I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 793 This is not scientific (second update)

Huo Yushen emphasized: "Because if there is any science and technology left by a powerful civilization, our country's science and technology should have advanced by leaps and bounds as early as the first discovery of the Green Star."

"But in fact, Imperial technology has been stagnant since it reached its peak ten thousand years ago."

“It’s only in the last two years that there have been major breakthroughs.”

Xia Chujian said: "Could it be that those scientists couldn't understand other people's information until they figured it out recently? That's why there was a major breakthrough in science and technology?"

For example, a second-generation mecha, or a Star Destroyer.

Huo Yushen thought for a moment and said, "It's not impossible, but I still think the possibility is very low."

"Because..." He paused and said, "Because scientists from the Beichen Empire are the best at reverse engineering."

"So if it was true that many years ago, when the Green Star was first discovered, we had obtained the technology left behind by a powerful civilization, it really wouldn't take so much time to decipher it."

Xia Chujian said "Oh" with a vague understanding.

Huo Yushen continued: "This time you participate in the starry sky adventure, which is both a danger and an opportunity."

"However, there is a new situation this time, so you have to pay attention."

Xia Chujian looked at Huo Yushen.

Huo Yushen said calmly: "That unknown galaxy with the green star was originally only open to students from the best majors in the country's school."

"For example, the interstellar exploration ship course is only a required course for the best majors in our school."

"In the past, the best major in our school was the Star Carrier major, but now it is the Star Destroyer major."

"However, this year is an exception."

"I just got the news that students from the Interstellar Alliance class can also join the Star Destroyer class in this starry sky adventure, and they will be given credits."

Xia Chujian was surprised: "So what Huo Shuai means is that there will be students from the Interstellar Joint Class on our interstellar expedition ship tomorrow?"

“Do we also open this course to foreign students?”

"The Tantai royal family is actually so generous?!"

Huo Yushen said: "It was not open to foreign students before, and this year is the first time."

Xia Chujian clicked his tongue: "These people are so lucky. However, do you know the dangers there? Apart from being unfriendly to people without mental strength, are there any other dangers?"

Huo Yushen said: "If you don't go to Green Star, I think you won't be in any danger."

"You have a second-generation mecha. As long as you wear a second-generation mecha at all times, that galaxy will be safe for you."

Xia Chujian felt a little more confident and said, "Then as long as I don't go out at night, I should be fine. And maybe we are lucky and can find the Green Star?"

Huo Yushen thought, maybe...

But he wasn't sure.

After all, he only knew that mental power might not work on Xia Chujian, but what if there was something weird there that could hurt her?

So it's better to be careful.

Therefore, Huo Yushen also nodded and said: "Well, in that unknown galaxy, no matter which planet it is, as long as you don't go out at night, you will be fine."

However, he remembered another thing and reminded Xia Chujian: "Don't be careless. If you find a green star, you must be extremely careful."

"You have to know that not only the group of soldiers, scientists and students who found the Green Star nineteen years ago were all wiped out, but even the royal family member who first discovered the Green Star did not return alive. Beichen Galaxy."

Xia Chujian was completely shocked: "...What?! He's dead too?! He didn't bring a team or anything?! Then is this green star a death trap?!"

"Since the first person who discovered it is dead, how on earth did you know this information later?!"

"This unscientific!"

Huo Yushen said: "That member of the royal family likes to act alone, so he doesn't lead a team."

"Also, as I said before, all the information from the discoverer, who is a member of the royal family, was sent back."

"According to records, the member of the royal family was traveling on an interstellar exploration ship."

"And there is an escape equipment cabin in the starry sky exploration ship."

"The environment in the universe is ever-changing, so this kind of exploration ship that specializes in going to unknown stars has sufficient considerations when designing the escape equipment cabin."

"We must ensure that even if the large interstellar exploration ship cannot be used, the escape equipment cabin can still be used."

"It was the member of the royal family on this expedition who was the first to send the relevant information back using the escape equipment cabin."

Xia Chujian was suspicious: "If the escape equipment cabin can be used, why doesn't he come back by himself?"

This is unreasonable...

Huo Yushen said: "I only saw from the information disclosed by the royal family that when the royal family member accidentally entered the Green Star, the interstellar exploration ship completely crashed, and he himself suffered huge injuries."

"The escape equipment compartment was also greatly damaged, and the weight it could carry was greatly reduced."

"If he puts himself in it, the pressure on the escape equipment compartment will increase and the speed will be greatly affected."

"However, the most important thing is that the oxygen generating equipment in the escape equipment cabin is broken and cannot be repaired."

