zhou Ruping laughed.

"Hey, don't entertain me, old man." Jian Guohua blushed, "That's what happened."

He has known each other for decades, and he is no longer familiar with him, so he stopped being polite and told the whole thing.

"Looking at the endoscopic surgery competition, can Sanqing sponsor some minimally invasive surgery equipment?"

Zhou Ruping's eyes lit up, and he immediately asked, "Sanqing has also produced endoscopy equipment? Tell me about the specifics."

"Ultrasonic scalpel, hard tube and flexible tube endoscopes, that's about it." Jian Guohua hesitated, he had never seen the real ones, so he didn't know what types of endoscopes there were.

Zhou Ruping burst out laughing: "Old Jane, you son-in-law treats one more than another. I heard that new equipment is delivered to Yunyun's unit as soon as possible. Why didn't you think about sending a few to my father-in-law?"

Jian Guohua said unhappily: "Why not? Ruiji has a lot of samples of Sanqing, the dean even praised me for coming last time."

Zhou Ruping said with interest: "Oh, isn't that good? Ask your son-in-law to send some sets of endoscopic equipment. I'll try it. If it works well, I'll tell him about it."

Jian Guohua knew that the other party wanted to inspect the goods, so he nodded quickly: "No problem, Lao Zhou, you are still so serious and responsible, you really have to try it first to see how the effect is, if it doesn't work, you can't force it, so as not to cause problems during the competition .”

"I'll ask Xiaowei to send more sets later, just don't worry."

Zhou Ruping said with a chuckle: "However, I guess the domestic equipment can only be used by Chinese players, because foreigners have never used it. If you change to an unfamiliar equipment rashly, if it feels bad, it may affect the results. It seems unfair to the organizer."

"Only domestic players have the opportunity to practice in advance and develop their hand feeling. When the video comes out, I will see which players are capable and give you a list. Remember to let them practice with Sanqing's equipment."

Jian Guohua laughed heartily: "Old Zhou, you are still thoughtful. Later, I will ask Yunyun to carry two bottles of wine and come to the door to thank you in person."


Kunming, First People's Hospital.

Dr. He is watching the operation video attentively and studying the technique seriously.

Suddenly, Dr. Huang ran in and shouted excitedly: "There is a patient with rare symptoms in the ENT department who needs laryngoscopy. Do you want to see it?"

Everyone looked back in unison, as if listening attentively.

"When this patient went to see a doctor, he said that his throat was uncomfortable, thinking that his throat was inflamed, but this symptom has been recurring for a year."

"Until recently, the patient's throat discomfort became more and more severe, and he was forced to see a doctor by his family."

"As a result, guess what you found during the inspection?" Dr. Huang stopped and asked with a mysterious expression.

Curiosity surfaced in Dr. He's heart, and he raised his head and asked, "Cauliflower?"

"Pfft~" Dr. Huang almost choked on his saliva, and said angrily, "It's not that stuff, it's something else."

Another doctor said thoughtfully, "It's probably a tumor."

"Crack!" Dr. Huang slapped his thigh suddenly, and shouted, "That's right, the next question, guess how big this tumor is?"

He threw out such questions one after another, and everyone suddenly became unhappy.

"Oh, don't be a fool."

"That's right, talking about size, the next question is whether it's benign or malignant. It's really endless."

"Say something quickly, and fart quickly!"

"Old Huang, if you don't want to say yes, I'll ask someone else."

Immediately, someone walked towards the door, and Dr. Huang quickly grabbed him: "Okay, okay, can I just say it?"

"The patient had a huge cyst in his throat, which looked like a big egg and filled the entire throat."

"Let me tell you, the doctors in the otolaryngology department were shocked and were thinking about how to do this operation."

As he expected, the doctors in the general surgery department were also shocked.

"Damn, a cyst the size of an egg? In the eyes of a long throat?"

"Isn't this a super giant?"

"It is not uncommon to have cysts in the throat, but they are generally only a few millimeters in size. Such a large one is really rare, and it should be dozens of times the size of common cysts."

"This is too weird. With such a big time bomb in your throat, the patient is fine, and it took a year to see a doctor?"

"To be honest, it's because of the patient's good luck. It's okay until now. Anyone who puts an egg in the throat can easily block the throat and cause airway obstruction to die. If it accidentally breaks and the fluid flows into the airway, there are also risk of death."

"The risk is too great, it must be surgically removed."

