Inquiry’s complexion changed. He must have thought he hid it well, but from the stories that came out of the headquarters over there, it seemed that he had been suspicious from the moment he entered this organization.

Due to the nature of a secret organization, it was natural to be suspicious of new members, but one major mistake was the inquiry.

“I am not a Qing ganja.”

“Oh, I don’t have to make excuses. I’ll tell you exactly what the other organization said. Being an overly competent human being, I was suspicious from the start. say it.”


Inquiries only let out a devastated laugh.

“Shall I save you?”

“It’s useless. There is no way out of them.”

“It might be like that in the Qing Dynasty. But have you forgotten who I am?”

As the people here say, I am a Saekmo-in. It means that I am not a person here apart from my ability. No matter how well-known and well-informed a secret society is in this neighborhood, did no one know even though I revealed my name?

Inquiry’s eyes began to move around. Inside, you’re probably rolling your head a lot right now.

“Why are you trying to save me?”

“Do you think there will be a place to use it later if you keep it alive?”

He has a good head, knows how to use his body, and is a talented person with good loyalty. As long as he didn’t die as a spy in a place like this, he would be a successful person no matter where he was.

“It’s not easy to get out of here.”

“Have you forgotten how I got here?”

“Make a decision quickly. We don’t have much time now.”

Actually, there was still a lot of time left, but I urged the inquiry. It wasn’t a difficult decision to make. Because nobody in the world wants to die. But it takes courage to make that decision.

“I would like to ask you one last question. Do you mind if I am a Qing servant?”

“It has nothing to do with Ming or Qing, right? Rather, I like the line on both sides.”

It was only then that I seemed to understand my answer to the inquiry.

“Then please.”

As soon as the inquiry was decided, it was immediately taken to Kim Hong-ki’s house in Joseon. Inquiry, who experienced space movement for the first time, couldn’t come to his senses.

“Where is this place and what is this?”

“It’s a term that you often use. Shouldn’t it be called alcoholism? This is Joseon.”

He gave a simple answer and pushed his back to Kim Hong-ki, who stopped training and was watching us.

“Please ask this friend for a few days. Are you from the Qing Dynasty? Take good care of your communication.”

As usual, I pushed forward an inquiry to Kim Hong-ki, who was surprised to see me suddenly appearing in front of his eyes. I destroyed all the branches on this side, so now there is no person watching Kim Hong-ki. It will be safe here for a while.

“I can speak a little Korean.”

Although the pronunciation was a little slurred, the inquiry could speak Korean. He is also a prepared talent.

“Then don’t fight and get along well, see you in a few days”

I returned to my original place and waited for the old people leisurely. The old people arrived a day later.

“The Emperor wants to see you.”

“Then let’s go right away.”

I left the manor where I stayed for a few days with the elderly. People who came with the elderly seemed to be looking for inquiries, but there was no way they could find inquiries in Joseon.

“If you have any questions, I have sent some errands to distant places.”


In the first place, rather than being certain that the inquiry was a spy from the Qing Dynasty, he was just trying to get rid of it for the purpose of silence. Maybe that’s why the elderly didn’t notice it too much.

“I ask for your cooperation.”

The old men held out their black hoods to me as I climbed into the carriage. They ask you to cover your eyes to hide the way to the headquarters.

It’s meaningless. I already know where the self-proclaimed emperor of the Ming Dynasty is. I tried to match the rhythm, but it seemed like a waste of time, so I moved the entire wagon in front of the headquarters.

“Looks like I won’t need it anymore.”

When the old people looked out and were in shock, I opened the door myself and got out of the carriage.

“Come on, let’s go.”

Guess who isn’t the headquarters of a secret society. From the outside, it looked like a very shabby manor. However, it is a place with a huge underground facility.

I went inside without hesitation. Elderly people who came to their senses belatedly followed quickly and stopped me.

“It’s embarrassing if you behave like that.”

“Isn’t it more difficult for me to show myself outside for a long time? I guess I stand out.”

It’s not wrong, so the old people lost their words and became mute. However, he slowly followed and opened his mouth again.

“Is that just the axis? Are you using the clairvoyant as well?”

“It might be called that in the language here. ”

“Can you teach me that instead of martial arts?”

“It sounds a bit difficult, but it’s not because I don’t like teaching. You cannot learn because the method is different. However, if you train the martial arts I teach you to the extreme, you will be able to do something similar.”

It’s a lie. What would Shark or Argin do that they couldn’t do? But the old man’s face brightened.

The elderly took the lead and opened the road to guide me. It seemed that the heads of each group skipped over and went straight to the emperor of Ming.

Even though he is an emperor, it is a life in which he has to hide in the basement without ever seeing the sunlight. Still, the heads of the organization were treating him well, but he was incomparable to the real emperor.

It’s meaningless, but after tedious time and several steps in the basement, I was guided to the emperor of the ruined country who was hidden in a veil on a high platform.

As I entered between the soldiers lined up on the left and right, a soldier in the form of an officer screamed.

“In front of His Majesty the Emperor of the Ming Empire. Foreign wizards, kneel.”

Even a ruined country is trying to maintain formality. No, maybe it’s more because it’s ruined.

It seems that the officer who shouted is not wearing gold clothes, but he is a golden guard. Although they are young, they are similar to the elderly in terms of their level. Probably one of the best here.

“I am not a subject of the Ming Empire, so I will not kneel.”

I was also the king of the kingdom of Akasha. Even if it wasn’t the king, I don’t want to kneel down to just anyone.