"Even if he entered the escape equipment cabin, he would not be able to return home alive from the vastness of space."

"And there is a high possibility that the escape equipment cabin will lose energy halfway and stay in space forever."

"So in the end, he only roughly sketched the starry sky coordinates and the direction of the wormhole at that place."

"In addition, some data from the starry sky exploration ship and his own experience on the Green Star were printed on a few pieces of paper and placed in the escape equipment cabin together with the original electronic storage device."

"At the same time, he also put some supplies found by Green Star into the escape equipment cabin."

"Of course, they are all materials with very small volume, mass and density. Otherwise, adding unnecessary weight to the escape equipment cabin will not be conducive to its return."

"Later, the mechanical intelligence of the escape equipment cabin successfully returned to the super-large wormhole according to the route he set, passed through the wormhole, and returned to the Beichen Galaxy."

"This is how the first-hand information about the royal family comes from."

"The starry sky exploration team that was lost on the Green Star nineteen years ago also used the same method to send the distress message back through the escape equipment cabin based on the experience of this royal family member."

"Although there is no one in the escape equipment cabin, it has mechanical intelligence. As long as a fixed action route is set, it can drive the escape equipment cabin and return to the original route."

Xia Chujian said with emotion: "This member of the royal family of the Beichen Empire is really full of adventurous spirit."

"You said he's already a member of the royal family, so why would he take risks himself?"

"Wouldn't it be nice to let your men go on an adventure?"

"Or it would be better to bring a team... It's better than relying on him alone. Once something happens, it will make the whole world unable to respond. Tsk tsk, it's really miserable..."

Huo Yushen seemed not to have heard her words. He just lowered his eyes and said lightly: "...This member of the royal family is from the unknown galaxy that he went to a thousand years ago."

"As for why he doesn't lead a team, you can probably only ask himself."

Xia Chu said "oh" when he saw it.

Her thoughts stayed on the two adventures Huo Yushen talked about, and she didn't have any special feelings.

She still concluded thoughtfully: "So, this is what happened."

"A thousand years ago, a member of the royal family of the Beichen Empire accidentally entered a wormhole while exploring the stars, came to this unknown galaxy, and landed on the Green Star."

"Then for some unknown reason, his spaceship was severely damaged and he couldn't come back. He just wrote down the basic situation of the planet and the starry sky coordinates of the Green Star, put it in the escape equipment cabin, and sent it back."

"Then the royal family began to look for this green star. They searched for a thousand years but still couldn't find it."

"Then nineteen years ago, the school asked freshmen to participate in a starry sky expedition, and they successfully found this green star again."

"Is that so?"

Huo Yushen nodded: "The timeline is roughly correct."

Xia Chujian added: "However, this second batch of expedition troops to the Green Star, because their equipment was severely damaged, none of them were able to come back... only a distress message was sent back."

"Then our rescue team rushed to the unknown galaxy again, but found nothing. There was no green star at the coordinates of the starry sky!"

She clicked her tongue twice: "It seems that Huo Shuai, you are not unlucky, you are extremely lucky!"

"If the Empire's First Military Academy decides to send students to participate in starry sky exploration activities two years later, you will be embarking on a journey of death..."

Huo Yushen smiled and said, "If you think so, I won't object."

But in fact, even if students were sent to participate in starry sky exploration activities two years later, Huo Yushen would not go.

Because he was only twelve years old at the time, no matter which galaxy he went to explore, his mother and the school would not allow him to participate in such activities.

Xia Chujian also knew this, she was just making a joke to lighten the tense atmosphere.

And she didn't give up and asked: "In the information you have read, is there really no reason why those people can't come back?"

"The first member of the royal family ended up dying there and didn't come back. I think it's excusable."

"After all, this is the first time to an unknown galaxy, and the situation there is not entirely clear. If the environment is particularly harsh, and he is only one person, it is entirely possible for him to get trapped there."

“But that expedition to the stars nineteen years ago had so many people, more advanced equipment, and lessons learned from previous predecessors, but the end result was that the whole army was wiped out and no one could come back. I can’t figure it out. "

"Also, if both expeditions end with the entire army being annihilated, the school is so brave and dares to continue sending people to explore!"

Huo Yushen said: "Since the incident nineteen years ago, the empire's best-equipped starry sky exploration troops have searched and rescued that galaxy every year, but they have never found the green star."

"Why the school continues to send students to participate in starry sky exploration, I don't know."

This is the second update. There will be an update at 05:00 in the evening.

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