123. Raid (5)

“… Talking about pride, I didn’t expect to call a friend, Nella.”

“Ah yes. A very good friend who went through life and death.”

Edwin glared at Daphne with narrow eyes. Nella didn’t realize it, but the presence of the 6th Circle magician who had entered the battle in earnest was tremendous. The right to speak is different. At this moment, the pendulum of balance that had been slowly leaning towards Edwin completely collapsed the moment Daphne invaded. Realizing this fact, Edwin gradually withdrew from Daphne.

“How did you come here? I even asked you to keep the data secure.”

“Then I thought I wouldn’t like it if you died.”

Daphne replied casually. Nella’s face, which had been red with shame, turned red this time in a different direction. Daphne, on the other hand, was looking suspiciously at Nella.

“Ji, what are you talking about now?”

“So, why did you find Illroy? You weren’t subconsciously hoping for the person who would appear at this moment, right? Can you answer me?”

“I don’t know, you idiot! Don’t ask me that! Of course, in such a situation, there is no one other than the hero who can appear with a salty thought! You said to guard the room in the first place.”

Nella sighed as she looked into Daphne’s lost eyes. No, yes. Come to think of it, how did the data to be protected come up here? Didn’t you just throw it out and burn it?

No matter how worried I was, isn’t that a bit unreasonable?

Nella looked at Daphne, speechless. I remembered that Daphne was originally a bit timid. Did you learn from watching that? She saved my life, so I couldn’t argue more than that, and Nella could only look at Daphne with a dumbfounded expression.

“The room is still guarded.”

Daphne said confidently. what? Can you supply all the mana you need for your protection magic while you’re that far away? Was there that much of a difference between the 6th and 5th circles? Nella couldn’t figure out if she was lying to reassure herself or if she was serious.


And, space was opened. Nella blinked as she saw Daphne’s hand disappearing into empty space. What Daphne reappeared in her hand was a reference book on her desk in her lab. Daphne put the book back into empty space.

“… no, did you finish it? meanwhile? Are you crazy? If you think about the structure of your brain and eat it, did you think about completing it and actually made it? Are you keeping it intact with your magical power? All of this in a day or two… .”

“Explanation later. It doesn’t matter now.”

Daphne turned to Edwin.

“I am willing to accept if you surrender. Of course, he would have to bind his limbs and be imprisoned in the deepest prison. You must know that it is not your opponent.”

The monster Edwin let out a big laugh. It sounded like a nail scraping against a brass pot. Then, he raised his mana to the fullest and confronted Daphne.

“Funny story. They think you guys still have an advantage.”

At that time, frost covered Edwin’s feet. With a sound like hundreds of eggs breaking at once, the tentacles that sprouted instead of legs froze in an instant. Daphne’s next magic came helplessly to Edwin, who looked bewildered.

“It’s freezing… ? No, and this… !”

It sprouts. Icicles began to bloom from the frost that bound Edwin’s tentacles like thorns sprouting from a rose vine. The icicle penetrated the tentacle and pierced Edwin’s body as it came out.

“big… 100 million!”

Even the pouring black blood froze. Edwin hurriedly deployed his mana with all his strength and rolled on the floor, breaking away from Daphne’s magic. There was no trace of surprise on Daphne’s face as she looked at him. Daphne’s mouth opened, and a cold assessment flowed out.

“It’s quite good.”


Edwin’s face contorted like a demon. Meanwhile, the next magic was activated and flew towards Edwin. The power of Circle 6, which he won with his talent alone, rather than gaining power in an instant, showed an incomparable difference in sophistication and utilization.

“You bastard-!”

Edwin’s tentacles were stiffly paralyzed by the rain of lightning. While his movement was limited again, Daphne continued to pour out different attack magic. Magic changed into all kinds of forms and trampled on Edwin. Fire, ice, lightning, or even a halo of pure mana. Daphne pours out her magic like someone whose magical power has no limits.

“… Why did he become so strong, he?”

I thought I tried just as hard. I thought I had grown to the point of being second to none. But Nella, that wizard who took part of the warrior party in her stead, made it all look like a ridiculous outburst.

“Damn it, what a warrior’s legacy!”

Edwin’s angry voice rang out, but it was only his voice that actually stood up to Daphne. The body was froze and thawed repeatedly, and was tattered as if it had been stabbed by countless spear blades. What appeared to be human organs flowed through the torn skin.

“There has never been a second time since you kicked the chance of surrender. Sweeten it.”