“It’s rude!”

The head of the Golden Guard’s face turned red. And he was ready to pull out his sword with the soldiers on his left and right.

“It’s okay.”

At the words of the emperor who was sitting behind the veil, the spirit of the warriors disappeared as if they had been washed away. Although covered with a veil, the Emperor of Ming was still a young man who had not fully taken off his youthful appearance.

“Nice to meet you. Emperor of the name. This is Count Germain Akasha. These days it is called Saint-Germain.”

Also, I just cast Space Separation because the captain of the Golden Guard seemed to be trying to say something. A space was prepared for the emperor and me.

“Now, the sound inside cannot be heard from the outside, and the outside sound cannot be heard from inside.”

A small laugh was heard from the other side of the veil as the captain of the bodyguard gaped open outside the space separation.

“You have many talents. Please come closer.”

I walked near the Emperor’s Veil. As if feeling something strange, the captain of the guards came to stop me from outside, but I hit a wall and fell down.

“Youngban is having a hard time.”

That’s what he said, but the emperor’s face was so funny that he was going to die. It must have been boring and frustrating to have a young man imprisoned in the basement like this and being made to act as emperor. The decision to meet me in person must have been to relieve the usual boredom.

“Don’t you think I’m in danger?”

“Is it dangerous?”


“Then wouldn’t it be okay?”

It’s even quite outrageous. After all, I thought for a while that even if it was a collateral, it was the lineage of the imperial family, but considering that among the numerous descendants of the royal family and the imperial family, there were many people who were not good enough, it seems not to be the case.

“Did you say what you want is the information we have?”

“That’s right. I am looking for information related to Dongbangsak, do you have anything about it?”

The Emperor seemed to think for a moment, then nodded.

“There is. I haven’t read all of Jim’s books, but I do remember seeing a few of them.”

The number of books kept in the basement by the remnants of the Ming Dynasty was considerable. It will be even more massive because it only stores very important books.

“However, the content is quite sparse. Dong Fangshu was a person from a long time ago before the Ming Empire erased his traces, so there weren’t many data.”

The Emperor made a slightly disappointed sound. But I still want to see you. It’s not difficult to sneak in and see the location unless you already know it.

From noble mtl dot com.

“I still want to see you.”

“Then what will you offer?”

“I decided to teach you a higher level of martial arts than the warriors here know.”


At my words, the emperor suddenly clicked his tongue.

“Why is that?”

“People here tend to cling too much to the past. Jim is the living proof of that.”

It seemed that the Emperor of Ming understood the current situation better than his subordinates.

“You don’t know the power of martial arts. If that had been such a great force, would Ming have collapsed like that?”

“Isn’t it a problem that a few monopolized? It can be of great help if many people learn it.”

“If many people learn it, it will surely leak out someday, and then it will not be a power that only we have. Wouldn’t that be of no use then?”

“Then, does His Majesty want something other than martial arts?”


“Then I will listen to it.”

However, the emperor shook his head weakly and looked at the young ban and warriors on the golden throne who were pounding on the wall with their swords drawn.

“It is said that these words cannot be heard from outside, but it is not something I can decide, just holding my seat. The decision is made by the chieftains, and they want martial arts from you, so you will receive martial arts in the end.”

“Regardless of that, I will listen to what Your Majesty wants. But only in what I can do.”



It was a small gift given to the Emperor because he felt sorry for him and liked it. I had a rough idea of what they might want. If I get an answer that fits my expectations, it’s not a very difficult request for me. There was no answer from the emperor, who was expected to come out soon. The emperor was silent for a while.

“no. I don’t want anything.”

This was quite unexpected. I certainly knew how to ask the emperor to take me to the outside world.

“Isn’t that what you wanted to see outside?”

“Right. But since I’m here, I live like this, so what can I do to make a living if I go outside? So, even if I complain, there was no path I could choose from the beginning.”

Even at a young age, the emperor was a very realistic person. The Emperor’s choice is respected.

“I see. Then may I make a suggestion instead?”

“I want to try”

“If Your Majesty is in danger, if I have enough energy, I will come to rescue you.”

No matter how armed this anti-Qing group is and how secret it is, the Qing Dynasty is not completely unaware of its existence to the extent that it puts Inquiry as an intermediary official.

One day they will stop watching and try to subdue them. And it may not be that far away.

“Thank you for your words.”

I could see the emperor smiling whitely from behind the veil. After the conversation with the emperor, when the space separation was lifted, the Golden Guard Youngban rushed to kill me, but I lightly suppressed him so that I would not get hurt.

And the emperor’s shouts stopped the rest of the guards. After the meeting with the emperor, there was another meeting with the chiefs, and as expected, they wanted to pass on martial arts.

When they handed over the intermediate level Aura technique and swordsmanship on the spot, they could not hide the joy in their eyes when they confirmed it. And it was clear that other desires were rising.

Because the promise was kept, the entrance and exit were made immediately. It was a library containing about 10,000 books. The number of books themselves is not large, but considering that most of them are books that cannot be obtained outside, they are valuable materials.

For some, reading 10,000 books would take a very long time, but for me it is not that difficult.

Several meals have been delivered despite warnings not to let anyone in while reading. I didn’t try it, but all of them were poisonous meals. It wasn’t an extreme poison, it was a type of sleeping poison. It must have been his intention to catch me while I was asleep and lock him up and get other martial artists, but the opponent wasn’t good.

It was the moment when the chiefs who wrote shallow moves needed punishment.

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