I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 455 What are they going to do (Second update, please vote for me)

"Take her back quickly, change into a mecha, and let the medical soldiers there take a look at her. If it's serious, contact Second Lieutenant Sang and send her back to the Star Cruiser. There is a medical cabin there."

Mao Yonggui hurriedly agreed: "I will take Second Lieutenant Chu away right now."

She is also a fifteen-meter-tall mecha, and it takes no effort to carry a fifteen-meter-tall mecha on her back.

After Mao Yonggui walked away, Xia Chujian looked at his eyepiece display.

The mutated jellyfish trap here is shown there.

Just around the coral tree where Chu Qingjuan was shot in front.

Xia Chujian immediately flew over, raised his mechanical arm, and sprayed six times, burning all six mutant jellyfish traps on the ground.

After confirming that there were no traps around, Xia Chujian asked Qilu: "Were those traps just dug by mutant jellyfish?"

She took a closer look at the mutant jellyfish, and found that it had no hands or feet at all, only tentacles.

Qilu said: "No, the trap should be dug by the Shang people. They can drive the longevity flying fish, and they can certainly drive the mutated jellyfish."

Xia Chujian sighed and said: "This kind of atmospheric environment is fatally dangerous to ordinary people like us. These victims are alive and well."

Qilu said: "This is called natural selection, survival of the fittest. If the master has a young commander, he can survive no matter what the environment is."

Xia Chujian clicked his tongue: "But it needs energy blocks. If my Shao Siming mecha doesn't have energy blocks, I will be blind."

"So today is also a day to envy genetic evolvers!"

Xia Chujian sighed.

Genetic evolvers don't need to wear mechas in such a harsh environment. She has one more reason to envy genetic evolvers.

Qilu said: "Master does not need to envy genetic evolvers. Genetic evolvers also have high and low abilities. Shao Si ordered the mecha to beat each of them!"

Xia Chujian's mouth twitched: "Qi Lu, you can boast better than me. By the way, you said there is a large group of mourners coming this way, where are they?"

Qilu said: "...Their speed is too slow, beyond Qilu's calculation. It may take another twenty minutes to get here."

Xia Chujian was curious: "What are they here for? Look at their mutant jellyfish trap. Did they catch any prey?"

Qilu said: "Master, it's all possible."

Xia Chujian: "..."

She simply hid on the top of the coral trees, turned on the mecha's invisibility, and continued to observe the movements around her.

After she made the mecha invisible, she felt that it would be a good idea to make Chu Qingjuan faint.

At least if Chu Qingjuan was here, she wouldn't be able to unleash the functions of the Shaosiming Mecha unscrupulously.

She was really cruel to Qilu just now.

But she couldn't let Qilu make decisions for her without permission.

It is mechanical intelligence and cannot take action without her authorization.

Xia Chujian was thinking wildly on the top of the coral tree. After waiting for a full twenty minutes, he saw a large group of soldiers staggering over.

At a glance, there were probably more than two hundred people in this group of mourners.

They hold simple bows or spears in their hands, are short in stature, and have small lantern jellyfish hanging on their waists.

But they looked a little more normal than the melee warriors I saw in the video.

In other words, they don't have three heads and six arms. At most, their arms are twisted into an S shape and their legs are bent into a B shape.

As for the heads, some are crooked and some are slanted.

Some have disproportionately long necks, and some have no necks at all, with a goose egg-like head "sitting" directly on their shoulders.

Not to mention, beauty really comes from comparison.

When Xia Chu saw it, he compared the appearance of these mourners with the strange appearances of the mourners in the video, and felt that they looked pretty good.

And among these mourners, there was one mourner who actually had no dorsal fin.

He looks almost like a normal human being, with only one head, two arms and two legs.

Moreover, the head is not crooked or slanted, the arms are not twisted into an S shape, and the legs are not bent into a B shape, but they have severe bow-legged characteristics.

He is not tall, only about 1.5 meters.

The facial features look normal.

But when Xia Chujian saw this man's pupils through the high-definition vision of Shao Siming's black silver mecha, he couldn't help but turn into vertical pupils.

This is the only thing that is different from normal humans.

When his pupils don't turn into vertical pupils, he looks like a normal human being.

But this man, standing among a group of strange-looking mourners, not only did not violate the peace, but he was also the leader of these mourners.

He led the group of mourners to the foot of the coral tree, looked around, and then started talking like a little hen.

Xia Chujian didn't understand.

She asked Qilu softly: "Qilu, do you understand what he said?"

She was speaking in a fully enclosed helmet and could not be heard outside.

Qilu said: "I understand. He still spoke the ancient Sanghe language."

As it said, it didn't know what program it had tinkered with, and then Xia Chujian's helmet headset had a simultaneous interpretation system.

Next, she understood what the man said.

I heard him asking the mourners: "...Where are the traps here? Where are the jellyfish?"

