124. Leap and Preparation (1)

3 days before the raid. Observation room of the Magic Tower.

“So, you can roughly think of a huge mountain falling. To be honest, I can’t even estimate the damage in a collision. The moment they collide, you should think that not only the Kairos Kingdom, but also the continent we knew will disappear that day.”

On the blackboard was drawn something that looked like a jagged rock. Nella tapped the blackboard in her class.

“The material that makes up comets is known to be ice… . This is a disaster, I don’t know what the hell is in it. I can only give you an approximate size. You will have to see it in front of your eyes to see what it is.”

Illroy seemed to be listening to Nella, but also seemed to have other thoughts. Nella opened her flounder eyes and glared at Illroy. It was he who asked for an explanation first, but now it seemed as if he was holding the hero and giving a long speech.

“Are you listening? How come your expression is completely different.”

“I’m listening. Would you like me to dictate again?”

“… No, that’s okay. I will continue talking.”

okay. He only did what he asked for, and it was entirely up to the hero what he would get from it. Nella took up teaching again, dealing with the irritation she was about to come up.

“Even if you gather all the wizards in the world and destroy it, you won’t be able to completely prevent the damage. It would only result in a downpour of hundreds of comets the size of a small hill. It’s the same as the continent being devastated. It’s just the difference between getting hit once and ending up getting hit a few times.”

Nella’s report was devastating even for her to consider. But Illroy’s expression showed no sign of concern. I wonder if I ever guessed what he was thinking in the first place.

“So, we discussed several options together. From twisting the comet’s orbit to turning it into dust in outer space… . Of course, most of them were absurd. First of all, it’s not an ordinary celestial body, it’s a creature of evil spirits.”

Nella sighed.

“If you put it in terms of rank, it’s completely different. It’s difficult to think of it as being on the same level as a star floating in the sky. What I said is based on the assumption that comets are simply distracting blocks of ice.”

Illroy nodded, and Nella put down her teaching.

“Okay, the explanation is over. I don’t care if you get it right or not. I don’t know why you need that.”

“I need to know the enemy a little more closely. Wouldn’t that make it possible to devise the law of relativity better?”

Illroy said that and stood up from his seat. It was a rather spleen expression.

“… Do what you like.”

The conversation isn’t over. Illroy looked at Nella as if he still had something to say.



Nella’s cheeks heated up at the hero’s greeting, which was not the usual playful voice. Nella tried hard not to touch her flushed cheeks. It was fortunate that the incoming light was backlit. Still, I kind of liked it when I was at the party.

“Say those greetings after work is over. It’s embarrassing.”

Nella’s irritation sounded like a cute whimper. I don’t know how you can say something like that casually. Then Illroy walked away. That was probably the last Illroy smile Nella saw.

“Where is the hero now, Your Majesty? The people’s desire is strong.”

It is true that those who tried to harm the hero were largely withdrawn from state affairs, but not only those who praised him unconditionally remained in the palace. Agnes tried to hide her embarrassing thoughts and looked at the minister who spoke. He is hesitant to entrust him with a big task, but he is a good servant who spares no advice when it comes to a large country. His criticisms and questions were all reasonable.

“I understand. However, I can’t tell you where the hero is right now.”

Agnes had no choice but to answer. I had no intention of becoming a dark soldier, but now it was my turn to become a stranger. The faces of the ministers hardened as they looked at Agnes, who shook her head. When is the time to report on the sixth plague, how many times have we talked about what kind of harm it will do.

“You can’t speak. What does that mean?”

“You guys should focus all your energy on clearing up the rumors that have spread among the people. How can those who should be taking care of state affairs waste their time wandering around in chaos? Don’t just think of relying on the hero, shouldn’t you find something you can do?”

The existence of a warrior was taken for granted. Agnes frowned. As the hero repeated victories, it became natural for him to win, and he did not even assume that he would lose. There were so many things hanging on the shoulders of those who silently walked the right path. And no one tried to look at the load.

“Put all your energy into restoring the Magic Tower. Even if observations are being made from magic towers other than the royal capital, if the royal capital’s magic tower does not function, only Jung-gu Heating’s research will continue without a focal point.”

Agnes calmly suggested a countermeasure. Seeing the queen’s expression without a hint of anxiety, the ministers, who were full of worries, regained their composure little by little. The voices looking for a hero died down, and the royal capital began discussing ways to replace the function of the mage tower. Agnes could have a glimmer of hope in their ensuing discussion.

“… Who can fill the vacancy of the hero, Your Majesty?”

Of course, she couldn’t help but sigh at this question.

“I have no doubt that the hero will return. However, if the sutras are unsettled, it is not that there is no one to break the world in his place.”

The substitutes made puzzled faces. It took quite a while for Agnes to utter the next words. She took a small breath and opened her mouth to avoid being noticed.

“I will assume his role as Hero Illroy for the time being.”

The atmosphere of the Great War subsided heavily at the Queen’s declaration. The ministers who opened their mouths to dissuade her quickly shut up again at the Queen’s determined gaze.

“However, Your Majesty… . How can you say such a thing as the owner of a nation?”

