The process of tracing the upper lines was very long and tedious. As if proving that it was a secret society that had been maintained for at least hundreds of years, the chain of command was really complicated and intertwined in many stages.

It would have been a complex command system that would have been impossible if an ordinary person had tracked it.

That, too, was slowly coming to an end. After a whopping 23 steps, I finally arrived at the capital of the Qing Dynasty again.

There is a person here who is presumed to be a middle-ranking member of this organization. While I chased down the steps and hit and climbed, there were times when I removed the tangent beforehand by cutting the tail and disappeared.

The same goes for the characters here. The place where he originally lived was the southern part of the Qing Dynasty, but he moved to this place.

They had also purchased a large mansion near the imperial palace and put up tight guards. I know why I decided to live here, but it was just meaningless to me.

The other person was not too surprised to see Saekmok-in who suddenly appeared in his room. I just let out a big sigh.

“Did you expect me to come?”

“I know your abilities are extraordinary, but you had better stop.”


“They are really scary people.”

I also met him who is above the gods. I don’t know who they are in this world, but I’m not afraid. Rather, I want to meet you.

“So where can I meet them?”

But there was no answer. Suddenly, his eyes widened and blood poured from his mouth. It seems that he ate the poison hidden in his mouth. I was used to healing. I’ve already met several minions who committed suicide.

“It is not easy to die in front of me. And the minions at the lower level have already used it a lot, so they’re used to it.”

Even dying didn’t go his way, so the middle-aged man couldn’t hide his bewildered expression. Still, he seemed unwilling to open his mouth.

“How did I get here? I didn’t mean to open my mouth like everyone did, but later I did. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could end each other painlessly?”

“Why do you think I came here?”

“Oh, it was a trap? I already know. I appreciate that for worrying about me, but I’d appreciate it more if you just let me know the identity of your organization.”

The influence of the still unknown secret organization was considerable. Its influence stretched from the back alleys of the very low class to the imperial family.

“There will surely come a time when you will regret it.”

“I seem to hear that quite often.”

Was it Utuka the last time I heard that sound? To be honest, I was a little scared at the time.

“We are dreaming of the revival of the Ming Empire.”


A story came out that I hadn’t expected at all.

“Wait, is this strange?”

“What is strange?”

“Then what was it that monitored Kim Hong-ki in Joseon? Doesn’t that have anything to do with the revival of the Ming Dynasty?”

“I don’t know that either. It’s something I’ve been doing for a long time, so I just kept it.”

In the end, you have to go higher up. Still, since this guy referred to them as them, it seemed that he knew quite a few high-ranking executives.

It took quite some time to figure out the identity of the senior executive. In the middle, he tried to attract attention from the outside by shouting as if he was trying to make a final push, but it was meaningless because he had blocked the space from the beginning.

Still, this guy lasted quite a while, perhaps because he was a mid-level executive. The man didn’t say anything important in the end. Although the situation is bothering me like this, I don’t hate this person.

In the process of finding out the information, I was quite hurt, so I fixed it a little and removed the space block.

When the barrier was lifted, several elderly people came into the room from outside. Because he knew they were there, there was no reason to continue harassing the man.

“Oh, are you them?”

Old people were not usually old people. They were the first knight-class fighters I saw after coming to this world. It didn’t look like that when I looked for it, so it’s questionable where it came from hiding.

“Who are you then? It wouldn’t have been easy for Saekmokin to come all the way here without being noticed.”

The gray-haired old man, who seemed to be the oldest, stepped forward. If you are strong and confident for your age, you will be confident in your skills.

It wasn’t great in my opinion. Would it be at the level of a low-ranking knight? Of course, even that much would be an out-of-standard existence here.

“My name is Germain Akasha. There seems to be a group of people monitoring the Kim Hong-gi family in Joseon for generations, so I came to ask. But are you guys the ones who erase the traces of Dongbangsak?”

“You seem to be an aristocrat from a distant country, but why did you become interested in the anomaly of Joseon?”

It’s a variant, yes, it’s a variant.

“Because I am going to teach Kim Hong-ki. I have some connections with Kim Hong-gi’s ancestors.”

“The mutants are very dangerous. Ever since the mutations first appeared, the Emperor of the Ming Empire has left orders to deal with the dangerous variants and manage the rest.”

These are the remnants of the Ming Dynasty. The demons of the ruined country were active like this.

“So, at what age do you kill them?”

“The descendants of the mutant tend to regain their original abilities as they age. It’s good for everyone to recover your ability and deal with it before it harms public life.”

Let’s assume that vampires can cause people to feel repulsed by their eating habits in the first place, and beasts are rejected because of their appearance. So what harm do elves do by restoring their powers? If there is spiritism, it can be dangerous to humans, but if it is an elf’s ability without even that, is growing a tree such a harmful ability?

“That doesn’t sound like an excuse to me very much. Then, will you erase Dongbangsak’s records as well?”

“Not only Dongbangsak’s records, but all records of martial arts are being erased.”

“why? For you to monopolize?”

“It is a property of the Ming Empire that must not be passed on to barbarians.”

“And if you say it to me now, does that mean you’ll erase me too?”

“I’m sorry, but that’s right. Let’s go.”

Several old men on either side of the white-haired old man attacked at the same time. I stretched out my hands and feet as if I didn’t need a weapon. They have a certain form, but they are terribly low-level skills.

I tried to respond with a martial art, but even that was annoying, so I blocked it with a shield. First of all, rather than killing them, they wanted more information.

