Catalan (3)

Toduduk- Toduduk-

Weeds that are uprooted.

Leonard, who rolls up his sleeves and cleans up.

Narsha stared blankly at the scene.


It was confusing. I didn’t understand. To think that the head of a large family was cutting grass with his bare hands, and that he did it himself rather than having an attendant do it.

It seemed like I was looking in vain.

Narsha rubbed her eyes with both hands.

After slapping his cheek, he looked at the grave again. But the situation has not changed. Leonard was silently removing weeds.

Leonard’s voice recalled at the same time.

– When it’s all over, I’ll leave. I still have work to do.

These were the words two days ago, after the final meeting of the project. Of course, I thought it would be something related to work.

But that would be a bee.

By the way, did I tell Leonard about his mother’s death?


A question mark floated above Narsha’s head.

Come to think of it, there was a time when I put off a date because of my mother’s anniversary. I didn’t mention it specifically, but I did say that there is oxygen in cataluine.

Leonard remembered that.


Narsha’s mouth opened slightly. I felt a sense of unreasonable emotion, but my doubts were greater right now. I was more curious about whether he really remembered his mother’s death, and whether he had come to Catalonia because of it.

Narsha moved slowly. He approached the grave and cried out.


A voice echoing in the quiet forest.

Leonard reflexively turned his head. When he found Narsha, his expression hardened. It was bewildering.

Patter – The weed Leonard was holding fell to the floor. A gust of wind blew the sand away.


In the woods that became quiet again.

The soft sound of grass insects and fireflies embroidered between the two.

Narsha tilted her head and asked.

“What are you doing there?”


Leonard couldn’t answer easily. After looking around for a while, I pointed to my mother’s grave.

“Are you bee-choing?”


Narsha lowered her head.

It was something I still remembered.

The words I spilled, the wounds that were unnoticed but the most painful.

…Is this also sympathy?

Are you helping me out of pity?

No, it was on a different level from him.

Unlike those who only talk in front of their faces, Leonard was genuinely giving. It was proof that he came to this remote area and cut weeds himself.

I hated you…

I hated you more than anyone in the world…

All I did was wipe out…

······Why are you to me?


Narsha bit her lip. I was barely able to hold back the emotions that swelled in my chest. After pausing for a moment, I took out a mower from my bag.

Clap-Clack- When the blade was attached to the rotating plate, Leonard took a step back.

“Why, why are you doing that?”

“Move. I will arrange the mother’s oxygen.”


Leonard said nothing. The embarrassment that had filled him disappeared, and he took on his usual complexion.

Either way, Narsha started the mower.


A mower that works with noise.

A rapidly rotating blade.

Narsha tried to cut the overgrown weeds, but before long the mower stopped. The same happened even after turning the power off and on.

“Why is this…”

“You can’t do it with a mower.”

Leonard said.

He had stopped it with his magical powers.

“The roots remain, so they grow back quickly. I don’t even come often, but when I do, I have to clean up and go.”

After saying that, Leonard pulled out the weeds again with his bare hands. The hands of the famous family head of Adonis were getting dirty with dirt.


Narsha lightly put down the mower. I went to Leonard’s side and helped out.

“Can I do it this way?”

“yes. You just have to pull out all the roots.”

A reckless voice.

Leonard devoted himself to work in silence. Didn’t give a single glance. I focused all my attention on the bee-cho.

Narsha, on the other hand, glanced at Leonard. It’s because his intelligent profile keeps coming into my eyes every day.

At that time, when the frequency gradually increased, Leonard said.

“why? Do you have something to say?”

Does this kid even have eyes on the side of his head?

Narsha hurriedly averted her gaze.

“Uh, huh? no.”

“okay? ······under.”

A faint laugh that seems almost inaudible. A small smile crept across Leonard’s lips.

“I have.”


In an instant, Narsha’s heart sank.

The back of the ear became hot, no, the whole face turned red, and my head became complicated.

A romantic night under the calm moonlight.

A man and a woman who were separated, a lover who once loved each other, are left alone in a quiet mountain. Even the opponent still likes me.

So, at this moment, all he had to say was a confession.


Narsha swallowed dry saliva. With trembling hands, he barely grabbed the weed.

Shall we pretend not to know? Maybe that would be good? If you’re anticipating it for nothing, will Leonardo be embarrassed? But what if you confess? Then what should I do?

I’m not ready yet in my heart?

Overload came to my head. It felt like my brain was about to explode. My heart was beating like crazy, and my whole body felt hot.

Whether he knew that feeling or not, Leonard was still calm.

“Don’t be alarmed, listen.”

Don’t be surprised out of nowhere, this is 100%. Because there is nothing more surprising than a sudden confession in the world.

It’s finally starting.


Narsha took a deep breath. After making up his mind, he said.

“What, what is it?”

“There are residents who helped me come here. I’m a villager called Hennes, but there’s been some misunderstanding, so they’re mistaking me for Karios.”


