124 – Entering Delinia – 1

“It’s a nightmare. Among the summons used as mounts, I heard that Nightmare is a very rare summon to contract with… … .”

Tequila stroking the skull of Nightmare, who was fighting in front of her. Demonic standing next to him is also staring blankly at the scene, as if Nightmare was curious.

“hehehe, Paimon-nim lent it to me. They say you can get to Delinia in no time if you take this!”

Saying that, Rose left her luggage with me, and I entered the mental space for a while and put Rose’s luggage in a corner.

It was a residual skill that I came to use after becoming a 4 star and being able to freely place objects in the image space.

After moving all the luggage to the image space in that way, Rosé first gets on the saddle of Nightmare.

“Nightmare is good~ That’s right, that’s right~”

Rosé climbed on top of Nightmare in a very natural form and stroked her hair. Tequila looks at the sight as if she is envious.

“Rosé is good at talking.”

“Because I learned it when I was young. Don’t be afraid of tequila and come behind me!”

Rosé pats herself on the back seat and reaches for tequila. Tequila, hesitant at the sight, soon grabs Rosé’s hand and climbs on top of Nightmare.

However, Tequila tilts her head as if she suddenly felt something strange.

“It’s so full with only the two of us on board, can we all get on? Demonic-sama is still small, so even if it’s possible, Gregory-sama… … .”

“Ah, if that’s the case, I’ve also thought of a way.”

I said so and activated Skill Transformation. turned into a wheel form.

“no way? Are you trying to fly away?”

“Sorry, but that’s not it. No matter how much I am, it is difficult to match Nightmare’s endurance.”

I might be rather fast at the momentary speed, but there was no way I could maintain that speed.

So, the way I came up with was this.

item. “Abyssal Mask”

One of the few items that can change its appearance. I started using this item to reduce my body size.

Normally, there were restrictions on changing the appearance due to physical specifications or abilities, but if you ignore those things, it was simple.

reduce the size to a minimum. This size is about the size of a chicken. Excluding the compound eyes, the eyes are small and the legs attached to the body are minimized.

appearance so created.

“I’m going to go like this.”

It was the appearance of a cockroach that was so insignificant that it was something serious.

Tequila was taken aback by the sudden change in my appearance.

“Uh, something… … .”

“Did you become cute? I am also curious.”

Rosé, who had become a complete giant, muttered that while putting her hand on her cheek.

No, no matter how trivial he looks, he’s cute… … .

Maybe it’s because the appearance that caused the fear status abnormality by changing the appearance has all disappeared. I wanted to

“anyway. I can sit here and go.”

Saying that, I spread my wings and landed on Rose’s shoulder.

“hehehe, I never thought the day would come when Gregory-sama would ride on my shoulder. I wouldn’t have imagined it if I had looked like my usual self.”

That means you don’t even want to put it on your shoulder.

After all, summoned beasts are cool and should be seen. My heart ached for nothing.

… … Did you know that I would become a cockroach?

“Certainly, if you look like that, there will be no problem. So, are you leaving right now?”

I shook my head at the question of tequila.

“Unfortunately, Walker asked me not to fly over the walls of the academy without permission. I will talk to him first and then we will leave.”

“If you are a Walker… … . You’re Sky Blue, who is in charge of security at the academy. Certainly, if he said… … .”

While driving the Nightmare to the office where Walker is, to talk to Walker like that. I saw a walker sweeping fallen leaves on the road.

“Walker. Grandpa~”

Rosé raises her hand holding Nightmare’s reins and greets her warmly. Hearing her voice, Walker smiled.

“I wondered what kind of beauties were riding the Nightmare, and Miss Rosé and… … hmm? Hee hee, it was Prince Gregory. And beside… … Are you Miss Tequila and the summoned beast?”

Walker greets us with a benevolent smile as always.

I, who was on top of Rosé’s shoulder, moved to the top of Nightmare’s skull and opened my mouth.

“Walker. I came to tell you in advance because I plan to ride the Nightmare out of the academy.”

“hmm? Are you going anywhere?”

“There is work at Rosé’s home. That’s why I also borrowed the Nightmare.”

Walker clapped his hands as if he remembered my words.