Daphne was lighting up a huge flame for the last time. Realizing that it would be the final blow, Edwin’s eyes began to tremble like mad. Then, suddenly, as if he had realized something, or as if he had stopped his seizure, his gaze changed to a calm look.

“… okay. I was afraid of losing my reason. Why was I afraid of it? There is such a thing as my reason in this world, but there is none, but it is the same.”

Daphne’s arms stiffened as she tried to get a little more clues from Edwin’s muttering words.

“I have reason, but I don’t have it, but the destination will be the same in the end.”

Daphne’s magic was fired. At the same time, Edwin’s body began to swell more grotesquely. The magic that would pierce the ragged torso was blocked by Edwin’s skin, which had begun to change. The magic left only soot, but it couldn’t pierce Edwin’s gigantic body.

“The absolute… . Worship Immortality and Transcendence… . Face the coming destruction… .”

Those were the last words Edwin left as a human. Like the teaching assistants who were sacrificed first, Edwin became a monster who lost his reason. Daphne clicked her tongue as she looked at the monster, which had quickly become menacing. I wasn’t listening to that to get information.

From nob le mt l dot com


The ground exploded. Edwin’s tentacles had accelerated so much that Daphne’s eyes couldn’t see them. With a deafening roar, Edwin, no, the monster he couldn’t even call Edwin any longer, fought the wizard only with the strength of his body.

“It’s just a monster like this.”

Daphne clicked her tongue and saved her magic. It will be difficult to knock them down in one go. I had to knock it down after weakening it while pouring out magic.

“It won’t be easy.”

Of course, that’s what you have to do. After sealing the movement and rendering the defense useless, the final blow is delivered. Of course, it seemed that it would be difficult to restrain it with tolerable magic.

“… I have to finish it quickly and go help Illroy.”

Letting out a groan, Daphne squeezed out a bunch of mana again. The chill grew to a scale that covered the entire 11th floor. The monster’s movements, which casually blocked Daphne’s magic, began to slow down. A chill that seemed to freeze even the space at once. Movement is slow and slow again.

“So, stay there.”

I couldn’t stop completely. Resistance is strong. Before more mana is consumed, the magic must be formed. Daphne floated the frost spear created by the cold in the air. I had to save mana. If you put all your magical energy into defeating that monster here, post-processing will be difficult.

“I’ll have to take it down with this.”

A compromise was barely found between them. Daphne closed her eyes, opened them, and fired the spear.

… It won’t work.

By the time Daphne came to that conclusion, the spear had already stopped halfway through the monster’s head. As it tried to channel additional magic, the monster’s head slammed forward and a frost spear pierced its head.

“… did it happen?”

Nella, who seemed to have squeezed her magical powers to the limit, was holding her hands up. Daphne nodded disapprovingly.

“thank you.”

“You were trying to save your mana, right? It’s a smart choice. I ran out.”

Daphne supported the staggering Nella and started downstairs. As if the fighting had already ended below, there was no loud noise. That aroused a bit of anxiety, so Daphne almost lifted Nella and moved toward the 10th floor.


The 10th floor, which I found in a hurry, was completely destroyed without even a trace left. The hallway lined with the professor’s lab had become an open square, and only fragments of the rooms and walls that made up the hallway, whether or not even existed, remained floating around.

“… I just made a f*cking plate. If other professors see it, they’ll kneel down and sob.”

Nella spat out words very much like a researcher. The materials that Nella herself was personally researching must have just turned to ashes. In the meantime, the pink-haired wizard wearing himself was looking around with his eyes wide open to find the hero.

“… Illroy?”

And then, hesitatingly, Daphne’s gaze stopped. Nella suddenly lost strength in her hands, and she fell half-thrown to the floor.

“hey! What if you suddenly drop me like that!”

Nella frowned and turned her head away. And, where Nella’s gaze landed –

There was a warrior who collapsed in a puddle of blood with a sword in his arms.

For the first time since the founding of the country, the Mage Tower area was closed and the academy went on an indefinite hiatus. Fortunately, the damage did not leak out of the mage tower. Research in progress was halted and estimates of injuries and deaths were made. There were not many deaths, but there were many missing. A third of the university faculty suddenly disappeared, and half of the teaching assistants disappeared.

As anxiety and a sense of crisis engulfed the capital and the entire kingdom, the rumors that drove the residents into despair began to spread black like a drop of ink in water.

“There are rumors that the hero is dead.”

“no way… I didn’t even fight a disaster, so how could I go on like that?”

“I heard you got caught while being careless in the battle of the Magic Tower? They say it hasn’t been seen for quite some time.”

It was nothing but a rumor that the hero had died.

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