Narsha’s lips, which had shrunk in tension, crumpled. My pounding heart cooled down.

Narsha looked up at Leonard with a dumbfounded face.

“What, what?”

“It is as I said. They are mistaking me for Karios.”

Leonard spoke softly.

“I really welcome Karios, but I don’t want to disappoint the residents. So just call me Karios while I’m here. Seeing as you brought the tent, you’re not going to descend right away.”

“Uh, uh… yeah. I will.”

Narsha suddenly accepted. Mistaking Leonard for Karios?

I don’t know what happened, but Leonard’s words ended there. Other than that, Narsha’s expected comments did not come out at all.

North- North-

Leonard focuses on bee-cho again.

Is it because I have a hard heart?

As if I had been deceived, a part of my heart felt empty. I felt a strange sense of emptiness.

Narsha asked as she pulled out the weeds she had grabbed.

“Is that the end?”


A careless reply.

Narsha’s gaze returned to the tomb. He gripped the weeds as if he were pulling his hair.



It wasn’t what I expected, but I’m not burdened and I like it.

I had no intention of accepting it in the first place. maybe······

North – North – North –

A beehive that goes without dialogue.

Soon the tomb was tidied up. It was as rewarding as it was difficult.

Narsha stretched and stretched her arms.

“Ugh… it’s finally over. Good work.”

“you also.”

Tak-tak- Leonar, who turned both hands, pointed to the backpack under the tree.

“Are you going to sleep in a tent tonight?”

“uh. ‘Cause it’s too late to go back I want to stay until tomorrow morning.”

“I have no fear. There are a lot of demons here.”


Leonard put his hand on Narsha’s head. And then it was gently tangled.

“Sleep at Hennes. There are a lot of empty houses there.”

Narsha snorted.

“Are you worried now?”

“Don’t worry. He is the best researcher in the Mage Tower.”

Leonard’s lips curled up. I hate to admit it, but it was an extremely charming smile. Just enough to make my heart tickle.

Narsha immediately shook Leonard’s hand.

“It sucks. So how do you get there?”

“wait. I’ll come pick you up in a little while.”

Leonard looked at the other side of the tomb. Just then, a tall man appeared in the dense forest.


The shaggy-haired man approached without hesitation and stopped walking when he saw Narsha.

“Who is the person next to you?”

“That healer.”

Leonard said. However, it was a more serious and firm voice than usual.

I wondered where I’d heard it, and it was the same as Karios’ tone. He was imitating the voice of Karios.


Narsha covered the burst of laughter with her hand. Leonard tapped his arm and noticed.


“Ah, you are the healer. Then go right up.”

The man pointed over the mountain range. Leonard nodded and looked at Narsha.

“I’ll go.”

A shameless look.

Narsha smiled and put her hand on Leonard’s shoulder.

“Okay, let’s go, Karios.”


Narsha suddenly appeared.

However, there were no variables. It was because he had already collected ‘Diputo’s Flower Buds’ before that.

However, I was worried about what would happen if I suspected him of being a tomb robber, but fortunately that didn’t happen. There seemed to be no doubts or objections to the Karios impersonation.

Of course, it was a bit funny.

“This way.”

Arrived at the square following Zenon’s guidance.

A grand banquet was taking place there.

The shabby square was decorated with string lights and various decorations, delicious smells vibrated everywhere, and a campfire was installed in the middle of the square.

Residents danced to the merriment of songs, and one side of the square was lined with food and play booths.

It was truly a festival.

“This is a party held for Karios-sama. You can enjoy it to your heart’s content.”

Zenon pointed to the plaza and said. I handed him Diputo’s bud.

“What about vines?”

“I saved it.”

“Good job. You must keep this bud as well.”


Zenon supported Diputo’s flower bud with both hands. After carefully putting it in his arms, he bowed his head.

“Then I will go. We will see you again tomorrow morning.”

“i get it.”

I answered solemnly.

Carios vocal imitation that I have become accustomed to now.

However, Narsha’s ridicule, which should have followed, was not heard. It wasn’t time to adapt yet, but it was like a laughing bell to Narsha, so what happened?


Looking back, Narsha was preoccupied with the festival.


Two wide eyes, a slightly open mouth, a bewildered expression. It was innocent again.

To her, I lightly asked.

“Are you going to sleep right away?”

“Uh, huh?”

Narsha, who came to her senses belatedly, tilted her head.

“no. why?”

“Or let’s look around here. Still, it’s a party for people from outside, but it’s a bit like when we’re absent.”

Quite a plausible logic.

However, the intention was different. Narsha is the only person here who knows who I am.

I didn’t know if I would make a mistake if I left him alone. My identity could have been exposed, and it was also necessary to help Narsha, who did not fit in well with the festival.

Could it be called entertainment for the sake of secrecy?

“What… do as you please.”

