Catalan (4)

the next morning.

I got ready to leave and sat down on the bed. I looked at the wooden clock hanging on the wall.

The current time is 7:55 AM.

It’s time to come by now.

Kiki profit ·······

Scared to think of that, the door slowly opened. A gray hair peeked out through a small gap.

“This is right… that’s right.”

Soon the door opened wide.

Narsha trudged into the room and looked around the narrow interior.

“It’s the same as my dorm. I thought it would be a good place to stay because I pretended to be Karios.”


I enjoyed the festival with Narsha until late. We played at various game booths, ate plenty of food, and had a light drink. Then, around the time we parted ways to our respective accommodations, he invited us to have breakfast together. In response, Narsha pretended not to win and accepted.

So he came to my lodging early in the morning.

“It’s all over there.”

I looked around the inside and shifted my gaze to Narsha. And then he laughed a little.


No wonder, Narsha’s face was swollen.

The ferocious eyes turned into gentle ones, and the sharp jawline was hidden by the full cheeks.

Eating spicy festival food and sleeping was the source of trouble.

On the other hand, even though I ate the same food, I didn’t bloat at all. Thanks to the character trait “Superior Appearance,” it didn’t affect her appearance at all whether she ate a late-night snack or slept for several hours.


Hearing my laughter, Narsha hurriedly put on her hood. You must be aware of your condition.

“Are you laughing at my face right now?”

“Then shall I cry?”

I said looking at Narsha.

Then he glared at me as if he was dumbfounded.

“What is it… I’m not lucky. So, where is breakfast?”

“Wait 30 seconds. I’ll be back at exactly 8 o’clock.”

“Eh? 8 o’clock?”

Narsha’s gaze turned to the wooden clock.

From exactly that point on, the sound of the second hand was clearly audible.


Second hand rising regularly.

The length of 30 seconds is short but feels long.

At exactly 8 o’clock, a knock rang in the inn.


– Mr. Karios. Breakfast has been ordered. May I come in?

It was the voice of Derek, a member of the Self-Defense Forces.

I said solemnly.


Then the door of the inn opened wide. Before long, Zenon and Derek, the commander of the Self-Defense Force, came in with a huge statue. It was the size of how I wanted to get through the door.

“Eutcha! Nothing prepared, but eat a lot.”

Derek smiled kindly and pointed to the prize. Zenon came next to me and spoke softly.

“Karios, the weather is not good. It looks like it will rain soon, so it would be better to gather medicinal materials quickly.”

“i get it. Let’s get out soon.”

“yes. Then I’ll be waiting for you in front.”

Zenon nodded and left the dorm with Derek.

space for just the two of them.

I sat in front of a table that was half the size of the room. I said to Narsha, who was standing there blankly.

“Let’s eat quickly.”

“… this, this?”

Narsha looked back and forth between Sura-san and me. Since the two of them were given 10 minutes, it was understandable to be embarrassed. Because I was confused at first too.

“Too many? What have you prepared so far for?”

“It’s better than not enough.”

I didn’t prepare it, but maybe that was the intention?

I pointed to the other side, representing the elder’s position.

“If you can’t eat it, leave it.”

“… that, yes.”

Narsha took her seat.



Narsha put down her fork. He rubbed his bloated stomach and leaned his back against the wall.

“Oh, I’m full, I can’t eat any more.”

I ate too much since yesterday. In terms of experience, 5 kg seemed to be steamed. Seeing Leonard’s sincerity, I tried to eat more, but it was impossible to do more than this.

So why are you preparing so much?


Narsha gazed at the statue of Sura.

Lobster, caviar, foie gras, truffle, and other delicacies.

It was a rare ingredient in the Empire, but Leonard hardly touched it. It seemed that these were the foods that were really requested for me.

Narsha’s pupils naturally turned to Leonard.

Yesterday’s festival, as well as this morning. Weirdly, they brought us food.


Are you trying to get fat and eat it?



Recognizing my gaze, Leonard asked. At any rate, he was a remarkably quick guy.

Narsha got up from her seat.

“I am going now.”

“already? Come with me.”

Then Leonardo got up too. Narsha took a step back.

“Why are you?”

“… to take you.”

“so why?”

“Because the mountains are steep.”

Leonard said, averting his gaze. It’s like hiding something, that is, hiding emotions.

Are you worried now? Well, if it’s someone you like, then you have nothing to worry about.

Narsha nodded slightly.


“Let’s go.”

I followed Leonard and moved. I looked down and thought about this and that.

Considering the goodwill started at the Imperial Conference, Leonard obviously liked me. I was openly teasing.

But why didn’t he confess?

Is it because I acted too passively…

Narsha pursed her lower lip.


Of course, I’m not waiting for a confession, but I’m not expecting anything like that, but I was curious.

Kiki profit ·······

The door of the inn opened loudly.

The fresh air of Mother Nature rushed in. Narsha naturally raised her head. And then I was stunned in place.


Hundreds of people gathered in front of the inn under a gloomy sky. It would not be an exaggeration to say that all the residents came.

