Chapter 153 Finally Introducing My Childhood Friend

Chapter 153 Finally Introducing My Childhood Friend

I led the three women into the drawing room first.

“Your Majesty. If you are waiting here, I will bring Emma.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

“I look forward to it too!”

Cecilia said with the corner of her mouth slightly raised, and Flora exclaimed with her grin on her face.

“I’ll be waiting for you.”

Mulia spoke in a rather calm tone compared to the two women.

I quietly closed the parlor door and headed for the central foyer where Emma was waiting.

“Master Luke. Good morning.”

As soon as Emma saw me, she bowed slightly at the waist and greeted me. Her face was full of joy.

“Good morning.”

I responded by waving my hand lightly.

Then stopped at a distance of one step from her.

Today, as expected, you came back with a hairpin and a brooch.

Emma seemed to notice where my gaze was going. She smiled as she gently grabbed the brooch she had attached to her chest.

“I really like this these days. I wear it all the time, except when I’m at work.”

“I didn’t know you would like it that much.”

Then Emma covered her mouth with her hand and laughed.

“I gave it to you as a gift, but every time I see it, I think it looks good on you.”


Emma smiled brightly at the trivial compliment.

It was a bonus that his cheeks turned red.

Now that I think about it, Cecilia, Flora, and Mulia were also wearing brooches with sunflowers on them…….

‘Should I have bought something different than Emma?’

It feels like it was given as a gift without any sense…….

“By the way, Emma. “Didn’t you say that today might be difficult?”

“I asked my parents yesterday, and they said I don’t have to worry about the field work while you are here.”

“I’m glad.”

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Having Emma come to our mansion like this made things easier for me.

It saved me the trouble of going to Emma’s house to introduce her to the three members of the imperial palace.

I stared at Emma’s face for a moment.


No matter what, you will meet people who are much higher than you, so you should prepare yourself to strengthen your resolve.

“Emma. “Actually, I want to tell you something very important.”

“Yes? “Suddenly?”

I nodded at her as she gave me a surprised look.

“Now, can you give me a moment?”

The reaction was somewhat strange, but I said I would understand first.

Then Emma turned to her side, placed her hand on her chest and took a deep breath.

…… Why are you doing that all of a sudden?

There is no way we would have heard in advance that a distinguished guest had arrived at our mansion…….

Just as I was surrounded by doubts, Emma stood facing me again.

“Now, I have prepared my mind!”

There was a determined light in her blue eyes.

I think there may have been some mistake, but they didn’t bother to correct it.

Anyway, you will find out in a while.



“Her Majesty and her two maids came to our mansion yesterday.”

“… ….”

Emma blinked her eyes as if she didn’t understand what was happening.


After a while, she asked a question. I repeated the same thing one more time.

“So…… Her Majesty the Empress and her ladies-in-waiting…… “You came to Baron Nedville’s residence?”

“Yes. “He came last night.”

As she nodded, Emma’s face slowly turned into astonishment.

“… ….”


“Uh oh… ….”

Is your child suddenly creaking like a robot?

Well, I understand. Because people in my family were like that too.

“From now on, I’m going to introduce you to them.”

“What, what!?”

Emma jumped up and was surprised.

I’ve never seen her this embarrassed before.

You even forgot the honorifics that are only used inside the mansion.

“Oh, why do something so lowly as me…” ….”

“They are curious about you.”

“Lou, Luke…… Please save me…….”

Emma started crying even though we hadn’t started anything yet.

“It’s okay. They are better people than I thought. And if you didn’t do anything wrong, why be so nervous?”

“Well, still, they are nobles… ….”

I patted Emma’s back to help her calm down.

“I will continue to be by your side. “Don’t worry too much.”


“Of course not.”

Only then did Emma return to her usual self.

…… Although it was hard to express it, a nervous look was evident on her face.

I held out my right hand toward Emma. She stared at my hand and carefully grabbed it.

Now all that remains is to introduce Emma.

* * *

Emma lowered her head as she followed Luke.

Here, from the central foyer to the drawing room, it was only a few steps at most.

Just a moment ago, Emma’s heart was beating wildly, as if it were going to jump out of her. But now, with Luke holding her hand, she has been able to regain her original heartbeat.

That didn’t mean I wasn’t nervous at all.

But before that, Emma felt a slight disappointment in Luke.

“… ….”

Emma looks at the back of Luke’s head with a puzzled expression.

‘Ha… ….’

Then he secretly sighed.

Actually, she had expectations when Luke said something important.

I thought maybe Luke was expressing his feelings to him.

However, that expectation was quickly shattered.

In addition to that, Luke even delivered the most sudden news.

Emma felt that Luke was mean, but she didn’t bother to say it out loud.

The expectation that Luke might confess was just his own vain expectation.

‘For now, let’s first think about properly greeting high-ranking people.’

* * *

We quickly arrived in front of the living room.

As I raised my fist to knock, Emma stopped me.

“Luke. “Can I just take a deep breath for a moment?”


I let go of her hand.

Emma closed her eyes tightly and took a slow, deep breath. As she inhaled and exhaled, the brooch attached to her chest rose and fell repeatedly.

As expected, I can’t help but keep my eyes directed in that direction…….

“How is it? “Are you a little more relaxed?”

“Yes. “It’s better than before.”

“As I said before, he will view you favorably. So don’t worry too much.”

After calming her down, I knocked lightly on her door. Flora’s very familiar voice came from inside.

“Are you Mr. Luke?”

“That’s right, Lady Flora.”

After answering, I looked back, just in case.

Emma’s expression was very stiff.

Where did Emma, who said she felt relaxed earlier, go?

