Xia Chujian was curious again: "Huh? Such a coincidence? So why on earth did you suddenly bring the students with you?"

"Do we have to take students there to find the Green Star?"

Xia Chujian's thoughts were scattered, and he shook his head again, denying what he just said: "That's not right. When the Green Star was first discovered, there were no students, right?"

Huo Yushen said: "I don't know the real reason."

"But the apparent reason is said to be to brainstorm ideas so that we can better explore the stars and find more resources."

"At the same time, we will give our school's best students more opportunities to go to that unknown galaxy and exercise their mental strength."

"Maybe someone can find an opportunity to achieve genetic evolution!"

Xia Chujian gasped: "...where can I still exercise my mental strength?! Can I also genetically evolve?!"

Huo Yushen nodded: "There is doubt about genetic evolution, but it can indeed exercise mental strength."

"The information sent back by the royal family member who discovered the Green Star said that the magnetic field of the unknown galaxy is completely different from that of the Beichen Galaxy."

"Everyone who has been to that galaxy has also discovered this."

"They say that in that galaxy, especially at night, only people with mental strength can go out and walk."

"If a person without mental strength goes out at night, he will never come back."

Xia Chujian was speechless and choked up: "...Isn't it? Is there really such a place?!"

Then doesn't she, an ordinary person with no mental power, only die? !

But she really wanted to go!

What if she could achieve genetic evolution there too? !

Xia Chujian was so eager that he suddenly felt blessed and said, "Isn't it possible that the place we are going to explore this time is also in this unknown galaxy?!"

Because there are many destinations for starry sky exploration, and this unknown galaxy is just one of them.

So she just hopes that this is where they go this year.

Unexpectedly, Huo Yushen nodded: "Yes, that's right there."

Xia Chujian was excited: "Then I will also have a chance to see the Green Star!"

Huo Yushen calmly exposed her dream: "Didn't you listen to me? In the past eighteen years, both the search and rescue interstellar fleet and the school have sent students to participate in starry sky exploration activities every year. Except for the first time nineteen years ago, In the next eighteen years, this green star was never found again.”

Xia Chujian asked in confusion: "Why? We obviously have the interstellar coordinates and have been there twice, so why can't we find it?"

"What's so special about Green Star?"

Huo Yushen said: "In so many years, we have only found it twice. The most recent time was nineteen years ago. Judging from the probability, it is unlikely that you will find the Green Star this time."

"But just in case, I have some information about the Green Star here, you can take a look for yourself."

With that said, Huo Yushen sent some information to Xia Chujian's quantum optical brain watch carrier.

Xia Chujian opened the virtual display screen and projected the data on it.

As she read it, she thoughtfully summarized and analyzed: "This is the historical information on the trip to the Green Star nineteen years ago."

"When they first went to that unknown galaxy, they randomly selected a planet that looked very similar to the habitable planet in the Beichen Galaxy."

"The data and backup information in the escape equipment cabin they sent back show that the oxygen content, water resources and gravity environment there are very suitable for human habitation."

"They were all excited at first, thinking they had found a new habitable planet."

"This means that they didn't know it was the Green Star at the beginning?"

Huo Yushen said: "Yes, the starry sky expedition team travels in the starry sky every year. Sometimes they cannot find a habitable planet for more than ten years. They can only explore planets with harsh environments and mine various resources."

"So when they discovered a new habitable planet, they were all happy, but no one thought that this was the legendary green star many years ago."

Xia Chujian looked at the information and said, "They didn't realize it was a green star at the time. Was it because the starry sky coordinates of that planet were wrong?"

Huo Yushen said: "No, the starry sky coordinates are the same, but at that time the starry sky coordinates of the Green Star were top secret and only a few people knew about it, so they didn't have this awareness at the beginning and didn't report it."

"It wasn't until the mechanical intelligence discovered during a routine inspection that the starry sky coordinates of this planet were the same as the starry sky coordinates of the Green Star stored in its system many years ago, and then it issued a reminder to let the commanders at the time know that they had found The legendary green star."

"They were probably too excited, so according to the information about the green star they had obtained before, they all moved forward, entered the atmosphere of the green star, and landed directly on the green star."

"As a result... they suffered an unimaginable disaster. We don't even know what kind of disaster it was, because their distress message at that time was obviously written in a hurry, and there was not much time for them to describe the situation in a lengthy document. ."

Xia Chujian nodded and said, "Did you get the information about the Green Star from that person in the royal family?"

Huo Yushen said: "Well, that person sent it back."

Xia Chujian asked: "What did you say about this green star?"

Huo Yushen said: "His information said that the resources there are extremely rich, but there are no intelligent creatures like humans. It is a treasure land waiting for humans to develop."

"The scenery there is beautiful, there are many kinds of animals, milk and honey flow everywhere, it is warm as spring all year round, and the earth can grow food automatically without farming."

