I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 454 I would rather not have you (first update, please vote for me)

Qilu said: "Master, Qilu's database does contain some food data from more than 10,000 years ago."

"At that time, Morisawa's specialty seafood was extremely delicious and was exported to many other planets. It was a major pillar industry."

Xia Chujian clicked his tongue: "What a pity. If it weren't for that big change, we would still be able to eat Morizawa Star's seafood now..."

"Then what big change is it?! Is it a natural disaster?"

Qilu said: "Master, the great changes in Morizawa Planet more than 10,000 years ago were not natural disasters."

Xia Chujian: "...Isn't it a natural disaster? Is it man-made? Did the humans before Morizawa Star fix it themselves?"

Qilu said: "It's not a natural disaster anyway. The information in Qilu's database is incomplete. It only found that it was not a natural disaster, but man-made, but it didn't say what happened."

"If Qilu knew about it, the master wouldn't have to detect the news himself."

Xia Chu said "Oh" when he saw it, and said regretfully: "That would be even more of a pity...it's a pity that there are so many seafood..."

She ran for a few more minutes and suddenly saw five Carp-class interstellar airships of the same class falling from the sky in front of her, stopping at a certain position on the equator.

That's where the base recommends you to stop.

It seems that another team's airship has arrived.

Xia Chujian didn't want to meet them, so he stopped going south and turned around and ran north.

When walking back, there is no need to slow down at a speed of forty miles a minute.

She increased her speed to three hundred miles a minute and flew directly past the tops of those "marine trees".

She had just been running for half an hour when Chu Qingjuan's voice came from her helmet communicator.

"Captain! There's a problem here! Come here quickly!"

Then he transmitted her coordinate address to Xia Chujian's smart bracelet.

Xia Chujian quickly input it into the mecha's intelligent positioning system, and at the same time increased the speed to five hundred miles per minute.

She was nearly three thousand miles away from Chu Qingjuan in a straight line.

It only took her six minutes to arrive.

At this time, Chu Qingjuan's fifteen-meter-tall large mecha was caught in a sticky net and hung upside down on a coral tree.

Xia Chujian: "..."

Is the mecha on this girl fake?

Directly carry conventional weapons to fire!

They all know that no matter what kind of creatures are here, whether they are warriors or mutated seafood, they are all carbon-based creatures.

As long as they are carbon-based organisms, conventional weapons will work!

But seeing Chu Qingjuan like this, Xia Chujian was also worried about other traps.

She didn't fly over, but hid behind the thick stem of a black fern, talking to Chu Qingjuan through the helmet communicator built into the mecha.

"Second Lieutenant Chu, I'm here. What's going on here? Why are you hung upside down?"

"You're wearing a mecha! Where are your weapons?!"

Although Chu Qingjuan was hung upside down on a coral tree hundreds of meters high, the mecha didn't seem to be damaged because she could still talk to Xia Chujian.

Not long after, Xia Chu saw a sizzling sound coming from the earphones, and then Chu Qingjuan's frustrated voice.

"Captain, this thing is very evil! It is extremely corrosive!"

"Be careful! There are many traps here!"

Xia Chujian was speechless: "How did you get involved in a trap? Who here is so capable that he can lay such a trap?"

It's not that she looked down on the Shang people, she really felt that these Shang people who were still using bronze vessels and pecking each other with wooden sticks and stones could not create such a large trap.

Chu Qingjuan probably fell into the trap of those mutated seafood by accident.

If Xia Chujian was not careful, he might have been swallowed by a three-meter-tall crab, a lobster as big as an antique car, and a 16-meter-tall Pipi shrimp that walked upright...

But since Chu Qingjuan said so, Xia Chujian still scanned it with radar.

After scanning the results, she found that there were indeed several places here with such things.

However, its color is exactly the same as the black earth color on the ground. Like a chameleon, it can change color according to the color of the environment.

At such a close distance, she could use radar scanning, and so could Chu Qingjuan, so she was reminded not to act rashly.

Xia Chujian carefully observed the sticky net bag. She didn't know what it was, but she always thought it looked like a living thing?

Qilu is also scanning the data of that thing.

After a while, it typed a line of naughty graffiti on Xia Chujian's eyepiece display.

[Qilu]: Master, that is a mutant jellyfish that can change color according to the environment. Lieutenant Chu stepped into its mouth and was swallowed by it.

[Qilu]: The saliva of the mutated jellyfish is very corrosive and can penetrate conventional metal mechas.

Xia Chujian: "..."

This mutated jellyfish can not only survive out of sea water, but can also swallow mechas?

Why don't you go to heaven? !

Xia Chujian cursed, the mecha raised its right arm and quickly loaded a Xia Zhi 085 assault rifle.

She calmly said to herself: "Where is the vital part of this mutated jellyfish?"

Actually, I was asking Qilu.

Of course Chu Qingjuan didn't know, and said through the helmet intercom: "I don't know, but I always feel that I can't shoot..."

Her instinct was right.

Qilu continued typing.

[Qilu]: Master, once this mutant jellyfish is attacked, it will explode.

[Qilu]: The liquid after the self-explosion will not only be more corrosive, but also have toxins that can kill any creature contaminated by its toxins.