The elder approached Narsha, who was staring at them all stunned.

“Did you like your meal?”

“Yes? Ah yes. It was delicious.”

Narsha suddenly replied. Then the elder smiled benevolently.

“I paid special attention to it, but I’m glad it’s delicious.”

Did you pay special attention

As expected, the morning Leonard requested was correct. Somehow I thought it was well-dressed. Aside from that, calling an elder from the morning.

Isn’t this a bit excessive?

“Go, thank you.”

Narsha smiled awkwardly and glanced at Leonard.

Leonard was having a conversation with a man with shaggy hair who was acting as a guide.

“I don’t think it will take long.”

“i get it. Then, let’s decide the route to move like that.”

It was an attempt to accompany that man. It was a very special treatment.

What do you care so much about?

Although it was a little burdensome, I didn’t hate it. Rather, I felt grateful.

Narsha smiled at Leonard.


1 hour after that.

A town hall located in the center of Henes.


“I guess so?”

Those who had been called by Mikhail, a member of the Self-Defense Forces, entered the hall one after another. Except for Zenon, the members of the Self-Defense Forces, the elders, and even the women who played important roles in the village. A total of 20 people gathered.

However, Mikhail was nowhere to be seen.

“How did this happen?”

“Aren’t you kidding me again?”

“Let’s wait for a moment, you guys.”

At the words of the elder, people sat on the floor one by one. I waited for Mikhail, who hosted this meeting.

Did it last like 3 minutes?


The hall’s sliding door opened, revealing Mikhail.

“What if you call and you are late?”

“For what? Are you talking nonsense again?”

The crew joked around as usual, but Mikhail’s face was dark.

Mikhail looked around at the people and said.

“There is one reason why I called you.”


“Are you even getting married?”

People still laughing.

However, their faces hardened at Mikhail’s next words.

“I don’t think Karios-sama is Karios-sama.”

“What, what?”

Self-Defense Forcesman Hemmer objected.

“What kind of dog bone is that? Isn’t Karios-sama not Karios-sama?”

“Then, is there any proof that you are Karios-sama?”

The members of the Self-Defense Forces answered Mikhail’s question.

“Yes. You have short hair.”

“Your tone is also solemn.”

“And since you didn’t mobilize at the time, you slaughtered an ogre in one blow? It was a really great attack magic. That is the proof that you are Lord Karios.”

Derek, in particular, defended Karios. He frowned and made a bitter noise.

“Besides, he’s the one who saved Spanner’s life, so can we be so suspicious?”

“That is it. I’ll definitely check what I’m looking for.”

“Then what is the proof that it is not Karios-sama?”

“evidence? there’s evidence Look at this.”

Mikhail pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket. It was part of the autobiography of Karios, ripped from the town library.

“Here it says that Karios has dark hair, but the one in Henes right now has blonde hair. What’s not strange about it?”

I handed over the paper and let everyone check it out. In fact, the most conclusive evidence Mikhail has.

Contrary to expectations, however, people’s reactions were lukewarm.

“I must have dyed it.”

“Draw. How can a person’s hair be the same every time?”

On the contrary, he defended Karios. It was about to go crazy and jump. Even in a small village, people are so naive.

To be fooled by the word carios?

Still, the elders are a bit different.

Mikhail’s eyes turned to the elder.

“What do you think, Elder?”

“What am I…”

The elder pondered, stretching his tail. I recalled yesterday morning.

Breakfast with Carios.

I made a mistake that offended Karios at that honorable place, and Karios expressed his anger.

The elder never forgot that moment.

The sky that had instantly turned dark, the unusual air current, and the bloody feeling that touched my skin could not be erased from my mind.

Having experienced the wrath of Karios that I had only heard of—Mother Nature being angry and thunderbolts striking down from the sky, I had no choice but to do so.

The elder shook his head calmly.

“no. He is Karios-sama. Are you sure.”

Then he got up from his seat.

“Stop unnecessary doubts and do your job. If you get angry, we will all die.”

Soon the elder left the hall.

Starting from that departure, other people also rose from their seats one by one.

“Draw it, man. Then, I am saddened.”

“Come and go for a trivial matter.”

“Are you tearing the book? When you say something nice, put it on.”

Soon after, the hall was empty. No one believed Mikhail’s words, and instead only criticized him.

“Oh really!”

Mikhail groaned. I patted my chest and swallowed my anger.


Even if you show conclusive evidence, you won’t believe it.

If people came out this way, if they believed in Karios like a cult, there was only one way.

I have no choice but to expose the true nature of the Karios impersonator.



Mountains of Catalonia, where the bleak wind blows.

I waited for Zenon under the rock I had promised in advance. After a while, Zenon came with a straw basket.

“Sorry for being late, Karios-sama.”

“not. Did you get all the medicine?”

“yes. Look here.”

Zenon opened the basket. There were heaps of medicinal herbs in it.

I put the medicines I got into the basket.

“I got them all too.”

Kalaman stems, cedar bark, etc. Obtained all 9 medicinal materials needed to manufacture illegal drugs. He cured Zenon’s elderly mother and succeeded in subduing Balluna in the early stages.