"There is no need to harvest, the grain will return to the warehouse by itself."

"The river is full of fish that people can catch at will, and the wild beasts in the mountains and forests will automatically provide them with meat."

"As long as you think about it in your heart, a beautiful house will appear in front of you, sheltering you from the wind and rain."

"Also, this person was not a genetic evolver originally, but when he went there, he found that he had genetically evolved!"

Xia Chujian listened for a long time and was completely speechless.

"...That's it? We are an empire that even produces nutrient solutions. Will we care about those original ecological foods?"

She continued to output: "What kind of place is flowing with milk and honey? Just grab a unicorn and milk it, and you won't be able to finish the milk!"

"And honey. Apart from being very sweet, does this stuff have any other nutritional components that we haven't analyzed yet?"

"Including things like houses automatically appearing in front of you, learning about house customization, setting up the frame in front of you in three minutes, and you can move in in an hour."

"In the face of technology, these benefits are nothing..."

"But there is no need to cultivate, the earth will grow food automatically, and it can also harvest automatically, and return the grains to the warehouse by yourself. This is quite attractive..."

It would be better if Sanzong could be brought there to study it...

And of course there is genetic evolution.

Xia Chujian was thinking wildly and did not mention these two points.

She was also afraid that Huo Yushen would laugh at her.

Huo Yushen was not unhappy when he heard Xia Chujian's rebuttal. Instead, he curled his lips slightly and said, "You're right. If it's just these benefits, it's really not attractive to us."

Xia Chujian said: "Then why go there? The treasures in the starry sky that I imagined are not these."

Huo Yushen said: "What are the treasures in the starry sky in your imagination?"

Xia Chujian said without hesitation: "At least there must be gold, right? Gold, pure gold. A treasure without pure gold is not worthy of being called a treasure."

Huo Yushen: ...No surprise, I actually agree a little bit...

He coughed lightly and said calmly, "Well, this is one of the benefits of that place."

"The information sent back by the royal family member contains these descriptions."

"According to the information, there are extremely rich plant resources on the Green Star. It is said to be richer than the plant resources in the Alien Beast Forest."

"For example, blood unicorns and kongsang, which are extremely rare plants in the Beichen galaxy, can be found there."

Xia Chujian felt that all the blood in his body rushed to his heart.

She blinked, tried her best to suppress her pounding heartbeat, held her breath, and listened to Huo Yushen's story.

Huo Yushen continued: "In addition, it is said that many high-level mineral deposits can be found, including countless various metals, including precious metals, such as gold, and special metals, such as black silver, as well as huge reserves of exotic species. Metal."

"And..." Huo Yushen took a deep breath and said, "...it is said that there is also the science and technology that has survived from the most powerful civilization in the universe."

Xia Chujian was completely dumbfounded.

After a while, she frowned and said, "...Is this all based on the information found on the Green Star?"

"Isn't it said that it is an unknown galaxy? What are the conditions? If you can find so much information, it is also called unknown?"

Huo Yushen said: "This information is kept secret from the public. To the general public, it is an unknown planet in an unknown galaxy."

"But it's different for the Tantai royal family. Because the Tantai royal family has actually been researching green stars for many years."

"The expedition team that went to the Green Star nineteen years ago was completely wiped out because they relied too much on the research data from the Royal Academy of Sciences many years ago."

"It's a pity that the Green Star has changed over the past many years, so they suffered incredible disasters."

He knows these contents because he is the chief inspector of the Special Security Bureau and has the same security level as the emperor.

Of course, Xia Chu knew this even if he didn't say it.

She didn't dwell on this question, but just asked the question she was most interested in: "Is there any information about specific treasures in those materials?"

"Rare plant and mineral deposits don't count, but the science and technology left behind by powerful civilizations..."

"Also, what kind of disaster did the second group of people suffer when they were all wiped out? Didn't it mean that there are no intelligent creatures like humans on the Green Star?"

Huo Yushen composed himself before saying, "They probably didn't find the remains of any powerful civilization, although the information didn't say so clearly."

This is the first update. There will be a second update at five minutes past twelve noon.

It’s Monday, so I’d like to remind everyone of my recommendation votes!

PS: There is one small change in the last chapter, which will not affect the development of the plot below even if you don't read it. It is to say the name of the planet in advance. In fact, it is formally introduced in the following paragraphs.

The reason for this problem is that that chapter was changed many times, including the order of the whole thing. In the end, one part was forgotten and remained unchanged.

This shows that even if it is an online article, I am very serious about writing it. When you read it, it takes a few minutes to write a chapter, and I may have spent three to four hours writing, revising, and finalizing the article. Since I started writing a new book, I have been spending all my spare time on it every day. Fortunately, writing is really my hobby. I am doing it for love, which makes me tired but also happy!

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