“Ah, Miss Roze’s family must have been Euglia, right? chuckle! You’ve been going far a lot lately.”

“I mean.”

“Yeah, I see. Will you come through the front door when you return?”

“… … Try.”

“Cheerful, that’s enough. Then, be careful.”

I gave permission to Walker and went back to Rosé’s shoulder.

“Let’s go. Rosé.”

“yes! Mr. Walker, I’ll be back!”

Rosé pulls the reins and drives the Nightmare. At the same moment as her reins, the Nightmare stomped vigorously and began to leap towards the sky.

“… … This is a nightmare.”

Tequila grabbed Rosé’s waist at a sudden speed. Behind the tequila, Demonic could be seen struggling to hug her back.

“Demonic. Are you okay?”

Dalgrak– Dalgrak–

Demonic chattering at my question. Tequila, who was holding her bangs with one hand, interpreted it.

“They say there is no problem.”

“… … okay?”

It almost feels like my body is about to fly… … . It doesn’t matter if you’re okay.

Nightmare soon reached a stable height. In response, Rosé used magic to reduce the resistance of the air blowing in front of her.

“Whoa, I can live for a while now. My hair is completely tousled.”

Rosé’s hair was tousled, perhaps because of the tremendous wind that blew in front of her. The tequila behind her was a little less, but it seemed like she couldn’t help getting her hair messed up.

“I can’t help it. It’s dangerous if you don’t hold the reins while the Nightmare is on the right track. Well, after reaching the 5th circle, it can be used as a silent spear, right?”

“hmm… … . Will it?”

Probably will. Because it was in the game.

“then… … . What do we do now while we go?”

In fact, there was nothing for Rosé to do as even wind resistance had disappeared. It was because Nightmare would move on its own if I just gave it a direction from time to time.

“Well, chatting.”

“Maybe? That’s right, if you go to my town, I’ll explain what to eat and what to see!”

Rosé was excited at the thought of returning to her hometown.

* * *

Quite a long time has passed since we passed over the forests that can be called a sea of trees.

“uh? You seem to have arrived soon?”

Rose, who was tired of the long journey and was silently bruising, suddenly pointed to the front and shouted.

“I’ve seen terrain like this before when I was on an adventure with Ella. It will probably arrive soon at this rate.”

It seems that he has arrived at Delinia. Tequila, who was wearing a tired expression behind Rosé, also brightened at the news that she would soon arrive in Delinia, which she had only heard about.

“By the way, Rosé, I have a question.”

“yes? Which one?”

“In this situation where Nightmare is flying towards Delinia, can’t you think of it as an intruder in Delinia?”

“yes? Aye please It’s not even over Delinia, so why don’t we get off somewhere nearby?”

“… … is it.”

Well, if Rose, who used to live in Delinia, said that, it must be so.

Called. It was a big mistake to think.


A sound like the howling of an eagle comes from the front. Even if you listen to the volume, it is not an ordinary sound.

And at the same time, something huge began to appear in front.

“… … That’s a griffon.”

Tequila murmured as he watched the creatures flying towards him.

True to her words, their appearance was that of a typical griffon with the face of an eagle and the body of a lion.

“By the way, something seems very hostile.”

“… … Rosé.”

“what? Was it like this?”

As if Rosé didn’t know this was going to happen, the situation was quite embarrassing.

Meanwhile, the griffons that had flown out of the forest were gradually approaching us.

“First of all, calm down. As long as Rosene is holding the reins of Nightmare, she won’t attack us recklessly.”

As I said that, I placed my hand on the mask of abyss that was on my head.

It was to return to its original form for battle at the moment of emergency.

“Stop! This is Delinia’s territory! Who are you to ride such an evil undead and invade Delinia!”

Eventually, the moment the griffon approached the distance where the face of the elf on top could be recognized, a sharp voice was heard from there.

“uh? uh?”

And Rose, who is embarrassed by this.

“Gregory! I know him! He’s a neighborhood friend!”

Fortunately, the owner of the griffon who stopped us seemed to be an acquaintance of Rosé.

then there will be no problem

Rosé raises her hand as if to be happy. With a bright face, she shouted at the griffon standing in front of her.

“hey! Stinging nose! Get out of here because I have to go home quickly!”

… … huh?

Rose, is that right?

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