Episode 152 The Fresh Women

Episode 152 The Fresh Women

The night we returned from the Connell River.

Emma had dinner on her table with her parents.

Today’s dinner menu consisted of vegetable stew and hard bread. It was a very familiar food to Emma.


After finishing her plate, Emma glanced at her father who was sitting across from her.

He put down his spoon and looked Emma in the eye.

“Maybe…… Should I go help in the fields tomorrow?”

“Is something wrong?”

Her mother intervened on her husband’s behalf.

Emma studied her parents for a moment, then cautiously opened her mouth.

“I want to meet Master Luke tomorrow too.”

Emma’s voice became creeping toward the end.

To be honest, she couldn’t help but notice.

This was because she had already missed work for three days. Moreover, since their family managed several fields, there was always a shortage of labor.

Even though you know the situation so well, you say you want to play…….

‘I think I’m being too greedy.’

Emma sighed inwardly as she wiggled her hands on her legs.

Then her father opened her mouth.

“If you want to meet Master Luke, you’re always welcome.”


Her husband and wife nodded at the same time as she questioned her with her eyes wide open.

“You said Master Luke is leaving for the capital again in two weeks? So until then, spend time with me often.”

“Mom…… Dad… ….”

Emma let out an moved voice and looked at her parents in turn. Then she got up from her chair and bowed her head to express her gratitude.

“If possible, capture the master’s heart for sure!”

“Honey, you shouldn’t force something like that too much.”

While her husband and his wife were fighting, Emma’s cheeks turned bright red.

Capturing Master Luke’s heart…….

Of course, if you could do that, it was clear that nothing could be better than that.

But Emma wasn’t sure yet.

About how Luke views himself.

“Anyway, Emma. “I will always be careful not to cause trouble to you, Master.”

“Yes. “I always do that.”

When Emma nodded her head, her mother furrowed her eyebrows and grinned.

“This dad won’t worry if you say you’re with him. “You can stay up all night, so don’t think about us.”

“You really… ….”

Her mother shot her sharp eyes at her husband.

The change in expression was so quick that it was hard to think that he was the person who was smiling at his daughter just a moment ago.

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Emma thought it would be best for her to wake up early and headed to her room.

“Whoa. Thank god.”

Emma sat down on her bed and let out a light sigh.

“What will we do when we meet tomorrow?”

I have already climbed Nedville Hill and visited the Cornell River.

I’ve been to all the places to visit near Nedville Estate.

Emma lay down on the bed and repeated her worries. But no matter how much she thought about it, she couldn’t think of a place to go to play.

Then suddenly, she wondered if there was any meaning to these concerns.

‘I already enjoy just spending time with Luke.’

That was enough for now, she thought.

But I really wanted to check it out someday.

About whether Luke considers himself the opposite s*x.

“… ….”

Emma, who had been staring blankly at the ceiling, suddenly covered her face with both hands.

As soon as she imagined herself asking that question in the first place, embarrassment rose up to her face.

“Oooh. Not yet… ….”

Emma had to roll around in bed for a while to cool off the heat building up on her face.

* * *

Deep dawn has come to the Nedville territory.

‘It’s really quiet.’

Ilaina was lying on the roof of Baron Nedville’s mansion.

At first glance, she seemed to be in a resting position, but in reality, she was not. She was currently working hard to keep her commands alert, with all her five senses wide open.

She was paying close attention to her hearing, especially since it was night.

Her hearing was so keen that she could even detect the footsteps of mice crawling across the basement floor of her mansion.

‘No problems so far.’

The reason she did this was because other important people who had to be escorted, including her secretary, were asleep.

Among them, the object that needs to be protected the most is Empress Cecilia Campbell Eckhart.

As Cecilia was the actual head of Luna, this was natural.

She gently pushed up her eyelids.

Countless stars were filling the night sky.

There seemed to be more stars than the ones she had seen in the capital city of Delesson, she thought.

But that was all Ilaina felt. This was because the act of looking at stars was a very common thing for her.

“… ….”

When I stayed silent, there were times when I got caught up in her distracting thoughts.

Ilayna also had moments like that from time to time, and today was like that. But today, instead of just random thoughts, something that happened a few hours ago came vividly into her mind.

‘What a fortunate thing…….’

Il Reyna placed her hand on her chest and let out a faint sigh.

She was very nervous when Cecilia came to Baron Nedville’s residence. Not only was she exposed, but it was because she was wearing a maid’s uniform and had makeup on her face.

Of course, her opinion was not reflected in this situation at all.

But there was no way the Empress could understand such circumstances.

It was also her own mistake that caused her to appear in front of these people in the first place.