"It's easy for you to say, how do you defuse such a time bomb stuck in your throat?"

"No, I have to see it in person. The one with the size of an egg will have a pharyngeal cyst. You must not miss it."

Dr. He jumped up, stood up, and ran out the door.

The others followed closely and came to the endoscopic operating room.

As soon as I entered, I was surprised. I saw dozens of people inside. Besides the doctors from the ENT department, many other departments also came. It can be seen that this rare symptom has spread in the hospital.

In the center of the operating room, the patient was lying on the operating table, his eyes were rolling around, his mouth was open and trembling, and he looked weak and helpless.

God is so pitiful, he has never seen such a big battle in his life, and he was surrounded by dozens of doctors at the same time.

He was already starting to worry about whether he would survive the operation.

On the screen next to the operating table, there was a picture of the cyst in the patient's throat. It was really huge, and it had completely blocked the entire throat, making it impossible to see the normal throat.

Director Wang of the otolaryngology department is frowning at this moment, thinking about how to perform the operation.

The doctors next to each other were whispering and talking, and they were all racking their brains to find a way.

Dr. He carefully observed the picture of the cyst, and whispered to Dr. Huang beside him, "You can't even see the throat cavity. Anesthesia is very difficult, and traditional surgical instruments can't be put down."

Dr. Huang nodded: "That's why Director Wang is in such a difficult situation."

"Not only is it impossible to do it, but if it is removed by conventional surgery, the surgical trauma will be very large."

"What's more terrible is that if there is a lot of bleeding during the operation, or if the cyst ruptures, blood and cyst fluid will flow into the trachea, causing difficulty in breathing, and it is very likely to be life-threatening."

Dr. He sighed and shook his head secretly: "It's difficult, it's really difficult."

Dr. Huang frowned and thought for a while, then said, "It should be better if the ultrasonic scalpel is used to remove the cyst. At least the cyst is not so easy to rupture, and it is relatively fast. It can be resolved in 20 minutes."

Dr. He slapped his forehead suddenly: "You're right, I suddenly remembered, didn't Sanqing send a few sets of ultrasonic scalpels and flexible endoscopic equipment two days ago? It feels very suitable for this operation."

Dr. Huang nodded towards the operating table: "Here, it's right there. Everyone tried it out yesterday, and they were all full of praise."

At this time, everyone suddenly looked at Director Wang.

I saw him start to move, as if he had figured out a good way to operate.

Director Wang carefully clamped the upper end of the cyst with medical tweezers, and removed the cyst very gently and very slowly.

It didn't stop until it formed a gap with one side of the throat wall.

He then inserted the anesthesia catheter and successfully administered anesthesia internally.

Then, in order to prevent blood and cyst fluid from flowing into the respiratory tract during the operation, he inserted a small air bubble through the gap to form a barrier between the respiratory tract and the cyst, eliminating the risk of surgery.

Up to now, the patient's larynx has a good surgical field of vision.

The only problem is that the connection between the cyst and the laryngeal cavity is relatively deep. If you use a scalpel or electric knife, you can only go straight up and down. There is no way to bypass the cyst and cut it from the bottom.

However, Director Wang obviously knew what to do. He quickly picked up the ultrasonic scalpel, replaced it with a hose, connected it to the scalpel, and stretched it into the patient's throat.

He controlled the handle, slowly changed the angle, and went around to the bottom connection of the cyst. After spending 20 minutes, he finally successfully removed the cyst.

When the egg-sized cyst was pulled out intact by the forceps, there was a burst of cheers from the entire operating room.

Director Wang heaved a sigh of relief, there were fine beads of sweat all over his forehead at this moment.

Dr. He was on the sidelines, watching the whole process of this extremely dangerous operation, and was immediately very excited.

"Old Huang, look, this ultrasonic knife that can turn is really amazing. It can reach places that ordinary ultrasonic scalpels cannot reach, and complete operations that ordinary ultrasonic scalpels cannot."

Dr. Huang's eyes also brightened, and he couldn't help but praise: "It's amazing, this is an epoch-making breakthrough. In the past, the digestive tract could only be operated with an electric knife. With this, the gastrointestinal tract can also be operated with an ultrasonic scalpel." .”

The operation was successfully completed, and everyone was happy.

And who is the hero who made the operation so smooth, everyone is very clear.

Everyone saw the power of Sanxin Ultrasonic Knife, and everyone was amazed.

After this battle, this new ultrasonic knife has become famous in the hospital.

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