A mourner looked around, poked the ground with his two S-shaped arms for a long time, and said, "It's gone. Maybe he crawled away."

The seemingly normal man seemed to roar angrily twice, and then said: "Catch more jellyfish in the future! If there are no jellyfish to stop us, those people will run away!"

Then the mourners said in unison: "Okay, Dazhao!"

Xia Chujian asked Qilu quietly: "...Dazhao, is this the name of this tragic man?"

Qilu's little childish voice said with a little surprise: "Dazhao family, this name is incredible."

Xia Chujian was puzzled: "What's so important?"

Qilu said: "The Oteru clan is the name of the king who finally unified Morizawa Star and established the Sanghe Kingdom ten thousand years ago."

"It is said that this name is the only royal family in the Morizawa Star Eternal Line."

Xia Chujian sneered: "...then what? Hasn't Sanghe Kingdom been destroyed for more than 10,000 years?"

Qilu said: "Yes, it seems that Sanghe Kingdom is dead now, but the Dazhao clan, a royal family that has been in the eternal line for generations, actually still has descendants."

Xia Chujian muttered: "Maybe he is trying to put money on his face and pick a famous name to put on himself."

"One line for all generations, what a statement! The genes in the middle have been replaced countless times..."

Qilu said: "This is also possible. Qilu's database contains the genetic data of the ancient royal family Dazhao."

"You can get a hair from this guy..."

Xia Chujian said: "This man has no hair."

Indeed, he had a smooth head, a bald head, with no hair at all.

Qilu's childlike voice was filled with doubts: "...So he mutated in his hair?"

Xia Chujian said: "If he has mutated, then even if he is a descendant of the Dazhao family, his genes cannot be used for paternity testing, right?"

Qilu said: "Master is right, he has mutated and his gene chain has long been different."

That's what Xia Chujian said. She didn't care at all about the relationship between this mourner and that ancient royal family.

She just wanted to know what this Oteru clan wanted to do.

I saw this Otera clan, who looked like a normal person, staggering towards the depths of the marine forest on two bow legs.

In that direction, you have to walk past those jellyfish traps.

Xia Chujian thought deeply and said, "It seems they don't want other mourners to pass?"

Those traps are definitely not there to guard against them, right?

They have just arrived on this planet!

Qilu said: "It may also be to prevent the mutated animals here."

Xia Chujian nodded and followed the group of mourners into the depths of the marine forest.

She had never been to the north in this direction. The woods she had been to were to the south, near the equator.

She already knew that the denser the marine forest, the greater the amount of radiation. She had tested it in the woods to the south before.

But in the marine forests to the north here, the amount of radiation is actually an order of magnitude higher than in the marine forests to the south.

Qilu said: "Master, the amount of radiation here is about as big as a Wanshou flying fish. If an animal comes over, it will be riddled with radiation in a short period of time."

Xia Chu was also frightened when he saw it, and said: "These mourners are fine in this environment, their bodies are so powerful, they can keep up with genetic evolvers!"

Qilu said: "Shangren are different from genetic evolvers. They are completely mutated and adapted to the environment of high-intensity nuclear radiation."

"But although the Shang people are adapted to the environment here, creatures that grow up in this environment generally have a short lifespan. They can live to be thirty years old."

"And genetic evolvers are genetic evolution, not mutation. The life span of genetic evolvers has long exceeded the scope of normal humans, and can reach up to three hundred years old."

Xia Chujian curled his lips: "He is only three hundred years old, which is not as long as the life span of Xingkong Yuchu."

Qi Lu once said: "...But the Starry Sky Eagle chicks are already extinct."

Xia Chujian stopped talking and just switched his Shao Siming mecha to its previous close-fitting mode, which was no longer a three-meter-tall black iron-style conventional mecha.

Close-fitting mode is suitable for covert tracking.

She hid behind the group of mourners and walked quietly into the dense forest of the sea forest for another half an hour.

It wasn't until her mecha's environmental detector kept sounding a sharp alarm that the warrior in front stopped.

Of course, the alarm sound was isolated within her fully enclosed helmet, and people outside could not hear it at all.

She said to Qilu with lingering fear: "...the amount of nuclear radiation here is too much...is there a nuclear radiation mine here?"

Qilu said in confusion: "From the data, even if there is a mine, the amount of nuclear radiation will not be so high."

"Because the content of primary nuclear elements in the mineral deposits is actually very low and needs to be refined before it can be used."

Xia Chujian became even more curious: "Then under what circumstances was there such a high amount of nuclear radiation?"

Qilu said: "...unless there has been a large-scale equipment here and a refining project of high-radiation isotopes has been carried out."

Xia Chujian suddenly realized: "Is there someone refining nuclear elements with extremely high purity here? - That must have been ten thousand years ago, right?"

Because looking at the original state of this planet, it doesn’t look like there is a large factory...

This is the second update. There will be an update at 05:00 in the evening.


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