Narsha pursed her lips pretending not to win. It was nothing short of a positive sign for her.

I pointed towards the booth.

“Let’s go there first.”


We walked down the street where the booths were set up.

I didn’t expect the village to be so small, but it was unexpectedly well equipped.

Popping balloons, fishing, mini bowling, tarot, face painting, and more.


Narsha searched the booth with bright eyes. Then, at some point, I stopped walking. It was in front of the dart booth.

“That would be fun.”

Narsha stares blankly at the dart board.

I stepped aside and asked.

“Would you like to play? It’s not fun if you just do it, so bet it.”

“okay. Whoever loses will be beaten overnight.”

Narsha proudly rolled up her sleeves. As I approached the booth, the owner handed me a dart pin.

“Here are three shots.”

“how much is it?”

“It’s free. You can throw it right away.”

The owner pointed to the dartboard.

Narsha immediately grabbed a dart pin and closed one eye. With one eye, he aimed earnestly at the dart board.


The first dart pin rushing in a straight line.

I aimed at the center, but was crushed by gravity and stuck in the lower left corner.


The result was 7 points.

Considering that the highest score was 60, it was a very poor score.

Narsha coughed for nothing.

“Oh, my hands aren’t untied yet. Do it right now.”

Soon after, the second dart pin was fired, followed by the third dart pin.

widely-! widely-!

I hit the dart board, but the result was not good.

It was a meager score of 42 points in total.

Narsha, who was downcast, trudged away.

“It’s your turn…”

“Here it is.”

The owner handed over three identical dart pins.

I calmly took a deep breath as I aimed at the dartboard. At the same time, among the talent characteristics 「Sensitive Five Senses」, vision was activated. Then, the blue eyes.

oh oh oh

The amplified vision accurately calculated the distance to the dart board and drew the landing point according to the launch angle as a parabola.

My goal is 50 points in the middle. The corresponding launch angle is exactly 35 degrees.

I threw the dart pin lightly using a wrist snap.


The first dart pin that flew in a parabola.

The sharp needle was stuck right in the middle of the dart board.


Converted into points, it was a whopping 50 points.

It surpassed Narsha’s score with a single dart pin.

Narsha looked at the dartboard with a devastated face.


Then he turned his gaze towards me. He frowned as if he was displeased.

“fraud. Somehow, he said let’s bet.”

“You said let’s play darts first.”

I smiled lightly and bent my middle finger.

Then Narsha ran a hand through her gray bangs. When I opened my forehead, my impression became milder.

“I know, so hit me.”

“okay. Because a penalty is a penalty.”

I aimed the balm at Narsha’s forehead.

Terrified, Narsha pursed her lips and wrinkled her expression. The little eyebrows quivered. I opened my eyes, saw my middle finger, and closed my eyes tightly again.

“Oh, hit me quickly.”


I smiled lightly. The unanswered reaction was cute, so I watched it a little longer.

Narsha said with her eyes closed.

“If you don’t hit within 5 seconds, it’s invalid. 5, 4-”

3. 2. 1.

Right before the count was over, I weakly blew a beetle. It was closer to hitting than hitting.


Slight hitting feeling on the fingernails.

Eventually, Narsha’s eyelids slowly rose. He glared at me with his dark eyes.

“This makes me feel worse.”

“okay? Then hit me again-”

“Where is that? One hit and you’re done.”

Narsha, who hastily covered her forehead, staggered back. He didn’t like being hit hard. In no time, it had gone far away.

I gestured to Narsha.

“come fast. See something else.”

“Really? You won’t let go if I hit you again?”

Narsha ran as if she had never done that before.


same time.

Many residents were enjoying drinks and food on the streets of the square. The members of the Self-Defense Forces left behind their duties for at least today and had a drink.

Derek said while eating snacks.

“So Spener almost got beaten by an ogre? I should have seen this guy’s expression back then. Ha ha ha!”

“I’m on the verge of dying, where is the person who manages my expression? I mean, I was really scared.”

It was the story when Karios first appeared.

Spencer, the party involved, as well as the rest of the crew laughed out loud.

“Yumma, but you’re a member of the self-defense force, so are you going to use it?”

“Did you not pee?”

“Ha ha ha ha!”

A pleasant atmosphere full of laughter.

However, the ninth member of the Self-Defense Forces, Mikhail, did not agree. He took a drink with a sad expression.


Karios appeared in a mission he did not dispatch.

As a candidate for a great wizard, he expressed powerful attack magic and subdued the fearsome ogre with a single blow. Rescued the self-defense fighters who were in danger.

A situation to be thankful for.

So Mikhail went to greet Karios this morning. I took a seat in a crowd of hundreds.

However, I noticed something very strange on the spot.

“I can’t do that…”

Mikhail turned his head in the direction of Booth. I looked at Karios in the distance.

Naturally, his eyebrows narrowed.


It’s strange.

I’ve heard that Karios has black hair .

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