Ning Sa then said with confidence: "Dr. Xia's self-made pure natural medicine allowed my child to transform into a human form during the fetal stage. Moreover, when he was born, he also retained a complete human form."

That's why she dared to come to Ritchie Hospital and give birth to a child using a fake human identity.

This can give the child a full and legal human identity.

If this child, like other humanoids, is born in the form of a beast, or a mixture of a beast and a human, her method will never work.

The man looked at Xia Yuanfang with sharp eyes.

"Dr. Xia, right? Which research institute did you study in? Is it the Lee Pharmaceuticals Research Institute?"

It is impossible for a person with such great ability to be buried.

But Xia Yuanfang just said lightly: "I was fired from Ritchie Drug Research Laboratory three years ago, and I only recently opened my own studio."

The man thought that as long as he had this clue, he could check her identity.

If this is true, this doctor is not ordinary.

Therefore, although Xia Yuanfang's identity is not yet clear, the man's attitude towards her is much more respectful.

"Gold can shine wherever it is." The man said politely, "Dr. she."

Ning Sa liked to hear this.

She smiled and said, "I have already said that Dr. Xia's business will be my business from now on. Anyone who dares to touch her is tantamount to touching me."

The man nodded, "That should be the case."

He looked down at the sleeping baby for a while, carefully picked up the swaddling clothes, kissed his forehead, and said, "I'll come see him again in a month. Take care of yourself."

After the man finished speaking, he left without any hesitation.

Xia Yuanfang looked at this man's aura and knew that his identity was definitely extraordinary.

But Ning Sa didn't even introduce the man's name, so Xia Yuanfang knew that this man was probably not just someone with high authority.

Although he showed his face in front of her, who knew whether that person's appearance was real or fake?

Xia Yuanfang was not completely unaware of the behavior of these big shots.

But she didn't particularly care, but it was better to be kind to others than to become enemies with such people.

After the man left, Ning Sa didn't waste any time and immediately asked her subordinates to go through the procedures and be discharged from the hospital.

Instead of going home, she went to Xia Yuanfang's studio overnight.

There, Xia Yuanfang injected the child with the last injection of medicine.

She said: "This is the last injection of gene stabilizer. This injection can guarantee that he will not switch to animal form in thirty days."

This would ensure that he would grow up in a humanoid form. Even if Ning Sa was gone, he would never be treated as a humanoid slave and sent to the royal breeding farm.

Ning Sa looked at the child in her arms and said with a wry smile: "Am I greedy? Before, I was satisfied if he could switch to adult form. When he switches to adult form, I also hope that he will not switch back to beast form within thirty days. "

"Now you guarantee that he will not switch to beast form within thirty days, and I hope... that he will not have to switch to beast form in his lifetime..."

"I even hope that his genes will be the same as those of normal people from now on. At least when he goes to school, he will not be detected with human-like genes..."

Xia Yuanfang listened to her quietly and said with a smile: "Since you have these hopes and requirements, I can give it a try. However, even if you can't switch to animal form for a lifetime, even if you can do it, you Do you really want to do this?"

Humanoids who switch to animal form are completely different from their humanoid counterparts in terms of physical fitness and special abilities.

Humanoid pariahs can freely switch between human and animal forms, giving them one more choice than humanoid slaves.

Ning Sa frowned: "What you said makes sense, but his current birth certificate shows that he is a decent human being. I don't want him to have another choice. If someone discovers it, the consequences will be disastrous..."

Even if the child's father has that status, he cannot be protected.

Xia Yuanfang said: "Now that you have thought it through, I can think of a way."

"Is it really possible?!" Ning Sa was surprised and happy.

She was just talking casually, knowing that she was wishful thinking.

Unexpectedly, Xia Yuanfang said that he could still "find a way"!

This has never happened before!

The Beichen Empire has been in existence for more than 10,000 years. It has never been heard of in history that someone can do something about human-like genes!

Moreover, the empire already has legislation that strictly prohibits research on genes, and even more strictly prohibits the production of chemically synthesized drugs that are effective on genes.

Thinking of this, Ning Sa was a little worried and asked cautiously: "Doctor Xia, this medicine of yours is not a chemical synthesis medicine, right?"

Xia Yuan said calmly: "Of course not. I am a small studio. Where can I get the equipment to make chemical synthesis medicines? I just need to find some particularly rare herbs that can be used to prepare some medicines."

"...What kind of herbs can have an effect on human-like genes..." Ning Sa asked in fear, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone else. If I tell you, I'm bringing myself and my son in. I'm not that stupid, I'm just worried that if something happens to you, I can help you clean up..."

This is because he is worried that Xia Yuanfang is actually developing chemically synthesized drugs based on genes.

The research and development of this kind of chemically synthesized drugs is strictly prohibited by the laws of the Beichen Empire.

