125 – Entering Delinia – 2

“hey! Stinging nose! Get out of here because I have to go home quickly!”

As if it were very natural, Rose shouted as hard as she could toward the man on the griffon.

At that sight, not only me, but also the expression of the tequila riding behind me hardened.

“Rosé. Is it really right to say that?”

Rosé confidently tapped her chest at my question.

“sure. Trust me!”

Yes, it is the hometown where he was born and raised. You must have thoughts… … .

“… … what? Dare to the subject of intruders! Are you trying to destroy the Yukelai family that protects Delinia!”

The Yukelai family must have been in charge of the military in Delinia. Apparently, the neighborhood friend Rosé was talking about was the Yukelai family.

Just in case you have a problem… … . Could it be that they started to take an aggressive stance at Rosé’s words?

“hey! I do not know?! it’s me! Roger von Euglia. It’s your best friend, Rose!”

“… … Rosé? Roger von Euglia?”

After Rosé revealed her name, the atmosphere around her changed.

“okay! By the way, the elves can come riding some skeleton horses. What kind of reaction is this!”

“Rosé von Euglia’s hair must have been black… … ?”

“I dyed it! What to do!”

“… … The real Rose von Euglia?”

“Yeah, so get out of here! Because I want to see my mother!”

At Rosé’s words, the elves riding the gryphon start to panic.

“Brother, what should I do? Anyway, I rode the undead… … .”

“What about the skeleton behind it? It’s a necromancer!”

The elves started to have different opinions. At that time, Yukelai, who stood at the front, raised his hand and quieted the surroundings.

“Let it go.”

“young master?”

“Are you going to send it?”

Yukelai sighs at their inability to understand.

“If it was another elf, I wouldn’t have sent it. but… … Opponent is Euglia. That’s also Delinia’s mitch—— Anyway. What would you do with that?”

“This information is not even clear yet!”

“We must report to the Delinia Council first!”

“stop! … … i don’t guarantee That woman is the eldest daughter of the Euglia family, Roger von Euglia.”

The situation where the young master they trust and follow even guarantees. The guys eventually hang their heads without saying anything.

“joy! I’m going to do this a long time ago I mean, it bothers people. Shall we go then?”

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Grab the reins of the Nightmare again and pass the guys on the griffons.

“I… … . Rosé, are you okay? those people Still, they seem to be the people who protect Delinia.”

“joy! Then what do you do? They tried to stop me, a Delinian, for riding a skeleton horse. It’s cheap even if you’re treated like this!”

Could this be a corner follicle? Rosé’s self-esteem seems to have risen hundreds of times just by coming to her hometown.

I’ve never thought of this before, but… … . Rosé started to feel reassured.

“Wait, do you really intend to go to the Euglia family?”

Yukelai’s voice came from behind. In response, Rosé turned Nightmare back as if it were annoying and glared at him.

“why. What else are you trying to catch up on? Shall I remind you of the old days!”

Rosé frowned at him while clenching his fists. Yukelai shook his head, waved his hands, and turned his head away.

“… … done. take care of it.”

“It’s not a big deal!”

And really drive Nightmare past them and in the direction of Delinia.

“What kind of relationship did you have in the past that made the Yukelai family tremble like that?”

“yes? Is it the past?”

After hearing my question, Rosé thought deeply for a moment.

“uh… … . How many times have you asked me to buy some bread… … . The one who completely stepped on me because they bullied the girls in the neighborhood… … . Is there anything special?”

No, don’t we usually call it a big deal?

“Um, nothing special.”


But it seemed to work for Tequila.

Are the standards of this world different from the world I was in…? … ?

“Ahh! See the tallest tree around there? That’s the direction our house is!”

Rose, who was holding Nightmare’s reins, suddenly shouted and pointed to the front.

As I moved my gaze to Rosé’s hand, a tree that was clearly larger than the surrounding trees stood out.

“… … Is that the world tree?”

“yes! It’s the world tree!”

Certainly, a tree that boasts an overwhelming size to the extent that the word world tree suits it. It was a mysterious tree that felt incomprehensible and intimidating just by looking at it.

“… … That’s the world tree. To actually see trees that I only saw in books.”

Tequila was also looking at the world tree blankly with her eyes wide open, probably feeling the same way as me.