All the tasks to be done in Catalonia were completed.

There was no reason to stay at Henness any longer, but I should say goodbye.

“Just go back.”

“All right.”

I followed Zenon up to Henes.

By the time we reached the mountainside, raindrops fell on our heads.

Toduk- Toduduk-

Drizzle knocking on the leaves.

It was only a small amount. It was a good enough amount. However, there was a possibility that it would turn into heavy rain, so Zenon and I sped up. I climbed the mountain almost like running.

Hennes barely reached it.

We went under the eaves. Zenon said, catching his breath.

“Huh… but it’s a relief that we arrived before the heavy rain came. The crew will come with umbrellas, so please wait a moment.”

“i get it.”

I answered briefly.

I silently watched the raindrops crashing on the ground.

Toduk- Toduduk-

The gentle sound of rain lingering in my ears.

Moist moisture that seeps into the skin.

The panoramic view of the village blurred by the rain was intact in the eyes. It was a peaceful look.

It’s like my grandmother’s house when I was a child.

Toduk- Toduduk-

rain getting thicker.

Perhaps because it was time to leave, a part of my heart was confused. Even though it was a little burdensome, I felt like I would miss this place.


Zenon asked me, immersed in light contemplation.

“You also bought herbs. What are you planning now?”

“I have to go back to the academy.”

“Yes? Are you talking already?”

Zenon’s gaze turned to the sky.

“The mountain convection is unusual. Just wait until the weather clears up before you go.”

“Convection current…”

I raised my head following Zenon. The vast sky was covered by cumulus clouds, and dark dark clouds were gathering from afar. It looked like a typhoon was coming soon.

“I guess so.”

It was then. The sound of footsteps rushing in the distance broke the stillness.

They were members of the Self-Defense Forces and elders.


The elder ran out in a hurry and handed me an umbrella.

“sorry. I should have come sooner.”


Saying so, I opened my umbrella. I was about to go back to the dorm, but an unfamiliar voice caught my ankle.

“Carios-sama, I have a question for you.”

When I turned my head, a man was glaring at me. The crew hurriedly tried to silence him, but I stopped him.

“Stop it.”

“yes? Yep.”

I looked at him and asked.

“What are you curious about?”

“Are you really Karios-sama?”

The man took out a book from his bosom. It was an autobiography of Karios that I wrote myself.


Fast-paced pages.

As if it had been folded in advance, it stopped at some point. The man looked back and forth between the page and me.

“Then please answer my question.”

He was suspicious of my identity. It was to come.

Well, the fact that no one doubted itself was suspicious.

I nodded. Then the man asked.

“Where is Karios-sama’s birthplace?”


It was such an easy question.

The man must have thought so too, so he immediately followed up with the next question.

“Where is Karios-sama’s first manifestation of offensive magic?”

“It’s in the basement of the house.”

Carios is the protagonist of the novel.

I don’t know about other characters, but I set up the main character’s narrative in detail. In a way, I was the one who knew Karios better than Leonard.

I must have been so proud…

“Then when was the first magical exhaustion?”


I was speechless at the unexpected question.

It’s because I only put effort into the growth of the main character, and I didn’t worry about small trials.

That is, a question I did not know.


Silence under the eaves.

The longer the silence, the more the crew’s eyes focused on me. Their anxious eyes grew more and more suspicious, and the corners of the man’s mouth slowly went up.

“Why are you not answering?”


The situation on the verge of being discovered.

At this moment, there was only one choice I could make. I had no choice but to believe in the sky.

I looked at the man with the ax eye.

“…Are you doubting me now?”

I lowered my voice. I made the most stern face. I tried to defuse the situation by using ‘anger’ somehow.

Then, a gust of wind blows like a miracle.

Whee Ying ────!

The calm air current suddenly became stronger. The rain broke diagonally, and the fallen leaves flew far away.

The weather, which had been overcast the whole time, was extreme.

I did not miss the opportunity given by heaven.

“How dare you treat me…”

He bit his teeth hard, protruding blood vessels in his temples. He furrowed his forehead and discharged mana through his whole body.

At that moment, a ray of light flashed from the sky.


The lightning strikes the ground, illuminating the surroundings for an instant.

What follows is the sound of thunder that shakes the heavens and the earth.

Kuguagagaga River ————!!!

The eardrum-shattering roar caused the elders and crew to sit down all at once. He looked up at me with terrified eyes. The elder muttered with a pale complexion.

“Ka, Karios-sama was angry…”


Just in time, lightning struck in succession. I squinted my eyes more fiercely.

Then, the startled members of the crew jumped up from their seats.

“I’m sorry, Karios-sama. Please forgive me just once.”

“It is because our crew is stupid. Please save me.”

Derek and Spener knelt down and begged, while the rest of the crew trampled the man who was sitting there.

“You crazy bastard! I told you not to do that!!”

“Die, die, you just die!!”

“Oh, you really are a coward!”

aka dagger.

So until the weather cleared, the man was beaten .

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