‘If I just wait, it will take a year.’

In this case, there is only one solution.

Getting into that situation.

“Emma. “I’m going in.”

“Lou, Luke. Now, wait!”

I ignored Emma’s words and opened the living room door. At the same time, he took Emma’s hand and entered the living room.

“… ….”

Thanks to this, there was silence in the living room as if cold water had been poured on it.

I looked at the expressions of the three women. Their gazes on Emma were a mixture of curiosity and wonder.

“The woman next to me here is Emma, my old childhood friend.”

“I see.”

Cecilia let out a slightly lower voice than usual. Then Emma suddenly fell flat on her floor.

“Hwahwa, your Majesty, see you, see you…….”

Ah, that’s right. You didn’t teach me how to greet you.

“Oh my, you’re such a cute person.”

Flora laughed, folding her eyebrows as if this situation was amusing. Mulia just looked at Emma.


“Yes, Your Majesty… ….”

Even when Cecilia called, Emma buried her face on the floor of her drawing room.

“If anyone sees it, they’ll think I’m eating you. “Just let this happen.”

Cecilia made a joke for some reason. I guess she did it on purpose because Emma seemed so nervous.

But…… If you’re going to joke, shouldn’t you at least laugh a little?

He said it with such a serious expression that it couldn’t have sounded like a joke.

“Well, that’s okay…” … Are you afraid?”

Emma’s shoulders were shaking and she could barely get a sound out of her voice.

Well, let’s understand for now. How many more times will he have an audience with the emperor in his life?

‘And after a few days, you’ll get used to it.’

If possible, teach them some basic etiquette.

“Of course.”

Only then did Emma slowly raise her head. Cecilia motioned towards her to stand up completely.

Emma stood up hesitantly.

I held Emma’s hand lightly to help her relax.

Then suddenly the three women looked surprised at the same time.

Why are they doing that?

Fortunately, the moment of silence did not last long.

“Luke. “Now I’d like you to introduce us to Emma.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

I was the first to introduce Cecilia, who took the middle seat on her sofa. Next, he introduced Flora, who was sitting on her right, and finally Mulia.

“Oh my. “By the way, Emma, you’re also wearing the same brooch?”

At Flora’s words, Emma looked at the brooches attached to the three women’s chests with her blank eyes. Then he let out a soft exclamation, “Ah.”

Well, of course I expected someone to mention this.

“Ah. “It really is.”

It was only then that Mulia realized the reaction.

Cecilia didn’t say anything. She just stares at me with her blood red eyes.

“I thought it would be better to buy the same thing when I bought this in the Kingdom of Sergel!”

“Hmm? “I didn’t really intend to point out that part.”

“… ….”

It seems like the thief just said that his feet were numb, so he showed up for no reason.

Thanks to you, I had to feel embarrassed.

“Rather… ….”

Suddenly Cecilia stopped muttering and turned her gaze towards Emma. Then even Flora and Mulia turned their eyes to her Emma.

As a result, Emma lowered her head and shrugged her shoulders.

Why are they suddenly looking at Emma like that?

What made it even more incomprehensible was that the three women were sending envious glances at Emma at once.

‘What is it really?’

But I felt like I shouldn’t ask because of the atmosphere, so I just tilted my head.

* * *

Cecilia, Flora, and Mulia were in a state of deep shock from the moment Emma stood up.

Because there was a particularly prominent bulge on Emma’s body.

It was the breasts that could be said to be a symbol of women.

‘Oh my. ‘How on earth did it get to that size?’

Flora felt her wonder and pure curiosity at the same time.

Because of all the women she has seen, she has never seen a woman bigger than her best friend, Mullia.

Flora was never dissatisfied with her own breasts. But seeing Luke taking care of Emma and liking her like that made her greedy.

What if her breasts become bigger than they are now…….

‘Will Mr. Luke pay more attention to me then?’

Flora thought she would have a separate conversation with Emma later.

Meanwhile, Mulia was shocked by the size of her Emma’s breasts.

Although she did not show it on the outside, she believed that no woman had bigger breasts than hers. But today, a big crack appeared in her faith.

‘This can’t be right…’ ….’

I’m a commoner…… Bigger than me?

But I couldn’t show embarrassment when everyone was gathered. Therefore, she maintained her usual expression with a lot of strength in her facial muscles.

In doing so, she was able to infer her own conclusion.

About why Luke values her Emma.

‘As expected of you, Luke…… ‘Do women like that place?’

Mulia felt a bitter taste in her mouth.

However, the sense of defeat that Mulia felt was like blood on her new feet compared to what Cecilia felt.

“… ….”

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Cecilia tightly closed her hands that were on her legs.

‘Why on earth…? ….’

All the women around me have big breasts…….

She herself had many things as the emperor of the Eckhardt Empire.

Of course, compared to her ladies-in-waiting, her breasts were on the small side, but she took it for granted.

But she couldn’t have guessed that Luke’s childhood friend had bigger breasts than her maids.

She suddenly felt a sense of crisis, wondering if she had fallen far behind as a woman.

At the same time, Cecilia felt a sense of discomfort.

‘When did I start paying attention to these things?’

She didn’t even pay attention to it before.

She stared at her Luke and was able to find out why.

It was after she hired Luke as her direct secretary.

At a time when the three women were lost in their own thoughts, Luke brought up her proposal.

“Your Majesty. Would you like to go see the estate now? “I will guide you.”

Cecilia thought. It’s an offer that came at a very surprising time.

“I do.”

I need to soothe this feeling by looking around the estate.

As Cecilia stood up first, her maids also stood up with anticipation.

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