Turtle Tongue!

The old men’s attacks were blocked by the transparent membrane and were thrown away with a sound.

“This guy dares to use witchcraft!”

It’s not like I used any kind of authority, it’s pure magic, so you’re seeing witchcraft for the first time?

The old men attacked one after another, but the shield was not so weak that it could be broken by just that amount of attacks. You’ll need to bring in at least a Grand Master level to break my shield.

Seeing the old people hitting the top of the shield hard even though their hands and feet would hurt quite a bit because of the anti-elasticity, the shape is quite familiar. As expected, even the martial arts they used had traces of Shark.

“Can I attack now?”

I have a lot to ask, so I don’t intend to kill him right away. I’m just thinking of suppressing it.

At the same time as I asked, the gray-haired old man gave a signal, and the attacking old men all retreated back.

“I guess that’s what the West calls magic. We were short of knowledge, so we didn’t recognize it right away.”

look at these The change of attitude is at a high level. When is it called witchcraft? However, I think it will be fine if you use it well.

“Then shall I show you a number?”

When I took out my sword and showed him pulling out the sword, the old people made faces full of astonishment. And with a technique that imitated Argin’s high-speed movement, he swung his sword back and forth between the elderly at high speed.

The frightened old men cut off their handsome beards before they had time to react.

“What is this?”

Seeing the severed beards pouring out, the elderly were embarrassed.

“Isn’t the martial arts that you tried to protect like that a big deal? Could it be that you are the best?”

All the old people have become dumb. I wondered, but is it really the best?

“Shall we continue?”

But the old people already had no will to fight.

“We admit that we cannot defeat you. But the descendants of the Ming Empire will fight you until the last one remains.”

The will is fictitious, but these people had something wrong. It’s like fanaticism. I’ve seen many of these types. Whether it is in this world or the other world, people’s lives are all the same.

“I never said I was fighting you guys.”

Of course, I did kill some people there.

“Wouldn’t it rather be a good relationship?”

Of course, I feel like it will only be a good relationship for me, but that’s just a feeling. However, this offer was valid for the elderly. no one wants to die More so for those who have a lot.

“What do you want from us?”

“I want information, I want all the records you’ve been collecting. It’s not that I’m taking it. You just need to see it once. The price is paid in one way or another. You seem to have a lot of money, and your martial arts aren’t that high, so why don’t you tell me a little bit about what I know?”

The gray-haired old man seemed to be in trouble for a moment. However, the light of greed that could not be hidden came to his eyes.

“I think we should discuss it with the chiefs.”

“Then shall we go together? Or should I wait here?”

The elders advised me to wait here and went back, probably feeling the burden of greeting me to the chiefs.

The middle executive of the secret organization who had been tortured by me completely healed the body that had been slightly less repaired because he was in a position to serve me.

The elderly, who thought they would return soon, did not come back even after several days. Of course, he knew how the story was going by attaching alter egos to the elderly.

The identities of the old men were high-ranking officials of groups called Qingbang, Hongbang, Huangbang, and Haomen, respectively. And I found something very strange, the warriors here, including the elderly, knew how to completely hide their momentum.

Originally, his realm was low, but since he used a method of hiding his momentum, he was completely like a normal person to the point that even I couldn’t feel it.

So, no matter how much he tried to find people by unleashing his alter egos, it was not easy to find the unmanned.

The elderly reported to the heads of each group, and the heads gathered to hold a meeting and report the contents of the meeting to the top.

They don’t seem to be direct descendants, but they seem to be members of the Ming Dynasty’s royal family who managed to survive. The Qing Dynasty was now in a period of revival. Even if the secret organization was quite large and had weapons, it seemed unlikely that they would be able to achieve their goals.

Thanks to that, it might be just me thinking about the man who was a middle manager for a few days, but we got along well and became quite close. This person was a person named Moon Moon, and he was a talented person who had both literary and military skills. He never said how he became involved with such an organization, but unlike the elderly, he did not seem to have much interest in rebuilding Ming. The actions shown to me earlier were conscious of the surroundings.

From noble mtl dot com.

In fact, even the inquiry did not know much about the organization to which it belonged. Maybe that’s why I strongly hoped for a promotion to the 4 group headquarters. It didn’t look easy, and based on my investigation with the alter egos I sent along with the elderly for several days, there was a serious problem.

After examining each group with alter egos, the elderly were not the best. There were quite a few unmanned people who were at the same level as the elderly. However, there was no big difference from the elderly, so it didn’t mean much to me.

However, for ordinary people, the warriors who can use internal energy in the language of this place would be really fearful opponents. Even elite soldiers trained in the other side of the world can only stand a chance if dozens of them use tactics to deal with one knight.

There are at least 10 such masters, so the secret society is maintained. Maybe this secret organization’s strategy to make martial arts their own may be right.

And finally, the decision of the imperial family was made. The imperial family said they wanted to meet me in person, and it was passed on to the elders through the chiefs again. And the old men set out to take me. But that was not the only purpose of the elderly.

Having figured it out at Inquiry’s house, I hurriedly called Inquiry.

“Inquiry, I have an important story. Of course, you are free to believe what I say.”

“What are you trying to say?”

“Soon then the old men will come to get me and sort you out.”

Inquiry stiffened at the moment, but quickly pretended to be calm.

“Do you have a clairvoyant?”

“Not similar. If I may add one more word, it seems that you have known from before that you are a spy from the Qing Dynasty.”

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