If Xia Yuanfang is really playing with fire, Ning Sa will definitely deal with the consequences for her, otherwise her hard work to give birth to her son will be in vain.

Xia Yuanfang thought for a while and said, "Ms. Ning is not a scientific researcher, so she may not understand the situation. Based on my years of research, I found that there are some natural herbs that can perform certain genetic modifications without interfering with natural genes. Adjust and replenish.”

"The adjustment of your son's genes is a natural medicine prepared from special herbs inspired by this research and development idea. As for what kind of herbs it is, it is a trade secret. Please forgive me for not being able to comment."

Ning Sa calmed down and confirmed again: "Is it really a natural herb? The reason I ask this is because since you are open for business, more and more patients will come to you in the future. As long as more people know about it, Something could go wrong. So we have to prepare for the worst possible scenario."

Xia Yuanfang nodded: "I agree with Ms. Ning, and I can guarantee that it is indeed a natural herb. If anyone wants to have trouble with me, then they will meet in court. I still know these things."

If it goes to court, according to the civil legal principle of "who claims it, who provides evidence", that is, the other party will have to provide evidence that her medicine is not a natural medicine, instead of letting her prove it herself.

On this point, she was absolutely confident.

Moreover, she also worked hard to make good friends with Quan Yuxun, the Qilin son of the Quan family, and had this plan in mind.

Ning Sa felt a little relieved when she saw Xia Yuanfang was so determined.

But seeing that Xia Yuanfang was very bookish, she was worried that she had underestimated the malice of some people, so she said tactfully: "If it gets to that point, please let me know. You have also seen it. My son's father, there is still a certain status, which can at least guarantee you fair and just legal treatment.”

This is so rare.

Xia Yuanfang thought for a while, and if her studio really grew bigger, it might not be enough to have Quan Yuxun as her backer.

He also nodded and said, "Don't worry, Ms. Ning, if it really comes to that point, I will definitely ask Ms. Ning for help."

Ning Sa took a long breath: "That's good, then I'm relieved. By the way, my son's treatment is over, but from now on..."

Xia Yuanfang said: "Before your son goes to school, I will mainly develop medicines so that he can pass the school's genetic test and enter school as a human being."

Ning Sa hurriedly said: "Then his genes can keep him in human form?"

"I try my best. Before he is six years old, he needs to come to my studio for an injection every year. After he is six years old, he needs an injection every three years. After he is eighteen years old, as long as he passes the last genetic test, he should be stable. There is no need to continue taking injections." Xia Yuanfang said very implicitly.

If it were before, she would have known the efficacy of the medicine she developed.

But now, she had to be careful and cautious.

Ning Sa was filled with joy and said, "Doctor Xia, you can definitely do it! You only need one injection every year, which is already very good! I know that human children receive vaccinations many times before they are six years old!"

Dr. Xia smiled and continued: "In terms of consultation fee, each injection is 100,000."

"It's worth it! It's worth it! It's only 100,000 yuan a year, and we made it!" Ning Sa's face was full of joy, as if she had already seen her son's bright future.

Xia Yuanfang also asked for such a high price because he wanted Ning Sa to have enough money.

Of course, I also take this opportunity to give myself more financial resources to conduct more in-depth research.

Then, Xia Yuanfang asked tentatively: "Ms. Ning, I see that when you were admitted to the hospital, the name you filled in was not yours. Then the identity of your son..."

Ning Sa smiled: "Doctor Xia, I am in Mulan City and do part-time household registration business. If you need it, I will definitely be able to help you get a legal identity document."

"...Is this okay? I heard that the Special Security Bureau is very powerful. Now all kinds of household registration and identity information are online..." Xia Yuanfang said embarrassedly.

Ning Sa was so smart. He could guess what she meant when she said a word.

Ning Sa said: "What a coincidence, Guiyuan Star's household registration information is all paper-based and not connected to the Internet. Therefore, the identity documents I can produce are all fully verified and recognized by the empire."

It is also for this reason that she can give her son a legal human civilian household registration status.

As long as there are no problems with his genetic test, her son Ning Sa will be a real human being.

Xia Yuanfang was curious: "Even robots can chat with people, but why is Guiyuanxing's household registration management still based on paper management?"

This backward management method seems to be incompatible with the technological level of this era.

Ning Sa smiled meaningfully: "No matter how advanced the technology is, the big shots above also have some needs. Do you know why the quantum optical brain has real-name authentication, but the smart bracelet does not require real-name authentication? - It's the same reason."

Xia Yuanfang suddenly understood and whispered: "...If the water is clear, there will be no fish, and if people are careful, there will be no disciples. Therefore, the backwardness of Guiyuan Star is not a real backwardness in technological development, but man-made."

"It's good that you know. We understand each other tacitly." Ning Sa hugged her child tighter.

The second update has arrived. I forgot to vote for you guys!

There will be an update at 05:00 in the evening.

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