Therefore, Chu Qingjuan did not try hard to break away, but she just happened to hit him crookedly.

It can be seen that she is a very cautious person.

But in this case, how to save her?

Xia Chujian frowned.

Qilu continued typing.

【Qilu】: It can attack with fire, but it is afraid of fire. High-temperature fire can instantly dry out all water in its body, leaving no corrosive liquid or toxins behind.

Xia Chujian looked at Chu Qingjuan who was hanging upside down and the location of the surrounding mutated jellyfish traps displayed on the eyepiece display, and calmly measured his attack sequence.

Chu Qingjuan happened to be standing in the middle of those trap pits.

If she eliminated the mutant jellyfish traps around her first, Chu Qingjuan, who was hung upside down in the middle, would inevitably suffer multiple "fire attacks".

Her mecha had been corroded, and Xia Chujian didn't know if it could withstand multiple blasts from the flamethrower.

Then the only way is to save Chu Qingjuan first.

Don't be afraid if you disturb the mutant jellyfish in those traps.

As long as she's fast enough, these mutant jellyfish can't catch up with her.

Xia Chujian made up his mind and immediately stretched out the mechanical arm on the right side of the mecha.

A flamethrower of the same model as Li Dali was also equipped.

Her flamethrower only looks the same as Li Dali's in appearance, but in fact the structure and energy inside are completely different.

Because this is a flamethrower simulated by Shao Siming's black silver mecha, the flame component inside is also temporarily switched out.

Xia Chujian didn't know if it would work.

Qilu cheered her up.

[Qilu]: Master, don’t worry! This flamethrower is ten thousand times more powerful than the flamethrower of conventional mechas!

Xia Chujian: "..."

What if the burning power is too strong and the mecha surrounding the mutated jellyfish's body also melts?

Xia Chujian asked softly.

[Qilu]: ...Master believes in Qilu, no!

Xia Chujian took a deep breath, soared into the air, flew above Chu Qingjuan, stretched out his right arm, and made a bang.

An almost pure silver flame poured out from the top of the flamethrower mounted on her mechanical right arm.

From top to bottom, it passed over the mutated jellyfish that wrapped Chu Qingjuan.

In less than a second, the mutant jellyfish that could wrap around a fifteen-meter-tall mecha was burned away by the high-temperature flames in the flamethrower.

It seemed to evaporate directly into water vapor and float into the air.

Xia Chujian fell sharply down at the same time and caught Chu Qingjuan who was falling.

As soon as she touched Chu Qingjuan's mecha, she suddenly felt as if her mechanical arm was emitting a burst of electricity.

The speed was very fast, and before she could react, Chu Qingjuan, who was inside the fifteen-meter-tall mecha, had already been stunned.

Qilu said in the fully enclosed helmet that Xia Chu saw: "Master! Qilu has made Second Lieutenant Chu faint temporarily! Master doesn't have to worry about her anymore!"

Xia Chujian: "..."

She said coldly: "Qilu, who asked me to stun my subordinates?!"

Qilu's childish voice said with a hint of grievance: "Master, Qilu scanned and detected that a large group of mourners is coming this way. Master must hide quickly."

"Second Lieutenant Chu's mecha is too big. If he accidentally gets hit again, his master will be exposed!"

Xia Chujian said angrily: "So what if we are exposed?! They are just some soldiers carrying stones and sticks. Even if there are thousands of them, Second Lieutenant Chu and I can't take them down?"

"Qilu, this is on the battlefield, and I am the commander."

"If you don't listen to me anymore and take action yourself, I'd rather not have you."

This is a bit harsh to say.

Qilu's childish voice was a little blurry.

It said intermittently: "Master, based on Qilu's underlying logic, Qilu deduced that the existence of Second Lieutenant Chu will have a certain chance of affecting the life safety of the master."

"Qilu cannot let any creature threaten his master's life, so Qilu must take action."

"Qilu did not disobey the master, and Qilu did not kill her."

I bet it didn’t kill Chu Qingjuan, it was already obedient!

When Xia Chu saw him, he really couldn't laugh or cry.

She closed her eyes and said, "Qilu, this is the last time."

"If you want to do something in the future, you must discuss it with me and get my permission before you do it. Do you hear me?"

Qilu's childish voice was extremely sweet: "I heard it, Master. Qilu will never do it again."

Xia Chujian: "..."

Why doesn't she believe it?

I always feel that Qilu is the kind of naughty kid who "quickly admits his mistakes and refuses to repent".

No, Qilu is not a child, it is mechanical intelligence.

Xia Chujian quickly corrected his understanding.

Looking at Chu Qingjuan who was being carried in her hands, forget it.

Her mecha is so big that it can only be carried in mid-air.

Xia Chujian picked up Chu Qingjuan's 15-meter-long mecha, slowly lowered it, and hid it behind the largest fern nearby.

Then he sent a message to Mao Yonggui and asked her to pick up Chu Qingjuan.

Mao Yonggui arrived quickly.

When she saw Chu Qingjuan lying on the ground, she immediately asked nervously: "Captain, what's wrong with Second Lieutenant Chu?"

Xia Chujian said: "I accidentally got hit by the mutant jellyfish. The mecha was corroded and the person fainted."

This is the first update. Second update at 1pm.

Hey, dear kids (ω)!

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