“Because I am the king of this country, I am saying that. If that’s the case, do the Lords think there’s someone else who’s the right person besides me? If there is someone in this country who can use a sword better than me, I will. If there is someone who can bear that weight better than me, I will do it again.”

The officials were breaking out in a cold sweat.

“A monarch never goes far, Your Majesty. Take your words. I’d rather send a letter to the Grand Duke of the North, Quenore Strop, and let him enter the royal capital. He should be able to fill the position of the warrior. Martial arts are also never inferior to the warriors.”

“The people in the north were of course thinking of calling. However, they will be brought to the center only when the situation is truly critical. I have no intention of officially announcing the fact that the position of the hero is vacant.”

Agnes’s will was determined. The ministers could only vaguely guess what secret the hero and the queen were sharing. Is the hero really dead? Or did he go to sleep with serious injuries? If not, did he leave his status as a hero and leave somewhere?

“There is no need for hasty speculation. Do not try to see what you cannot see.”

Agnes’ stern voice rebuked the ministers. Words can’t allay the anxiety.

“The hero will definitely come back. Therefore, do not listen to what is being said on the street, and proceed to state affairs with the mindset of resolving the anxiety itself.”

“”Yes, I understand.””

Daejeon, which ordered dissolution, became busy. Agnes took a long breath and recalled Illroy’s face.

“How come I thought the vacation would last long?”

Georg put down the letter with a frown. Marianne poked her head curiously from the side. Georg shook his head and handed the letter to Marianne.

“Now, read it too. I wondered why we gathered here without him.”

Marianne began to read the letter with a puzzled look on her face, and then her expression began to harden. Then, he put down the letter with the exact same expression as Georg.

“Daphne. How the hell did this happen?”

Daphne, who delivered the letter from the other side, shrugged.

“Literally, demon worshipers crippled the tower. It wasn’t a raid, it was a sabotage operation by insiders. Among the professors who were recorded as missing, most of them were people who fell into doomsday cults. They say that the smarter you are, the easier it is to be stained with strange things.”

Daphne shakes her head. Her expression was also not very good.

“Is he okay? It reminds me of the fog.”

“Please be patient. Because it seems like a pretty important time. No one can enter there except the saintess.”

Daphne shook her head.

“Are you sure you’re not dead? I can’t safely listen to what he said.”

“yes. It surprises people until the very end.”

Daphne pursed her lips. At that time, the smile of Illroy, covered in blood in the burning magic tower, kept flickering in Daphne’s mind.


‘Don’t scream. He’s still alive.’

So, as I said that, blood was constantly flowing from Illroy’s abdomen. The voice that gave Daphne a frown didn’t seem particularly distressed. Daphne knew very well that he meant not to worry.

‘How did this happen?’

‘When the second stage is opened, it is difficult to control the force. At that time, Natalie was also Natalie, but I thought that I could just blow up the entire Mage Tower.’

Daphne ripped off my collar and wrapped it around it, then pressed Illroy’s affected area. Illroy’s handsome face was frowning.

‘… I have a lot of bleeding. I’ll have to move out soon. That child… .’

Where Daphne looked, Natalie was lying with her limbs cut off. With that level of injury, he could have lost consciousness or died, but he was looking at Illroy with his eyes open.

‘Make sure to arrest them and move them together. not to resist. It’s an out-of-standard monster, so it won’t die anytime soon. There will be a guest coming soon.’

‘A guest?’

‘I’ll know if I go out.’

And, the guest Daphne went out to greet was none other than Isis. Isis frowned as she looked at the two people being carried out half-corpse.

‘… Was that what you meant by pretending to be dead?’

Instead of answering verbally, Illroy smiled and nodded.

“So, why is he pretending to be dead all of a sudden? Is it really just a decoy ploy to draw out the remaining demon worshipers?”

At Georg’s disgruntled voice, Daphne shook her head secretly. Marianne and Georg’s eyes were fixed on Daphne at once.

“It’s novel, I think, but in a stupid way.”

I turned my head from side to side and looked into ‘her’ red eyes. He shook his head as if he was dissatisfied, but his voice was not bad. This time, her silver hair, tied back, swayed with every shake of her head.

“I needed time to practice. If I stayed in reality, I thought there would be many obstacles. While not disturbing anyone, I have to quietly rise to the level I want here.”

“Although time in the world of images flows slowly, there is a limit. I won’t be able to stay here forever. It’s not good for you to stay here too long.”

The Holy Sword exhaled a short breath. I stood across from her, holding two swords in my hands. The Holy Sword looked at me carefully before opening its mouth.

“Did you mean the sword that cuts the stars?”

I nodded.

“It is necessary to defeat this calamity.”

The holy sword waved his hand gently with a small smile. In an instant, we started drifting on empty space. Beneath our feet, an unidentified planet suddenly appeared. The holy sword raised the sword slightly and looked at me.

“Take a good look.”

The sword falls.

I watched as if I would not miss any of the movement, breathing, and movement of the muscles holding the sword.

And in front of my eyes, the sword of the Holy Sword, which seemed infinitely light, cut the star in two.

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