For this reason, she was firmly determined. No matter what punishment I receive, I will accept it.

However, despite her determination, she said that the Empress would not punish her.

When she heard the news from Luke, Ileina’s first feeling was relief. But as soon as she felt relieved, she felt extremely ashamed of herself.

If Luke hadn’t changed the topic to dressing up, she might have been standing there like a statue.

“Ah… ….”

As soon as she remembered what Luke had told her, she let out a soft exclamation. Then he repeated what Luke said in a low voice.

She said, “She told me she looked prettier without makeup…” ….”

She felt her own heart beating unusually fast.

It was my first time hearing a compliment from the opposite s*x that I was pretty.

When the maids, including Meeti, complimented her appearance, her heart did not react like this.

‘Why…? ….’

Il Reina smoothed her own cheek with her fingers. Only then did she realize that she had been on guard without even removing her makeup.

I should have removed this makeup quickly.

Il Reina took out her handkerchief from her subspace pocket.

She scrubbed her face with it to remove her makeup, but somehow she felt refreshed.

‘I have to wash my face first when dawn breaks.’

Ilaina made a promise.

For the first time in her life, she was completely unaware that this was an action she was taking to impress someone.

* * *

As soon as morning came, I headed to the room where Cecilia was staying.

For someone who lives as a direct secretary, isn’t it the most basic thing to show one’s face to one’s superiors first?

…… This guy’s body has adapted so well to the position of secretary.

I knocked first and then entered the room. Cecilia was looking at me with her upper body raised from her bed.

“Did you sleep well last night?”

“Okay. “Thanks to you, I slept comfortably.”

She got off the bed with leisurely movements.

“Your Majesty. Would you like to see the manor today?”

“Are you planning on guiding me? It’s good.”

Cecilia nodded her head once.

“Also, would you mind introducing my old childhood friend to Your Majesty?”

“Ah. Come to think of it, she said you had a very close childhood friend.”

A faint smile appeared on Cecilia’s lips.

“I still wanted to meet you at least once.”

“Yes. Then, I will be able to introduce you to Your Majesty later today.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

Then Cecilia said she would prepare to leave and asked me to bring her maids.

I sent Flora and Mulia to Cecilia’s guest room. After that, I headed straight to the kitchen.

The kitchen was busy preparing breakfast, and her mother had already arrived and was checking on the preparations.

“Oh, son. “It looks like you’re worried about the kitchen, too.”

“Your Majesty is here, so of course we have to take care of it.”

I looked at the food being prepared in the kitchen.

From what I could see, they were mainly preparing food that would not be too heavy on the stomach. However, I saw a lot of more luxurious ingredients than what my family usually ate.

‘The food bill will probably be quite high this month…’ ….’

Still, the fact that we were able to serve the emperor in her family was already an honor to our family.

Well, since my boss came to my house, I couldn’t completely relax…….

“Son. “I will take care of this place, and you take care of Her Majesty and her maids.”

“Yes. “I will do that.”

I went up to the guest room on the second floor again.

After waiting for a while in front of Cecilia’s door, Cecilia and her maids came out into the hallway.

A closer look revealed that he had put a lot of effort into grooming his hair.

Especially Flora, with her hair floating.

“Your Majesty. “I will guide you to the restaurant.”


I led the way, followed by Cecilia and her maids.

“Mr. Luke! “Is there anything delicious coming out this morning?”

Hearing Flora’s lively voice brought a smile to her lips. When I heard Mulia’s voice attacking Flora from behind, I burst into laughter.

“Mr. Luke?”

“Ah. Just…… Because I’m doing this, I think it’s the same as when I was in the imperial palace.”

“hehehe. “My friends are always the same.”

Cecilia added her words, and thanks to that, everyone was able to laugh.

She arrived at the restaurant on the first floor. Everyone in the family was gathered except for me, but as soon as they saw Cecilia, they all stood up from their seats.

“Meet Her Majesty Empress Cecilia, Mother of the Empire.”

“Good morning.”

It was only after Cecilia took the highest seat that the rest of us could take their seats.

My father lightly shook the bell on the table. Then the maids laid out on the table various kinds of bread, salads, stew made with goat milk, and good quality bacon.

‘You really used a lot of effort.’

Looking at the menu, I immediately thought of that.

Cecilia started eating the salad first.

The ladies-in-waiting and my family took the forks and spoons into their hands only after confirming their appearance.

After breakfast, I was taking a short break when the butler, Mr. Cleanson, came to the restaurant.

He came over to me and opened his mouth.

“Master Luke. Miss Emma has just arrived.”

The faces of Cecilia, Flora, and Mulia who heard the report from Cleanson showed little anticipation.

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