“is it so? In my eyes, it’s just a big, kind tree.”

No, it’s not anyone else, and you shouldn’t say that… … .”

Then, suddenly, I realized that something was strange.



“I heard that the World Tree is very sacred to the elves… … . Am I right?”

“uh… … . Yes? To the elves, they are virtually on the same level as gods.”

“By the way.”

I slowly looked around and asked cautiously.

“Isn’t it too flimsy to say that it’s around the World Tree?”

“… … yes?”

“Certainly, something near the World Tree… … You are defenseless.”


“Yes, usually in a place like this, there are people defending around————”

Suddenly, Nightmare’s body shook greatly. I held on to Rosé’s head, but I lost my balance in an instant and tequila fell under Nightmare.


Rosé screams the name of Tequila in a fright, and at the same time, something white grabs Tequila’s hand.


It was Demonic who had been sitting in the back silently until now.

The reason Nightmare was shaken a moment ago was an arrow flying from below. In other words, there was an attack of something. You must have already reached your destination. Returning to my original form while touching the mask of the abyss, I used my antennae to check the direction of the attack.

“… … It seems to have caught on just right. Rosé, go back to the ground first with Nightmare.”


“If there are enemies attacking us around here, they must be from your family. I think it would be better to just defend and go down first.”

“… … yes Nightmare! Get down!”

Rosé grabs the reins and begins a steep descent with Nightmare.

Maybe the enemies are also trying to stop Rosé and Nightmare? The attacks against us begin to intensify. I, too, spread my wings and glide down with Nightmare, landing on the floor and immediately spreading the lookout.

“Tequila. Are you okay?”

“yes. Thanks to Demonic-sama pulling him up, there are no injuries.”

“I’m glad.”

Rosé and tequila landed on the ground. Demonic also pulls out their weapons and guards their surroundings.

Because the trees are all over the place, you don’t know where the enemies will pop out.

As I was reading the flow of air around me as much as I could, I realized something was wrong.

“… … It seems to be dealing with the wind spirit.”

The air flow was very strange. Not only was the wind hitting the trees making irregular movements, but it was also constantly blowing wind around them, probably to hide their presence.

The good news was that you could see the distance getting smaller and smaller.

“I will arrive soon. Get everyone ready.”

Everyone who heard me looked around without relaxing.

And, as soon as I felt something flying toward my head, I raised my left arm to deflect the arrow, and at the same time I heard a voice.

[This is the sacred land of the elves! It’s not a place for evil beings like you to set foot!]

A voice full of hostility. However, because of the wind that continued to blow around it, it was impossible to determine its location.

“There seems to be a misunderstanding. We are not intruders———”

At the same time, a pile of dirt rising up. As I reflexively raised my arms, my body tilted sharply.

“There are no excuses for a cunning being like you!”

And at the same time a dagger shimmering above my head. The man who warned us was about to strike me in the head with a dagger.

What should I do? Should I strike back? when you’re thinking like that

“What are you doing to Gregory-sama!”

Rosé ran towards me and kicked the enemy on top of me with all her might.

“Gregory. Are you okay?”

“huh? Uh, I’m fine, but… … It could be someone from your family, so is it okay to kick it like this?”

“There is no one in my family that I cannot beat! Except for Mom!”

Oh, I see.

Standing up with Rosé’s support, I looked in the direction of the opponent who flew away.

“Suddenly, a surprise attack… … , After all, it’s a group of people who look bizarre… … !”

The one who stood up from his seat while reciting that in a voice of resentment.

“No, didn’t you do the surprise attack first?”

“Don’t try to change my mind! An evil being!”

“No, trying to change my mind, I know the truth… … ?”

The moment I saw the enemy shouting and raising his head, I couldn’t help but be dazed.

“Just making eye contact gives me goosebumps.”

It was because the enemy looking at me with disgusted eyes was very similar to someone I knew.

“As expected, you guys here… … what?”

Before long, her eyes as she looked at us widened as if she was very surprised. And, it wasn’t just her who reacted like this.

“… … Ella?”

Rosé is looking at the enemy with the same expression next to me.

And, the person Rose said so also opened his mouth in this direction.

“… … sister?”

Impressive but not… … It was a sister reunion.


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